You Get a Suite! You Get a Suite! Everybody Gets a Suite! December 2023 Trip Report! (RL Update 9/15!!)

Oh no!! I'm so sorry! Welcome to the Covid one-timers club. It didn't look like I was ever going to get it, and then when I was sick with an infection at one point, BAM, Covid got me. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you! I'm so annoyed I caught it, although I'm not horribly surprised it was this week. I hardly slept four nights this past week (like maybe 1-2 hours of sleep a night), so I'm sure anything I was exposed to I would have caught. I guess the good thing about covid is it seemed to have fixed my inability to sleep, I've slept like a log the last two nights!
Blech! I was the same way.....never got Covid until last fall even though I was exposed multiple times. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you! I'm so annoyed I finally caught it, I was really hoping I would be one of those people who couldn't catch it!
I highly recommend hot lemon and honey to drink. (juice of 1 lemon and a heaping tablespoon of honey in boiling water). This helped me so much.
Oh, good to know! Funny enough, my dinner the past two nights has had a sauce made of fresh lemon juice and honey!
I’m so sorry you got COVID - it’s not fun at all! I’m happy you’re already beginning to feel better. :goodvibes

Also, BOO to your boss for coming in with COVID! It’s not as though testing is hard. Good grief. :sad2:
Yeah, it was on the rocks, I believe my dad actually wanted a frozen one but they couldn't make one there. It was really good, and a pretty decent size too! What is this Petals??? I've never hear of it before!
Petals is the pool bar at Pop Century. And it has AMAZING frozen drinks. The Pina Colava is a Pina Colada with raspberry syrup. I always get a drink or 7 from there when I stay at Pop. The great thing is, they are open until like 11pm so I can swing by and get one to take to my room on the way back from a park.
Ugh. Covid. What a bummer. I hope you feel better soon! If it helps at all, it sounds like the CDC has changed the quarantine protocol yet again and even with a positive diagnosis, you don't HAVE to isolate. It's been all the talk on the Production Manager's forum as theatres try to figure out how to keep casts safe.
Petals is the pool bar at Pop Century. And it has AMAZING frozen drinks. The Pina Colava is a Pina Colada with raspberry syrup. I always get a drink or 7 from there when I stay at Pop. The great thing is, they are open until like 11pm so I can swing by and get one to take to my room on the way back from a park.
Ohhh, good to know! I do love a frozen drink on a hot day in FL! May need to take a trip over there to try it out.
I'm sorry to hear that you had Covid. But at least you now have a diagnosis. :)
Thanks! Yeah, good to know what I have, although I wish it were something other than covid! :rotfl: I guess the silver lining is I'm not allowed to come into the office this week now, so it's like a free vacation!
Ugh. Covid. What a bummer. I hope you feel better soon! If it helps at all, it sounds like the CDC has changed the quarantine protocol yet again and even with a positive diagnosis, you don't HAVE to isolate. It's been all the talk on the Production Manager's forum as theatres try to figure out how to keep casts safe.
Thank you! I had not heard they changed the quarantine, that's interesting, and seems a bit odd there's no isolation now. Good thing is my work is still operating under the old guidelines where I have to isolate for the first five days, so at least I can avoid the office this week!
So it turns out that I have covid :sad: I seriously was starting to think I was immune to it since up until now I hadn't gotten it, and had been exposed (like super exposed) a few times
Oh man what a bummer! My dad was the same way! I had it back in 2022 and gave it to my daughter, mom, and husband in that order. My dad and brother never got it despite being around all of us. In November my mom got it while we were in California for Thanksgiving, and THAT is when my dad finally got it! Oddly none of the rest of us got it despite all sharing a house and car the whole week! I was sick twice in Feb and my mom was convinced I had covid since I couldnt taste anything with both colds. I tested negative both times. I just always lose my taste when I'm sick so I never even gave it a second thought the first time I had it. I didn't realize it wasn't a common thing to lose sense of taste while sick lol.

