A bachelor party, a wedding, and a birthday - That was an eventful week (Updated 9/10)


DIS Veteran
Mar 28, 2008
Hello! This is my first trip report in YEARS!!!! I love reading everyone's and it always makes me a) Happy and b) gives me a little dose of Disney while I wait (and wait) for a trip. Plus, you never know when you are going to read something that will help you in the future. I just got back from a week long trip to the world. During that time, we did a bachelor party, celebrated the wedding of one of my best friends, AND I was able to be in the parks on my actual birthday for the first time in, well, ever I think. So, introductions and a few details to start.

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That's me. Stacy. Long time Disney lover and park goer. I was an annual pass holder for years but let that go in 2021. I was in the process of searching for a new job at the time and wasn't sure where in the country I was going to end up so I gave up my pass. This was my first trip back to the House of Mouse since Thanksgiving of 2021. I am currently the Production Manager for the Theatre Program and the Head of the MFA stage management program at Virginia Tech. This trip was, unfortunately, during tech for our last show of the season. Thank goodness for an amazing and understanding Chair who took over my duties so I could go on this trip. My favorite princess is Belle (because books) but I am TRULY the Evil Queen from Snow White. Because why be a princess when you can be Queen?? Favorite park is Magic Kingdom. And I don't think I have a favorite ride. Because I love it all!!!

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These are my 2 primary partners in crime at Disney. Scotty is on the left. It was his bachelor party and wedding. Lindsey is in the middle. These two are former students of mine from way back. We became close friends after they graduated and have done many, many Disney trips together. Scotty actually works at Disney World now so Lindsey and I take any excuse to travel down and see him. We can always guarantee that there will be laughter, lots of rides, cocktails, and some good food.

A few details before we get started:
- Trip dates: April 7-April 14
- Staying at Pop Century
- 5 day hopper ticket
- Dining reservations set at Terralina, City Works, Ogas, Crystal Palace (breakfast), Liberty Tree, and Steakhouse 71

Up first: Day Zero - The Drive Down
Following along. Looking forward to reading more

Day 0 - Travel Day
Sunday, April 7 was set to be my travel day. I had decided early on that I was going to drive down for this trip. So many things went in to that decision:
1. I am strictly a Southwest girl when I fly. In order to fly Southwest from where I am, I have to drive to Charlotte, NC which is about 2.5 hours away. This usually involves staying at a hotel the night before so I can park my car for free while gone. But an extra hotel night just didn't make sense in the budget. And, I just couldn't wrap my brain around driving 2.5 hours and also needing to be at the airport 2 hours early for the flight. At that point, I could be almost half way to Florida by car. And I know, lots of you will say "Stacy, you don't actually HAVE to be at the airport 2 hours before your flight." But I am a stage manager by profession. If the powers that be say "Be at the airport 2 hours before your flight" I hear "Be at the airport 2 hours before BOARDING begins" and then my SM brain says "Early is on time, on time is late." so I start to have anxiety if I'm not there at least 2.5-3 hours before boarding. I can't explain it. It's how my brain works.
2. The drive from my house to Pop was listed as 10.5 hours door to door. I'm originally from Minnesota. My midwest friends all know that we feel anything under 14 hours is drivable.
3. Budget - This trip was already expensive. A week at Pop, 5 day hopper tickets, a dress for the wedding party, a wedding present, the bachelor party, the rehearsal stuff, the dining I was planning, and all the things I knew my little heart would want to buy once in the parks. In the end, driving only cost $150 in gas round trip. That is a lot of savings on a flight which helps the overall budget. In addition, I could save money by taking groceries with me. That would save me from delivery fees, inflated grocery prices, buying extra snacks and breakfast at Disney, etc.
4. I might need my car. Finally, I just didn't want to be without a car for the wedding. I figured it would save time (and money) getting to the rehearsal and wherever we were dressing for the wedding itself. Plus, I wanted to be able to help out if Scotty needed things done before the wedding.


