Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

To bad your not still coming through Ohio. Would love to say hello. Depending on when in fall you are doing this... I have a season Pass to Cedar Point and on the initial modified path, you were going right by there. Halloweekends can be pretty fun there. Would have loved to meet up on an evening to do a haunted path or two. =)

Let me send you a PM.
I don't think I'd be able
to do an evening,
but a meet might be possible?

Still not a fan of borscht, though. ;)

We had that OFTEN in Crapistan. All. The. Time.

You found lingerie in a Japanese garden? Weird.


As some of you may have noticed,
I'm a member of the DISdads.
We suddenly lost a very active
and loved member recently,
which I found out about last night.

If y'all don't mind.I think I'm going tohold off on commentsfor today.

It is always shocking and so incredibly sad when we lose one of our DISFamily. You are not the only one who has been truly saddened by a loss of one of our own.

The JC Raulston Arboretum is a nationally acclaimed garden
with one of the largest and most diverse collections
of landscape plants adapted for landscape use in the Southeast.

The Arboretum houses several
garden types, including...

A Japanese garden.

I mean, come on.
Why else would I be here?
Are you not paying attention????
And yet, I think I'd really enjoy all of it. I really enjoy gardens of all kinds and even geek out at the landscaping in Disney, which in itself is pretty impressive.


Truly exquisite!! WELL DONE!!

Gorgeous! Macro lens, I assume??

I was warned about
(and slightly dared to try)
the "Cold Sweat" ice cream.
The ingredients therein include
tai chilies and habaneros
which, (as if that wasn't enough)
are marinated in "Mega Death" hot sauce.
And then, to cap it off,
the ice cream is seasoned with
ghost chili sauce.

You actually have to sign
a waiver before they'll
serve it to you.

That'll come back to bite ya... later.

As I smashed into the crate
at seventy miles an hour,
the resulting explosion
turned my idyllic drive
into anything but.
Plastic shards flew everywhere.


Who knew that smashing
into a dog crate wouldn't
be the worst thing
that happened that evening?



56.. (am I annoying you yet?)

A visit from the grandkid!
How was that?

Incredibly wonderful! She is 100%, absolutely kissable! (and I did!)

I know that life can
get in the way.

Hope things slow down
a bit for you soon. :)
(I do see that you've got
about a month and a half
before your next trip.)

I doubt it, but I do hope there will be less stress at some point.

And this vacation is JUST what I need. In sooooo many ways! I can't WAIT!!

I found it and am
already subscribed.
But fair warning,
I tend to not comment much
on PTRs.

Whatever you end up contributing will be wonderful. It's come and go as you please in a Steppe Report. :)

To be honest, I'm pretty tired.
But I hope to rest up tomorrow
or the next day or two.

... one can always hope....

If I've missed you, it's my fault.

Awww, you missed me.


Get cracking, sister!
I want this TR read from
beginning to end
by midnight tonight!

How about by midnight tonight?

I can quite easily state
that the Portland Japanese garden
is far superior, having just been. ;)

Didn't know that, didja!

:eek: You did?!

Yep. I grew a little concerned
when that banjo started up.

I've never seen that movie.

I don't think I need to.

Oh look! It's practically all me.

BUT, the good news is that I"m all caught up.


Which will last about 10 minutes. :lmao:
That's why I went.
Prepping for my real goal.
Smart ::yes:: ;) :hug:

I've eaten at about
half a dozen of his spots.
Some were great...
Some were... not.
That's a bit disappointing... we'll have to talk about the great ones next month! :thumbsup2

That's where I got my start!
My parents would take
us to the drive-in A&W.

soooooo good.
Yes! It's the best :goodvibes

Oh, absolutely.
Totally planned it that way.
Yeah... I figured :thumbsup2 ;) Also... I've had Jackson Browne's In the Shape of a Heart in my head since reading your last update... :rolleyes1:laughing:

No way I wasn't going to!
Not too long now!
No, it sure is not!!! :cool1:
We had that OFTEN in Crapistan. All. The. Time.

So... are you fond of it?
Or can you not stand
the sight of it now?

It is always shocking and so incredibly sad when we lose one of our DISFamily. You are not the only one who has been truly saddened by a loss of one of our own.

Yes... it's an affliction
that we all suffer
at some point.


