Hogwarts RP part 6

BK228 said:
Corbin: "Good Evan. Now command her to relax mentally, then you can release her."

Jackson: "Yeah. I'm okay with it."

OOC: Are you gonna have it work on Georgie?

Evan: He barely kept from rolling his eyes at him, remembering he was tolerating him for Mel, and used the command.
OOC: Is it too late to rejoin as a new person? It seems fun and pretty active. :) If it's not what are some key points I need to know before starting and any kind of girl character espically needed?

OOC: I'm sure you can. It's fun :)
Fairywings said:
Evan: He barely kept from rolling his eyes at him, remembering he was tolerating him for Mel, and used the command.

OOC: Why does Evan dislike him? He hasn't done a thing to him.
Evan: He barely kept from rolling his eyes at him, remembering he was tolerating him for Mel, and used the command.

Georgie: she started to relax, then gasped as the curse broke. She ran into Evan's arms, scared. "T-that curse..." She was scared. But she felt slightly more relaxed.

Gabrielle: "thank you." She hugged Jackson tight.
Doodle98 said:
Georgie: she started to relax, then gasped as the curse broke. She ran into Evan's arms, scared. "T-that curse..." She was scared. But she felt slightly more relaxed.

Gabrielle: "thank you." She hugged Jackson tight.

OOC: You never answered my question.

Jackson: "I still can't go back to Hogwarts. Its just too much for me."
OOC: You never answered my question.

Jackson: "I still can't go back to Hogwarts. Its just too much for me."

OOC: I'm slightly confuzzled myself about that.

Gabrielle: "You don't have to. I'll stay with you and take care of you." She continued to hold him close."
Doodle98 said:
OOC: I'm slightly confuzzled myself about that.

Gabrielle: "You don't have to. I'll stay with you and take care of you." She continued to hold him close."

Jackson: "But what about your education honey?"

OOC: Why are you still awake? Don't you have school tomorrow?
Jackson: "But what about your education honey?"

OOC: Why are you still awake? Don't you have school tomorrow?

OOC: I keep waking up. On app.

Gabroielle: she shrugged. "I'm a sixth year, I'm sure I'll be fine."
OOC: yeah, you can sign up. A lot has happened, so you're gonna need a reeallllyyy big recap.
Georgie: she started to relax, then gasped as the curse broke. She ran into Evan's arms, scared. "T-that curse..." She was scared. But she felt slightly more relaxed.

Gabrielle: "thank you." She hugged Jackson tight.

Georgie: "The-it-they-" she looked around. "They're gone." She said quietly. "They're gone." She buried her face into Evan's shoulder and cried.

OOC: I'll have it work. She is going to be a little crazy as always, but it will be better.
BK228 said:
OOC: Why does Evan dislike him? He hasn't done a thing to him.

OOC: Bad first impression. Evan thinks Corbin is stuck up, thinks himself superior over the others, thinks he's the inly one with a brain and looks down on them.
Caroline: She fell asleep in her office accidentally. She had been reading a potions book.

Jane: She relaxed.
1elle2 said:
OOC: I'm sure you can. It's fun :)

OOC: Great :) If anyone wants a cousin or a person from someone's past (I'd like to play as a girl) let me know!
OOC: Great :) If anyone wants a cousin or a person from someone's past (I'd like to play as a girl) let me know!

OOC: If you want, she could be one of my characters neighbors.
OOC: You can sign up for whatever you want. These charries all have a bunch of problems, just warning you.

Georgie: she held Evan tight, careful not to touch his wounds. "I don't see anything. Does that mean it worked? Or am I still insane? Oh Ev, I can't take it anymore. I just want it to be done and over."
OOC: You can sign up for whatever you want. These charries all have a bunch of problems, just warning you. Georgie: she held Evan tight, careful not to touch his wounds. "I don't see anything. Does that mean it worked? Or am I still insane? Oh Ev, I can't take it anymore. I just want it to be done and over."

Jane: "My head feels more... clear. "
Harriet: she walked into the infirmary after being informed about Evan's condition. "Evan Smith, you can't be worrying me like this. We need to start classes soon." She looked at him and saw his arms around Georgie, who was trembling. "Georgie? What's going on?"

Georgie: "An experiment." She said quietly. "Corbin told Evan to put me under the imperious curse. I don't see anything anymore, but I'm scared."

Harriet: "It will be okay. You're going to be better for your wedding, remember? You promised yourself."

Georgie: "Yeah. I know." She buried her face into Evan's bare chest, still avoiding his wounds. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I will be better by then."

Harriet: "We need to start preparing for the Yule Ball." She looked outside. It was snowing lightly already. "Time really does fly. It's only late November."

Georgie: she looked up. "It is? Oh god, I need to get better soon."


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