Happily Ever After Begins Here -- An Oct. 2012 TR Updated! 11/17!

Amazing photos! Ahh to have a husband whose a photograher at Disney - my husband is a fairly decent amateur photographer but he's not trained! Our next trip to the World my sister will be joining us and she actually a trained photographer but insists, even though she no longer works as a photographer except for the occasional wedding, that taking photos on the holiday will feel too much like work! Oh well - I will always be able to look at the gorgeous shots others have taken - like yours! :) :)
Your photos are AMAZING! Especially the on ride photos - am in awe of your talent Franklin! Keep those photos coming :) :)
One last thing... Congratulations on your engagement! Looks like it was such a magical moment :) also you got engaged the same day I got married ... 10 October ... Well we got married in 2009 so I guess that would be our 3rd wedding anniversary then :) its a good day! Congrats again!
Thanks Franklin for sharing more tips! I was thinking it may be a situation I try my best & then work with in LR too. Thanks! And I'm excited to hear the setting for the mice. I'm taking notes & just can't wait to get there! :) Enjoy your engagement & I can't wait to hear more TRs from you both!

Plenty more TRs coming from us in the next year. So many more trips on the horizon! We're so lucky!

Hi! :wave2: New reader on board!

First, I know you hear this all the time, but Franklin is honestly one of the very best Disney photographers I have ever seen! I'd love to use one of his pictures as the desktop background on my computer but they're all so great I wouldn't be able to decide which one :worship: I love the resort pictures in particular.

The engagement story was amazing! I love the glass slipper, and you both look so happy :) too cute.

'Ohana is my absolute favorite Disney restaurant as well. I've been three times and have never had a bad experience there.

I'll continue reading along and check out your other TR this weekend when I have a little more free time!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! We take requests for pictures before each trip, so if you want a photo of something particular, send it our way!

I'm so glad to hear you've had nothing but good experiences with 'Ohana, I was starting to think maybe we were the only ones!

Enjoy the other TRs (there are plenty to choose from ;)) I see you're two weeks away from your next trip. So envious! Did you get to customize MagicBands and schedule FP+ reservations?

Amazing photos! Ahh to have a husband whose a photograher at Disney - my husband is a fairly decent amateur photographer but he's not trained! Our next trip to the World my sister will be joining us and she actually a trained photographer but insists, even though she no longer works as a photographer except for the occasional wedding, that taking photos on the holiday will feel too much like work! Oh well - I will always be able to look at the gorgeous shots others have taken - like yours! :) :)

I always ask Franklin if he just wants to ride a ride or watch fireworks without taking pictures and he always says no. He just loves doing it. I sometimes think he sees more through his camera lens than he does with his naked eye.

Your photos are AMAZING! Especially the on ride photos - am in awe of your talent Franklin! Keep those photos coming :) :)

Lots more photos coming. In fact, Franklin is in his office right now, editing photos.

One last thing... Congratulations on your engagement! Looks like it was such a magical moment :) also you got engaged the same day I got married ... 10 October ... Well we got married in 2009 so I guess that would be our 3rd wedding anniversary then :) its a good day! Congrats again!
Thanks! What a small world! I'm learning October is a very popular month for weddings! Happy almost-fourth anniversary! :goodvibes
I always ask Franklin if he just wants to ride a ride or watch fireworks without taking pictures and he always says no. He just loves doing it. I sometimes think he sees more through his camera lens than he does with his naked eye.

Lots more photos coming. In fact, Franklin is in his office right now, editing photos.

Thanks! What a small world! I'm learning October is a very popular month for weddings! Happy almost-fourth anniversary! :goodvibes
Thanks ... Yes my Jared loves taking photos too but he isn't formally trained And my sister who is thinks its feels like work! But we still do get some pretty good photos :) ... Also I'm very excited to see the next lot of photos :) and thank u for the early anniversary wishes ... Your wedding is in Oct yes? That must be coming around so quickly .. Plz post some pics on here as I'd love to see some :)
Thanks ... Yes my Jared loves taking photos too but he isn't formally trained And my sister who is thinks its feels like work! But we still do get some pretty good photos :) ... Also I'm very excited to see the next lot of photos :) and thank u for the early anniversary wishes ... Your wedding is in Oct yes? That must be coming around so quickly .. Plz post some pics on here as I'd love to see some :)

Yep, our wedding is October 19, which is coming up fast! There will be lots of photos to share, especially all the Disney touches we have planned!
:welcome: Thanks for joining in! We take requests for pictures before each trip, so if you want a photo of something particular, send it our way!

