Trick or Treat & Eat Some Sweets! Oct 2018 TR - LInk to new TR 5/17/19!

This shirt is awesome!

These turned out to be a great idea because they were super convenient to use. I just had to hold out my wrist to the CMs and they would scan the gift card. No pulling out cash or card every time you needed to pay.
Yes! They sound super convenient - I'll need to do this next time.

I headed straight to the dessert counter and immediately noticed a distinct lack of Mousse Cake in the display case.
:scared1: I feel like Sunshine Seasons has pulled many of my favorites over the years :confused3

I was so sad I ended up getting two desserts to drown my sorrow in.
I'd have done the same :thumbsup2

For $6 it was so tiny
Yikes! That thing was the size of a thimble! :faint:

It’s funny how motion sickness affects people differently. Soarin’ doesn’t bother me one bit but John has a lot of trouble with it and didn’t really want to ride that night.
I completely agree. I have major motion sickness issues but I'm not effected by Soarin at all - thankfully! Since it's one of my absolute favorites! :goodvibes

Sounds like a great time at Epcot! :thumbsup2
How nice of the CM to give you both the cutting boards early!

I never got to see any pics of the chocolate sculptures from this past year so thank you for sharing them!

I'm sorry they got rid of your mousse cake!

Sounds like a really good Epcot day!

I was so surprised when she went ahead and gave us the cutting boards. But also glad because it saved us from having to go back to the festival center later that week.

I'm still bummed about that chocolate mousse cake!

Wait, how did I miss this!? :( After regular Wishes, Holiday Wishes is my very favorite and holds such special memories for me of the Christmas I spent at WDW with my Mom the last Christmas before I got married. I hope they don't ruin it!!

I read that somewhere and I went back to see if I could read more details and now I can't find it. But I'm not surprised they are going that way since it seems like all the shows are.

Oh, my gosh, seriously!!!! I can't wait to see Dumbo, but I was a blubbering mess at the preview!! Darn, "Baby Mine!"

I can't wait for the movie and I'm really glad that movie theaters are dark! :rotfl:

Awww because you're so sweet!! @chunkymonkey was able to pick one up for Jimmy, and he was THRILLED!!! I love the DIS when we can do things like this for each other!

:blush: I don't mind helping others out.

Hey! That's actually really nice of you!

Thanks! I know not everyone can get to Disney for the special events so I thought this would be a nice thing. A DISer helped me out a few years ago by grabbing a Pluto popcorn bucket for me.

You do? I don't think I've ever done that. I need to change my methods.

Yep, dessert is my favorite so I've got to make sure I have room!

Ah. I've stood in line for a very specific photo with Jack and Sally... but I doubt I'd do anything like that again.

I do like meeting the characters but those lines at the party can be crazy. If you really want to meet Ariel and Eric I highly recommend the Bon Voyage breakfast at Trattoria al Forno on the boardwalk. Excellent food and great character interaction.

Disney is not conducive to working! Vacations are not conducive to working!

I need you to tell Jim that! He's seriously married to his work and has to bring his computer everywhere we go. :sad2:

I like it! and it does fit well.

Thanks! It was a very comfortable shirt too.

Epcot always seems to have the worst bag check lines.

Seriously! I don't think I've every seen them when they weren't crazy.

I disagree. If you'd missed that day, then you would've gotten a CM who would've insisted you visit 4 times.

True, I am glad we went that first time just to be on the safe side.

Well... I see the problem was solved. But... 1st world problems!

There are a lot of first world problems at Disney, aren't there?:lmao:

Those are... pretty amazing!

The chocolate sculptures are always pretty amazing. There's so much detail that my pictures don't do them justice.

Stop changing my mind!!!

Guess you'll just have to try one of each if you ever go for food and wine. I'm glad we each got a different one so we could pass them around.

I've never thought they were that great. I know some people rave about chocolate croissants, but I'm not one of them.

I really liked it but then chocolate is pretty much my life.

Chewy. A sure sign they were overcooked. Need to be seared on one side for 60 seconds, flipped, and 60 more. That's it!

Yeah, I'm sure they were overcooked. I probably won't be ordering them again though since I was turned off the first time.

Hey! You took a shot of my dad!