And yet, I think I'd really enjoy all of it. I really enjoy gardens of all kinds and even geek out at the landscaping in Disney, which in itself is pretty impressive.

Disney knows how to garden...
They know... everything.

It's kinda scary/intimidating.

Truly exquisite!! WELL DONE!!


Gorgeous! Macro lens, I assume??

Thanks again! :)
Yes. Macro lens,
tripod mounted
(well... you have to.
you should even have
a focusing rail, but I digress.)

That'll come back to bite ya... later.


56.. (am I annoying you yet?)


Incredibly wonderful! She is 100%, absolutely kissable! (and I did!)

Awww... :goodvibes

And I saw the photo you posted
on your PTR
(I told you I didn't comment
much on those)
and you're both absolutely adorable.

I doubt it, but I do hope there will be less stress at some point.


And this vacation is JUST what I need. In sooooo many ways! I can't WAIT!!

Well, I hope it's absolutely wonderful
and you don't get tied down
by too many of life's little

Whatever you end up contributing will be wonderful. It's come and go as you please in a Steppe Report. :)

Okay! :)

... one can always hope....

Yeah... that so didn't happen.
Last night I managed a grand
total of 3 hours of sleep
before my day shift.
Next day off is August 28th.


You're not one to beat a
dead horse, are you.

Awww, you missed me.


Of course I did! :flower3:

How about by midnight tonight?

That was last night apparently.

:eek: You did?!


I've never seen that movie.

I don't think I need to.

No. You probably don't.


Oh look! It's practically all me.


BUT, the good news is that I"m all caught up.


Which will last about 10 minutes. :lmao:

And now that I've answered you...
You're officially behind again. ;)
Got behind again…
Do believe I’ll just pick up the conversation here.

Busy day ahead,
so settle in
and sit tight.
Will this do…

zz 141016-F-IO108-001.JPG

The Arboretum houses several
garden types, including...

A Japanese garden.
Hello flame, my name is moth…

I mean, come on.
Why else would I be here?
If it boasted an onsite Harley shop, that might do it.

Are you not paying attention????
Huh... what?

I followed the pathway
towards my target.

zz stay-on-target-5252.jpg

I certainly didn't mind
the nice relaxing sashay
I took to get there.
It’s not just for Disney anymore

There are similar elements
common among them,
but the presentation differs.
A bit like music…

Loved the massive stone benches.
So long as one’s not sitting on my foot.

I had been told that
Japanese tradition holds
that spirits can only travel
in straight lines, which is
why Japanese bridges
or pathways zig-zag.
Not knowing any better…
I’d probably buy that one too.

So it’s a bit like the misconception that the “Boston Tea Party” resulted from an increased tax on tea.

The reason the bridges
and pathways zig-zag...
is because it looks nice.
Never let facts interfere with a good story.

Seems like a valid reason. :)

Every Japanese garden I've
visited has a version
of the raked gravel garden.
One of my favorite parts of those ensembles.

The sand (or gravel)
is raked to represent
ripples or waves.
The carefully placed
elements within the sand
or gravel are meant to
be seen as islands.
And that sounds entirely plausible as well.

Is that one true?
Or is this just another “San Juan Islands” kind of story (as my family would call it)?

Love this massive,
yet narrow bodied bell.
Yes, I did ring it.
I’d have been upset if you hadn’t.

It’s a compulsion for me.
Doesn’t necessarily even have to be a bell. I’ll tap on just about anything structural to see if it will resonate and return a tone of some type. Lord help, if I run across two or three things that return a variety of pitches, cause then you have to improvise a melody of some type (it just has to be done). DW has rather often had to roll her eyes at me and pretend that I’m some complete stranger.

And a deranged one, at that…

I went from 1,600 miles
to 1,700 miles....
to 3,400 miles.
You seem to have a knack for this kind of nonsense…

(lucky us)

I like ice cream.
And pie…
Don’t forget pie.

Annie ( @SoccerDogWithEars )
had suggested we meet at
Bad Daddy's Burger Bar.
We have one of those up the road a mite from us.
They make one of the better burgers in the area.
(and milkshakes; always a plus)

At the time, I didn't have
a phone that worked
in the US.
That could be an issue when traveling
(being as there are no more pay phones around)

I also ordered my very
first "sweet tea".
Welcome to the South.