I'm so glad to hear you've had nothing but good experiences with 'Ohana, I was starting to think maybe we were the only ones!

Enjoy the other TRs (there are plenty to choose from ;)) I see you're two weeks away from your next trip. So envious! Did you get to customize MagicBands and schedule FP+ reservations?

I'm so excited! No MagicBands, as we are staying off property this trip, but maybe for my Thanksgiving trip (and your Disneymoon)!
Hi friends! Well it seems the last chapter was worth the very long wait it took to get there. Franklin and I are engaged (!) and I got to tell you the story before we actually get married (the wedding is 78 days away, if anyone is playing along at home). We last left off with the most magical meal of my life. We walked out of Cinderellas Royal Table and were both basically floating on air. We tried to call my dad, but he was on a plane -- so his phone went straight to voicemail. We then Skyped with Franklins sister, Lala and our oh-so-adorable nephew Tanner (you might remember them from our March 2012 TR). They were so excited for us!

Franklin wanted to go grab Space Mountain Fastpasses, so I took a seat on a bench in the hub. It gave me the most delicious moment to catch my breath, take in the setting and what had just transpired. I looked down at my ring and then up at the castle and just basked in pure bliss. Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but I was just so happy at that very moment. And that will be a feeling that will stay with me forever.

Franklins phone rang and it was our friends Jean and Lee, they were just arriving at the park. We decided to make our way to the front of the park, stopping at every Photopass photographer along the way. I wanted lots of pictures from this day!




We met up with Jean and Lee at the front of the park, they had a few more in tow (Lee's aunt and uncle, who live in Orlando and Lee's brother who had driven over to meet them). Here was the problem, Franklin and I really needed to make more phone calls because I was adamant that we couldnt tweet, Facebook or otherwise send the news out via social media without the people closest to us had been called. But we were in Magic Kingdom and the group wanted to ride, so we took a left. Lee ran and grabbed some Space FPs for them, while the rest of us wandered toward Pirates.


Jean was so excited to ride Pirates that she struck her best album-cover pose!


Im just warning yall, there will be a lot of ring pictures from today.


Oh, yes, back to your regularly scheduled ride.







We had some time to kill before the FPs came due, so Franklin and I made a few more phone calls to spread the good news. Then we took more pictures!

In the hub. You know, so we could tell Walt the big news.


With my favorite mouse.


Time to head to Tomorrowland for a date with the stars.



There’s Lee (in the back!) with his brother and uncle.


We all know that I can’t be in Tomorrowland and NOT ride the Peoplemover, so aboard we climbed.


And with all our phone calls made, it was time to take a picture to tweet to the world!


It took mere seconds before the calls, emails and tweets came flooding in! We definitely felt the love, even when we were so far away from most of our friends and family! The group wanted to meet up with the 999 happy haunts next, but we all stopped to take pictures on the bridge to Liberty Square.




Jean and Lee had their own news to celebrate, Jean was a couple of months pregnant. It was news they had shared with us just before the trip! Awww, baby’s first Disney trip.


We worked our way back toward Haunted Mansion. Can you believe how cool the Headless Horseman pumpkin is?



There was no line, but we all wanted to go through the cemetery. Can you believe Franklin and I had never seen this part of the queue?






All the interactive elements were so much fun! It really added a fun kick to this attraction. But it was time to stop playing and introduce ourselves to our host, our ghost host.



Yes, I’m a Disney geek who knows the ghost host’s whole spiel and I’m not afraid to admit it.


When you hear the knell of the requiem bell...



Weird glows gleam where the spirits dwell...



Restless bones, ethereal eyes...



Rise the spooks of every size...



Grim grinning ghosts, come out to socialize!




Hey! That’s my head, not a balloon!



I know this may sound shocking, but even after our big breakfast, we were ready for lunch. So we went to Franklin’s favorite CS, Columbia Harbor House!