Ha! I actually think that every time I go by that figure but don't say it out loud as whoever is with me at the time would think I was crazy.
Love that aquarium.

Me too! I could spend hours in there.

Lucky you did. They seem to sleep a lot.

I usually have pretty good luck spotting them. I haven't seen the old guy though for a while. He's pretty distinct because his shell is much lighter than the others. I did ask a CM a few trips ago about him and she was pretty elusive so I have a bad feeling he passed away.

What!?!?! Slacker!!!

I know, I was kind of off my photo game this trip!

Interesting that your tummy affects your motion sickness. I wonder why?

I wish I could figure out why some rides affect me and others don't. And some rides are OK sometimes and not others. :confused3 It's always a bit like playing Russian Roulette for me.

Well, so much for getting that in the future.

I'm still bitter about my missing Chocolate Mousse cake.

Holy smokes! I didn't even know you could design something like that!

Me neither, that was some truck he built!

Huh. Was a time when they'd be all gone well in advance of park opening.

Yep, way back when it was the original movie and only two theaters. I do think the third theater helps some but the new movie seems to be a lot less popular than the original.

Ah! So that's what you do with them.

Yep! The scavenger hunts are a lot of fun and harder than you would think. Jocelyn and I never did find the Japan one but then we looked both nights in the dark which didn't help.

You have to know elephantese. Or one of the dialects.

I'll have to practice that before my May trip!

Uh... okay? How the heck does that happen???

No idea, she just vanished on him.

Hmm... yeah, that's odd. Maybe your palate is changing for Food & Wine.

Could be. Even though I'm still super picky, I do eat more now than when I was little. I never would eat fish as a kid but I do now.

I'm surprised you liked it. With you being so fussy, I would've thought not.

Me too. But I'm willing to try anything once, odds are though I won't eat it a second time. :rotfl2:

I really need to see this again. Last time I did was 1989.

I think I've seen it more times than I really wanted too. Both Jim and my brother count it as a favorite and drag me to see it often.

I remember having that! It was good, too!

My favorite from the food and wine booths that trip!

Don't remember that, though. But glad you liked it.

That cake is pretty darn yummy. Spoiler for later in the week but that's the only dish I got twice.

This just struck me as funny. Ariana with her giant hands.

I couldn't believe how tiny those glasses were!

That is interesting. You'd think it'd be the same for everyone. "This ride affects people with motion sickness, but this one doesn't."

Like I said above, it's weird how motion sickness works!

Love this shirt!!!! Total score on your part.

Thanks! I was certainly happy to take it off of my Mom's hands.

Wow, how kind of her!!

I know, I was shocked when she just handed them to us on our second visit.

I am totally with you on the hating mushroom train. I'll pretty much eat anything (including all the nasty bits I'm sure would make you cringe) but may a mushroom never pass these lips

I can't stand the slimness of them. :crazy2: For me a lot of my pickiness comes from texture, not taste.

I think its been years since we got a picture. Usually 1 if not both cameras aren't working for us.

Same with me. Jocelyn who was right behind Jim and I didn't get a photo this time. I'm hoping they will come up with a better system next time they do an extensive rehab.

Too funny I am making pretty much this exact dish for dinner tonight (sans the aforementioned mushrooms of course). Chicken is braising in the oven as I type and polenta will follow soon.

I wish I was better at cooking! I would love to make a dish like that for at home but I would just ruin it. No idea why I've never been able to get the hang of cooking. Luckily I married a guy who does like to cook!
This shirt is awesome!

Thanks! I was glad Mom brought it for me.

Yes! They sound super convenient - I'll need to do this next time.

Those wrist gift cards were perfect for Food and Wine! I didn't get a picture of them but they all had Remy on them so we ended up keeping them afterwards as souvenirs

I feel like Sunshine Seasons has pulled many of my favorites over the years

I know that Disney has to change up stuff once in a while but it always makes me sad when they pull one of my favorites.

Yikes! That thing was the size of a thimble!

Seriously! I don't think that glass could have gotten any smaller!

I completely agree. I have major motion sickness issues but I'm not effected by Soarin at all - thankfully! Since it's one of my absolute favorites! :goodvibes

Sounds like a great time at Epcot!