I wasn't sure what
to expect.
It wasn't quite as sweet
as I thought it would be.
That’s because it was “North Carolina” Tea.
The deeper into the “South” you go the sweeter it gets.
“Georgia Tea” is a good bit sweeter.
“Bama Tea” is pret’ neigh the consistency of syrup
“Mississippi Tea” rivals molasses for intensity.

Myself - I’m a bit of an anomaly - as I learned to drink tea similar to coffee: no sweetener of any kind.
Also known as: “Yankee Tea”

(or “Diet Tea”… try that one on a waiter down this way if you want to see a look of total confusion)

Yes, I'm an awful person.
But then, you already knew this.
Well, of course.
But then again, we keep retuning back to that whole glass house thing,
so I’ll not be pointing this fact out at any point in the near.

After about thirty minutes.
I decided that either
I was going to be beaten,
robbed and left for dead
in the wilds of North Carolina;
Welcome to the South.

or there was something
truly magical at the end
of the road.
Yeah, we’re not really middle-of-the-road kind’a folk ‘round here.

Sunni Sky's is just a little place,
with only a small
handful of spots to sit inside
and eat amazingly good ice cream.
Will keep that one in mind.
Although, I don’t get up that far “north” very often. :rolleyes:

Named after the owner's
daughter Sunni and son Skylar,
Well it had to be named after either for their kids or their hunting dogs.
It’s usually one or the other.

I was warned about
(and slightly dared to try)
the "Cold Sweat" ice cream.
Ummm… no.
That’s the kind of thing that may get you included on an episode of a Food Network show,
but it ain’t ice cream.

Dessert should never be an implement of suffering.

I must admit to wondering....
What would they do if you tasted
all 120+ flavours....
and then declared you were too full
for ice cream when they asked
you to finally order?
Remember what I said a moment ago…
We’re not really middle-of-the-road kind’a folk ‘round here.

Force feed you Cold Sweat ice cream?
“Mere child's play compared to what surely awaited me.”

I cannot confirm or deny
that I didn't shove
Annie's ice cream on her nose.
Well then, we won’t not be thinkin’ either the worst or better of you.

I slipped behind an SUV and
began to pass a semi-trailer.

And then the SUV began to slow down.
That stuff makes me nuts.
Worse is when one of those yea-whos gets in the left lane and then just sits there on your quarter and won’t budge. And it’s always just as you coming up on slower traffic.

Rassa Frassa fram bassal crushlamochree frabble-gribbin' malaforpin buzzle-whizzin razzle-frangin forplebangin... dingblang stone soaking fuzzle whizzin'…

I shook my head in wry amusement.
Not the word that best describes my normal reaction to this.

As I smashed into the crate
at seventy miles an hour,
the resulting explosion
turned my idyllic drive
into anything but.
Plastic shards flew everywhere.
Images from “Road Warrior” flash to mind.
Not good…

Reminds me of a highway story I once encountered involving flying rain gutters.

but other than that,
there appeared to be no damage.
And that reminds me of a story involving my first car and another kid who was driving his mom’s new Olds.

And best of all.... no blood or fur.
Thank the Maker…
I was holding my breath for a moment there.

Who knew that smashing
into a dog crate wouldn't
be the worst thing
that happened that evening?


Did you see it in this chapter?
Comentary like that could cost them a star or two on their TripAdvisor listing.

I've pumped the last few chapters out
in a bit of a hurry so I could get to this.
For that, I apologize.
And here I thought that being behind the curve was just me allowing myself to get sidetracked

And finally, to this:

There are psychologists that would look at this and decide that they may just need to start up a very large file on you…

So... I guess what I'm saying is...
As has been demonstrated
in the above written chapter,
I am willing to drive a fair distance
out of my way for quick hello
That much is evident.
(and I’ve meet others that will make the same mistake)

I will be on a tight time budget.
Then I shouldn’t suggest any additional stops along I-85 or I-77 to distract you.
(other than to say that 77 is a bit of a mess on the north side of Charlotte so you should probably just stay on 85 and keep getting it on toward Hot-lanta.)

Well… there is an excellent garden along the way
But they don’t have a Japanese Garden specifically, so it’ll be easier to pass by.

