Pixie Dust, or Pixie MOUNTAIN? A Grand (Roy) Disney TR *NEW TR LINK 8/11!*

You should have requested a scaffolding room just so Steve could go all jungle gym on it :P
I bet I could get a record breaking number of hits if I videoed that and put it on YouTube!

That seems awful late to start serving hot breakfast. Given that Disney full on expects you to "rope drop" at 8am some days least they could do is give you some hot breakfast first.
There was quite the line of people waiting for hot breakfast. Not sure why they wait since they open at 6 (or 6:30?) I would have appreciated my waffles but at least I'd gotten them at the wonderful All-Star Movies food court :thumbsup2

Seriously though these are right up there as one of my favorite quick service items. Makes me miss staying at the Poly
I've come to enjoy QS less and less, but I'll take these over certain TS's any day!

Ugh, I absolutely hated this. My parents made me do this once and to say I hate art is an understatement. Seriously my stick people look funny so this was pure torture on my artless soul.
Um, when I say I can't draw a straight line with a ruler I'm not exaggerating in the least. SO not an art person, but I found this fun! And my drawings even resemble who they're supposed to! Ricky's are always great and Steve beats me too; Chris has my artistic talent and less patience so he'd always give up half way through and start pounding his pencil, his foot, huffing and puffin, because..................it's Chris.

Awwww, she is just so precious!!!!!! :lovestruc My sister is having her third child - a girl! - this June, and I can hardly wait to hold another baby!!! Baby cuddles are the best, aren't they?
Yay to another niece!! I'm really looking forward to our next grandchild coming in July but Hayden will always be my special #1

YUM YUM YUM. And yet... I've never actually tried them :laughing: It's on my to-do list though :thumbsup2
Definitely put them on your "MUST do" list. When's your next trip anyway????

There's an MK one the next night, but it's 10pm-1am and my mom would NEVER be able to stay up that late.
I know you like staying with mom, but could you do it without her? I'm dying to do the MK one! I don't know if I'd do AK, other than FOP and EE nothing else is something I love riding and not hard to get. But if you have limited time on a trip I can see some value in it.

That, and the half-time show which also sucked this year :crazy2:
Big time :sad2:

I have a ton of pictures of those signs but I never knew they were from a show :sad2:
I never knew either! They're all in the book I bought last month (I think I told you about it) that has the locations of Hidden Mickey's and other little details about rides, buildings, everything around the parks. Lots of it is stupid stuff everyone knows lol but there are also quite a bit of small details I've never heard of.

We really were duds during the Festival of Arts, so thanks for the info!
LOL, if I hadn't read up ahead of time I wouldn't have known all there was and what to do when! I seriously made it a point to have a small festival "plan", partly for research purposes to give feedback to clients and also because we don't often go during this time period and I didn't know when we'd get another chance :)
Your nachos look fantastic!!! They could be a picture on a menu.
:thanks: what a nice compliment! And yes they were fantastic :D

I usually get them at Tambu, but after the refresh, they are gone!
Oh man, not good news :( That's actually where I had them my first 2 times, but haven't been back to the lounge since the refurb. Glad I know not to look for them there but very sad!

I also liked the Harrison Ford one where his dog orders all the stuff from Amazon. But not much besides that.
I did like that one too; it was cute. It's just that usually there are at least 2 or 3 commercials that really "wow" you and have people talking the next day. Not this year................

I loved Apple Dumpling Gang! But I had not idea it was part of BTMRR. I can't remember that much about the movie now and never would have known Quake City and Hard Times Cafe. So glad you mentioned it!
I'm glad I found out! All the ADG details are in this new book I bought. It lists all Hidden Mickey's and tells you details of each park/Disney Springs. Many are obvious and often talked about but there are some, including all the movie references on BTMRR and lots about TOT I didn't know, that I'd never heard before.

I'm happy that I can agree with this from personal experience now :)
Me too :drinking1

Ah, now there's a blast from the past! I have to admit liking Witch Mountain more but that was mostly because of my crush on Tia :p
I expect nothing less from you ;)

WOW!! I just binged your report. Fabulous vacation last fall! The Roy Suite looks AMAZING! From the fresh flowers to chocolate Mickey and strawberries, the pixie dust was just over the top. What a wonderful vacation!
Hi there, and :welcome: So happy to have you here! The Sept. trip was definitely our most magical yet pixiedust: I honestly don't know if anything can top it! It was awesome in Nov. when Steve "re" proposed to me on Main St. but I still think the Roy suite takes first place and I'm fairly certain he'd agree lol.

