Smoking Ban

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That was my dad when we went in 1990. He had the brilliant idea of quitting smoking while taking the family to Disney World. Now I appreciate what he was trying to do but the timing was probably not great. My biggest memories was him getting mad about really dumb stuff and all because of the nicotine addiction. Uncool for sure.

Yes, I hate the smoking not the smoker. This is a genuine question and not meant to be judgmental, I'm just ignorant of the details: If someone were already going to the parks after this ban, but didn't want to inconvenience themselves by having to smoke, would using gum or patches be a decent alternative? I know if it were me or my family member I wouldn't want myself or them to go out to the front of the park every time they wanted a cigarette but I also wouldn't want them to miss out. I think once people get past the initial shock of the change, they will have to find alternatives if they don't want to cancel and don't want to walk outside every hour or whatever.

Unfortunately most smokers are going to have miss out or not go. I have tried the gum because the DSA’s were so inconvenient but it makes me physically sick. I was fine with the inconvenience and followed the rules but having to go out and then back in is just too much! Just wish they would have announced this sooner so I wasn’t stuck paying thousands for a vacation standing outside a park. They are going to push many people into breaking the rules. I won’t go that far but it’s going to be worse now than ever.
Having smoking sections in the parks is an accommodation. But I'm sorry you get offended that people complain about your voluntary habit near toddlers, when that habit can cause life long health effects to those toddlers.
This is like the "chocolate in my peanut butter/peanut butter on my chocolte" issue. When someone is already smoking in an authorized location, it's the responsibility of those who don't want to be near the smoke to, well, avoid it.
That was my dad when we went in 1990. He had the brilliant idea of quitting smoking while taking the family to Disney World. Now I appreciate what he was trying to do but the timing was probably not great. My biggest memories was him getting mad about really dumb stuff and all because of the nicotine addiction. Uncool for sure.

Heck, in 1990, he probably could have still smoked on several airlines, gotten a smoking room at a Deluxe resort at WDW, smoked in the hotel bar and some restaurants on property. All of which probably just made cravings worse. The difference in smoking in public places between 1990 and 1999 was massive. There is now two generations of kids who had no idea was it was like to walk into a restaurant and smell cigarettes on a regular basis (so they invented vaping)
Yes, Disney makes the rules. Period.
You could email or call guest services and let them know your concern about seating in the new designated smoking areas.

Nah...It's obvious that Disney really doesn't care if I, or my family and friends come to the parks.

Like I've said before, I've followed the rules, been conscientious of other park guests, not littered or acted anything other than as a respectable guest.
I can't tell you the number of times, while adhering to the above in the parks, I've been subjected to groups of teenagers "fake hacking coughs", condescending stares from adults and flat out being told by strangers that I'm somehow "absolutely disgusting" simply because I smoke cigarettes.

I'm not going to go somewhere that has increasingly treated me as a piriah. I have several unused entrance passes that I may just give away to a charity.
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Yes, I hate the smoking not the smoker. This is a genuine question and not meant to be judgmental, I'm just ignorant of the details: If someone were already going to the parks after this ban, but didn't want to inconvenience themselves by having to smoke, would using gum or patches be a decent alternative?
It could, but the user would have to be motivated.
Cigarettes are sold on property, not within the parks, and behind a counter.
Oh. I've bought cigarettes in the gift shop in England. Adnittedly, not recently, what with being prepared being more cost-effective.
This is like the "chocolate in my peanut butter/peanut butter on my chocolte" issue. When someone is already smoking in an authorized location, it's the responsibility of those who don't want to be near the smoke to, well, avoid it.

That was easier in WDW than DL, where the long-time smoking section was on the dock around of the Rivers of the Americas, by a food stand, pretty much assuring you would have to walk past it to get to Critter Country. It only took a wind gust to trigger former smokers and asthmatics (sp?). I didn't blame for the smokers for that, I blamed Disney.
Nah...It's obvious that Disney really doesn't care if I, or my family and friends come to the parks.

Like I've said before, I've followed the rules, been conscientious of other park guests, not littered or acted anything other than as a respectable guest.
I can't tell you the number of times, while adhering to the above in the parks, I've been subjected to groups of teenagers "fake hacking coughs", condescending stares from adults and flat out being told by strangers that I'm somehow "absolutely disgusting" simply because I smoke cigarettes.

