Amazing Adventures of the 2012 Disney Mom's Panel

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So excited to see the process start a-new once again! Will be keeping fingers crossed for all of you!

SAHDad, sounds like you are runner? Did you see the DisneyRun position? Maybe good for you? Personally I have only ever run one race (Expedition Everest 5K a few years ago), and it clarified the point that I will never be a runner!!!!!

I am indeed a runner, and I have run the Goofy and the (now gone) F&W 10k. But, since it is the Moms Panel, and several of the races are women-themed (Tink and Princess), and the Danskin Women's Tri might fall under the runDisney banner, so my guess is that it is going to go to someone who hasn't been complaining about yet another women-themed race. ;)

(I do recall offering to run any and all Disney races last year, even dressed as a princess, but I still didn't get to round 2. :laughing: )
I, too, wonder who get to pick the category and how ? Maybe you'll mark off those that you think you may qualify for and write specific answers for that plus the general questions anyone answers.

I like the idea of a Run Disney, Mom's Panel and DVC. I am a DVC member, have been within the last 12 months, and know some about Run Disney having signed up my DH a bunch of times and also volunteered during marathon weekend and ran a 5k myself. Will be doing another 5k in September at DL. I am not a runner though.

DVC panelist member at Aulani would be awesome or even the family trip there would be great. But that one and the Disney Adventures would probably be worth much more than the others.
2009 questions--

About You
In 100 words or less, please tell us about yourself and your family.

Your Best Tips
In 100 words or less, what makes you a Walt Disney World® expert and what is your number one tip for families who are visiting the parks for the first time?

About Your Expertise
In 100 words or less, tell us about you. Do you have a special talent or expertise (e.g. write a blog, are a food or wine expert, speak a second language, travel internationally, etc.)?

Round 2 questions --

What or how do you celebrate at Walt Disney World® Resort?

How do you help others plan their Walt Disney World® vacations?

Tell us your best memory from your last Walt Disney World® vacation.

2010 questions --

The Questions -----------

About You

A) When was your last vacation to Walt Disney World® with your family?

B) Do you work in an industry that is in competition, would benefit from being associated with the Walt Disney World® Moms Panel or be in conflict with Disney’s family friendly brand? If yes, please explain. C) True or False - World Showcase is a collection of pavilions representing 14 countries that border the 5 miles surrounding World Showcase Lagoon.

Your Best Advice

In 100 words or less, explain when and how you helped a non-family member plan their first trip toWalt Disney World® Resort.
About Your Expertise

In 100 words or less, tell us about what resources you use to find and share interesting park facts and vacation planning tips with others.

It 2009, it unfolded like this --

Application Window was September 10 -20, 2009
Round II emails went out on October 13
Round III emails went out on October 27
Interviews were scheduled November 3 - 5
The new Mom's Panelists revealed themselves on November 10
To paraphrase Eric Idle . . . .

First you must answer me these questions three, ere the second round you see.

There will be three questions - time prohibits me from searching for previous years right now, but there will probably be one "tell us about you & your family" question, one about a previous trip or special memory, and one that is more advice oriented (ie, what attraction would you tell someone that they must try, and why?). Responses are limited to 100 words, and it is a hard cutoff.

Once the deadline passes, or they have a set number of entries (they announce that number at the outset - probably 20,000 or so), they begin the process of going through them. A select group of several hundred will get an email with 3 more questions, and several days in which to answer them. From that second group, a much smaller group, of 40 or 50, I think, will get phone interviews. Generally, we start hearing who made round two sometime in October, IIRC.

Thanks! Is there a video involved? I thought I read something about having to send in a video.
I, too, wonder who get to pick the category and how ? Maybe you'll mark off those that you think you may qualify for and write specific answers for that plus the general questions anyone answers.

I like the idea of a Run Disney, Mom's Panel and DVC. I am a DVC member, have been within the last 12 months, and know some about Run Disney having signed up my DH a bunch of times and also volunteered during marathon weekend and ran a 5k myself. Will be doing another 5k in September at DL. I am not a runner though.

DVC panelist member at Aulani would be awesome or even the family trip there would be great. But that one and the Disney Adventures would probably be worth much more than the others.

We haven't bought into DVC yet - the in-laws have DVC, which makes it a harder sell right now. I keep trying - someday, DW is going to get a bonus at work that doesn't seem to coincide with a car repair, a house remodel, or a medical bill, and then I will convince her. Until then, we sponge off her parents. :laughing:
Thanks! Is there a video involved? I thought I read something about having to send in a video.

Last year, I think it may have been people who made it to the second round were asked to submit a video.
Good luck everyone! I remember the previous years I never applied because I just "knew" I wouldn't make it. Last year a great friend encouraged me to apply and I did. And I made it. Moral - go for it and just believe!!

Sending pixie dust to everyone! :wizard:
Yay! Can't wait for the process to begin again! I've not made it past round 1 yet, but I'm not giving up. :thumbsup2
Good luck everyone! I remember the previous years I never applied because I just "knew" I wouldn't make it. Last year a great friend encouraged me to apply and I did. And I made it. Moral - go for it and just believe!!

