Official Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend - The Dark Side 2017

I get your logic, but again it's at Walt Disney World. I have only done Wine and Dine and now Star Wars, but I still have to disagree with skipping Magic Kingdom. I ran all 3 races this weekend and one of them could've included MK...

Running in DL you get to do it. I know there's less parks, a more condensed area, but at WDW, regardless of theming, it's Disney. And even with it being Star Wars, I would skip AK and Epcot to get to run at MK.

Personal opinion- I love running through Animal Kingdom! But since I usually run marathon weekend I don't miss running through Magic Kingdom for this race and having a different half course. I get your point, though, if those are the only two runDisney weekends you've made it to at WDW.
Back late Monday night with some thoughts.

-Arrived Friday morning and went to the Expo around 4:30 PM. It was dead, nobody around. We were surprised-I was even the last person to sign in on my sheet for the Challenge.
-Bus service the entire weekend from OKW was perfect. No waits to get to the races, no wait to return, no wait for the Expo either. AKL wasn't bad in Nov, Pop was a disaster last year. We'll stay at OKW for future races.
-The 10K Sat was a personal best, even with the warm temps and walk from DHS to the Swan/Dolphin. Snapped a few selfies and had photopass take a couple also-was very happy with the time.
-The half Sunday was brutal. The humidity was 81% at the start with a temp of 72. The clouds parted just before the 15K marker and it was awful-took the speed back to walking through Kroger pace. This is now 3 of 6 halfs at 3:15. I also saw many needing medical attention, even early. One was down before the 2 mm and another fell at the 3. Prayers that nobody was seriously hurt during the race.

Kudos to Disney for having sufficient water and powerade resources during the races.
I also took advantage of the medical area at the end-the ice on the legs felt wonderful.

-Not sure how to make it better but the path from DHS to the Boardwalk is just too narrow, even at the end of a race. Adding a water station there made it worse.
-The Boardwalk is great for cheering, but it very difficult to run on, especially when wet.

What is going on with all the GI issues? I didn't feel great on the plane and it hit overnight last night.

Overall a fantastic race weekend-5 medals came home last night. The costumes were great, organization was great, the course support was great. The decision was made to do the challenge again next year.
Hmm... This was my first "Half" at Disney World. I "liked" the course, didn't love it... I ran the Light Side half in Jan @ Disneyland. I personally loved that most of the path was wide, very wide!. I was shocked how narrow some of the paths were. (like the sidewalk leaving DHS to Swan and Dolphin). I'm sorry but that was a horrible decision...

Also, to me, there is no (good) reason why you don't run through Magic Kingdom. Running through the Castle at Disneyland during The Light Side half was an incredible moment. Would love to know the thought process behind the decision.

Now, the race weekend overall was awesome. They did a good job with all of them. (I ran all three). A few tweaks would really make this a don't miss event!

The sidewalk between DHS and Epcot has been used in plenty other races like the full marathon around mile 24 so the runners are more spread out,last year the Dark Side half started in Epcot and ran this stretch but being near the beginning of the race there was much worse crowding than you probably experienced.I ran last year in a middle corral and it was crowded but I heard later corrals had to walk due to crowding.This stretch however is one of my favorite areas to run at WDW so I'll deal with the crowding.Being able to run through this area of the course leads to your other point,running through MK.

I personally find the Marathon weekend half and Princess half route which run through MK kinda dull,yeah the MK portion is great but the rest of the course is an out and back from Epcot running mostly World Dr,not the greatest course and then when they enter Epcot they only run the Future World and do a turn around before entering World showcase.I've only done the January half once when I did Goofy for that very reason.I usually run the full and I enjoy the second half of the marathon more.The second half of the full marathon is essentially the Dark Side half this year with an extra 5K running through WWoS,which some people find boring but I like to go through there and then finish with DHS,the Boardwalk and both sides of Epcot,that's why the full is my favorite race.I'm seriously hoping the Wine and Dine course gets switched to the Dark Side course as Wine and Dine got its course changed last year due to DHS construction and that course had to be the most boring half course.Starts in WWoS,runs to AK and then towards MK but doesn't go in MK and then World Dr to Epcot,that is a pretty lousy course.
The sidewalk between DHS and Epcot has been used in plenty other races like the full marathon around mile 24 so the runners are more spread out,last year the Dark Side half started in Epcot and ran this stretch but being near the beginning of the race there was much worse crowding than you probably experienced.I ran last year in a middle corral and it was crowded but I heard later corrals had to walk due to crowding.This stretch however is one of my favorite areas to run at WDW so I'll deal with the crowding.Being able to run through this area of the course leads to your other point,running through MK.