(Picture of Maleficent (my car) in all her glory)

So, with all these things in my head, it totally made sense to just drive down. I spent the week before the trip getting the car ready (boy did she need to be cleaned), getting all the necessary things done (dress altered, mani and pedi, replenishing makeup, buying sunscreen, getting said groceries and water, getting gas) and packing. By Saturday, April 6 I was down to loading the car and getting a good night's sleep. I was so ready to go!!!! And then, at 5pm on Saturday, I start sneezing my head off, my throat starts to hurt a little, and my nose starts running. Am I getting sick???????

Up next...10.5 hours is longer than you think
And I know, lots of you will say "Stacy, you don't actually HAVE to be at the airport 2 hours before your flight." But I am a stage manager by profession. If the powers that be say "Be at the airport 2 hours before your flight" I hear "Be at the airport 2 hours before BOARDING begins" and then my SM brain says "Early is on time, on time is late."
I'm with you - 2 hours is the min. to be at an airport before a flight, I prefer to be there 2 hours before boarding begins too! That way there is no stressing if the security line is long. I like to have time to find food and relax a little before jumping on a flight.
I'm originally from Minnesota. My midwest friends all know that we feel anything under 14 hours is drivable.
I didn't realize this is a Midwest thing but it totally makes sense - Midwesterner here who will even drive 18-19 hours if we have the time to split a trip into multiple day!
I'm with you - 2 hours is the min. to be at an airport before a flight, I prefer to be there 2 hours before boarding begins too! That way there is no stressing if the security line is long. I like to have time to find food and relax a little before jumping on a flight.

I didn't realize this is a Midwest thing but it totally makes sense - Midwesterner here who will even drive 18-19 hours if we have the time to split a trip into multiple day!
Ok. Glad to know I'm not the only crazy time person out there. At my last job, my work wife and I would drive each other nuts when we had to fly together. She's a "we only need to get to the airport like an hour before the flight" person. Oh the discussions to make compromises on each end!!!

And yes, it is totally a midwest thing. My East and West coast friends look at my like I'm crazy when I want to drive anything over 3 or 4 hours. I'm always like "just get in the car and be a passenger princess. I've got this."
If I could drive I would but being in Minnesota makes it hard!
I sure hope you aren’t getting sick! That is always a fear at trip time!
I am following :-) Getting (maybe) sick before a trip is the worst! Hope that was not the case...
If I could drive I would but being in Minnesota makes it hard!
I sure hope you aren’t getting sick! That is always a fear at trip time!
I made the drive one time from Sarasota back to Minnesota. Never again. That truly is too far to drive. I will say, even though it felt long (especially on the drive back), I will drive it again from here. Having a car on property was great even though I didn't use it much. It was just nice to know if I need to go out for something, I can. And not having to worry about WHEN (not if) the airlines would melt down again made for much better peace of mind on both ends of the trip.
Day 0 - Travel Day Part 2
10.5 hours is longer than you think!!
As I mentioned in my last post, at 5pm on Saturday I started sneezing my head off, my throat felt a little sore, and my nose kept running. But, I am my father's daughter and I believe in the power of the mind. So, I told myself - "you are absolutely NOT getting sick. This is allergies. Move on." And I tried to believe it, I really did. By about 8:15pm, I decided it was time to go to bed. That 5:30am alarm was going to be early and it was a long drive. The plan when I went to bed - get up at 5:30, throw on some clothes and a little bit of makeup (just so I don't scare people when I stop), and be on the road by 6am.
At 5:10am, I was wide awake and decided I might as well get up. Leaving early is never a problem. However, as I got out of bed, the full force of a stuffy head and sore throat hit me. Nope. Not going to let this bother me. I dug through the cabinet to find the extra strength cold and flu medicine I always keep on hand (I suffer from chronic bronchitis due to extreme changes in weather.) At the same time, I spied the bandaids I had forgotten to pack. Great. Throw both in the bag and get ready. I was still hoping this was either allergies or the start of bronchitis. The strain of bronchitis I get is not contagious so I figured worse case, I can just push through but I also threw some masks into the bag in case.
By 5:43 I had my last bag in the car, had my Spark and my water all set, and was backing out of my parking space. Yay for getting on the road early!!! My GPS said arrival around 3:45pm. I knew that was a bit unrealistic because that is just straight driving time. There would be stops along the way. My radio was set for Sirius XM 80's on 8 so my Gen X dance party could begin. And I will say, driving through the mountains in Southern VA/Northern NC at sunrise was stunning!!!