I don't think I'll every completely figure out my motion sickness, it's pretty frustrating at times!
Thanks! I know not everyone can get to Disney for the special events so I thought this would be a nice thing. A DISer helped me out a few years ago by grabbing a Pluto popcorn bucket for me.

The DIS is a pretty awesome community, isn't it? :goodvibes

Yep, dessert is my favorite so I've got to make sure I have room!


I do like meeting the characters but those lines at the party can be crazy. If you really want to meet Ariel and Eric I highly recommend the Bon Voyage breakfast at Trattoria al Forno on the boardwalk. Excellent food and great character interaction.

Nope. I have no intention of seeing my betrothed with some upstart.

I need you to tell Jim that! He's seriously married to his work and has to bring his computer everywhere we go. :sad2:

Seriously! I don't think I've every seen them when they weren't crazy.

I'm seriously wondering if the better bet isn't to take two busses to one of the Boardwalk resorts and going in that way. Never a line there that I've seen.

There are a lot of first world problems at Disney, aren't there?:lmao:


Guess you'll just have to try one of each if you ever go for food and wine. I'm glad we each got a different one so we could pass them around.

I'll ask a few strangers to buy and just taste theirs.

I really liked it but then chocolate is pretty much my life.

Isn't it for everyone? ;)

Yeah, I'm sure they were overcooked. I probably won't be ordering them again though since I was turned off the first time.

You won't try them if you come over to my house and I cook you some?

Ha! I actually think that every time I go by that figure but don't say it out loud as whoever is with me at the time would think I was crazy.

:laughing: DO IT!!!!

I usually have pretty good luck spotting them. I haven't seen the old guy though for a while. He's pretty distinct because his shell is much lighter than the others. I did ask a CM a few trips ago about him and she was pretty elusive so I have a bad feeling he passed away.

Hmmm... I'm thinking of doing another dive there this fall... I'll have to see what they say.

I wish I could figure out why some rides affect me and others don't. And some rides are OK sometimes and not others. :confused3 It's always a bit like playing Russian Roulette for me.

Erk! Not the best game to play.

I'm still bitter about my missing Chocolate Mousse cake.

I bet! Rumour has it that chocolate is pretty much your life.

Yep! The scavenger hunts are a lot of fun and harder than you would think. Jocelyn and I never did find the Japan one but then we looked both nights in the dark which didn't help.

Huh. Just might try this if I'm there when...

I'll have to practice that before my May trip!


Could be. Even though I'm still super picky, I do eat more now than when I was little. I never would eat fish as a kid but I do now.

I wonder what you'll eat when you're all grown up!!!

Me too. But I'm willing to try anything once, odds are though I won't eat it a second time. :rotfl2:


I think I've seen it more times than I really wanted too. Both Jim and my brother count it as a favorite and drag me to see it often.

I hope I'm there when you are. I want to drag you to see it again.

That cake is pretty darn yummy. Spoiler for later in the week but that's the only dish I got twice.

What????? TR ruined!!!!!

I couldn't believe how tiny those glasses were!

The DIS is a pretty awesome community, isn't it?

It definitely is!

Nope. I have no intention of seeing my betrothed with some upstart.

:rotfl2: Too bad though, it really is an excellent breakfast.

I'm seriously wondering if the better bet isn't to take two busses to one of the Boardwalk resorts and going in that way. Never a line there that I've seen.

That International gate has never been crowded any time I've used it but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle of waiting on two buses.

Isn't it for everyone?

You would think but I have two co-workers that don't like chocolate. Don't know what's wrong with them. :rotfl:

You won't try them if you come over to my house and I cook you some?

Sure. :D Just doubt I will every order them out again not knowing if they will be cooked correctly.

Hmmm... I'm thinking of doing another dive there this fall... I'll have to see what they say.

Definitely let me know if you find out anything.

Huh. Just might try this if I'm there when...

The hunts are a lot of fun. I've done all three now, the Figment one at Festival of the Arts, the Easter Egg one for Easter and the Remy one for Food and Wine. I'm hoping that the Easter Egg one might still be going in May since Easter is a bit later this year.

I hope I'm there when you are. I want to drag you to see it again.