But... fair warning...
Do not be offended if you ask
and the answer is "No".
Never offended when folks choose not to meet me…
It’s generally a relief as that way I can’t disappoint them.

That may have been
one of the best burgers
I've ever had.
Holy crap was it good.
Looks good

I demurred and chose
a much more pedestrian
double scoop of
Apple Pie and Peach Cobbler.
Oh yum

As I smashed into the crate
at seventy miles an hour,
the resulting explosion
turned my idyllic drive
into anything but.
Plastic shards flew everywhere.
:scared::eek::scared1: I imagined a poor dog in that crate was so thankful that you discovered otherwise. :dog2::dog:

It doesn't appear that your fall route will take you through Indy, but if things change I've already told DH that we'd have to meet ya and give you directions to the Harley stores you missed when last in the area.
Replies tomorrow. I'm dead tired.
Hoping for 6 hours of sleep
before I have to be awake
for 27 straight.

Night all.
Got behind again…
Do believe I’ll just pick up the conversation here.

Good a spot as any. :)

Will this do…


"Why so stiff, Steve?"

Hello flame, my name is moth…


If it boasted an onsite Harley shop, that might do it.


Huh... what?

You expect me to know?????


Nice one.

It’s not just for Disney anymore

It's an all encompassing
form of locomotion.

A bit like music…

Hey! I like that.

So long as one’s not sitting on my foot.

What if one was sitting
one's foot upon it?

Not knowing any better…
I’d probably buy that one too.

Sounds legit, right?

So it’s a bit like the misconception that the “Boston Tea Party” resulted from an increased tax on tea.

"Everything's good. We're all happy campers...
What? My tea went up by a penny! Revolt!!!!!"

Never let facts interfere with a good story.

What if the facts
are the good story?

One of my favorite parts of those ensembles.

It's one thing I always look for...
and then spend a while just looking at.

And that sounds entirely plausible as well.

Is that one true?
Or is this just another “San Juan Islands” kind of story (as my family would call it)?

From what I've read... yes.
(Actual hard cover books, too!)

I’d have been upset if you hadn’t.

It’s a compulsion for me.
Doesn’t necessarily even have to be a bell. I’ll tap on just about anything structural to see if it will resonate and return a tone of some type. Lord help, if I run across two or three things that return a variety of pitches, cause then you have to improvise a melody of some type (it just has to be done). DW has rather often had to roll her eyes at me and pretend that I’m some complete stranger.

And a deranged one, at that…

Yep. I think you and I
would get along juuuuust fine.
If we meet, ask me about
the high school radiator
in the vestibule.

You seem to have a knack for this kind of nonsense…

(lucky us)

I never said I was normal.
Normal is overrated.

And pie…
Don’t forget pie.


Yet... oddly enough,
I keep those two
(pie and ice cream)

I want nothing to interfere
with my pie.
And ice cream doesn't need
anything to make it great.

We have one of those up the road a mite from us.
They make one of the better burgers in the area.
(and milkshakes; always a plus)

Well, crap.
I didn't know about the shakes.
Then again, considering
where we went afterwards,
that's okay I guess.

That could be an issue when traveling
(being as there are no more pay phones around)

It was a few times, too.

Welcome to the South.


That’s because it was “North Carolina” Tea.
The deeper into the “South” you go the sweeter it gets.
“Georgia Tea” is a good bit sweeter.
“Bama Tea” is pret’ neigh the consistency of syrup
“Mississippi Tea” rivals molasses for intensity.

Hmmm... this is good intel.
Now I want a Mississippi Tea.
I'd be curious to see if it's
as sweet (or sweeter)
than what we have up here.

Myself - I’m a bit of an anomaly - as I learned to drink tea similar to coffee: no sweetener of any kind.
Also known as: “Yankee Tea”

That's my Mom.
Nothing in her tea.

(or “Diet Tea”… try that one on a waiter down this way if you want to see a look of total confusion)

Well, I don't care for "diet tea"
but it might be worth it
just for that.

Well, of course.
But then again, we keep retuning back to that whole glass house thing,
so I’ll not be pointing this fact out at any point in the near.


Welcome to the South.

You keep saying this...
I'm starting to worry a might.

Yeah, we’re not really middle-of-the-road kind’a folk ‘round here.