I personally find the Marathon weekend half and Princess half route which run through MK kinda dull,yeah the MK portion is great but the rest of the course is an out and back from Epcot running mostly World Dr,not the greatest course and then when they enter Epcot they only run the Future World and do a turn around before entering World showcase.I've only done the January half once when I did Goofy for that very reason.I usually run the full and I enjoy the second half of the marathon more.The second half of the full marathon is essentially the Dark Side half this year with an extra 5K running through WWoS,which some people find boring but I like to go through there and then finish with DHS,the Boardwalk and both sides of Epcot,that's why the full is my favorite race.I'm seriously hoping the Wine and Dine course gets switched to the Dark Side course as Wine and Dine got its course changed last year due to DHS construction and that course had to be the most boring half course.Starts in WWoS,runs to AK and then towards MK but doesn't go in MK and then World Dr to Epcot,that is a pretty lousy course.

Was just wondering how many runners ran the half? It seemed there were more runners at the half than the 10K which had 14,000 runners?

Had a blast the whole weekend. Disney did a great job. Thank you to the volunteers!
I got back from Disney late last night! Once I saw the weather advisory, all thoughts of time went out the window. My plan was to just stay safe and have fun. I was in the first wave of corral F and it was my slowest half marathon ever. But I really enjoyed the theming! I loved the fireworks, the Star Wars music, the lasers, the mile markers, all of it. I didn't stop for any official photos but I got some fun unofficial photos with people dressed up and I got a couple official photo ops before the half. Overall, I really enjoyed this race but I struggled once the sun came out (around mile 10 or so for me). The humidity was rough in the beginning. I had sweat dripping off my nose before I even hit the first mile marker. Also, my garmin ended up having me at 13.42 miles so that was really tough at the end when I just wanted to be done but couldn't see mile 12 anywhere. Otherwise, I had a great experience.
According to RunDisney's website, there were 16302 finishers for the half. W&D had 12658.

Was just wondering how many runners ran the half? It seemed there were more runners at the half than the 10K which had 14,000 runners?

Had a blast the whole weekend. Disney did a great job. Thank you to the volunteers!

Here you go from two pages back.
We had a great time at the Darkside this year! We all enjoyed the 10k route - it was very good with it being the road section to start when you're happy and raring to go and then finishing thru the parks - pretty perfect really IMO. I did not do the 10k last year but from my nieces description this was much, much better. The start in the MK parking lot really was a nice set up.

I have a hard time comparing to the Lightside as the parks at WDW are really not close enough together to really have a similar set up with as much park time. I did LOVE the Lightside course but for logistics of the race at WDW I think they improved and it's about as good as possible. We will be back!
CONGRATS Dark Siders! What a weekend, huh?! Here are my thoughts on it all...

Thursday - Expo: I arrived around 11:30am and found things to be moving along very nicely. Got bibs/shirts, then had a long lunch at ESPN before heading into the J Center. I found plenty of merch in both the Field House and J Center and got the couple things I really wanted (and more lol!) No lines, no crowds! Alas, also nowhere near as much SW geekiness as last year, though: I never saw any troopers and only heard SW music in the Field House.

Friday - 5K: This Floridian was COLD at the start! I wore a long-sleeved shirt because it looked best with my themed outfit and was really glad I had it. I warmed up once I started running, but was perfectly comfortable throughout the race. Got lots of fun character pics and enjoyed plenty of silliness with friends! I started in the back of A, finished with the back of the back of the back of the packs, lol!

Saturday - 10K: Yes, I was the Floridian wearing a throwaway layer to the race. ;) I ditched it before we started, though. I think the 10K was my most fun of the races - there's just something about running with a lightsaber! Got tons of great pics - well done, PhotoPass photogs! - and, despite starting alone, found lots of friends form my running group along the way until we finished with a huge group. I stopped to visit with the 501st, which was a blast, enjoyed a beer at mile 5, and finished feeling great!

