Girls Trip Take 2 - Labor Day Weekend 2021 and Christmas 2021 Trip

Regarding pictures, is there an email address you can use or do you need to call? I meant to ask about our Pirates pictures during a few of my in-person visits to guest services, but I always forgot!

I think this might work better on a computer. I haven't tried it on the app.

Go to the page that has all your photos and scroll down to the bottom. Look for this.


There should be a link that will lead you to where you can have your photos looked for. I think it was an email.

Good luck!
Or... paying for FPs? Only 30 minutes for early entry? Late entry only for deluxe guests?

To name a few.

I agree with these too. Higher prices and less benefits.

Nah. Wear it on your hip, like this:

Outfit optional.

OMG! It's a good thing I did not have a drink in my mouth when I saw this.

How did you know Wonder Woman was my hero when I was kid. I loved this show.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021- AK-It's Good Luck, Right?

I really enjoy the animal trails and I get a little bent out of shape when I miss spending time in them because of the rush for rides. I'm okay to not do them every trip, but if we skipped them on back to back trips I have to put my foot down. Today wasn't a day I had to get bent our of shape. It was a beautiful day and not too crowded. It was Dennis and I so we had time to stop and look.

I like both the Maharaja Jungle Trek and Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail, but for different reasons.
We went to Maharajah first. I love this Trek because of the theming. It's just so detailed and gorgeous.

We always stop to visit with the Komodo Dragon. I can honestly say I don't think I have ever seen it move. It seems to always be on this rock. Has anyone ever seen it move? I've heard stories of how fast it moves and how vicious it is.


The Tiger enclosure is so lush and detailed. If I was a tiger I would want to live her too.


The details are so fabulous. I can just imagine I'm in the Maharajah's private grounds. I think I've read too many books with India in them. Maybe I've seen a few too many movies and series too.



I really love the bird house too. Birds don't scare me and I enjoy looking for the different birds and the bird houses in here .


I have never had any unfortunate incident happen in here until this day. As we were walking through and I was concentrating hard on looking for birds, I all the sudden felt something hit me on my shirt. I also heard a splat. I wasn't the only one feeling something raining down, Dennis felt it too. Yep, we both were victims of bird **it. Dennis was hit on his hat and I was hit on my shoulder. A nearby CM said it was good luck. Good Luck or not I wanted it off. We headed straight to the nearest restroom to get clean up. It's a good thing I carry a Tide stick with me in the parks.

I have to admit that I now go through here at a much faster pace.
I agree with these too. Higher prices and less benefits.
Yeah... <sigh>
OMG! It's a good thing I did not have a drink in my mouth when I saw this.

How did you know Wonder Woman was my hero when I was kid. I loved this show.
We're probably of a similar age... I watched that too as a kid. :)
And not surprised she was your hero... strong role model!
I really enjoy the animal trails and I get a little bent out of shape when I miss spending time in them because of the rush for rides.
Oh dear...
But... you've been a few times, so you can slow down. :)
I like both the Maharaja Jungle Trek and Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail, but for different reasons.
We always stop to visit with the Komodo Dragon. I can honestly say I don't think I have ever seen it move. It seems to always be on this rock. Has anyone ever seen it move?
Interesting... I just today read about this on another TR...
I don't remember even seeing it the last few times... and I've looked!
I've heard stories of how fast it moves and how vicious it is.
Yes... very poisonous and venomous. Luckily not too many human attacks... but it does happen.
The Tiger enclosure is so lush and detailed. If I was a tiger I would want to live her too.
The details are so fabulous. I can just imagine I'm in the Maharajah's private grounds. I think I've read too many books with India in them. Maybe I've seen a few too many movies and series too.
I really love the bird house too. Birds don't scare me and I enjoy looking for the different birds and the bird houses in here .
I spent quite a bit of time there on one of my last trips. :)
I have never had any unfortunate incident happen in here until this day. As we were walking through and I was concentrating hard on looking for birds, I all the sudden felt something hit me on my shirt. I also heard a splat. I wasn't the only one feeling something raining down, Dennis felt it too. Yep, we both were victims of bird **it. Dennis was hit on his hat and I was hit on my shoulder.
I shouldn't laugh, but....

"**it" happens!
I have to admit that I now go through here at a much faster pace.
I love the animal trails. They are so lush and feel like a wee piece of calm within the park ( most of the time).
Sorry you both got popped on. Did it bring you luck?
I once got pooped on 3 times straight after I’d changed each time. 1st time was so bad I borrowed my husband’s sweatshirt to change into ( he had a tee shirt on under it don’t worry he wasn’t running around topless 😂). Then that got pooped on but not so bad so I wiped what I could off. Came out of the restroom and splat again! Had to cave and buy a new top. Honestly I would’ve bought a lottery ticket if I’d been near a vendor :rotfl:
We don’t do tide pens here but I always think they look so handy.
You got some gorgeous photos and I’m glad you got some time to do the trails.
Oh and another Wonder Woman fan here. Also loved 6 million dollar man and Starsky and Hutch. Happy memories of watching these on a Saturday night with my family growing up:goodvibes


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