I had chicken fingers and fries, while Franklin had his CHH usual -- clam chowder and the lobster roll.

It was pretty warm out and Franklin and I had gotten up VERY early that morning, so we were ready for a bit of a break. We made our way up Main Street, stopping to hear a little ear candy from the Dapper Dans.


We hung out at the bus stop for quite a bit (I think this was the longest we waited for a bus all week). This gave us plenty of time to take pictures of the new mommy.


And we finally made it back to our lovely resort.


We all had plans for some pool time before the boys had to go pick up the rental car, but the comforts of our cool, air-conditioned rooms with our comfy beds got the better of us and we all zonked out for a few hours. We’ll stop there for now, but we have big dinner plans and lots of MK evening fun still ahead.
Love the updates!!!!! We got engaged in Epcot in 2003 and I was not a Disney expert then, and have NO pics!!!
Your ring is absolutely stunning :love: I love your ring so much I want to propose to your ring! I think we could be very happy together :rotfl::lmao::rotfl2:

You guys got some excellent pics on Pirates. Some of the best I've ever seen from that ride!
Just joining in little late, but here I am. First off let me say CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement!!! I shared your engagement story with my DD. her reply was, "thats exactly how I want my proposal to be." LOL, hope her boyfriend starts planning now. The pictures that Franklin took are beautiful. You TR is great! I feel like we went with you.
I love that you're showing off the bling in every picture! So cute! I definitely would too.
That's so fun that you got to meet up with some friends! Looks like you all had a great time, especially you and Franklin riding your cloud!!

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Every time I see a ring picture I think of how nice your manicure looks and how cute the red with white polka dots look in a WDW setting. I bet you are really glad you got your nails done before your trip. ;)
Oh. My. Goodness!!! Most perfect proposal EVER!! And, by far, the best souvenir possible! Where do I get myself one of those? ;)

So, so, so happy for you both! I told myself that I was going to have just 10 min of quick DIS'ing then go do errands and now I am all teary. :laughing: But in a good way. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super impressed with all the details of the proposal - the personalized slipper, photographer at the ready, done in your castle. Just :cloud9:

Am :rotfl2: at the thoughts that must have been running through Franklin's head between the proposal itself and all the photography details (F stop, ISO, shutter speed, flash or no flash... I have no idea what I'm talking about... can you tell?)

Anyway, just a beautiful story! If your wedding is in 77 days then we may cross paths in WDW as my trip is in 74 days. In other words, if some crazy lady approaches you saying "congratulations," please don't be alarmed. :upsidedow

:lmao::rotfl: to the Boyz II Men super fan. Hate to say it, but if I were that guy's girl I might have sat a few rows behind him. ;) But seriously, we're all super nerds about something so good for him. I hope he was able to get an autograph. And that she didn't break up with him....:rolleyes:

Lastly, as always, just amazing, incredible, spectacular, professional quality pictures. If Disney hasn't already selected you, Franklin, as one of the photographers they highlight on whatever feed it is, they surely should. I am going to have to research it and suggest you because your pictures are out of this world!

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Can't wait for more engagement fun! popcorn::
Where did Franklin find the glass slipper to personalize? Through Disney or somewhere else? I loved his proposal!

So did Jean and Lee have a boy or girl? I love baby news also!
Caught up here now as well. Loved the update. All the photos were awesome. You can just see the excitement and wonder in your eyes from the surprise of the morning.
Pirates was down while we were there but hopefully will be up and running on my return trip. But I really miss Davey Jones being in the mist. Blackbeard doesn't do it justice IMHO.
Our dinner at Ohana this time was better than the fall, but I was still disappointed with the steak. Everything else was wonderful!
I love all the celebratory ring and love photos! And CHH looks delish, we'll have to try that on our next visit.... which just so happens that we booked earlier today! We booked ten days in May at AKV, split into two stays. Our plan is to cancel one half and book at BWV or BCV for one half. We're hoping for a boardwalk view to be available at our seven month window in Oct. I'm super excited! This will be our first trip back since 2010! Until then, I'll continue to live vicariously through your TRs and your Fairytale Wedding!


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