Sure, I'll go. Nice comfy seats with air conditioning. Great place to take a nap. ::yes::
Traveling Through Time Part 1

Our destination on Tuesday, October 23rd was Animal Kingdom. Our first FP wasn’t until 10:20 am so I didn’t push us to get there at rope drop. But despite that, we still arrived pretty close to park opening.

Our first stop was to get some Photopass pictures in front of the tree.

Instead of following the masses towards Pandora or Expedition Everest, we headed towards Dinoland. Dinosaur is a favorite of all of ours and we wanted to hit it up before the line got too long. The ride was a walk on and we enjoyed our trip to the past. I think Mom wins this ride photo.

On the way out through the dump shop, we stopped to look around a bit. John is a huge Tiana fan and he found a pin with her on it. We spent a lot of time looking for Tiana merchandise throughout the trip but it’s pretty scarce. In that same store, I actually found a Pluto pin that I didn’t have! I also gave a donation to the Disney Conservation Fund so I could get a new pin. I have quite a few of the DCF pins.

Since we were right in the area, we decided to ride Primeval Whirl. I know a lot of people hate this one but I find it a lot of fun and it makes me giggle when it spins you around. It’s funny that PW doesn’t affect me at all, motion sickness is just weird. Jim did sit out because he hates this one but the rest of us headed into the line. I think the wait time said 10 minutes but it was slow going because they were only running one side and I think we waited between 15-20 minutes. I managed to take only one measly picture the whole time we were waiting.

Once we were loaded into our car, we went around the corner and stopped right before going up the hill. We ended up sitting there for about five minutes. The funny thing about the whole situation was that Jim was sitting right near where we stopped. He was so oblivious and wrapped up in the book he brought with him that he totally didn’t notice us right there. He also completely missed Pluto and Donald as they walked right by him on the way to their meet and greets.

As we headed out of Dinoland and towards Africa for our Safari FP, Jim noticed that Donald had a very short line. So he and I hopped in line while the others found a bench to wait. I don’t think we waited more than five minutes before it was time to meet Jim’s main duck. I was excited to see him in his Dino-Bash outfit.

And then similar to what I did to him at the Pluto greet at HS, Jim kicked me out so he could get some solo pictures with Donald.

After that we really did exit out of Dinoland and head back to Africa to use our FP for the safari. This safari turned out to be excellent, one of the best I’ve been on. We saw tons of animals, way more than I was able to get pictures of, including a few I had never seen before on the safari. Of course I don’t remember what they were now. I’ll just let my photos do the talking for the rest of this ride.

Still didn’t get to see Augustus, the new baby hippo. I think that would have made the safari practically perfect!

Baby Mandrill!

Continued in Next Post
Traveling Through Time Part 2


After the Safari, we decided to walk the Gorilla Falls Trail since it was right there. I wasn’t able to get a good picture but there was a baby Colobus Monkey climbing all over the adults and annoying them.

I took zero pictures of the birds in the aviary but I always have to take a picture of these fish, they are just so pretty!

Baby zebra.

The Meerkats were all sitting in a clump and I was able to get some great shots of them.

Well except for this poor guy who was on guard duty.

We moved on to the gorilla area where we got to watch the two young males, Cory and Flint have an all-out wrestling match.

By the time we finished the trail it was going on 11:30 and we were all feeling a bit hungry. We did stop and check out Harambe Market because it hadn’t been open the last time John and Jocelyn had been to AK. I think John might have been interested in eating there but the rest of us weren’t so we moved on to Flame Tree Barbecue which is a favorite for all of us. Jim got the Smokehouse Chicken Salad (Pulled chicken on topped mixed greens salad tossed with smoked cheddar cheese, diced granny smith apples, cornbread croutons, crispy onions and barbecue ranch dressing)

And I got the ½ chicken meal (marinated slow-smoked chicken served with signature baked beans and coleslaw).

I didn’t get pictures of everyone else’s meals because we all ended up getting to the table at different times. The restaurant was still pretty empty at that time of the day so we didn’t wait long and were able to find a table out of the sun, under one of the pavilions. Everything was yummy as usual, I’ve never had a bad meal at Flame Tree and I eat there a lot.