I do hope you feel better soon and no one else near you gets it. So unfair of your boss to come in that day. He should have stayed home, especially if he was showing symptoms of being sick!
Oh man what a bummer! My dad was the same way! I had it back in 2022 and gave it to my daughter, mom, and husband in that order. My dad and brother never got it despite being around all of us. In November my mom got it while we were in California for Thanksgiving, and THAT is when my dad finally got it! Oddly none of the rest of us got it despite all sharing a house and car the whole week! I was sick twice in Feb and my mom was convinced I had covid since I couldnt taste anything with both colds. I tested negative both times. I just always lose my taste when I'm sick so I never even gave it a second thought the first time I had it. I didn't realize it wasn't a common thing to lose sense of taste while sick lol.
It is so weird how it spreads, like I shared a drink (and a room) with my mom the day before she came down with it, and I was fine! Got tested multiple times in the week following, both rapid and the pcr test, and it was always negative. I was convinced after that, that I would not get it since that was probably as exposed as I'd ever get!
I do hope you feel better soon and no one else near you gets it. So unfair of your boss to come in that day. He should have stayed home, especially if he was showing symptoms of being sick!
Thank you! I'm feeling a lot better today, although oddly today my sense of smell stopped working even though overall I'm feeling better. It's so weird, I don't know what to think of it! I think that's the hardest thing about this for me, every day I wake up wondering what it's going to do to me today! Hopefully nothing, but who knows with this stupid virus.
Hello everyone, happy Saturday! Just popping in with a quick RL update.

Feeling a lot better these days, this is my first round with covid so I had no idea what to expect. So far it's just been like a regular old head cold, except I did lose my sense of smell for a day, but that's back now thankfully! Still coughing a bit, and still waking up congested which is annoying, but once I get moving that clears up. I'm just ready to get back to my regular old schedule, but I'm still testing positive on the rapid tests, so my doctor is telling me to keep taking it easy, which is SO HARD. I feel like 99% better and I'm going stir crazy over here!

Now you would think with all this free time to hang around my house I would have been a rockstar getting updates written right? Haha, well no, apparently I went full lazy this past week and spend pretty much the entire time watching tv and not doing much else. But I'm working on that now while begrudgingly following my doctors orders to keep resting. Ugh. So keep an eye out for an update, one is coming soon!

Day 4, Part 5: All the Decorations! Part 2

We last left off heading over to the GF to check out the decorations there.

The GF was stunning!

We took a ton of pictures around the lobby, it was all so beautiful!

I decided I wanted to get something from the gingerbread store, we headed over and got in line. The line didn’t look long, but it ended up being quite the wait! It ended up being close to 40 minutes!

Once it was my turn I got some peppermint bark for the family and also picked up the pin.

After finishing up at the GF, we were ready for a break, so headed out to the front to catch an Uber.

While waiting, a CM came over to chat with us and saw that dad was wearing the Galactic Hero pin, so he congratulated my dad. My dad ended up telling him that I actually got it, but gave him the pin since he came so close.

The CM was awesome and said he was really impressed I had done that, and told us to hold on a second, he’d be right back. So he went over to this stand and pulled out another I’m Celebrating button and wrote on it “Galactic Superstar!” and then gave it to me. He then went back and got another one and wrote “Best Mom in the Galaxy!” and gave that one to my mom!

It was such a fun little interaction, he was so sweet! He even tried to convince me to get a job at Disney :rotfl: (which honestly I’ve been considering, but I’m frankly terrified of the spiders they have down in FL!)

Our Uber arrived soon after, and we headed back to the AKL for a nice break!

Next up: Much Needed Down Time
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Disney at the holidays is just another level. We did a tour of resort decor last year and it was such a fun day. So much to see and so much attention to detail. I do wish that all the "stands" in each resort opened earlier.