More of a fringe society?

Will keep that one in mind.
Although, I don’t get up that far “north” very often. :rolleyes:




Well it had to be named after either for their kids or their hunting dogs.
It’s usually one or the other.


That cracked me up!

Ummm… no.
That’s the kind of thing that may get you included on an episode of a Food Network show,
but it ain’t ice cream.

Dessert should never be an implement of suffering.

Why would you do that
to yourself?

Okay... maybe... once.
Just to say you did it.

But I'll let the kids do that.

“Mere child's play compared to what surely awaited me.”

The guillotine? Hanging? The chair? The rack? The Chinese water torture?

Well then, we won’t not be thinkin’ either the worst or better of you.

I'm not displeased that you neither/nor thought or not that.

That stuff makes me nuts.
Worse is when one of those yea-whos gets in the left lane and then just sits there on your quarter and won’t budge. And it’s always just as you coming up on slower traffic.

Rassa Frassa fram bassal crushlamochree frabble-gribbin' malaforpin buzzle-whizzin razzle-frangin forplebangin... dingblang stone soaking fuzzle whizzin'…

Massive peeve of mine.
Get. Out. Of. The. Way.

Why is it that (some) people
do not understand that the
left lane is a passing lane.

Move over!

I want a job as a highway cop.
I would happily spend my days
giving out tickets to left lane dawdlers.

Not the word that best describes my normal reaction to this.

I believe your word(s) is:
"Rassa Frassa fram bassal crushlamochree frabble-gribbin' malaforpin buzzle-whizzin razzle-frangin forplebangin... dingblang stone soaking fuzzle whizzin'…"

Reminds me of a highway story I once encountered involving flying rain gutters.

Oh? Flying rain gutters!! :scared:

Do tell.


And that reminds me of a story involving my first car and another kid who was driving his mom’s new Olds.



Thank the Maker…
I was holding my breath for a moment there.

Yeah... I might've been too....
Except nothing on the windshield
and I didn't recall seeing anything
but plastic...

So I was fairly sure I hadn't
killed some poor critter.




Comentary like that could cost them a star or two on their TripAdvisor listing.


And here I thought that being behind the curve was just me allowing myself to get sidetracked

Nope. This one was on me.

There are psychologists that would look at this and decide that they may just need to start up a very large file on you…

You think there aren't
files already?


Then I shouldn’t suggest any additional stops along I-85 or I-77 to distract you.
(other than to say that 77 is a bit of a mess on the north side of Charlotte so you should probably just stay on 85 and keep getting it on toward Hot-lanta.)

You can suggest.
May not have time for any.
But once in a while....

"I gotta stop for that."

Especially if two criteria are met.
1. It's not too far off the beaten path.
2. It's not too much of a time sucker.

That doesn't apply to DISmeets.
Or particular destinations.

But... If I'm driving from A to B
and you say "Well, only 100 miles
out of your way is..."

Then possibly not.
"This will take you two days to explore..."
Then almost certainly not.

Well… there is an excellent garden along the way
But they don’t have a Japanese Garden specifically, so it’ll be easier to pass by.

I'll take a quick peek
at the website.
But... if no Japanese garden...

Never offended when folks choose not to meet me…
It’s generally a relief as that way I can’t disappoint them.



I don't get disappointed
that easily.

A smiling face and a hug or handshake
are usually enough to make my day.


Neither will I force anyone.
I put it out there that if
others wish to meet, I will.
But I will seldom ask.

I really hate to impose.
Looks good

It was. ::yes::

Correct! :laughing:

:scared::eek::scared1: I imagined a poor dog in that crate was so thankful that you discovered otherwise. :dog2::dog:

I’m thinking the owners
were pretty happy too.

Well, maybe not “happy”.
They did just lose
a nice pet carrier.

It doesn't appear that your fall route will take you through Indy,

Well, hold on there.
I’m not entirely sure why Google maps zigged instead of zagged. Maybe there was an accident or traffic or a road closure that day. Going through Indy is actually 5 minutes quicker.

I’ll PM you.

but if things change I've already told DH that we'd have to meet ya and give you directions to the Harley stores you missed when last in the area.

Heh. I’m betting that if we meet, I’ll have hit them by then. ;)


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