There used to be a chocolate mousse cake that I liked here but once again it was gone. I had discovered that though on my August trip so I wasn’t too disappointed. It seems like they are severely limiting the dessert options at Counter Services now that the meal plan doesn’t include one.

After lunch we decided to let our meal digest as we walked the Maharajah Jungle Trek.

Up Next: More Animal Pictures of Course
:rotfl2: Too bad though, it really is an excellent breakfast.

Hmmm... well.... maybe?

That International gate has never been crowded any time I've used it but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle of waiting on two buses.

No. I'm sure waiting for bag check is faster than two busses from A to B to Boardwalk would be.

You would think but I have two co-workers that don't like chocolate. Don't know what's wrong with them. :rotfl:

Oh, that's easy. Aliens.
They probably like overcooked scallops.

Sure. :D Just doubt I will every order them out again not knowing if they will be cooked correctly.

Maybe try at either a dedicated seafood restaurant or a higher end place?

Definitely let me know if you find out anything.

You expect me to remember that 8 months from now??????

Sure, I'll go. Nice comfy seats with air conditioning. Great place to take a nap. ::yes::

Our destination on Tuesday, October 23rd was Animal Kingdom.

Did you plan to post this exactly 3 months to the day later? I'm very impressed, you know.

oooohhhh!!! So scary!

I think Mom wins this ride photo.

:laughing: Yes she does!

I actually found a Pluto pin that I didn’t have!

Good for you! :)

Since we were right in the area, we decided to ride Primeval Whirl.


I know a lot of people hate this one


but I find it a lot of fun and it makes me giggle when it spins you around.

Well... glad you like it. I rode it once and it hurt so dang much I vowed never again.

It’s funny that PW doesn’t affect me at all, motion sickness is just weird.

Probably because you're so busy getting whiplash.

I managed to take only one measly picture the whole time we were waiting.

Actually... cool photo. Never seen that one before.

Once we were loaded into our car, we went around the corner and stopped right before going up the hill. We ended up sitting there for about five minutes. The funny thing about the whole situation was that Jim was sitting right near where we stopped. He was so oblivious and wrapped up in the book he brought with him that he totally didn’t notice us right there. He also completely missed Pluto and Donald as they walked right by him on the way to their meet and greets.

At first I was going to laugh... now I just wanna know what book he was reading!

Donald: "I shall completely ignore you."

And then similar to what I did to him at the Pluto greet at HS, Jim kicked me out so he could get some solo pictures with Donald.

:laughing: Fair is fair!

This safari turned out to be excellent, one of the best I’ve been on.

Great! :)

Since you don't remember the names, I'll help you out, okay? I mean, at least the ones that aren't obvious (giraffe.. cough, cough)

Great striped shack a lacka

Tawny bumblesnort

White and black fly-critters

Still didn’t get to see Augustus, the new baby hippo. I think that would have made the safari practically perfect!

Bad news. If the baby is in there... he got et.

Short horned layabouts
(You should see the long horned ones!)

Baby Mandrill!


oooohhh... love cheetahs. :)

meh. Animatronic.

Huh. Two at once. Not sure I've seen that. Could be wrong, though.

After the Safari, we decided to walk the Gorilla Falls Trail since it was right there. I wasn’t able to get a good picture but there was a baby Colobus Monkey climbing all over the adults and annoying them.


I took zero pictures of the birds in the aviary but I always have to take a picture of these fish, they are just so pretty!


Baby zebra.

Awww... I see they don't grow into their stripes later.

The Meerkats were all sitting in a clump and I was able to get some great shots of them.

Those are great shots! ::yes::

Well except for this poor guy who was on guard duty.

Always has to be one. Never know when some nosy tourist is going to start taking photos.

We moved on to the gorilla area where we got to watch the two young males, Cory and Flint have an all-out wrestling match.

Really! Cool!

We did stop and check out Harambe Market

Not surprised you didn't get anything. I was less than impressed when I ate there.

we moved on to Flame Tree Barbecue which is a favorite for all of us.

Only eaten there once. Want to again. :)

Jim got the Smokehouse Chicken Salad (Pulled chicken on topped mixed greens salad tossed with smoked cheddar cheese, diced granny smith apples, cornbread croutons, crispy onions and barbecue ranch dressing)

whoa! That sounds really good!

