Now Approaching... Sleepingbooty's Sept. PTR (We're BAAACK! 9/26)

lol! No, US is Universal Studios. The Dark Side. We will have 3 nights on the Dark Side before we go to Disney. And it's peak season over there. I had a cheap deal all figured out but got overruled in favor of the Hard Rock Hotel and the fast passes that come with staying at a US hotel. But it's very pricey since we have to get 2 it's going to cost us almost as much as our 7 nights in Disney!

:lmao: OOOhhhhh! Okay, I KNEW you were going to Universal - I have been reading your PTR, I guess I'm just not well versed in non-Disney abreviations!

Is that where they have the new Harry Potter land? We were watching the 6th Potter movie last night and they did a spot about that. Now my girls want to go there! It does sound cool, but I don't think we'll fit it on this trip. We are HUGE HP fans in this house!

I couldn't go to Disney without a deal! We actually have what is 99% a "free" week without a soccer conflict but it's during peak season so even with our PIN the cost would go WAYYY up so we aren't considering it as an option! Not to mention I have no desire to fight the crowds on the 4th of July!

Yep, I could never go without a sweet deal. Well, we did only get a AAA discount on our room for our 10th anniversary trip, but it was just the 2 of us for 4 nights, so we bit the bullet.
More accepting IS more acceptable :thumbsup2

Oh, I forgot one "magical" detail - the toilets have special lids that you cannot slam, no matter how hard you try - swooning yet? Of course, my dad and brother would have to actually start putting the lid down for us to verify that:rolleyes:

HA! I know why they did that- getting the no slam lids! Whenever one of my boys leaves the lid up I make sure they understand my displeasure by SLAMMING the lid down as hard as I can, and announcing it to the house. I hate that!! (My screaming could be sometimes misinterpreted as my surprise when I get that unexpected plunge.)
HA! I know why they did that- getting the no slam lids! Whenever one of my boys leaves the lid up I make sure they understand my displeasure by SLAMMING the lid down as hard as I can, and announcing it to the house. I hate that!! (My screaming could be sometimes misinterpreted as my surprise when I get that unexpected plunge.)

You know the worst part - they will actually argue (and I think they are only HALF joking) that because there is two men living there, and only one woman - that the default position of the lid SHOULD be up, not down! :headache:
Chapter 4: Shameless Wilderness Lodge Sales Pitch

I’ve been working out a prospective budget for the trip. I’m operating on the assumption that they will offer free dining again in September, so it’s easy to plug in dates on WDW’s website and get the rack rate. It would cost us about $700 more to stay at Wilderness Lodge than at one of the moderates.

Here’s my idea: we make up most of the difference by driving instead of flying. We drove in 2005. It’s about 16 hours from St. Louis. We started Friday after work, drove about eight hours, then stopped at a hotel somewhere in Georgia (split a room with the folks), then drove eight more hours on Saturday. Did the same thing on the way home. I was fine with it. In fact, I like to drive. I think its fun. I guess I’m just used to it. We NEVER flew when I was growing up, just couldn’t afford it. We drove all the way across county several times in the old Family Truckster (“You think you hate it now, wait til you drive it.”). 10 points if you can name the quote – 20 if you can find a picture to go with it! But, Scott doesn’t enjoy the drive so much. He kinda hates it. Every time since then we’ve flown.

See, driving can be fun, right? Here we are at a rest stop in '05:

But see, it would cost us about $800 to fly – assuming we fly Southwest, that’s usually about what it runs us for four. With gas, food, and hotel, it costs about $300 to drive. So, that’s a $500 savings right there! I could easily give up the park hoppers and save another $200. See my logic? It’s so obvious, right? Still gotta convince the peeps, though.

