Surprised the kids, wife, and my readers w/ a 2 week trip to AoA!(*NEW* 11-7)

Chapter 75. Fly over states.

I couldnt think of a great name for this chapter and heard that song while typing this so picked it. :thumbsup2

And hey it calls out Indiana in that song as well so had to include it.

So we are on the magical express or as some people call it the Unmagical express on the return trip.

we were at our gate by 4:00 after riding on the fake monorail.

parker rolling his luggage on the fake monorail.

we found some good seats and the kids settled in and played with some of there new toys.

the plane was there by 4:45 and muched down our McD's for dinner before loading at 5:00

we tried to see disney as we were taking off but there was a storm brewing that way and we were glad to have taken off before it got any closer, our air plane capsul was already wobbling back and forth during take off from the weather approaching.

i would hate to see what 5 more minutes would have felt like.

how did the kids react to the plan rocking, parker loved it, noelle was already knocked out on the lift off into the air.

and she stayed asleep till we started our decent.

it took about 10 minutes but we were then out of the bad clouds and seeing some nice open air above the rain clouds.

and a great looking sunset while we were traveling home.

the pilot told us it was 85 in orlando when we left and would be a balmy 40 in chicago when we landed.

he also told us that we would go straight up indiana and then bank hard at Ft wayne, which is in the far right hand corner of the state then make our decent into chicago from when we banked hard to the left toward chicago we looked out the window and started seeing familiar sights within 5 we knew he cut the state a little short because we saw the mall that is about 5 min from out house and we saw the lights at the sport fields by our home a little bit farther out.

parker got a kick out of seeing the area by our house from the plane.

that huge white blob is our mall area at the middle of the pic, and the skinny white line of cars you see is our major highway.

during the decent there was a little kid that was just screaming his head off behind us, now i get that, our kids have been there at that point of the decent as well, but the parents were doing nothing to help him, i mean soothing what so ever...he was even screaming for the dad who was sitting behind them to hold him and the mom just kept saying i cant let you go to him we have to stay seated...well the kid wasnt even buckled he was on her i didnt see what the harm would have been to pass him back at least i think the dad would have comforted him, but ohh well...we were almost on the ground and ready to head home.

my parents picked us up at the luggage collection and i took the kids out while my mom and candi helped me get the rest of the bags.

we were home by 9:15 and showed them the new toys the kids got and they talked there ears off about what they did, well parker didn, noelle just played with her new stuff.

the kids were in bed by 10:30 which staying up that is late is nothing since they were pros for the night times in disney...might as well continue it one more night huh.

i did take a few pics of some of the goodies we brought home.

parkers new gifts...the monorail that he got for christmas and then the contemporary that he got for his birthday...i have learned that they now offer the polynesian as a resort stop for the monorail train, so that will more than likely be picked up on the next trip.

he can see a little bit of dented corners from packing or smashing the boxes in the suitcases.

and my shampoo collection from the trip that mousekeppers left in our room each day...they left us many, and we actually used about one bottle per day or two days. this is what we didnt use that they left in the room, the kids like useing them when they take baths every now and then, i think we still have 15 left as or right now.

and the mickey bar soaps, i have been using them since i got home last year, and believe it or not, i have been the only one using them in our shower, and i think i still have 2 left when i checked the other thanks mickey for keeping me clean this year.

candis new mickey head pumpkin she got the last night there as a gift.

my blizzard beach mug that i got when i returned my locker key...and i actually just used it this morning to bring my chocolate milk with me to work.

and the vinylmations that we had traded for that trip...of that group we have since traded away the stitch, the see through pink mickey the rocker donald, he just had a wierd looking face, and the really weird one in the back behind the MK 71 one, i hid that one because i didnt like it at all.

parkers favorite was the rex one, and my favorites are the MK71 established one, and the AK98 established one. representing the years they opened.

i need to take a picture of our current ones, as we have since gotten a few more good ones from the disney store, and also gotten a few good ones as gifts for christmas.

that is all for our trip, i hope you enjoyed it everyone...and if you want to hear about our next trip, i will share that in the next chapter the trip wrap up and our favorites from the trip....i just ran out of time to include all of that stay tuned for the final thoughts.
Wait!...You take chocolate milk to work? Instead of coffee? :confused3

An almost perfect flight home except for the screaming child. Poor kid.

Parker's face - OMG! :rotfl2: He likes a little turbulence I see! :rotfl2:

That is A LOT of soap and shampoo!

I really enjoyed your TR. It was so much fun! Already looking forward to the next one! I hope it's soon.
I love the fake-o-rail

Those skies looked treacherous. Glad it got nicer after you were in air a bit.

I have to know. What is that guy doing behind the wall in the airport. I never seen anything like that in airport. what is behind wall? Chargers? TV? computer? do tell :surfweb:

Great souvenirs.

