Walk-ing Back to Disney! COMPLETED 10/16! A Fall 2014 PTR!

I'm finally caught up after I started reading your PTR once we became Instagram friends!!

You're family is adorable, I absolutely loved reading all of this!! The girls are so so cute and I love all of the outfits!

your plans look so great - I'm so excited that your trip is around the corner!! I hope you post a lot of pictures so I can live though them!!

I hope you all have the best time!
I'm finally caught up after I started reading your PTR once we became Instagram friends!! You're family is adorable, I absolutely loved reading all of this!! The girls are so so cute and I love all of the outfits! your plans look so great - I'm so excited that your trip is around the corner!! I hope you post a lot of pictures so I can live though them!! I hope you all have the best time!

Awww thanks! I love love love opening up my Instagram! It's always littered with Disney photos and it makes me smile!!! :-)

Glad you are liking following along! I'm really excited to do another TR this time, hopefully even better than the last one!

Thanks for the well wishes on the trip! Right now gotta get these sick kiddos better!

We officially start our trek to Disney TOMORROW! (As I'm writing this at 12:40am) and right now I have 2 sick kids laid out in my living room. Maddie's had low grade fever off and on the past few days that just keeps popping up! But she is acting well and is def not slowing her down, but just today Olivia got fever too!! :( only hers is accompanied by body aches, sore throat and just this evening she couldn't hold down her dinner. :( Right now I'm awake staying up to check her fever, I may be about to make a midnight drugstore run to get Tylenol, as it won't seem to go down from 102.5, so all prayers for their sweet little bodies to quickly and fully recover would be very much appreciated!!

Thanks everyone! I'll probably making one final *official* post either today or tomorrow!! SQUEEE!
Oh no Terri!!! That is awful!!! Prayers for a speedy recovery and that no one else gets sick... I'd be making a quick run to the Dr. too - just in case. It would be awful to have strep or something in WDW.

Please keep us updated if you can. :hug:

Oh no!!! What terrible timing! I hope it's something short-lived and your girls are feeling better quickly (and that you and the hubs stay healthy). I'll be thinking of you guys!
Oh no Terri!!! That is awful!!! Prayers for a speedy recovery and that no one else gets sick... I'd be making a quick run to the Dr. too - just in case. It would be awful to have strep or something in WDW. Please keep us updated if you can. :hug: D~

Yes, we are going into our Chiro this morning. He usually can knock anything out with a good adjustment. She's feeling better this morning, but it could still be meds in her system, so waiting it out to see if fever actually broke or not...

I'll be taking many meds to WDW with us, just in case it spreads! Hubby has already been sick this week so just me left! :-/
Oh no!!! What terrible timing! I hope it's something short-lived and your girls are feeling better quickly (and that you and the hubs stay healthy). I'll be thinking of you guys!

Me too! She's feeling better today, which was my specific prayer that she would just wake up healed. We are running to our Chiro this morning though for some immune boosting! And meds are packed!
Tylenol! COLD wash rags! Break the fevers!!! I am so sorry! I was pouring mucinex and claritin down my kids throats all the way down to Florida! Zack and Meg were the first then just Meg. On the way home it was Matt and I..

Douse them with MEDS!!!! cooler showers!
I said a prayer for your little ones too. I hope it's just a super-fast passing bug (which the littles seem to get all the time and quickly recover from!) and you all are sickness-free ASAP.

You are all in our prayers too. I hope they feel much better today and that you can keep from catching it!
Thanks! I hoping that too, that it passes swiftly!

Olivia says she feels good and she wants to get up to play but I won't let her! She also has her appetite back, which is a good sign!

Praying were past this completely by tomorrow!
Oh nooooooo. Aiyana is sick too. Don't these germs know we're going to be in disney in 48 hours........ Hope the girls feel better and prayers for safe travels! See you soon!

Btw. Still not ready.........
Oh nooooooo. Aiyana is sick too. Don't these germs know we're going to be in disney in 48 hours........ Hope the girls feel better and prayers for safe travels! See you soon! Btw. Still not ready.........

Lol. Now I'm ready but I wish the girls were, I don't want them to feel crummy :(
I'm so sorry to hear the girls are not feeling well. Hopefully they will be better soon. Sending pixiedust: for a safe trip and healthy kids.


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