Yee Haw Bob Sexual Harrassment

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I don't think that's exactly what the PP was getting at.
If you had an issue so significant that it traumatized you for years would you really still promote the business that was responsible for allowing the source of that trauma to continue? Not just still remain a customer but promote others to be one too. No one suggested she give it up but there's a long way between giving something up yourself and selling it to others.

ETA - and it's just more than this one thing. This is one of many little things that seem to make this story not add up. All on their own they may not mean much but when you start to look at all the little things in her story it really paints a puzzling picture.
Thank You for understanding the question. I’m thinking by her posting this accuser is so traumatized she’d have PTSD anytime she got close to anything Disney related.
The change is almost comical.
To me it comes across as someone who feels he has been falsely accused and is going to great lengths to ensure it doesn’t happen again

I looked through those photos and there were plenty dated earlier than 2013 where he was photographed with his hands and arms spread out and in the air.
I first became aware of Michelle's accusation Friday afternoon when it popped up on my FB Timeline courtesy of Mike Scopa. I've known Mike via the internet since around 2003-4, when he was writing a story for Mouseplanet about the Breakfast Wars at CRT. When FB was developed, we became friends. We've communicated many times via email, and I was a frequent listener when he was a part of the WDW Today podcast.

After I read the narrative that he fronted for Michelle, I suggested that if she was indeed demanding Yeehaa Bob's head on a pike outside The Roost, that she had better have some sort of the forensic evidence she claimed to own in hand, as this was a very serious allegation that might result in YB losing his job.

For my efforts, I was immediately and rudely attacked by other posters; I was typing out a response which turned out to be moot, because Mr Scopa unfriended me before I could post it. He and Michelle are heavily invested in this controversy to the point that they aren't listening to anyone other than those who agree with them, and they're not taking any prisoners. Imo, that's not healthy, and doesn't help to bolster her story.

I applaud Mr Jackson's decision to fight back, as another poster on this thread has written, and let the chips fall where they may.
I do not question Bob could have touched someones bum, but the $500 thing sounded a little fishy. That is very undisney to payoff someone like that. They have a policy to not pay anyone, they get sued constantly and fight everything
I do not question Bob could have touched someones bum, but the $500 thing sounded a little fishy. That is very undisney to payoff someone like that. They have a policy to not pay anyone, they get sued constantly and fight everything
I think to me what is sticking out to me is the amount.

I know that sounds weird but I'm just thinking that seems very little for some as egregioius as sexual harrassment and odd given the type of offense. I know for sure there have been multiple posters on this Board who have gotten a lot more (in terms of credits towards their final resort bill, upgrading without being charged, refunds for hard-ticket events, etc) for something that basing off of the woman's comments has really truly affected her and seems far more important than a undesirable room location, a room not being cleaned, multiple errors during visit, requesting a cancel to a hard-ticket event like MNSSHP for a variety of reasons, etc in which people have def. been given more than $500 or their grievance resulted in difference in more than $500 (like a room upgrade without a charge, etc).
I first became aware of Michelle's accusation Friday afternoon when it popped up on my FB Timeline courtesy of Mike Scopa. I've known Mike via the internet since around 2003-4, when he was writing a story for Mouseplanet about the Breakfast Wars at CRT. When FB was developed, we became friends. We've communicated many times via email, and I was a frequent listener when he was a part of the WDW Today podcast.

After I read the narrative that he fronted for Michelle, I suggested that if she was indeed demanding Yeehaa Bob's head on a pike outside The Roost, that she had better have some sort of the forensic evidence she claimed to own in hand, as this was a very serious allegation that might result in YB losing his job.

For my efforts, I was immediately and rudely attacked by other posters; I was typing out a response which turned out to be moot, because Mr Scopa unfriended me before I could post it. He and Michelle are heavily invested in this controversy to the point that they aren't listening to anyone other than those who agree with them, and they're not taking any prisoners. Imo, that's not healthy, and doesn't help to bolster her story.

I applaud Mr Jackson's decision to fight back, as another poster on this thread has written, and let the chips fall where they may.
As a scientist, Michelle should know better than anyone that evidence and not blind faith is the name of the game. It’s one thing for her to ask her followers to trust her word and start an email blitz to Disney and the Orlando Sentinel (if that’s true) but not the rest of the world. But then maybe she’s not asking the rest of the world to get involved. After all, it was someone who supposedly doesn’t even know her that started this thread (someone who can’t even spell the word Harassment).
I find this comment particularly offensive. Asking the victim to give up something they clearly love in order to prove that they were assaulted is ridiculous and shameful.
It’s not that she should give up something she loves, it’s that it’s odd that if she were that traumatized by something that happened like that AND she felt the company dismissed her & didn’t take her seriously that she would even continue to enjoy going there or financially support the company.
As a scientist, Michelle should know better than anyone that evidence and not blind faith is the name of the game. It’s one thing for her to ask her followers to trust her word and start an email blitz to Disney and the Orlando Sentinel (if that’s true) but not the rest of the world. But then maybe she’s not asking the rest of the world to get involved. After all, it was someone who supposedly doesn’t even know her that started this thread (someone who can’t even spell the word Harassment).
I think others have backed up the reports that the original individual, Michelle, and her champion in this, this Mike Scopa, have asked for others to join them in writing to anyone and everyone in reference to this incident demanding Disney do something.
I do not question Bob could have touched someones bum, but the $500 thing sounded a little fishy. That is very undisney to payoff someone like that. They have a policy to not pay anyone, they get sued constantly and fight everything
And I would also expect if they paid someone they would have to sign some non disclosure type statement. Would be much more believable if it were reported that she was offered fast passes! :)
I think others have backed up the reports that the original individual, Michelle, and her champion in this, this Mike Scopa, have asked for others to join them in writing to anyone and everyone in reference to this incident demanding Disney do something.
its right in her FB post.
I guess this won't be a popular opinion but as a grown woman I can't imagine being traumatized by a butt grab for 6 years. I can't imagine not telling the perv in no uncertain terms to get his hand off me either. We need to teach women to speak up for themselves and not be victims.
No, it's my exact opinion. I realize that not everyone can or will do that and I feel bad/wrong for expecting that she should have done the same but seriously, to be so traumatized by a butt grab? A butt grab? Maybe I have the idea of a butt grab in my head all wrong. I'm 100% saying it's wrong for anyone to put their hands on someone else, male, female, and anything in between. If it's unwanted, it's unwanted. But I am having a hard time grouping a butt grab in the same sexual assault basket as say, what has happened to the poor girls on the US Gymnastics's team. I'm not sure what you can call a butt grab other than annoying and obscene but I can't call it assault. And I know, someone will say, well, it didn't happen to you. The person who it happened to can call it assault, so it is. And my response is, I guess. I guess that's where we are. Doesn't mean I have to think it's the right place to be.