Sunday - Half: I haven't seen it mentioned here - was I the only DISer who got stuck outside corral F?! What a fiasco! Came back from a final visit to the potties and found a big group gathered in front of the entrance to F, no one going in. When I got up there, I overheard the volunteers telling people the corral was "at capacity", we were "too late" and we "won't be allowed to run." WHAT???? For those who didn't see it, corral F was enormously wide to fit all 7,000+ of us... so after arguing back and forth with the volunteers and getting nowhere, people just started walking down the barricades, away from the volunteers, and about 100 or so jumped the barricades to get in. I'm short and wasn't at all sure I could manage it, so bigbig thanks to the gal who encouraged me and then helped me over! Total insanity and a rough way to start, but I'm so glad I was able to! BTW, during this time, every other corral was still letting people in; it was only the F "guards" refusing entry. (Yes, I'll be writing to rD about it - it was a stupid, unsafe situation.)

I wound up starting in F3 and the course congestion never, ever lessened for me. I'm not one who gets frustrated by it, typically, and I'm usually able to just roll with whatever speed the crowd around me is going and enjoy the ride... but I found myself getting really irritated. My first miles were great: crowded, but everyone was moving at a good clip. And then it was like someone pressed a giant brake pedal and nearly the entire road was moving at half my speed. To be clear, this isn't a vent about slow runners/walkers/run-walkers, because I'm one of them! This was produced by the weather, which I know slowed most folks down (as it should), and cramming way too many people into a single corral. Eventually, I just accepted that it was what it was and enjoyed myself :)

LOVELOVELOVED the battle scene on Bear Island Rd.! LOOOOOOVED!!!!!! I only wish I'd been a bit more awake and alert for it lol!

Had a ton of fun geeking out with the 501st and the movie set photo opps. Really enjoyed seeing all the costumes runners concocted!

I thought both the 10K and half courses were great and hope they'll continue using them in the future. (Until Star Wars land is done - then we'd better be spending some quality time there!)

The weather... was exactly what I expect down here in late April. Yes, even I will agree it was warm... but so much worse is right around the corner, so I enjoyed the more mild conditions of Dark Side while I could.

I'm totally in for another round of Galactic fun next year!:thumbsup2
In response to the conversation about courses, I personally don't mind the skipping of Magic Kingdom and enjoy running through Animal Kingdom. I only wish this course had had a bit more of it (a loop around the Tree of Life like W&D had), but maybe the mileage wouldn't have worked out well enough. And the Boardwalk pathway is definitely narrow and overly congested, but I'd take it over an extra mile of road any day. The Boardwalk area is one of my favorite places is Disney World, and it allows for spectators and great course support. But I agree with @kydisneyfans that the water stop there made things worse.

Overall, I think I'd take the Dark Side Half course over Marathon Weekend/Princess because as previously mentioned, the out and back on World Drive and an ending with just the Future World part of Epcot does seem a bit dull. There are really only about 2 good miles. But does anyone else think it would be awesome if they could somehow work out the mileage and tweak that course to start in the MK parking lot like this one did and then include more of Epcot at the end? That would be great.
We got home last night after an amazing long weekend! My husband and I loved having the time alone and thought the races were fantastic!

I love the 10k distance. Long enough to feel like I'm doing something, but short enough to not be totally exhausting. I thought the first half of the course could use some more roadside entertainment, but I loved the second half.

The half was fantastic! I totally agree with you guys about being blinded on Bear Road, but it was worth it. We started in F2 and felt very crowded for most of the race, but it is what it is. We stopped for photos during both races and just focused on enjoying ourselves.

The biggest way that I could see an easy improvement is to have a sign telling what the character / photo op is before you get to it. It is frustrating to have to backtrack so far to get in line.

I'm still seriously considering trying the full in January, but it really scares me! I definitely want to run another half soon though.

@Chasing Dopey - We met your wife coming out of Animal Kingdom. She recognized us from our shirts. She was super sweet and it was so neat to bump into her like that!
I haven't seen it mentioned here - was I the only DISer who got stuck outside corral F?! What a fiasco! Came back from a final visit to the potties and found a big group gathered in front of the entrance to F, no one going in. When I got up there, I overheard the volunteers telling people the corral was "at capacity", we were "too late" and we "won't be allowed to run." WHAT???? For those who didn't see it, corral F was enormously wide to fit all 7,000+ of us... so after arguing back and forth with the volunteers and getting nowhere, people just started walking down the barricades, away from the volunteers, and about 100 or so jumped the barricades to get in. I'm short and wasn't at all sure I could manage it, so bigbig thanks to the gal who encouraged me and then helped me over! Total insanity and a rough way to start, but I'm so glad I was able to! BTW, during this time, every other corral was still letting people in; it was only the F "guards" refusing entry. (Yes, I'll be writing to rD about it - it was a stupid, unsafe situation.)