I like Candi's Mickey Pumpkin Head

Cool vinylmations.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Can't wait to find out details for next trip :wizard:
Hopefully you are planning another trip soon so there would be another report. Just saying :lmao:
Hi! :) Just started reading your TR. I am enjoying all your pictures and narratives! Thank you for sharing your trip with us. You have a beautiful family. (Btw, I also brought my DD to WDW for the first time when she was approximately your DD's age.) I'm only on day one of your trippie so far, and have found myself smiling and laughing a lot - I hope next time you take a bigger suitcase to fit that Prince Eric artwork, LOL! :)
I've really enjoyed this TR - so fun to see the kids "getting" Disney! I'm looking forward to what you're doing next!
I refer to your state as a fly-over at work. Sorry Dan! We have maps and books of Indiana that are never touched unless someone is driving out to Chicago. All I remember about Indiana on the drive to Green Bay was that is was very flat.

Wow. You Disney toiletry thieves! lol We have a couple but not nearly as much as you!

ETA: Oh and I always try to look for Disney when we land but can never spot it. What's your secret??
I have throughly enjoyed your trip report. Threw good times and bad times it looks like you and your family had a wonderful trip. You have the most adorable kids. Their smiles are infectious.

Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.
and a little advice, (not sure if the womens is the same layout as the mens) but when you shower and then go into the changing area of the mens showers at the cozy mindful of where the door is.:faint:

turns out that if you are changing and someone opens the door to the bathroom, you turn into the welcoming committee for that bathroom.

as well as the greeter to people walking past the door at that moment.:flower3:

but if you are mindful of it, you will notice that before you actually have to greet someone...which i then went back into the shower area and changed the rest of the way in there...


that is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though I'm sure, not so much when it actually happened!

trying to have happy faces on the bus ride home.

noelle really got into the happy faces on the way to the airport.

parker and me ready to head to the airport.

the guy behind us was doing donald duck voices to parker on the way to the airport, and he sounded identical to donald, which parker got a real kick out of.

one more resort pic before we leave the hotel that we enjoyed so much.

Awfully happy faces...clearly a great vacation, you are all glowing!

Love the apple orchard photos.
Aw, sad to come to the end of the trip report (though probably not as sad as you were to come to the end of the trip).

Must admit, when I read that "after pilfering from the maid stand we headed to the pool" my first thought was that you were going to turn the shallow end into a bubble bath - glad to see I was wrong, though it was another kind of show that was in store for passerbys ;)

Glad you got home safe and that Noele slep the whole trip .... at least on the way down my son, er, did not

Have a great Halloween season!
Aw, sad to come to the end of the trip report (though probably not as sad as you were to come to the end of the trip).

Must admit, when I read that "after pilfering from the maid stand we headed to the pool" my first thought was that you were going to turn the shallow end into a bubble bath - glad to see I was wrong, though it was another kind of show that was in store for passerbys ;)

Glad you got home safe and that Noele slep the whole trip .... at least on the way down my son, er, did not

Have a great Halloween season!
Did you just take the maid's cart home with you with all of that soap and shampoo? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Nice haul.

I'm glad Parker seemed to be enjoying the turbulence (I would have been clenching WHOEVER was sitting next to me at the time).

A great trip...sorry to see it end, but can't wait for the next one. :)
Awwwww...while I sit here crying that your TR is coming to an end, I remembered you saying you are posting a link for a new!!

I thoroughly enjoyed your TR, very entertaining!! I don't want it to end! Can't wait to read more updates from you!

Your family is so cute, and even with a little bit of drama (which everyone has on vacation) it looks like everyone had a great time!

Thanks for sharing!
Trying to get caught up Dan...sorry I'm so behind. I'm still several chapters from being current, but at least wanted to say that I loved the "shirt's on Mickey" story. How cool! And if I'm ever feeling constipated, apparently It's a Small World is the place to go. (no pun intended). (yeah right). :laughing:
Perfect ending to the trip by swimming before pool.

I would have been so nervous on the take off. I usually smack Vinny's knees when I get nervous on a plane. LOL

Nice stuff you brought home.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
First of all, Parker's luggage looks veryyy familiar! We have the same bag! I can't remember if that was the 2010 purchase with purchase or the 2008 one...but, it's been my favorite one so far and gets a lot of use!

Those skies are very ominous! But, glad to read Parker enjoyed the less than smooth take-off! And how great that Noelle slept the entire flight!

That's really neat you were able to discern the area around your house from the sky and at night with the lights is awesome! I always find that so fun! When I visit my parents in PA, I sometimes fly into the tiny local regional airport close to their house, and the only way into that airport is on a very small turbo-prop. There's been a few times, depending on the direction we come in, or take-off when I leave, that I've been able to follow the main road into my hometown, and actually see my parents' house from the plane! It's such a cool experience to have a birds-eye view of where you grew up! I definitely understand Parker's enthusiasm!

Anyway, I digress...that is quite a stash of Mickey bathroom product! Very impressive! :thumbsup2

I'll also join in with the chorus of those who can't believe your trip report has come to an end! It was such a joy to read and I can't wait to find out what you've got planned for your next trip! :goodvibes
Wait!...You take chocolate milk to work? Instead of coffee? :confused3

An almost perfect flight home except for the screaming child. Poor kid.

Parker's face - OMG! :rotfl2: He likes a little turbulence I see! :rotfl2:

That is A LOT of soap and shampoo!

