Stupid names for a child

Another naming trend I noticed is boys names are adding two names like Ian-Michael or Jordan-Marc or John-Paul and I always thought those were neat naming styles
Quite common in French. (Star Trek Jean-Luc Picard is one example)
I know of a family with 3 boys - all have the same first name, and are given numbers to go by.
My Great-Grandpa was married four times, and the oldest son from each marriage had the same name. It didn't create as much confusion as it might seem, though, because there were big enough age differences (and other circumstances) that all four half-brothers never lived in the same household. And no two of them lived in the same household for long. And they all had nicknames. But it's still a bit weird.

If I was in charge, everybody would be entitled to one free "just because I want to" legal name change in their adult lifetime. I would have changed my surname years ago, but it's prohibitively expensive where I live.
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Another weird naming trend and I don't know how in the world it became popular was names of states and cities. Like I've noticed that lots of boys are named Austin because Austin is the capital city of Texas and why Austin became a popular name for boys i'll never figure out. And the same thing with Brooklyn because Brooklyn became a popular name for boys and girls and this state and city naming trend has begun getting more popular for people. But who names a child Nevada or Cheyanne or even Phoenix or Tucson or even Texas? The only state names that sound pretty are Georgia and Virginia but naming someone Arizona or Reno is just plain weird to me
Austin is a variation of Augustin

Austin is an English masculine given name, an Old French language contraction of Agustin as Aostin, Austin (regular disappearing of intervocalic [g] from Late Latin to Old French, compare month August : Old French aüst / aoust, French août[1]). Agustin is the popular form of Augustin,[2] equivalent to Augustine. Variations of the name include Austen and Auston.

Another weird naming trend and I don't know how in the world it became popular was names of states and cities. Like I've noticed that lots of boys are named Austin because Austin is the capital city of Texas and why Austin became a popular name for boys i'll never figure out. And the same thing with Brooklyn because Brooklyn became a popular name for boys and girls and this state and city naming trend has begun getting more popular for people. But who names a child Nevada or Cheyanne or even Phoenix or Tucson or even Texas? The only state names that sound pretty are Georgia and Virginia but naming someone Arizona or Reno is just plain weird to me
My FiL was named Dallas. I think he was born in the 1930s.

From a surname that could either be of Old English origin meaning "valley house" or of Scottish Gaelic origin meaning "meadow dwelling". A city in Texas bears this name, probably in honour of American Vice President George M. Dallas (1792-1864).
What a neat thread. And while I haven't read all the posts, I will say that as a teacher, I am uniquely privy to the interesting trends in baby naming. I've had semesters where I had a handful of Kirstens, and recently it's been many Olivias and Emmas. (my school has a pretty big disparity between men and women). it's really bad when all the Kirstens pretty much look alike,.
When I taught in Detroit which was far more diverse than Massachusetts, I would always have at least 4 or 5 Mohammeds in class, all of which wanted to be called "Mo." Yeah, THAT got confusing.

What always broke my heart were the Chinese students who would come into my class and said just to call them "Mary." When I enquired as to their actual Chinese name, they would get this huge smile on their face because others were fine just calling them by their Americanised name.
Another weird naming trend and I don't know how in the world it became popular was names of states and cities. Like I've noticed that lots of boys are named Austin because Austin is the capital city of Texas and why Austin became a popular name for boys i'll never figure out. And the same thing with Brooklyn because Brooklyn became a popular name for boys and girls and this state and city naming trend has begun getting more popular for people. But who names a child Nevada or Cheyanne or even Phoenix or Tucson or even Texas? The only state names that sound pretty are Georgia and Virginia but naming someone Arizona or Reno is just plain weird to me
I always assumed that people gave their kids location-focused names because that's where the little tot was conceived. I suppose this could prove complicated if you did the deed in Timbuktu...
One of my good friends as a kid was named Mary, and she had a bunch of sisters all named Mary, but they all had different middle names and were known by that. I called my Mary 'Aggie,' because she was called Agnes.
Most celebrities kids names.

Not a complete list but a few I remember thinking were dumb.

How about Penn Jillet's kid, "Moxie Crimefighter"?

Actually she was on Fool Us and he just used the name Moxie when he was talking to her. It seemed pretty normal.
I think the weirdest name I've ever heard that NOONE questioned had to be the NASCAR driver, "Dick Trickel". I mean, the parents knew, right?

I prefer unique names to just naming your kid after yourself - and that's pretty common. I would hate that with the passion of a thousand suns if my parents had done that to me though.


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