IT'S 6 IN THE MORNING! A 24hr, SWW,Birthday Adventure--Updated 1/25x3!!!-FINISHED

Ugh, I couldn't even imagine 6 hours in a plane to get to my Happy Place! I'll take my nice easy hour flight thank you very much! Of course it won't be long before your commute will be much much shorter.

Jim dragged me to see the Lego Movie and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. We are going to Lego Kidfest in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to pictures with the characters from the movie.

I'm the same way with the Contemporary. I'm not sure I'd want to stay there unless it was a MK view. Those sunset pictures with the castle are beautiful!

Looking forward to dinner!
I am excited to hear all about this trip! I have been a long time lurker on your TRs! Love reading all about them :) I have always wanted to stay at BLT or the Contemporary. Hopefully I will be able to someday!!! I had a layover in Houston once and had to run from to our next gate. And their was a storm and landing was awful! So I am glad you made it safely to Florida!! Can't wait to hear all about the 24 hr event!!
I saw your post on FB and am joining in. I'm off to bed now, but will be back to catch up tomorrow.

***Back and caught up.

What a great start. We missed you by one day...we arrived on the 29th.

I've never stayed at BLT, but your studio looks very nice. I like OKW and that is usually where we stay. BLT reminds me of too many tall buildingsin Downtown Chicago where I work. That sunset view is stunning.

I can't wait to see where you eat.
Yay for arriving in Disney! It's so much fun when the entire trip is ahead of you. I have to say that I'm so happy you're going to be moving to Florida; I feel as if you're going to be right where you belong! I can't even imagine how many more DIS meets and such you'll have once you're there!
I'm here! I'm here! I totally didn't realize it was Jenna's first WDW trip ever. She picked a good week for it. ;)

I love BLT, especially when it comes to sunset views like the one you saw. But I totally get that the decor and feel of the resort isn't everyone's cup of tea. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures (you know, at the times we weren't actually running into each other in the park). :lmao:
Can't wait to read this one along with your December one! I love your trip reports because you always meet so many characters!
joining in! :) :) i totally remember creeping your first trip from 2011, when you went with like 3 other people and i was totally jealous noooot gonna lie! super excited to hear about the adventures :)

Ahahaha, thats awesome!! Lol, glad you're back again!

Yay! I've been looking forward to this one! If you haven't gotten round to watching The Lego Movie yet then you definitely should! It is hilarious. What a room! Even without the MK view it is seriously awesome.

Haha yay!! And no, I still haven't! maybe net plane ride lol! Right?! I do like the views!

Not too bad having Air Canada via United. I may not like the AC prices, but I do like their planes. Free TV!

BLT!!! NICE!!! Haha, I wonder if they now think you guys broke the sliding door. :laughing:

Right! United prices at air canada bonuses lol! Bahahah, yeah, I'll be surprised if I'm allowed to stay at dvc again :rotfl: red wine all over the sheets at okw…broken door at blt…bahaha i haven't heard anything about either so i'm sure it's fine haha

I always fly Air Canada and that's where I saw The Lego Movie too. I laughed a lot too ;) Good movie.

Ooh BLT (I always giggle at the name. I mean, I get that it isn't a sandwich but you know) looks so awesome. Very beautiful. And agreed, far too much hassle to take out a pull out couch for one night only.


Lol, that is very true! oh sandwich hotel lol, yeah, why bother when it's just one night!
Yeah too much haha


Yay you've arrived! And I know exactly where you're going for dinner.

I love that Jenna totally wooted when they announced Bay Lake Tower. Totally something I would do. :lmao:

Lol! Yay!! It was an exciting day! Baha, yeah, Jenna was hilarious that first day,definitely the disney excitement!

Excited to read this report about your recent trip!

Yay!! Glad you're here and reading along!!

Ugh, I couldn't even imagine 6 hours in a plane to get to my Happy Place! I'll take my nice easy hour flight thank you very much! Of course it won't be long before your commute will be much much shorter.

Jim dragged me to see the Lego Movie and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. We are going to Lego Kidfest in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to pictures with the characters from the movie.

I'm the same way with the Contemporary. I'm not sure I'd want to stay there unless it was a MK view. Those sunset pictures with the castle are beautiful!

Looking forward to dinner!

Bahha, yeah, it's shorter when it's direct, but thats just too pricey lol

Nice!! I do still need to watch it, i'll get to it eventually i'm sure!

RIGHT!? It's pretty, but like, I need something MORE
I am excited to hear all about this trip! I have been a long time lurker on your TRs! Love reading all about them :) I have always wanted to stay at BLT or the Contemporary. Hopefully I will be able to someday!!! I had a layover in Houston once and had to run from to our next gate. And their was a storm and landing was awful! So I am glad you made it safely to Florida!! Can't wait to hear all about the 24 hr event!!

Awwe, yay! Glad you're here!! I do like BLT, it's nice, but it does leave me needing something more! Ugh, that's rough!! Haha, it was amazing!!