I now want to see the band in Epcot. I always seem to miss it.
We LOVE the band. We love classic rock and that's basically what they play, and with a couple exceptions (as it depends on the members who are working any given evening) they always sound great! Especially when there's a big crowd it's so cool to be back there with everyone singing along, drinking, dancing :dancer:

You are one lucky lady, having been proposed to at Disney. I don't know what the hubbs did the first time, but the second in front of Cindy's Castle was amazing.
Um, the first time we were sitting on the LR couch, the furnace guy was downstairs, and Steve said, "I bought a ring, lemme go get it". Ricky was taking a nap. That was it, and about 6 months later we got married lol. So this was kind of way overdue :laughing:

I am sooo jealous you got to meet Gier Ness!! I also love Laila. Mike wears Gier, the scent for men, and even uses the deodorant.
My buddy Gier gave us some samples of the men's scent, Steve likes it! I may buy him a bottle on my May trip :)

Exciting to be maybe going on NYE!!! Although, should I really be routing that you aren't going? Cause that would mean you have basketball games to go to?
No you can route for us to go! What you want to cross your fingers for is not only that we go, but that Ricky does NOT go; he should have to stay here because of the tournament the team plays in :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Me too!!! Thank you so much for checking and checking and then booking that for us :hug: I'm so busy always planning everyone else's trips I get to mine last, I need to seriously think about FP's! Although with the tour being planned it's helped get me started :)

I am just so excited for this tour! I've wanted to do it since it was first announced. Yes, we still have some FP's to coordinate with @kastoney and @buzzrelly for our AK afternoon...
I want to report that we're booked at WL for New Years! pixiedust:
That's great!

So cute :goodvibes

She's sitting up on her own and starting to walk when you hold her hands, loving every minute we spend with her :love:
Isn't being a Grandma the best!

I love their birthday outfits

YUM I want them now
Disney slushies are the best cant wait for La Vie en Rose next month :drinking1
I have more from today, everyone was over today before the Super Bowl but I haven't uploaded them yet. She's sitting up on her own and starting to walk when you hold her hands, loving every minute we spend with her :love:
She is the cutest!!!!

I forgot to mention this, but we had checked out of ASMovies and in to Beach Club the day before :cloud9: While we weren't lucky enough to have scaffolding outside our balcony to play on a la @kastoney, our view wasn't all that bad:
Only Kari is lucky enough to have that special view!

Anyway, there are lots of nods to the Apple Dumpling Gang on BTMMR:
I loved that movie! Somehow I never made the connection to BTMR before......

We were totally ready for lunch and I had come up with the perfect idea. It was really nice to not have solid plans each day; normally we don't when it's just the 2 of us and for this trip we had even less plans meal and FP wise than we normally do. Something I'd missed out on our last few trips was seriously calling to me, so we jumped on the monorail, got off at the Poly, and made our way to Capt. Cook's so I could suck down pretty much the entire plate of these babies:
Mmmmmm! I have got to try these in March!
I stumbled across this TR and I just had to read it to find out about all this pixie dust. Boy you weren't kidding, the suite looked fabulous. After seeing all the yummy foods you mentioned, I've added a few things on my list to try in the upcoming trips. That cheesecake looked amazing, and I've got to try the jalapeno cheese corn bread. Looking forward to reading more from you. Oh yeah, I'd like to add that your granddaughter is adorable, and congratulations on grandbaby #2!
Hey all! I have some news to share :chat: Yesterday Steve came up with the brilliant idea to take me to DISNEY for my birthday next week! Yup, we've been back a few weeks and we're heading down again. VERY quick this time, 3 nights vs. the 4 we did in Jan., but Steve has a new boss and isn't even sure what the response will be about 3 days vacation with such short notice lol. His old boss would have said GO!

Feb. 18-21st, CBR

Not 100% thrilled with CBR but my discount wasn't helping at this late date so we went with best price with another discount. And as I mentioned to Melinda @pepperandchips, I do want to reach my goal of staying at (just about) every resort and this will be new to us.