And I know for darn sure we need to advocate for the grabee to speak up! Especially in a public environment when there are others around. I hope to goodness sake my DGD9, by the time she's an adult, will have enough wherewithall to be able to step away, push a hand away, and say stop that. I'll be doing my part to be sure she does. And I know for a fact my DD33 does. And I know for a fact that I would have at 20 and can at 54. And I know, what I would do doesn't matter
I guess this won't be a popular opinion but as a grown woman I can't imagine being traumatized by a butt grab for 6 years. I can't imagine not telling the perv in no uncertain terms to get his hand off me either. We need to teach women to speak up for themselves and not be victims.

My wife would have knocked him out cold. I once saw a gent touch her breast; I didn't need to do a thing, because she dismantled him right then and there. But different people react in different ways, and it's common for a victim to say nothing because they don't want to make a scene.
I think to me what is sticking out to me is the amount.

I know that sounds weird but I'm just thinking that seems very little for some as egregioius as sexual harrassment and odd given the type of offense. I know for sure there have been multiple posters on this Board who have gotten a lot more (in terms of credits towards their final resort bill, upgrading without being charged, refunds for hard-ticket events, etc) for something that basing off of the woman's comments has really truly affected her and seems far more important than a undesirable room location, a room not being cleaned, multiple errors during visit, requesting a cancel to a hard-ticket event like MNSSHP for a variety of reasons, etc in which people have def. been given more than $500 or their grievance resulted in difference in more than $500 (like a room upgrade without a charge, etc).
My son works with a fellow who several months ago reserved at Wilderness Lodge knowing full well it was under construction. His plan, and he admits it, was to complain about the noise, get a discount and free lodging for his next visit. This is exactly what he accomplished. He says he used to work for Disney and knows just how to get his way. He seems to think he’s very cute and clever, my son thinks he’s disgusting.

Not saying this is what Michelle is up to. Not saying Yehaa Bob is innocent. Just saying I won’t be sending any emails till I have evidence. And I would hope anyone else who doesn’t have the evidence would do the same.
My wife would have knocked him out cold. I once saw a gent touch her breast; I didn't need to do a thing, because she dismantled him right then and there. But different people react in different ways, and it's common for a victim to say nothing because they don't want to make a scene.

It seems this woman is making a huge scene now though and has no problem putting the incident on Facebook. I do understand people react differently, I'm not sure this woman isn't seeing a huge payday in her future for a 6 year old butt grab.
I guess this won't be a popular opinion but as a grown woman I can't imagine being traumatized by a butt grab for 6 years. I can't imagine not telling the perv in no uncertain terms to get his hand off me either. We need to teach women to speak up for themselves and not be victims.
No, it's my exact opinion. I realize that not everyone can or will do that and I feel bad/wrong for expecting that she should have done the same but seriously, to be so traumatized by a butt grab? A butt grab? Maybe I have the idea of a butt grab in my head all wrong. I'm 100% saying it's wrong for anyone to put their hands on someone else, male, female, and anything in between. If it's unwanted, it's unwanted. But I am having a hard time grouping a butt grab in the same sexual assault basket as say, what has happened to the poor girls on the US Gymnastics's team. I'm not sure what you can call a butt grab other than annoying and obscene but I can't call it assault. And I know, someone will say, well, it didn't happen to you. The person who it happened to can call it assault, so it is. And my response is, I guess. I guess that's where we are. Doesn't mean I have to think it's the right place to be.

And I know for darn sure we need to advocate for the grabee to speak up! Especially in a public environment when there are others around. I hope to goodness sake my DGD9, by the time she's an adult, will have enough wherewithall to be able to step away, push a hand away, and say stop that. I'll be doing my part to be sure she does. And I know for a fact my DD33 does. And I know for a fact that I would have at 20 and can at 54. And I know, what I would do doesn't matter
I'm with you. Maybe it is my age. But a butt grab? And still being upset about it, 6 years later? But not upset enough to say anything or stop it when it was happening? This wasn't a forced encounter. Just step away. Or reprimand him, at the scene. Or, heck, scream.

And before anyone says that I just don't understand, yes, I have had my butt grabbed. And I looked in his eyes and calmly told him, "That's not okay." He stopped. I've also been stalked twice. Police reports on both. Received more than my fair share of exposures. Reported them all.

And I didn't post any of those events on Twitter, facebook or instagram.
I'm with you. Maybe it is my age. But a butt grab? And still being upset about it, 6 years later? But not upset enough to say anything or stop it when it was happening? This wasn't a forced encounter. Just step away. Or reprimand him, at the scene. Or, heck, scream.

She couldn’t. All the blood ran out of her head.
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