I'm not going to go somewhere that has increasingly treated me as a piriah. I have several unused entrance passes that I may just give away to a charity.

At this point with increased ticket prices and now to spend half the day walking in and out there is no point. And you are correct, they only care about the happiness and comfort and enjoyment of SOME guests.
That was my dad when we went in 1990. He had the brilliant idea of quitting smoking while taking the family to Disney World. Now I appreciate what he was trying to do but the timing was probably not great. My biggest memories was him getting mad about really dumb stuff and all because of the nicotine addiction. Uncool for sure.

Yes, I hate the smoking not the smoker. This is a genuine question and not meant to be judgmental, I'm just ignorant of the details: If someone were already going to the parks after this ban, but didn't want to inconvenience themselves by having to smoke, would using gum or patches be a decent alternative? I know if it were me or my family member I wouldn't want myself or them to go out to the front of the park every time they wanted a cigarette but I also wouldn't want them to miss out. I think once people get past the initial shock of the change, they will have to find alternatives if they don't want to cancel and don't want to walk outside every hour or whatever.

Thank you for your genuine question!! I can't speak for all smokers but for me gum or the patch just wouldn't cut it. It would probably take the edge off but I would still feel awful. It's not just the nicotine, it's the actual act of smoking that we are addicted to. I really wish I could explain what it feels like to need a cigarette but unless you are a smoker, you just can't understand. I'll go back to my food analogy, if you haven't eaten all day and you were staving Would 1 cracker satisfy you? Probably not.

I am lucky that our kids are grown so I don't have to choose between my children missing out on Disney because I am choosing not to vacation there after my booked trips. If I could go back to my 14 year old self and slap me in the face for smoking that first cigarette I would.
At this point with increased ticket prices and now to spend half the day walking in and out there is no point. And you are correct, they only care about the happiness and comfort and enjoyment of SOME guests.
Most guests.

The vast majority of the US does not smoke, only around 15% do. I do think this will be more of an issue for European guests tho. I also think many guests won’t realize this policy until they are actually there. Many don’t do extensive research like us here on the boards.
At this point with increased ticket prices and now to spend half the day walking in and out there is no point. And you are correct, they only care about the happiness and comfort and enjoyment of SOME guests.

Is it really half the day though? I am sure it is a bit of a negative and will require some extra walking, but half the day to walk in and out?

And of course never will make 100% of the guests happy - so which ones should they target? Those going with the trend of reduced smoking in the country or those going against it? And they are still providing spots for you to smoke, just not as many, and more out of the way - having to walk a bit futher totally changes a positive experience to a negative one?
Ultimately I think Disney is thinking about ALL guests with this ban. If they can get smokers to quit - that would be a great thing for smokers and those that love them (even if they do not want to admit it). I understand free will and all but think about how much heathier one could be and the reduced costs for the masses - but I do digress as that is a far more deap and complicated discussion! :)
They are going to push many people into breaking the rules.

The issue is not just that, but people just smoking in areas that were formally smoking areas.

They're going to need at least (at minimum) one staff member at each location in order to tell people smoking is no longer permitted in that location, especially since most of these locations are secluded and isolated. It's one thing to stop, or prevent individuals for just blatantly start smoking around individuals, or just off to the side somewhere, but if it's going to continue happening at all it's going to be the former smoking areas and they can always play the "I'm a tourist I don't know any better" card and that's regardless of even if there are signs, because they can then always go "Oh, I didn't see that", or that it might not be in their language.
Is it really half the day though? I am sure it is a bit of a negative and will require some extra walking, but half the day to walk in and out?

And of course never will make 100% of the guests happy - so which ones should they target? Those going with the trend of reduced smoking in the country or those going against it? And they are still providing spots for you to smoke, just not as many, and more out of the way - having to walk a bit futher totally changes a positive experience to a negative one?

Actually it does change it from a positive experience to a negative one. If not in actually time period taken away from the enjoyment of the parks, then in the perception that Disney is willing to alienate approximately 15% of the US population and 20% of the world population.