So we booked resort last night, secured my currently laid off stepson to stay with the boys, and I booked FP's and dining :thumbsup2 I loved our Jan. trip being fairly unstructured with only 2 ADR's, however being Presidents weekend and a very quick trip I did make ADR's for this one and have a much more structure plan. It's called "Ariane's birthday plan" and we will do 100% what I want to do all the time lol. We did have one tiny, not trip ruining by any means snafu last month related to not having an ADR which is another reason I made 3 for our 2 full days there.

Here's where I have us eating: (all pictures courtesy of people I don't know who contributed to google)


Yes, lunch on the 19th. Hate it if you must, we ate here once and it was pretty good. I like the current menu, I did not like La Hacienda much when we ate there, and Steve doesn't like how close the tables are here so normally gives it a thumbs down. I can eat Mexican food twice a day so.....guess what? It's my birthday Steve!


Mmm, we've only been here once, for our anniversary on our very first adults only trip. I've been dying to get back and now we will :cool1: Dinner on the 19th


Given the way I have our plans, I think we'll be in HS around lunch time on my BIRTHDAY party: the 20th. Not loving any one restaurant in the park but we've never done the lounge, so if we are there and the weather is nice, we'll give it a try.

And for dinner on my birthday:

yak and yeti.jpg

Yeah, not too fancy but somewhere we haven't been in awhile and I want to do! We didn't do AK at all in Jan. so I do want to spend time here and I like it at night. Plus I want to put our Landry's card to good use. Plus this figured in partially to the one small dining mishap we had last month so.....again Steve, it's MY birthday!!!

Oh and you know I'm getting that Bloody Mary again from Epcot at some point because I can literally taste it in my mouth whenever I try and I deeply miss it.

For parks I pretty much have us going all day, all over, so we can ride headliners as often as possible. Sadly we don't get in until almost 8pm on the 18th so seriously only 2 park days but my plan is 3 a day! We may go to DS on the 18th when we get in, or may just eat at CBR, who knows, and we also have to leave early on the 21st. But this will tide me over wonderfully until our EPIC GIRLS TRIP in May!!

Now that I've discussed February, let's go back to January in this September trip report.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I left off with us doing the Animation Academy which was in the Odyssey building for the Festival of the Arts. Loved it, and may try doing it again next week. We drew Stitch which I don't remember every drawing at the original Animation Academy. Now I am the farthest thing from an artist but my drawings somehow come out decent, but Ricky beats us all and Steve usually beats me. Here's his on-the-evil-side looking Stitch:


I also made myself a shirt at the design your own shirt booth in the Odyssey building. Sadly, I chose the wrong size because I think I'm smaller than I am? And it looks good if I worked at Hooters. I may wear it when I know I'll be keeping my jacket on but that's about it.

Now, here's where our one and only fail came in not having a plan outlined. While we were waiting for the class to start we began discussing dinner. We were both nearing hangry status but didn't want to put off the class - we hadn't eaten since Capt. Cook's. I went on the app and saw Sanaa had availability; I was also feeling Yak & Yeti (hence my bday meal there). I said, "hey, we could go to Sanaa or Y&Y, and just grab something quick as we leave here to tide us over" I continued to look and said this another time or two before Steve said he wasn't in the mood for either. OK. I didn't want steak since I'd had it the night before at Citricos. I was looking at Epcot availability, kind of wanting Rose and Crown but nothing. Chef's De France didn't interest Steve. Not a lot else left besides Coral Reef and GG. Surprisingly not much at monorail resorts we were interested in, we don't like Kona, he didn't like the Wave menu. So as I saw myself passing out in WS due to lack of food, I snapped, "we'll do Marrakesh again since it was good in Nov. I'll just get chicken".

And that was that.

Now since I have no DR to prove this, we had a fantastic meal there in Nov. thanks to Chris's suggestion. In fact, during a trip of many dining fails, Marrakesh was one of the 2 best! Not so much this night. Neither of us were thrilled with the last minute, spur of the moment, made in hangry haste choice. I ordered the wrong app (confusing what I got in Nov.) and did get the steak kebobs again and really didn't want steak. Later when Steve said I should have suggested somewhere else I reminded him I suggested Sanaa and Y&Y to which he replied "no you didn't, you just said we could go there". Ladies, men need things S-P-E-L-L-E-D O-U-T. Sorry Jeff @Terra Nova guy, but I'm willing to bet good $$ at least 2 of the ladies you live with would agree!