Here’s where my shameless sales pitch comes in. Jenna, my 9 year old, is helping me make a PowerPoint presentation on the different resorts. We have dinner at my parents every Sunday night, and we’ve started talking about the vacation plans at dinner. Usually, I just pull up stuff on the computer, and they crowd around me and look at the tiny pictures – not very effective. I thought it would be fun to do up a PowerPoint, and play it on the big screen TV.

There will be a slideshow of all the different resorts we’re (I’m) considering. Lots of gorgeous pics of Wilderness Lodge that I’ve found online. Here’s the zinger – Jenna will run the presentation and narrate. She REALLY wants to stay at WL, so she’ll do her best puppy dog eyes, and “please, Papa?”

I’m including four resort choices. #1 Wilderness Lodge, then, in no particular order: POFQ, POR, and Caribbean Beach Resort. I’m including that one because I do enjoy trying new places, and it’s the one moderate we haven’t tried yet. I loved both Port Orleans resorts, and would be more than happy to stay at either one of them. The size of CBR does make me a bit nervous, though. I think they have like 7 bus stops! It must take an hour to get out of there, no?

Any thoughts on CBR, in case that ends up being the vote getter? How about pros and cons of each resort to include in the PowerPoint? We’re going to finish it this week and show it next weekend. If I knew how to do it, I’d link it on here. I’m sure there’s a way – I get silly emails with PowerPoints in them all the time!

Back later for more resort talk…..

Chapter 5: A Little Background Fluff
Ooooh--Wilderness Lodge--nice!! I hope you can persuade your family!! Is it sad that a Power Point presentation excites me?! That's right up my OCD alley!!! :lmao: Can't wait to hear how it goes!! :goodvibes
If I were to go Deluxe, I'd go with Animal Kingdom. But Wilderness L. would be a very close 2nd. It IS so beautiful, and homey.

Your "sales pitch" sounds fun to put together and present. I love how your DD gets to be part of it!

Yes, driving would save you a ton of money!! I'd say go for it! With good tunes, good company, and well-timed potty breaks, it might even venture into the realm of fun.
Woohoo, you are first! :woohoo: Of course you did have a heads up that I'd be starting a ptr ;)
Shhhh. Don’t steal my thunder!

GB, would Tracy ever forgive you if you bought her toilets for Christmas??!!
Speaking of thunder….not so sure I’d survive that particular stunt.

So, yeah, we were anxious to get back to our usual week in September for our 2010 trip. We are in a year-round school district. The school year starts around July 20th. We are in for 9 weeks, then have our first 3 week break around September 20th. Then we come back for 9 weeks, off 3 weeks for Christmas, back for 9, off 3 for spring break – you get the drift. They get a 6 week summer. Some people find it a bit strange (mostly just people in other districts) but we love it.
With a wife, two parents, a grandmother, two sisters, two aunts, an uncle, a cousin and a sister in law ALL teachers, we’ve discussed that many times. The consensus is that we’d all love it.

We are going in September, but we haven’t booked – or even CHOSEN our resort yet!
Given that you haven’t booked yet, I’m totally impressed that you have done 4 chapters already!

There will be a slideshow of all [/B]the different resorts we’re (I’m) considering. Lots of gorgeous pics of Wilderness Lodge that I’ve found online. Here’s the zinger – Jenna will run the presentation and narrate. She REALLY wants to stay at WL, so she’ll do her best puppy dog eyes, and “please, Papa?”
I like your style.
Love the sales pitch! And the fuzzy Disney math. It definitely works. For me Queen beds is worth the increase alone! lol.

WL is gorgeous. I've never stayed, or been to any of the others so I am of no help there!
wilderness lodge-stayed there. loved it, but not sure if we'll stay there again in the immediate future. I mean, I have yet to stay at so many other resorts.

here's the rub on WL. It's beautiful. If you are planning on a lot of time at MK, then it's a great location. However, it is pretty isolated, making travel to other parks a bit more inconvenient. Although busses were pretty good as I recall.

location wise POFQ, POR and CBR are a bit more centrally located to the following: DTD, Epcot, DHS and Typhoon Lagoon.