If it helps, am going on ten years living in Central FL and have not yet seen any scary spiders (KNOCK ON WOOD). Snakes, alligators, lizards, armadillos, possum, fox ... yes. But super scary spider ... not yet (AGAIN KNOCK ON WOOD PLEASE DON'T JINX ME)

What would your ideal Disney job be? I think I'd like to work in the Emporium on Main Street. Definitely something to do with merchandise for me.
Disney at the holidays is just another level. We did a tour of resort decor last year and it was such a fun day. So much to see and so much attention to detail. I do wish that all the "stands" in each resort opened earlier.
It really is, I cannot wait to go again in December! Totally agree about the pop-up stands, I don't understand why some don't open until so much later. I would totally spend more money if they were open when we were there in the early afternoon!
If it helps, am going on ten years living in Central FL and have not yet seen any scary spiders (KNOCK ON WOOD). Snakes, alligators, lizards, armadillos, possum, fox ... yes. But super scary spider ... not yet (AGAIN KNOCK ON WOOD PLEASE DON'T JINX ME)
Ok, I know this is ridiculous, but one of my friends grew up in FL and she told me this story once about this massive spider, like the size of her hand, she saw crawling across the wall or her friends room and hiding behind a picture on the wall, and she immediately called her mom to pick her up since it was so big and scary, and that is ALL I can think of now about living in FL. :rotfl2: And I know there are spiders everywhere, I've had on multiple occasions have them fallen on me from the ceiling here (which is a GREAT way to test your heart btw), but for some odd reason in my mind all the spiders in FL are the size of my hand which for some reason is scarier than the clumsy spiders we have here.
What would your ideal Disney job be? I think I'd like to work in the Emporium on Main Street. Definitely something to do with merchandise for me.
Imagineering! That would be amazing, total dream job, even though I know their base is out in CA!
The Christmas tree at the Grand Floridian looks amazing! The line for the treats was a bit ridiculous (40 minutes?!) but I’m glad you enjoyed your treat.
The CM was awesome and said he was really impressed I had done that, and told us to hold on a second, he’d be right back. So he went over to this stand and pulled out another I’m Celebrating button and wrote on it “Galactic Superstar!” and then gave it to me. He then went back and got another one and wrote “Best Mom in the Galaxy!” and gave that one to my mom!

It was such a fun little interaction, he was so sweet! He even tried to convince me to get a job at Disney :rotfl: (which honestly I’ve been considering, but I’m frankly terrified of the spiders they have down in FL!)
That was really nice of the CM to make a fuss over your parents. :)

It would be the Palmetto bugs that would stop me from moving to Florida. They are huge cockroaches.
It really is, I cannot wait to go again in December!
Have you booked your trip yet? We are going back in December and we are really looking forward to it. :)
The Christmas tree at the Grand Floridian looks amazing! The line for the treats was a bit ridiculous (40 minutes?!) but I’m glad you enjoyed your treat.
Isn't is beautiful? The tree was so stunning! Yeah, the line for the treats was a bit nuts, it didn't look too bad, but it took forever. They only had two CMs working at the gingerbread house, and we noticed usually only one was taking orders, so I guess that's why it took so long. Still glad we waited, the peppermint bark was really good, and I love the pin I got!
That was really nice of the CM to make a fuss over your parents. :)
He was so awesome, such a nice guy!
It would be the Palmetto bugs that would stop me from moving to Florida. They are huge cockroaches.
Haha, see these don't bother me, I'm actually ok with like 99% of bugs, it's just spiders that I can't handle. It's so odd. Even when I was living down in St John, this massive bug got into our place, and I had no problem just scooping it up with my bare hands and putting it outside, but if that were a spider I would probably have had a heart attack! It's crazy how much I can't stand spiders.
Have you booked your trip yet? We are going back in December and we are really looking forward to it. :)
Not yet. We're still working out what trips we want to take with the APs. I sadly realized that I will run out of vacation time if we take all the trips I had wanted, so we need to revise our plans a bit, but at least it's still looking like at least three trips a year!


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