7 day bonus pass now 5 days?

omg!! You're right! Can't believe it...must have just changed. Been watching the website and thinking I still had one week to purchase.
The first page for passes says 7 days, but the 'more info' page does say 5 days. Also the price went up $4 but there is no time limit on first use. I guess they had too many takers!

Glad I ordered mine then I did.

I checked mine and I see they covered over some of the writing, I think maybe the part about the tickets expiring. It was after the 'valid for 7 days from first use'.

Anyone else have this on their tickets?
Wow, this really upset me. I was going to purchase them today. The 7-day span was nice. I sent them an e-mail expressing my dissappointment. I wonder if I buy it now anyway, I can contact them and argue that the first page says 7 days. What do you think?
Okay, apparently persistence pays off. We got nowhere yesterday with 6 calls to Universal about the change from 7 to 5 day tickets.

But this morning my friend called and she hit pay dirt. Since she still had the email saying the 7 day bonus passes were available until 2/23/02, and because the website still mentions 7 day passes (until you go to order and then they become 5 day passes) they manually processed her order, and she'll be getting 7 day passes.

Try calling 888-322-7119 and see if you have similar luck.
YES! It worked! Thank you. Ivanova, I called that number and all I said was that last week I saw the bonus pass was for 7 days and when I went to purchase it today, it went down to 5 days. Without me having to whine or anything, she replied that it changed over the weekend, but since I saw it for 7 days, I could purchase it for 7 days and we did it over the phone.

Isn't it funny that now I feel that I got an even better deal than I thought it was before.
I also called today & so did two of my sisters. They said it was now a 5 day pass, but we told them otherwise! They gave in to all three of us & gave us the 7 day passes!
Good for you. This morning, they responded to the e-mail I sent yesterday and it said that I could get the 7 day pass if I called in the order and told them that I saw it for 7 days.
Anyone wanting to take advantage of the 7 day deal needs to call & place the order no later than this Sat. 2/23/02 because that was the original deadline for purchasing the 7 day bonus passes.


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