I saw your post on FB and am joining in. I'm off to bed now, but will be back to catch up tomorrow.

***Back and caught up.

What a great start. We missed you by one day...we arrived on the 29th.

I've never stayed at BLT, but your studio looks very nice. I like OKW and that is usually where we stay. BLT reminds me of too many tall buildingsin Downtown Chicago where I work. That sunset view is stunning.

I can't wait to see where you eat.

Yay! Glad you're here, how awesome!! Aw boo! SO CLOSE! I nearly stayed a few extra days too!!

The studio was nice enough, but okw is definitely my favourite! Ah, that's so true! it does look like a downtown area, it's just a little too business-ey for vacation!

Yay for arriving in Disney! It's so much fun when the entire trip is ahead of you. I have to say that I'm so happy you're going to be moving to Florida; I feel as if you're going to be right where you belong! I can't even imagine how many more DIS meets and such you'll have once you're there!

Yay! It really is, the excitement is so high and amazing and everything is just so great! Awe! yes! thank you, I cannot wait for Oct!!

I'm here! I'm here! I totally didn't realize it was Jenna's first WDW trip ever. She picked a good week for it. ;)

I love BLT, especially when it comes to sunset views like the one you saw. But I totally get that the decor and feel of the resort isn't everyone's cup of tea. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures (you know, at the times we weren't actually running into each other in the park). :lmao:

Hahaha, yeah, it was amazing for her, that's for sure!! A way to make an impact! Lol. Right!?! It was totally amazing view wise, even if nothing else did it for me hahaha

Can't wait to read this one along with your December one! I love your trip reports because you always meet so many characters!

Awe! thank you! i'm glad you're here to read along!
subbing! I enjoy your trip reports, and I remember seeing you in the 7DMT queue early in the morning! Thanks for sharing your trips with us!
subbing! I enjoy your trip reports, and I remember seeing you in the 7DMT queue early in the morning! Thanks for sharing your trips with us!

Awesome! Thank you so much I'm so glad you enjoy them!! Ah!!! that's so great!!
Jenna & I landed in Orlando SUPER freaking hungry, but knew we had dinner reservations that night, so we didn’t want to spoil our appetites by eating before then, hoping we’d be able to check in early, we headed down to our destination!

Yay! They quickly checked us in, sent us over to have our picture taken, and told us it wouldn’t be long until we were called to our table, bonus!! Not so bonus? The picture was scanned on to my Magic Band (I had pre bought memory maker) which would have been TOTALLY FINE, but I MAJOR DERPED, and put it into the band that was for our one night stay at BLT, meaning the next morning when we checked out, I threw it out without linking it to our account….meaning we have no copy of this picture…

Derp #1 moment of the trip for me! Jenna & I were soon called in to our table, and sat along the room over to the left (when you come in) hand side, against the wall. Our server, Todd, was along pretty quick, explained how it all would work, took a drink order, and we practically RAN up to the buffet to indulge ourselves in a plate of “appitizers”

Jenna’s: fruit, salad, cheese chunks, some corn, and of course some Mickey-roni & Cheese! Now would probably be a good time to say that Jenna’s a vegetarian (a true one that also doesn’t eat gelatin and the like, meaning no marshmallows and such). So there’s some fun dining stuff in the trip report!

My plate: some apple pecan salad, Mickeyroni, corn dog nuggets, sushi, cheese and fruit. The first plates were rather successful, the real winner was the Mickeyroni, duh, I was deeply dissapoointed in the sushi this go around, I’d remembered it being much better, but tonight was not great, I also began to remember why I try to not get the corn dog nuggets at buffets either, bahaha! While we devoured our first plates our server came back with our drinks! A mojito for myself, and a Tinkerbell glowy cup for Jenna….

She was either adjusting really well or not at all to being underage in the States, lol! Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering “hey, you guys are at Chef Mickey’s! Where the heck are all the characters?!” Well, it was JUST time for the “Celebrate with Mickey” napkin twirling thing to happen, and Goofy had ALMOST made it over to our table when it began. Goofy started around the dining room in the direction of our table, and rubbed my shoulder in a general “hello” way. I turned around to see him, and he proceeded to “burst out laughing” and legit took a minute to fall over “laughing”…..he clearly had recognized me, and we hadn’t even been here over 2 hours yet!

I had a small suspicion that I knew who it was, but it turned out I was wrong! Lol! Goofy went in for a quick break after the celebration, and a new rotation began!

Shortly after that the boss man came around to say hello! I do love stopping in to say hello to Mickey on the first day, kind of a tradition I guess!