And I got the ½ chicken meal (marinated slow-smoked chicken served with signature baked beans and coleslaw).

And so does that... hmmm... decisions, decisions.

There used to be a chocolate mousse cake that I liked here but once again it was gone.

Disney really has it out for you, don't they?
What a great morning! You saw so many animals on the safari! And the meerkats and baby gorillas are just too cute.
I'm excited to see the Dino-bash characters in May! I hope I bump into Launchpad McQuack. I was really disappointed we didn't get to see him during Marathon weekend last year.

You certainly did have a just about perfect safari, judging by the pics you posted!!! and SO many babies!!!!!!

Jim got the Smokehouse Chicken Salad (Pulled chicken on topped mixed greens salad tossed with smoked cheddar cheese, diced granny smith apples, cornbread croutons, crispy onions and barbecue ranch dressing)
I always think there won't be anything I really like at Flame Tree, but this looks DELISH. I don't like my chicken on a bone, so this is a perfect solution :)
I didn't get to check out Donald's Dino Bash much. Definitely some great meet and greets there though.

I do recommend Harambe Market if you can. I have always had good food there. I prefer it over Flame Tree.

Great Safari photos! I did the Elephant tour just a couple weeks ago and Stella just turned 2!
Joining in on your TR, better late than never!!! I am really enjoying it :cheer2:, we are going in a couple weeks and reading your report is getting me even more excited, and reminding me of things to check out. I bought the same blue sequin Mickey shirt you did, we must like the same things because I love all your t-shirts and bags also! :thumbsup2

I wish I was better at cooking! I would love to make a dish like that for at home but I would just ruin it. No idea why I've never been able to get the hang of cooking. Luckily I married a guy who does like to cook!
I love to cook, though I cannot bake a thing so save my life. I also had the foresight to marry a chef so the eatin' is usually pretty good around here.

I think Mom wins this ride photo.

Mom unquestionably wins for your group, though I gotta give it to the poor boy in the front row :-)

Once we were loaded into our car, we went around the corner and stopped right before going up the hill. We ended up sitting there for about five minutes. The funny thing about the whole situation was that Jim was sitting right near where we stopped. He was so oblivious and wrapped up in the book he brought with him that he totally didn’t notice us right there. He also completely missed Pluto and Donald as they walked right by him on the way to their meet and greets.
I can just see this now. You all yelling and him reading and being none the wiser.

And then similar to what I did to him at the Pluto greet at HS, Jim kicked me out so he could get some solo pictures with Donald.
At least he was gracious enough to let you be in a few :D

I have no idea what animal this is, but is it wrong that this picture suddenly makes me want to go on Safari and take pictures of nothing but animal butts :P

Those are some seriously good safari pictures. You all really did luck out.

Everything was yummy as usual, I’ve never had a bad meal at Flame Tree and I eat there a lot.
Same here, definitely one of our favorite quick services. Have you ever had their onion rings? Some of my favorites ever!
I finally got around to reading this report! And I am so glad I did. There are several places I want to eat on my next trip (BOG, LTT) and one I don't (Brown Derby) that you reviewed and I need to show the others joining me for the trip.

Thanks for sharing!
Lovely couple of updates! :) I'm not one for PW either, but glad you can ride and enjoy it! Mmm! Flame Tree is super good. I've eaten there a few times and have never been disappointed. In the past (it's gone now, I think) you could get the most amazing fruit plate with some yogurt dressing/sauce. It was HUGE. The pulled pork sammie is a always a great choice.

I adore the trails so much there. Such a beautiful stroll and lots to see.
Hi Ariana. I'm joining late, but really enjoying your TR. I too am part of the Epic Girl's Trip, and I'm looking forward to meeting you!!!
I actually found a Pluto pin that I didn’t have!
What!? What a happy surprise! :goodvibes

The funny thing about the whole situation was that Jim was sitting right near where we stopped. He was so oblivious and wrapped up in the book he brought with him that he totally didn’t notice us right there. He also completely missed Pluto and Donald as they walked right by him on the way to their meet and greets.

Sounds like a great start to your day at AK! And what a great safari ride :thumbsup2


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