For dining choices, if you have a car, it'll be fine. If you don't, then WL is again a bit inconvenient for dining around WDW.

If given the chance, I would stay at WL again in a heartbeat. But like my solo portion of the upcoming trip at AKV, I'm looking for a different experience and realize that what I gain in ambience and atmosphere, I give up in convenience.

Didn't mean to be a buzzkill, just offering up some insight since I've stayed at WL, actually VWL.
I've stayed at CBR 3x. Loved it, but it IS spread out and depending on where you're staying the walk to the food court, Old Port Royal, can be far.

It was the first moderate built so I think they learned some things when it got to POR and POFQ, landscaping being one of them. You can't beat the grounds at POR or POFQ.....
OMG, I love the PowerPoint idea! It's awesome!

I've stayed at all of the resorts that you mentioned and my favorite moderate is definitely CBR. We enjoy their food court and their shops. We didn't have a great experience at POR, however, POFQ was awesome for us.

While CBR is a huge resort, if you drive and have your car, it's not a big deal. We always rent a car and never found the size of the resort to be a problem, however, we never use Disney transportation so that could be why. :confused3

All that said though....go for WL. We love it. We have stayed at AKL more than WL but it has been because WL wasn't available. Don't get me wrong, AKL is AMAZING, but you can't beat the boat ride to the MK from WL. It was awesome. We are staying there in September and I can't wait.
Is it sad that a Power Point presentation excites me?! That's right up my OCD alley!!! :lmao: Can't wait to hear how it goes!! :goodvibes

Not at all! (well, unless I'm just as sad myself;))

Yes, driving would save you a ton of money!! I'd say go for it! With good tunes, good company, and well-timed potty breaks, it might even venture into the realm of fun.

That's what I think! Its just a matter of whether I can bend the others to my will... mwuhaha

Given that you haven’t booked yet, I’m totally impressed that you have done 4 chapters already!

I know - I'll probably run out of things to talk about by February!

Love the sales pitch! And the fuzzy Disney math. It definitely works. For me Queen beds is worth the increase alone! lol.

Ooh, thanks - that's a good one for my "pros" column

Didn't mean to be a buzzkill, just offering up some insight since I've stayed at WL, actually VWL.

No, I need it - because there is a VERY good chance I will be outvoted, so I have to be happy about the other options, too

I've stayed at CBR 3x. Loved it, but it IS spread out and depending on where you're staying the walk to the food court, Old Port Royal, can be far.

It was the first moderate built so I think they learned some things when it got to POR and POFQ, landscaping being one of them. You can't beat the grounds at POR or POFQ.....

I know, I love the grounds at Port Orleans - beautiful.

While CBR is a huge resort, if you drive and have your car, it's not a big deal. We always rent a car and never found the size of the resort to be a problem, however, we never use Disney transportation so that could be why. :confused3

See, that's what I'm concerned about - we won't be getting a car. I guess we could be in for some long walks at CBR. Hmmm...
I don't think the walks will be too bad at CBR. There seem to be stops all over the place. :confused3

Hmm, I know we never used the buses, but I swear there were frequent stops. I remember my DH yapping about how many dang buses there were. :lmao:
I don't think the walks will be too bad at CBR. There seem to be stops all over the place. :confused3

Hmm, I know we never used the buses, but I swear there were frequent stops. I remember my DH yapping about how many dang buses there were. :lmao:

I know, I think I counted like 7 bus stops on the map! I'm just thinking that might make for a lengthy bus ride to the parks and back, having to stop that many times. Plus, unless you are the first stop - you never get a seat.

Of course, If I were picking resorts based on quality of bus service alone - I'd pick Coronado Springs. But I'm not even considering CS - just didn't dig the vibe there. So although bus service is important, its not at the top of the list. I don't know what is though....:scratchin
Chapter 5: A little background fluff

Jenna and I are still working on the PowerPoint. I’m thinking maybe we need a themed dinner to go with it – any ideas?