Sending pixie dust to everyone! :wizard:

I know you mean well, but I gotta say - as someone who has applied every year, and never gotten beyond round 1 - hearing someone who became a panelist on the very first try is not the most encouraging - it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. :confused3

Yes, I know - an app that may have popped to one person reading it doesn't to someone else, or some turn of phrase that someone else used just resonated, or they read mine when they were really, really, really needing a cup of coffee, and it just helped lull them to sleep. ;)
I know you mean well, but I gotta say - as someone who has applied every year, and never gotten beyond round 1 - hearing someone who became a panelist on the very first try is not the most encouraging - it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. :confused3

Yes, I know - an app that may have popped to one person reading it doesn't to someone else, or some turn of phrase that someone else used just resonated, or they read mine when they were really, really, really needing a cup of coffee, and it just helped lull them to sleep. ;)

And I do mean well. I've been through similar situations - non-Disney - and I know the exact feeling. However, this is my story - all mine and no one else so I can't apologize. :goodvibes So you shouldn't let it discourage you. Keep trying and don't give up. Again, good luck everyone! :thumbsup2
I know you mean well, but I gotta say - as someone who has applied every year, and never gotten beyond round 1 - hearing someone who became a panelist on the very first try is not the most encouraging - it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. :confused3

Yes, I know - an app that may have popped to one person reading it doesn't to someone else, or some turn of phrase that someone else used just resonated, or they read mine when they were really, really, really needing a cup of coffee, and it just helped lull them to sleep. ;)

Hi, just wanted to chime in a bit. I do completely understand the frustration, however I think that MadiMouse was just giving her perspective of what has happened for her. I think that it is encouraging to hear, especially for those that are new at the whole process. :goodvibes.. I do not think that it says anything about you personally, or anyone of us that has applied and not made it. It is what it is for that time frame in our lives.

I do know that MadiMouse was reluctant, but it was her time when she finally decided to apply. I (personally) have applied before, and have not made it past the 1st round, however I am ok with that. I love that someone that I know has made it. :goodvibes I am so happy for her and proud of what she has accomplished with the Moms Panel. I am going to be just as excited when anyone else makes it because it will be our time :goodvibes

Lots of :wizard: (pixie dust) to everyone and the best of luck. The new components of it are exciting to see! I can not wait to see how it plays out :thumbsup2:goodvibes
I know you mean well, but I gotta say - as someone who has applied every year, and never gotten beyond round 1 - hearing someone who became a panelist on the very first try is not the most encouraging - it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. :confused3

Yes, I know - an app that may have popped to one person reading it doesn't to someone else, or some turn of phrase that someone else used just resonated, or they read mine when they were really, really, really needing a cup of coffee, and it just helped lull them to sleep. ;)

I know a few people that got on the panel. I knew them through the Trip Reports Board that I moderator on this board. For some reason, they are very popular TR writers. I'm not saying you are not a great writer, I see you have a blog. But I notice, some people have the wit to write great TR's and other's "as myself" can barely get anyone to read, let alone post on my TR's. I really don't think anything is wrong with you. The Panel had a dad last year and the year before. Keep trying and start writing a few paragraphs. I once took a writing class. In the end I was one of the few that got an A. Even though a was a really bad writer-my teacher told me I got the A, because I met her requirement of having at least 5 rewrite's per paper. She told me every great writer-has rewrites.
(Rather than multi-quote people)

Oh, I understand fully the "Hey everyone, you should definitely apply! I didn't think I would make it, and I did!" And yes, people do need the encouragement (BTW - since my blog is pretty niche, and non-Disney, I get very little traffic - which is fine.) But, I must confess that it is sometimes hard to convince myself to hope, dream, or even try - it is the "Moms Panel," afterall, and I think the record number of men on the panel at the same time might have been as high as 3 (2 new and 1 staying on).

On a good day, I see trying out for the Moms Panel just as I do being a SAHD - it's a tough road, lots of people are going to assume that I don't belong there, and it probably won't matter much in the long run. On a bad day, I see it much the same way, only with less humor involved. ;)

I'll confess that I don't write TRs - I used to write race reports, but I just never got into the TR thing. And I often don't chime in on some of the ADR or planning threads - if 30 people telling you "Don't eat at ABC Commisary, unless you want to be sick," one more is not going to change your mind. :lmao:
It will be so exciting to meet the new 2012 members of the Walt Disney World Moms Panel!!! Sending pixie dust and best wishes to all 2012 hopefuls! :thumbsup2
hey everyone. i am really pumped to begin this process again this year. last year was my first attempt and i'm not giving up until it happens! i do realize, as many have said, that the odds are slim but someone has to make it onto the panel, right? why shouldn't it be me...and you? :rotfl:

let's encourage one another along the way and hope for the best. some of us will make it! pixie dust to all!

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