A bit of a character lull came up now so we took the time to race up to the buffet and grab even MORE FOOOOOD! Seriously…we ate a ton that night, very well deserved! I topped my plate up with corn nibblets, broccoli & cheese sauce, eggplant parm, mashed potatoes, salmon, chicken, and some pasta:

Jenna opted for some perogies, eggplant parm, broccoli, carrots, a bun and some mashed potatoes:

We were both pleasantly surprised by the corn and the broccoli being super tasty, and the potatoes were amazing! I was also surprised by the quality of the salmon! Usually the buffet salmon isn’t that great, but this was super tasty and fresh! Yum! While we were busy stuffing our faces, we got some more visitors around to see us!

Pluto was probably the highlight of the night for Jenna, he came over and he gave her a giant hug and then proceeded to pet her which made her laugh and go “I’m being pet by a dog! It’s backwards!”

We had one final visitor for the evening, who was just as cute as ever!

After that we made a last trip up to the buffet for some DESSERTS!

Cheescake, Mickey domes, chocolate cake and some ice cream! The cheesecake was great, the mousse domes were great, and everything was delicious and satisfying. I really liked having the frozen yogurt/ice cream as an option because it seemed like a “lighter” option after all that food! Bahahha.

We waited around a little bit while we watched the shenanigans in the dining room and digested our first and giant meal in Disney. Eventually the server came back with the bills and had them split, nicely enough! The two of us thanked Todd, and since the timing was RIGHT ON SPOT, made our way over to the observation deck….area….thing…baha!
One of my “Disney goals” had always been to watch Wishes from the Polynesian’s beach, and of course, from over at the Contemporary! I was saddened when I found that the Top of the World Lounge was for DVC actual members only, not just if you were staying at Bay Lake Tower, but Jenna & I found a lovely spot on the fire escape stairs of the Contemporary to watch the show for the evening!

Dinner had honestly timed out PERFECTLY, I was worried about missing the fireworks, but we had just enough time to relax in and watch! I didn’t think about synching up the music through my phone at all until it was too late, but we’d get the full effect of the show later in the week!

Despite the music-less show, it was still a fantastic experience, especially for our first night in Disney without actually being in the parks! When the fireworks were done with, Jenna & I headed back across the bridge to BLT and noticed on the other side of the resort, Frozen was playing!

We wandered back to the room to drop off our bags and then decided to go exploring a little bit. The resort itself was honestly super nice, and despite the one side having a Magic Kingdom view, the other side of the resort was probably more my favorite. The lagoon was just amazing and it was wonderful to have a beach down there. The pool was super awesome looking but we never got down to it at all, lol! After a little bit of time spent sitting down on the beach the two of us decided it had been a long enough of a day, and it was probably time for bed!

Once back at the room we discussed what our plans would be for the next day, since we were checking out and headed to an audition before meeting up with some Disboard-ers Downtown. Eventually the decision was made to simply sleep in, and resort hop on the monorail line for a bit before starting our big adventures of the day!
I'm glad to see that I didn't miss an update (it's been a rough week), but got here just in time for a new one.

And what a fun-filled update...I love it. We've not eaten dinner at Chef Mickey's since 2004 as we had a very, very bad meal there. I do not think I have ever seen any one put ketchup on their mac&cheese except for our youngest son.

The pictures of you and Jenna with the characters are terrific. You girls are just too cute.

I'm glad you timed it well to see is my favorite show.
EEEK! I am late to the party!

BTW - your video is awesome! And how great that you found a song that has "Fast Pass" as one of the opening lyrics ... though Mr. Stefano obviously needs to update the song to say "I've got a Fast Pass Plus ..." :rotfl2:

Gotta love meeting the Big Cheese on your first night - definitely a good call.

Not sure how the view is now with the construction but the Polly Beach has been one of my favorite spots to view Wishes from - so hopefully you get to check that out at one point in the future
Wait... you threw out the Magic Band? Or did I misread that?

Seeing Mickey the first day is not only tradition, but super respectful too. :) You have to let him know you here!

That's a goal of mine as well, maybe even more that the Poly beach. To see Wishes from the vantage point of the Contemporary just seems so cool.
Such cute pictures at Chef Mickey's! I haven't made it there for dinner yet, just breakfast. I actually had it booked for December but was then able to get the Wishes Dessert Party for the same night. I think the buffet and dessert party in one night would be a little too much food! :rotfl: I am still thinking about later in the week but I'm just not that comfortable with buffets/character meals by myself.

I seriously want that Pluto picture in the background of Jenna's picture with Mickey!

So cool to see Wishes from a different perspective! I wonder how the Poly beach is now with the construction?
Awww, no copy of the picture! Did you try to get them to retrieve it? Or would they not be able to do that?

I generally don't get sushi at buffets. I've been disappointed in it most times I've gotten it.

Wow! Dessert heaven. I just go so excited! :rotfl2:
What a great start to the trip! I have never experienced Mickey-ronni myself, but it is definitely on the list of things to try!
Glad that the lack of music didn't kill the whole experience. I bet it must be so amazing still though, to see the fireworks from that whole different perspective.

And of course they were playing frozen ;)


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