100% of guests will never truly by happy, but you're now guaranteed that as many as 20% will not.
Is it really half the day though? I am sure it is a bit of a negative and will require some extra walking, but half the day to walk in and out?

And of course never will make 100% of the guests happy - so which ones should they target? Those going with the trend of reduced smoking in the country or those going against it? And they are still providing spots for you to smoke, just not as many, and more out of the way - having to walk a bit futher totally changes a positive experience to a negative one?
Maybe I misunderstanding what you're saying but they are not providing ANY spots for us to smoke after May 1st. We wouldn't have to walk a little further as we do now, we have to leave property.
Maybe I misunderstanding what you're saying but they are not providing ANY spots for us to smoke after May 1st. We wouldn't have to walk a little further as we do now, we have to leave property.

no, there will be plenty of spots to still smoke - right out side the gates to the parks, plus at the resorts, and at Disney Springs .... plenty of place on property for you to smoke after May 1st
Is it really half the day though? I am sure it is a bit of a negative and will require some extra walking, but half the day to walk in and out?
There are no actual attractions close to the entrance of any park. While half the day might be an exaggerstion, if someone is at the Safari, or Mexico, or Splash, or Toy Storyc- it's going to take more than a few minutes to get to a DSA.
And of course never will make 100% of the guests happy - so which ones should they target?
Naturally, the 80% worldwide/85% of Americans who don't smoke
Actually it does change it from a positive experience to a negative one. If not in actually time period taken away from the enjoyment of the parks, then in the perception that Disney is willing to alienate approximately 15% of the US population and 20% of the world population.

100% of guests will never truly by happy, but you're now guaranteed that as many as 20% will not.

I guess I just don't see how this fully alienates you - they are still providing spots to smoke on property, just a further walk. They are not saying you can't come on property with cigarettes, they aren't even saying you can't bring them into the parks - just have to go outside the park or at your resort or at Disney Springs to smoke.

If that changes makes you go from being someone who loves going to the parks to someone who refuses to go, then so be it, just doesn't seem like a massive, massive change
There are no actual attractions close to the entrance of any park. While half the day might be an exaggerstion, if someone is at the Safari, or Mexico, or Splash, or Toy Storyc- it's going to take more than a few minutes to get to a DSA.

Naturally, the 80% worldwide/85% of Americans who don't smoke

Well, there are things at the front of MK - character meets, etc. - and Space Ship Earth is near the front of EPCOT

There definitely are some spots that if you are in the back of the park and determine then you need a cigarette it will be quite a bit of a walk - but if you plan accordingly you can make it much more reasonable

I do think having one additional spot, perhaps backstage or something, in the furthest parts of MK, ECPOT, AK, etc. could be a good adjustment - maybe even something inside with filter fans, etc. so easier for those that want to avoid the smoke to do so
Is it really half the day though?

Depending on where you are standing in any park it can take about 10 to 20 max to walk out. That's being generous. I would imagine at AK and Epcot, the max would definitely be longer. That's not including if there is any conflict, or something deters someone from their path of walking out. As well as, depending on the addictive needs of the person there is no telling how many trips that would be.

Even within the park, when I was with my mother, it would take 10-15 minutes to discover and walk to the area whenever she needed one. That was just to the smoking areas, not outside of the park, and while it didn't feel like half a day, it felt almost half, especially if not only adding travel, but wait time for her to finish, then you have to walk back to whatever you were doing, or going to do.
Depending on where you are standing in any park it can take about 10 to 20 max to walk out. That's being generous. I would imagine at AK and Epcot, the max would definitely be longer. That's not including if there is any conflict, or something deters someone from their path of walking out. As well as, depending on the addictive needs of the person there is no telling how many trips that would be.

Even within the park, when I was with my mother, it would take 10-15 minutes to discover and walk to the area whenever she needed one. That was just to the smoking areas, not outside of the park, and while it didn't feel like half a day, it felt almost half, especially if not only adding travel, but wait time for her to finish, then you have to walk back to whatever you were doing, or going to do.

but isn't that going to be anywhere you go? You have to go outside of restaurants, stadiums, museums, etc.? If you plan accordingly to try and be closer to the front every [X] hours I think it can be minimized as well
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