I didn't hear about this. I got in the corral late and ended up in F6. They didn't seem to care how many people were coming it at that time. How can they shut it down for too many people when they are the ones that designed it that way? Makes no sense. I am glad you were still able to get in.
I haven't seen it mentioned here - was I the only DISer who got stuck outside corral F?! What a fiasco! Came back from a final visit to the potties and found a big group gathered in front of the entrance to F, no one going in. When I got up there, I overheard the volunteers telling people the corral was "at capacity", we were "too late" and we "won't be allowed to run." WHAT???? For those who didn't see it, corral F was enormously wide to fit all 7,000+ of us... so after arguing back and forth with the volunteers and getting nowhere, people just started walking down the barricades, away from the volunteers, and about 100 or so jumped the barricades to get in. I'm short and wasn't at all sure I could manage it, so bigbig thanks to the gal who encouraged me and then helped me over! Total insanity and a rough way to start, but I'm so glad I was able to! BTW, during this time, every other corral was still letting people in; it was only the F "guards" refusing entry. (Yes, I'll be writing to rD about it - it was a stupid, unsafe situation.)

Yeah, DW saw some of this. (She ended up in F3.) She was contemplating a last second trip to the stalls, but not only was they guy doing his best to prevent people from leaving (so a real emergency would have been a problem), but they were telling people trying to get in that they had to run in G because they had started moving the corral to the start, but that wasn't true. D had just started, and E was sliding forward, but F was just compressing towards the front to get ready. People were jumping the fence along the back and from G. I'm thinking these volunteers might have been new to running?

One thing that was odd was the portapotty situation. The stalls outside the corrals were a lot closer than they are at the Epcot setup, but even with less space, the lines were ungodly. I've never seen anything like that at a Disney race. (However, my brother-in-law tells me the stall situation at the Boston Marathon is the absolute worst he's ever seen, so at least it was better than that!) At first glance, it appears that the back sections of the MK lot is bigger than the part they use at Epcot starts, but it sure seemed a lot more congested.
Congrats everyone on your races! I got home late last night and had a fun, but exhausting weekend! I'm bummed I forgot about the meet up the morning of the half. (And @cavepig who I had the pleasure of running in to in Epcot even reminded me!) Frankly, I too had GI issues this weekend. I'm not sure if it was the heat or what, but that was definitely something I wasn't expecting to deal with!

Expo - I thought it was so much better organized then in the past. While I didn't enjoy standing in the sun waiting to go in, it was a much better spot to line up and it was fun to have the DJ there. We got there prior to opening and got in right away. I liked that they were handing out Tervis's (no fighting others off and waiting for them to bring out additional stock!) . I also liked that they held the line and limited how many people were in the official merch. It was still crowded and chaotic, but much better than in the past so a move in the right direction.

5K - Fun, easy race. We enjoyed it. Felt great racing!

10K - Hot, yes, but enjoyed the race a lot! Could feel the strain from the two races in my foot, but overall doing well. We got the best finish line photo too!

1/2 - First, I loved the course! The heat and my GI issues not so much. I was in wave 2 of F. I was well hydrated I thought, but just felt off. My poor was hurting and around mile 11 it was done. There were tears and we walked the last two miles, but we did it. And that Kessel Run was bittersweet!

Overall - I think this race weekend is likely one and done for me. It was a bucket list item, and while I loved the course, the heat and spring break crowds and prices weren't my favorites. If my kids wanted to run kids races I might come back and just do an easy 10K vs. the whole kit n kaboodle. I definitely enjoyed the races and they were the highlight and worth the check on the bucket list!

First of all, my DD and I successfully completed the half!

Did you stop at the podium at the finish line to say it was your DD's first half. There was a mother/daughter duo who did right ahead of us at the finish line and I lvoed that they called out that she completed her first half marathon!

the big screens showing the movie clips

Seriously, these were awesome except that if I was on a walk interval I just wanted to slow down and watch! LOL!

Biggest disappointment - the lack of Rogue One photo ops/characters or even movie clips. They had that one lame backdrop and that was it. My dreams of a K2SO meet and greet were not to be..

Yes, where was Rogue One?????


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