I won't go into all the details of the drive. But there were stops...rest areas, gas stations, etc. My eyes were always on the lookout for a Buck-ees. I've been there once and the hype is true. It is a magical place!! Around lunch time, I started to think "Ok, you should eat. I'm not hungry but you should eat." The easiest pull-off at the time was a Hardees with a gas station next to it. One stop - fill the car's stomach and mine - perfect!!! Yeah...never again. I haven't had Hardees in a long time and I think it is safe to say it will be another long time before I go back. How can you make a single cheeseburger and fries taste so...YUCK??!! But, it was food and I could then take some more cold medicine. My head was still stuffy and now my left ear had plugged up. At first I thought it was just altitude changes from going through the mountains, but I could NOT get my ear to pop.

As I got into South Carolina, traffic really started to pick up. We never came to a stand still but there were slow downs and a lot of weaving in and out. I really didn't expect that on a Sunday afternoon. But, I was also very thankful I wasn't going the other direction. I saw at least 3 complete standstills that went back for over a mile. I was already thinking about the drive back in a week and hoping that it was the end of spring break traffic and I wouldn't get caught in anything like that.

And then I got to Florida. Boy have I forgotten how BAD Florida drivers are. I was easily going 5 miles an hour over the speed limit and EVERYONE was passing me like I was standing still. Now, I like fast, but I was going 75-78 miles per hour. Going that much faster is crazy! And they don't care how close they are to you when they weave in and out. I can't count the number of times I winced at maneuvers a few cars in front of me.

Finally, I made the exit on to I-4. Woo hoo! The GPS said about an hour left. And I was ready to be done. I was on the 3rd time listening to the 80's count down on the radio, my body was car tired, AND I had missed the Buc-ees exit. Let's just get this done. Traffic actually thinned out a bit for about 20 minutes. But as I got closer to Orlando, it really started to pick up. And then, I had to make a decision. I had to go to the bathroom, but the GPS said about 25 minutes. Decisions, decisions. As I'm going back and forth, I pass the last rest stop because I was in the wrong lane. Ok, decision made. You can make it to the resort. And then...TRAFFIC!! There is so much construction on I-4 in Orlando and we just came to a dead stop. My bladder was threatening to explode, I was doing the car "I have to go to the bathroom" dance, AND the other side of my brain kept saying "No. You can do this. 3 more exits." Well, my brain lost. 2 exits from where I would get off I-4 and head onto Disney property, I decided I was NOT going to make it and pulled off. There was a Burger King right there so I stopped. The whole place was under construction but they said they were still open. Ran into the building and to the bathroom. And of course, it was locked. But the 1 worker I saw in there had seen me come in and came over with the key. I thanked her profusely and used the facilities. And then I felt like I had to buy something. So I ordered a small diet coke. I can't really drink carbonated beverages without letting them go flat, but I didn't want to get anything to eat. By this time, it was 5:15 and I knew we had reservations in Disney Springs at 7:30. The counter person only spoke Spanish. I do not speak Spanish. Not even a little bit. But we pointed at things and finally understood each other. And of course, it was like $2.76 or something. I only had 2 $1 bills or a $20 in my wallet at the time. I initially had handed her the $2 because I thought it was under that. When I realized what the total actually was, I pulled out the $20 and handed it to her and then tried to communicate that she should use the $20 and give the $2 back. Instead she handed me the $20, put the $2 in the register, and waved me away. I hope she didn't get in trouble for having a short register!!!

Back in the car, I figured out how to turn around and get back on I-4 to go 2 more exits. I am glad I stopped because that took another 15 minutes. I would NOT have made it. But soon, I was driving under that fabulous arch and then pulling on to Pop Century property.

Images borrowed from Google since I couldn't take pictures while driving.