Steve did have a decent new beer:


It was a bit too hoppy for me so I stuck with a Riesling.
We were kind of blah after dinner since it was a tad disappointing so we headed out after Steve grabbed a school bread. No fear though, I saved the evening by going to Ample Hills when we got back to the BW! Ample Hills :rotfl2:it doesn't get any less funny. You cannot even think whomever named it had anything else in mind when they came up with it; what else do you ever describe as "ample"? No thanks, I'm full, I've had an ample amount of past already. Wow, there's an ample amount of garbage coming out of that pail! Nope, only used to describe one thing :P

I know we've all seen this before but I love this shot I took before we left:


Night 3 in the books!

Pretend I'm starting another update now, I have room for 3 more pictures and I'm not wasting it so on to our last day!

We slept in just a tiny bit as we weren't going to a park today but going back to Disney Springs. I wanted to shop a little and we hadn't had time on arrival night. Also, once we'd gotten back to the room after Marrakesh/Ample Hills ;) I made both a lunch and dinner reservation so we didn't end our trip on a bad meal note and lunch happened to be at a new to us place in DS:


The inside is so cool! It wasn't busy at all but it was a Tuesday, we loved our meal so it began to make up for dinner the previous night. Before we left we went in to Uniqlo where I picked up a couple things for my granddaughter, and found out slippers are no longer called slippers:


I guess all the cool kids call them room shoes now! We picked the boys up some M. Jordan slides from the Trophy Room, stopped back at the BC to drop off the bags, and headed out to our last park of the trip :goodvibes

Isn't being a Grandma the best!
It certainly is, better than I imagined :cloud9: We went over to see her today and I still have her "baby smell" on my shirt, love it!

I loved that movie! Somehow I never made the connection to BTMR before......
I feel like a long time ago I heard something about it, but never noticed any props/nods to it until I got this new book!

Mmmmmm! I have got to try these in March!
You will NOT be disappointed :goodvibes

I stumbled across this TR and I just had to read it to find out about all this pixie dust.
Hi and :welcome: to my report and to the DIS! I'm glad you found me :) Yup, this truly was a trip filled with the dust lol!

After seeing all the yummy foods you mentioned, I've added a few things on my list to try in the upcoming trips. That cheesecake looked amazing, and I've got to try the jalapeno cheese corn bread.
The cheesecake is amazing; I was debating last night if I wanted to have it again for my birthday next week now that we're going! I kind of still want to lol, but I also want to eat somewhere we didn't just eat at. Like anyone who tries the pulled pork nachos you will NOT be disappointed!

Oh yeah, I'd like to add that your granddaughter is adorable, and congratulations on grandbaby #2!
Yesterday Steve came up with the brilliant idea to take me to DISNEY for my birthday next week!
Steve is a brilliant man!!! ::yes::

It's called "Ariane's birthday plan" and we will do 100% what I want to do all the time lol.
I like your strategy :thumbsup2

(all pictures courtesy of people I don't know who contributed to google)

Ample Hills :rotfl2:it doesn't get any less funny.
I'm with you all the way ;)
We drew Stitch which I don't remember every drawing at the original Animation Academy.
I only managed to do the old Animation Academy once...and I drew Stitch! :)

Ladies, men need things S-P-E-L-L-E-D O-U-T. Sorry Jeff @Terra Nova guy, but I'm willing to bet good $$ at least 2 of the ladies you live with would agree!
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of such phenomenon...even though you may be totally right...shhhh...

Ample Hills :rotfl2:it doesn't get any less funny. You cannot even think whomever named it had anything else in mind when they came up with it;
I bet it was a DIS Dad. :rotfl2:
It's called "Ariane's birthday plan" and we will do 100% what I want to do all the time lol.
Wait I’m not supposed to be doing 100% what I want to do all the time on every trip :confused3

I can eat Mexican food twice a day so.....guess what? It's my birthday Steve!
I never knew this about you but I am the same!!! Nacho buddies for life! I hope that you have a great meal there to redeem San Angel against Steve’s table prejudices.

And for dinner on my birthday
I loooooove Yak & Yeti. Yeah, it’s kind of basic, but sometimes that is just what you need!

