25pt addonitis use year question


Sep 17, 2012
We own 160 points, but having an additional 25 would give us a lot more flexibility. Right now we’re able to book 6 nights in a preferred view 2 bedroom, every other year, but 25 more points would give us 7 nights plus some extra flex points.

Finding a 25 pt contract in the right use year is like prospecting oil. We currently have a Dec use year. There’s an Oct use year 25 pt on the market. How miserable would this make our lives?

If I’m understanding the mechanics correctly, transferring points/using transferred points/booking across two memberships would all require a call to member services. We wouldn’t be booking a high demand room type, so I don’t think that would be a big issue, but it would definitely be less convenient than being able to do everything online.

If you were me: put an offer on the Oct contract or keep searching for a Dec contract?
Are there no other small contract in your use year? Also, if it’s a large resort like SSR that you’re talking about that would probably push me towards waiting because something is more likely to pop up than like a VGC. I don’t like the idea of having a tiny contract alone by itself in another use year with the same home resort because you’ll have to do a transfer every year. I assume you generally travel between December to August bc of your use year but also having the 2 month gap in use year will mean for trips between October and the end of November you’ll be using the current year’s point allotment for the October contract and December’s last use year. Don’t forget that they’ll each have their own expiration and banking window.

All in all, it’s fine to do it’ll just require a bit more work on your part. If I were you personally, I’d probably be okay with buying a slightly larger contract that pops up if it means keeping the same use year.
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We own 160 points, but having an additional 25 would give us a lot more flexibility. Right now we’re able to book 6 nights in a preferred view 2 bedroom, every other year, but 25 more points would give us 7 nights plus some extra flex points.

Finding a 25 pt contract in the right use year is like prospecting oil. We currently have a Dec use year. There’s an Oct use year 25 pt on the market. How miserable would this make our lives?

If I’m understanding the mechanics correctly, transferring points/using transferred points/booking across two memberships would all require a call to member services. We wouldn’t be booking a high demand room type, so I don’t think that would be a big issue, but it would definitely be less convenient than being able to do everything online.

If you were me: put an offer on the Oct contract or keep searching for a Dec contract?
I wouldn't do it, personally.
If you can swing it, a 50pt contract may be much easier to come by.
If you have two use years:

1. As long as the identified owners are the same on both deeds, both use years will show up in your same online DVC account.

2. You cannot mix the two use years together to make a single reservation unless you first transfer points from one use year to the other. Already banked or borrowed points cannot be transferred, but points, once transferred, can then be banked but not borrowed). DVC has traditionally allowed members with two use years to do more than one transfer per use year between the two accounts despite the general rule that you can only do one transfer, in or out, per use year.

3. Absent a transfer, the only way you can use both use years for the same reservation is to book the beginning dates of the desired reservation with one and then the ending dates with the other (and if booking 11/7-months out, each such reservation has its own 11/7-month out date). You can, after making the reservations online, contact MS (by phone, email or chat) and ask it to link the reservations. That will assure you will not have to change rooms at the resort. But you will still have two reservation numbers, and each will have its own 60-day out date for making restaurant reservations, and, possibly (not yet known), its own 7-day out date for making Genie+ ride reservations

4. Each use year will have its own 24-points per use year limit to purchasing One Time Use Points, if you need to make such purchase. Thus if you are doing a stay using both use years to make two reservations (as set out in 3 above), you can actually purchase up to 48 OTUPs, up to 24 for each of the two reservations.

5. Each use year will be billed separately, and you will need to pay separately, for annual dues. Each will have its own banking deadline if you want to bank points. I have two use years, months apart, and each has a significant number of points. They allow me to make reservations by using both separately so I can annually avoid having any reservation that ends after the 8th month of the use year, and thus will always be able to bank points if I have to cancel the reservation (as long as I cancel 31 or more days from date of arrival).

6. I personally do not find having two years to be any major problem. A downside that you might consider, which is included in the above responses and which I do not have, is having one of the use years with only 25 points. That can make it more difficult to do the two separate reservations (rather than a transfer) for the same trip simply because having only 25 points may not make doing so easy, e.g., you may need more to make even a single night reservation as part of a joint reservation.
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3. Absent a transfer, the only way you can use both use years for the same reservation is to book the beginning dates of the desired reservation with one and then the ending dates with the other (and if booking 11/7-months out, each such reservation has its own 11/7-month out date). You can, after making the reservations online, contact MS (by phone, email or chat) and ask it to link the reservations. That will assure you will not have to change rooms at the resort. But you will still have two reservation numbers, and each will have its own 60-day out date for making restaurant reservations, and 7-day out date for making Genie+ ride reservations.
For this you can call WDW Dining and tell them you have 2 separate reservations and your 60 day out period starts today and they’ll just ask for both reservation numbers and let you book the entire duration at that point but you will not be able to do it through the app.
For this you can call WDW Dining and tell them you have 2 separate reservations and your 60 day out period starts today and they’ll just ask for both reservation numbers and let you book the entire duration at that point but you will not be able to do it through the app.
Have you been able to do this recently? I ask because I did this for our most recent trip and was told very clearly that the CMs no longer supposed to do this. I was told (and a number of others reported around that time) that, since the pandemic reopening, the official policy is that each reservation is to be treated separately as it relates to ADR dates. We were given a "one-time exception" to book across both reservations on the check-in date of the first, but I was told that this would not be possible in the future. We're fans of split stays so would be very happy to hear that they've become more lenient on this!
We have 2 UY and wish we had just 1. It has added some difficulties on occasion. I would add 25 direct to match the Dec UY, if it were me. And if you are opposed to that, then add any home resort with Dec UY.