Up next...check in, room, and Disney Springs.
Day 0 - Part 3
I have never been so happy as when I made that turn into Pop Century. Luckily, I had remembered at the last stop before I got on I-4 that I would need my magic band for the gate. The very nice security guard also wanted my ID - no problem. And then, those magic words - "Welcome home!" (Even though it wasn't a DVC property.) I made my way to check in. I was very surprised that it was now 5:30 and I hadn't gotten the room ready text. But then, I never do so why was I surprised??:confused3

I made my way into the lobby and a lovely CM came over and checked me in on a portable I-pad. She did a little tap, tap with my magic band and I also got a key card, just in case. The last few trips, my magic bands would randomly quit working to get into my room and I hate having to back track to the lobby again. I also added Lindsey to the room for Monday and Tuesday night. Map and key card in hand, I went back to the car and headed to the parking lot for the 50's section.

After I parked, I took a minute to get organized...phone and cord back in my purse, grab the map, grab the key and magic band, etc. I got out of my car and who is waiting right behind it?? Scotty and Lindsey!!! They had gotten tired of waiting for me to text them that I had arrived and came over. They saw me headed to the parking lot as they pulled in and followed me. After hugs all around, Lindsey said "Scotty wanted to come up to your open window but I said that might give you a heart attack at your age." Yep - the trip has started...the old lady jokes have commenced. Scotty and Lindsey quickly grabbed some of my stuff so it only took 1 trip to get to the room.

And, thanks to Touring plans room request...I got the exact room I wanted. Corner room, Building 1, first floor. It was a quick walk to the lobby and food, close to 2 pools, and not far from either the skyliner or the buses. After throwing my suitcases in the room, we took off. We didn't have to be in Disney Springs until 7:30 so we thought we would take a quick Skyliner ride over to the Riviera and then take a bus to Disney Springs. And of course, we were chatting the entire way...catching up on lives (even though we text like a billion times a day) and making plans for the week.

Oh, I forgot...while we were in the room, we gave Scotty the first of his bachelor surprises. We had custom T-shirts made to wear on Monday.

We ordered the bottom three shirts but in Heather Navy color since his wedding color was navy blue.

Then, as we got to Disney Springs, we had to pick up the 2nd surprise...a custom cake from Amorettes.
We chose the Mickey cake with the chocolate flavor - Chocolate Chiffon Cake, Milk Chocolate Mousse, Orange Pate De Fruit Jelly.

As we were sitting in Disney Springs, Scotty got a text from his soon-to-be husband. Stephen wanted to know if he could join us for dinner and if he could also bring HIS best person so we could meet. Well, of course, the more the merrier. But, since our party was going from 3 people to 5 people, we decided to head over to the restaurant early to change our reservation.

Luckily, Terralina's was very accommodating and easily changed our party size and we didn't even have to change our time. We still had 45 minutes so we headed over to their outside bar to have a drink while we waited for Stephen and Riley to get there. I honestly don't remember what Scotty and Lindsey had to drink but they each got a couple of different cocktails. I stuck to water because a 5:10am wake up call, a 12 hour drive, a cold (or whatever that was), and cold medicine do NOT go well with alcohol. The rest of our party arrived and in we went.

I have never been to Terralina's before. It is a pretty restaurant and the service was good. The food was...basically Olive Garden. Now, I don't mind an Olive Garden and they had Alfredo with chicken so I was good to go. There was an incident as our food arrived. I went to add a bit of salt and pepper. The bottom came off the salt shaker and I ended up with the ENTIRE salt shaker's contents on the right side of my plate. Our server quickly cleaned it up and offered to get my entree remade. I declined as the salt really was only on the extreme right side and I wasn't going to eat the entire thing anyway. We all had a great time, got to know part of Stephen's wedding party, and just generally enjoyed being together and starting off wedding week. Pretty soon, it was 9:45 and I was DONE. Scotty, Lindsey, and I excused ourselves, headed to the buses, and went back to Pop.

When we got back, we quickly went over the plan for the next day. The bachelor party was going to be all 4 parks. We were starting in Animal Kingdom for early entry. We were going to get Genie+. They were going to pick me up at 7:00am. They left and I unpacked and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day!! Alarm was set for 5:45am.

Up next...Bachelor party day. Will we make all 4 parks??


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