So in the meantime, since I don’t have anything new on the planning front, I thought I’d fill in the background a bit. I think the only thing I said about myself was my age! I’ll try not to bore you into oblivion…

Lucy, my youngest, started kindergarten this year, so I’ve kind of been in a transition mode. Before my girls were born, I was a high-school art and photography teacher. For the past couple years, I’ve been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my time when both girls were in school. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to teaching. Last spring I was toying with the idea (actually, I was pretty serious at the time) of applying for optometry school. I know, what a leap, huh?! I had developed this fascination after I had my lasik surgery.

Jenna and Lucy on the first day of school:

Anyway, I’ve sort of backed off that idea. Not sure if I’m up to four more years of school – plus, there’s no guarantee I’d even get in, they are VERY selective. So, since school started, I’ve been substitute teaching a couple times a week, teaching an after-school drawing class, and working in my little basement studio. I’ve got a potter’s wheel and a kiln down there. Not that I could make a living at it. At some point, I really need to get a job! I’m starting to warm back up to the idea of teaching again – you can’t beat the hours. I really like being off when the girls are off – what other job can you do that? Let me know if you think of one – seriously!

So, what else? I love to read – just about anything. I like mysteries – Sue Grafton, Lawrence Block, Harlan Coben are my three faves. I like historical fiction, I recently read Pillars of the Earth and World Without End and they were both fantastic. After getting hooked on The Tudors on cable, I started reading Phillipa Gregory (she wrote The Other Boleyn Girl) and I’ve been working my way through her books. I also love the classics – especially Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott.

You’d think I’d be able to get so much done at home now that both girls are in school, but I guess I have too many other little projects going – the laundry still gets neglected. I am the troop leader for Jenna’s Brownie troop and Lucy’s Daisy troop, and it is SO much fun, but a lot of work. On Thursdays (if I’m not subbing) I volunteer at the girls’ school. I also work for an outreach program for the school for the blind – but I don’t have any families right now, so technically that’s not taking any time at the moment. I help out with our church’s food pantry and shelter mission. And my favorite: in the summer, I help out with our neighborhood swim team, of which both my girls are members.

Lucy's first swim meet:

So I manage to stay busy, but I do feel sort of guilty that I’m not working full time – we could certainly put the extra income to good use. Even though I’m still sort of ambivalent about it, I went ahead and applied for my Missouri teaching license (I went to school in TN) and I will probably start looking for a teaching job for the fall. I don’t know, it might put a real damper on my Dis time, though!

Alright – I’m sure those of you that are still reading are bored to tears by now, I’ll try to get that PowerPoint done and I’ll let you know how it turns out in my next update!

Chapter 6: "And this here's the TV..."
Cute update. Not bored to tears! Waiting to see this PowerPoint presentation though! popcorn::

And I agree with CSR. We stayed there last September and I have to say it is my least fav MOD resort.
so NOT bored.

How about a BBQ dinner in honor of Whispering Canyon Cafe...? or at least baked beans, corn on the cob or cornbread.
When I read your title, I had to laugh OUTLOUD at the first thought that popped into my head. I think you know I"ve had company for a week, and so haven't been able to be as "free" or "uninhibited" shall we say, with my fluffing. Can I just tell you that I am very much looking forward to tomorrow when my NO-Fluff-Zone is once again expanded to my entire house. Then I wont' have to always have "Background Fluff"- it can go back to front and center!:banana::banana::banana:

On a more serious note, don't ever think any of us would be bored here! We live for these kinds of updates (we wouldn't be here otherwise!). Anyway, hope you find just the place and thing He wants you to do. Ask and He will show you!

Those girls are cute!! I think if you got a full-time job, you would be seriously overloaded with all you have going now. Something woudl have to go. :confused3


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