If you have a disney chase premier visa and buy direct with it, you get the 2% rewards which helps take the price down a tad.
We own 160 points, but having an additional 25 would give us a lot more flexibility. Right now we’re able to book 6 nights in a preferred view 2 bedroom, every other year, but 25 more points would give us 7 nights plus some extra flex points.

Finding a 25 pt contract in the right use year is like prospecting oil. We currently have a Dec use year. There’s an Oct use year 25 pt on the market. How miserable would this make our lives?

If I’m understanding the mechanics correctly, transferring points/using transferred points/booking across two memberships would all require a call to member services. We wouldn’t be booking a high demand room type, so I don’t think that would be a big issue, but it would definitely be less convenient than being able to do everything online.

If you were me: put an offer on the Oct contract or keep searching for a Dec contract?
Sorry for derailing your thread with dining questions. For 25 points, I can't imagine the cost difference between resale and direct would be *that* big, depending on the resort. If you'd consider a small, direct add-on, I imagine you could get your points right away in your same UY.
Have you been able to do this recently? I ask because I did this for our most recent trip and was told very clearly that the CMs no longer supposed to do this. I was told (and a number of others reported around that time) that, since the pandemic reopening, the official policy is that each reservation is to be treated separately as it relates to ADR dates. We were given a "one-time exception" to book across both reservations on the check-in date of the first, but I was told that this would not be possible in the future. We're fans of split stays so would be very happy to hear that they've become more lenient on this!
I did it during my last trip in March where we did a split stay between AKV club/value studio, BW studio and a BC studio.

I will say it was not fun saying 5 different reservation numbers (BW studios booked with 2 different memberships) to them and them having mess up the numbers a couple times 😂
And also with direct, you'd get 2023 Dec points so it will be a loaded contract as opposed to most resale where you may even be missing some or all of 2024 Dec points. That's worth a big chunk and tou could even rent out the 2023 points to put that towards the cost.
And closing costs are usually a bit less direct versus resale - with 25 points - even $100 difference in closing is $4 a point - plus- with small point resale contracts - you’re usually going to pay full asking price…
A 25 pointer isn't terrible, we own 25 points for the fall every 3 years at Boardwalk. Hard to get there during the school year anymore then that so it fits us perfectly as a couples escape and enjoy some good food and drinks for a few days in September. I probably should have gotten a different use year but it just forces us to not cancel so one of us is forced to go regardless so we try to make it worth for both of us :-)
The tougher pill to swallow is the closing cost and premium price tag of a 25 pointer :earboy2:
Thank you for all of the replies! We actually considered buying direct, but the home resort is…..BLT. Talked to our guide yesterday, in fact, but I just can’t justify $275pp. The only two BLT Dec contracts I’m seeing right now are 160 points and a 25 pt that I don’t think is actually a real listing.

Getting 25-50 Dec AKL or SSR isn’t a terrible idea. I hadn’t thought about that. Especially because getting 2 bed lake at 7 months out isn’t too difficult.

When we purchased the contract, we intended to travel in December, but we’re now sort of forced into June for the foreseeable future. So not ideal, but not awful.

I also didn’t know that about the OTU points with two contracts, but that makes sense. Good to know.
We have 3 different homes with the same UY. We enjoy having different venues. Frankly, for 25 point - or even 50 point - addition I would buy direct. See what's available and purchase the least expensive option in your UY. The points would load immediately and, no matter the time of year, they could be banked immediately. The purchase of a 50 point contract would be worth a short time payment and give 100 points for immediate use.
Short answer: A separate use year with only 25 points will make booking more complicated and frustrating.

If it were me, I'd wait for the matching use year & resort, and also consider transferring in some points to "tide me over".

If/When I got tired of waiting, I'd go direct. Might cost a little more, but it would be worth it!
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Thank you for all of the replies! We actually considered buying direct, but the home resort is…..BLT. Talked to our guide yesterday, in fact, but I just can’t justify $275pp. The only two BLT Dec contracts I’m seeing right now are 160 points and a 25 pt that I don’t think is actually a real listing.

Getting 25-50 Dec AKL or SSR isn’t a terrible idea. I hadn’t thought about that. Especially because getting 2 bed lake at 7 months out isn’t too difficult.

When we purchased the contract, we intended to travel in December, but we’re now sort of forced into June for the foreseeable future. So not ideal, but not awful.

I also didn’t know that about the OTU points with two contracts, but that makes sense. Good to know.
I would consider a 25-50 CCV if you can find one.. might be nice to have a shot at booking during December although a Dec UY will make it hard to book then.. if you wanted pure value then SSR.. if you had an interest in Disneyland a small VDH could make sense here.. although that's obviously a lot more than you probably want to spend since it'd have no incentives on a 50 pointer. You could do a small Aulani contract.. the possibilities are endless ADDONITIS HERE I COME
We own 160 points, but having an additional 25 would give us a lot more flexibility. Right now we’re able to book 6 nights in a preferred view 2 bedroom, every other year, but 25 more points would give us 7 nights plus some extra flex points.

Finding a 25 pt contract in the right use year is like prospecting oil. We currently have a Dec use year. There’s an Oct use year 25 pt on the market. How miserable would this make our lives?

If I’m understanding the mechanics correctly, transferring points/using transferred points/booking across two memberships would all require a call to member services. We wouldn’t be booking a high demand room type, so I don’t think that would be a big issue, but it would definitely be less convenient than being able to do everything online.

If you were me: put an offer on the Oct contract or keep searching for a Dec contract?
Keep the same use year.

Keep looking, or for this small amount call up DVC and buy exactly what you need. No waiting. Points will load the day you call/buy.
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