I really enjoyed your TR. It was so much fun! Already looking forward to the next one! I hope it's soon.
not a coffe drinker...i have only had coffee a handfull of times and that is in disney the (what people dont always hate) room coffee...with 6 sugars and 6 creamers.:thumbsup2

yeah he likes the bumps most of the time.

will reveal the next trip plans in the next chapter.

I love the fake-o-rail

Those skies looked treacherous. Glad it got nicer after you were in air a bit.

I have to know. What is that guy doing behind the wall in the airport. I never seen anything like that in airport. what is behind wall? Chargers? TV? computer? do tell :surfweb:

Great souvenirs.

I like Candi's Mickey Pumpkin Head

Cool vinylmations.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Can't wait to find out details for next trip :wizard:
me too i love that monorail as well, i mean who could hate any form of a monorail they are all fun.:thumbsup2
that is a little work station it was a half desk with a charging area, there were 6 of them all together.

we really got into the vinylmations this trip and cant wait to do them again next trip.

Hopefully you are planning another trip soon so there would be another report. Just saying :lmao:
yep the next trip is planned not soon enough but it is planned.

Hi! :) Just started reading your TR. I am enjoying all your pictures and narratives! Thank you for sharing your trip with us. You have a beautiful family. (Btw, I also brought my DD to WDW for the first time when she was approximately your DD's age.) I'm only on day one of your trippie so far, and have found myself smiling and laughing a lot - I hope next time you take a bigger suitcase to fit that Prince Eric artwork, LOL! :)

:welcome: thanks for joining in and for reading along. they are great to take at that age, they just soak it all in, will they remember it, not likely but we will always remember the interaction that she had with everything.

next trip i plan to have another mode of transportation home to get that artwork.:thumbsup2
I've really enjoyed this TR - so fun to see the kids "getting" Disney! I'm looking forward to what you're doing next!
thanks, parker got it great ,noelle just enjoyed this day parker will yell "who needs ketchup" at dinner time in reference to whispering canyon he said he cant wait to go back.

I refer to your state as a fly-over at work. Sorry Dan! We have maps and books of Indiana that are never touched unless someone is driving out to Chicago. All I remember about Indiana on the drive to Green Bay was that is was very flat.

Wow. You Disney toiletry thieves! lol We have a couple but not nearly as much as you!

ETA: Oh and I always try to look for Disney when we land but can never spot it. What's your secret??
hey now, you saw the boring part...when you get alittle bit south it is sort of hilly and has some great time you go to a boring packers game which i can not condone at all, you will have to stop by and we will show you how fun indiana can be for your clients.
i should take a picture of them for you, i have disney shampoos that date back 20 years, ill post them before i close this report out.

as far as knowing my directions i work with that sort of stuff for aliving so i always know what direction is where, it is just in my right now my chair is facing north east just slightly off of straight north.:)

I have throughly enjoyed your trip report. Threw good times and bad times it looks like you and your family had a wonderful trip. You have the most adorable kids. Their smiles are infectious.

Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.
thanks for reading along and the nice words....we like to make the best of everything even the not so awesome moments, you just have to have fun with it all.


that is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though I'm sure, not so much when it actually happened!

Awfully happy faces...clearly a great vacation, you are all glowing!

Love the apple orchard photos.
i thought it was pretty funny when it happened...its good to laugh even at your own expense.

we were just back at the orchard picking pumpkins out last night, the kids love that place.

Aw, sad to come to the end of the trip report (though probably not as sad as you were to come to the end of the trip).

Must admit, when I read that "after pilfering from the maid stand we headed to the pool" my first thought was that you were going to turn the shallow end into a bubble bath - glad to see I was wrong, though it was another kind of show that was in store for passerbys ;)

Glad you got home safe and that Noele slep the whole trip .... at least on the way down my son, er, did not

Have a great Halloween season!

yep it stunk to come home but it was nice to be going home we had more stuff planned when we got home like a few more camping trips.:thumbsup2

now why didnt i think if pool baths.:idea: that is a great idea. ::yes::
Did you just take the maid's cart home with you with all of that soap and shampoo? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Nice haul.

I'm glad Parker seemed to be enjoying the turbulence (I would have been clenching WHOEVER was sitting next to me at the time).

A great trip...sorry to see it end, but can't wait for the next one. :)

nope, but that is a good idea...they just like to give us extra maybe our room smelled and they thought we needed the extra cleaning.:confused3 but each day they gave us at least 2 of each if not 3:thumbsup2

we are getting excited for the next one as well.
Awwwww...while I sit here crying that your TR is coming to an end, I remembered you saying you are posting a link for a new!!

I thoroughly enjoyed your TR, very entertaining!! I don't want it to end! Can't wait to read more updates from you!

Your family is so cute, and even with a little bit of drama (which everyone has on vacation) it looks like everyone had a great time!

Thanks for sharing!

well im not going to start a PreTR yet, it is still a little bit away and i am not able to keep up with another report right now, have just had enough time to post the few chapters and they were spread out to once a week...but i will do a report about it when it gets closer.

thanks we had a great time, i will have a wrap up chapter on this so at least another chapter of that.:)


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