Loved it, and may try doing it again next week.
Ugh it just sunk in now how jealous I am you are getting to return to the festival of the arts! I’m working on buttering R up for spring break... I need more than one flower and garden trip, dude!!

Ladies, men need things S-P-E-L-L-E-D O-U-T.

You are not wrong! And yet when men start a sentence halfway through a thought we are supposed to understand the riddle and know exactly what they mean.

found out slippers are no longer called slippers:
They are definitely slippers in my house. Room shoes just sounds :snooty:

What did you have at Maria & enzo’s?! We love Enzo’s Hideaway so we haven’t been able to bring ourselves to branch out to the “upstairs” arm. But it’s on my list!
How fun to head back to the World, even if a short trip! It does look like you have packed a lot in for those days.

I so want to go in March except the flights would cost me close to $2000.00, that is insane, when normally I pay around 3-4 hundred a ticket! I guess the airlines are really taking advantage of the spring break time!

Have a wonderful trip!
How exciting to be heading back so soon! DH and I tried to be spontaneous like that a few weeks ago but I really only had vacation time to do JUST the weekend so we had to scrap it. I'll have to live vicariously through you!

And oh man I have been in that boat not knowing what to eat! DH and I actually DID do a spontaneous trip about five years ago and I remember sitting in the lobby of POR calling my Mom for suggestions for where we should eat. I was too hangry and tired to think and we ended up not wanting to deal with all of the different transfers to get somewhere and ended up just eating in the food court! Since then I always either have a reservation or at least a plan of like three places I would be willing to get to! lol
Hey all! I have some news to share :chat: Yesterday Steve came up with the brilliant idea to take me to DISNEY for my birthday next week! Yup, we've been back a few weeks and we're heading down again. VERY quick this time, 3 nights vs. the 4 we did in Jan., but Steve has a new boss and isn't even sure what the response will be about 3 days vacation with such short notice lol. His old boss would have said GO!

Feb. 18-21st, CBR

Not 100% thrilled with CBR but my discount wasn't helping at this late date so we went with best price with another discount.

Yay! I have a February birthday too so now I'm trying to figure out how to get to Disney by the end of the month ;)

I can't wait to hear what you think of CBR. I thought it was fine. Tiny room, though. Don't bring a big suitcase, there's no where to put it. But I love the look of the resort and the new Old Port Royale is so nice!

I did make ADR's for this one and have a much more structure plan. It's called "Ariane's birthday plan" and we will do 100% what I want to do all the time



Ample Hills :rotfl2:it doesn't get any less funny. You cannot even think whomever named it had anything else in mind when they came up with it; what else do you ever describe as "ample"? No thanks, I'm full, I've had an ample amount of past already. Wow, there's an ample amount of garbage coming out of that pail! Nope, only used to describe one thing :P

Not 100% thrilled with CBR but my discount wasn't helping at this late date so we went with best price with another discount. And as I mentioned to Melinda @pepperandchips, I do want to reach my goal of staying at (just about) every resort and this will be new to us.

That's 100% why I chose CBR for my Sept Trip with the kids. I have a goal of every resort on property by the time I die. Except I'll never own DVC so that leaves all of those out. I really don't have a huge desire to do the All Stars either, so I'm almost there!

It's like our trips our next trips are carbon copies. HAHA! I've wanted to eat here since my very first trip and it's finally going to happen!

Not loving any one restaurant in the park but we've never done the lounge, so if we are there and the weather is nice, we'll give it a try.

This is on my list too!

So as I saw myself passing out in WS due to lack of food, I snapped, "we'll do Marrakesh again since it was good in Nov. I'll just get chicken".

And that was that.

Ruh, roh!! Snap decisions rarely end well.

Later when Steve said I should have suggested somewhere else I reminded him I suggested Sanaa and Y&Y to which he replied "no you didn't, you just said we could go there".

Um, sooooooooooooo.... how is this not suggesting it? :confused3:confused3:confused3

to Ample Hills when we got back to the BW! Ample Hills :rotfl2:it doesn't get any less funny. You cannot even think whomever named it had anything else in mind when they came up with it; what else do you ever describe as "ample"? No thanks, I'm full, I've had an ample amount of past already. Wow, there's an ample amount of garbage coming out of that pail! Nope, only used to describe one thing :P


The inside is so cool!


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