You Get a Suite! You Get a Suite! Everybody Gets a Suite! December 2023 Trip Report! (RL Update 9/15!!)

I'm actually really annoyed, this is the second time in the past month my boss has come in sick on the day that only the two of us are in the office and has come over to complain about how sick he is and how he won't be coming in the rest of the week so he doesn't get others sick. Apparently I don't count. Ugh. :sad2: Each time I've come down with a cold a few days later.
That is awful! I am super annoyed by people who go to an office when sick. So sorry to see it turned out to be Covid, even worse. I had it for the second time recently and no one else in my family got it - it's so bizzare how it does or doesn't pass on.
The CM was awesome and said he was really impressed I had done that, and told us to hold on a second, he’d be right back. So he went over to this stand and pulled out another I’m Celebrating button and wrote on it “Galactic Superstar!” and then gave it to me. He then went back and got another one and wrote “Best Mom in the Galaxy!” and gave that one to my mom!
That is so sweet! I tried to follow your tips for Galactic Hero and still failed, but it helped my husband and he got a sticker for being a Galactic Hero, which he proudly wore for the rest of the day!
It's the CMs like the one you had at the Grand who are truly the magic of Disney. I love interacting with them whenever possible, especially the College Program kids. Not only are they super excited to be there, a lot of them are truly far away from home and friends for the first time. I think they feel my professor vibes and love to talk about their experiences.
That is awful! I am super annoyed by people who go to an office when sick. So sorry to see it turned out to be Covid, even worse. I had it for the second time recently and no one else in my family got it - it's so bizzare how it does or doesn't pass on.
Yes! I get so mad at people who come in sick, like have we not learned anything over the past four years?!?! It is so weird how it spreads, I figured since I had been in the office up until the day I had symptoms I probably spread it to someone unknowingly, but nope, I was the only one out sick with it! On the plus side I got to work from home for two weeks so that part wasn't bad!
That is so sweet! I tried to follow your tips for Galactic Hero and still failed, but it helped my husband and he got a sticker for being a Galactic Hero, which he proudly wore for the rest of the day!
It was so amazing, I love CMs like this. He seemed like he absolutely loved his job and making people smile. Sorry you didn't make galactic hero, but congrats to your husband!
It's the CMs like the one you had at the Grand who are truly the magic of Disney.
This 100%! He was just amazing, if our car didn't arrive we probably could have sat there chatting with him all day.

I love interacting with them whenever possible, especially the College Program kids. Not only are they super excited to be there, a lot of them are truly far away from home and friends for the first time. I think they feel my professor vibes and love to talk about their experiences.
Yes! They can be so much fun to chat with, I've met some really amazing CMs over the years. Some I swear if I lived in FL we would have been bffs!
Oh goodness, where have I been!?!? :rotfl2:

I had such great plans to update this TR while I was out sick from work, but then I failed. I really have no excuse other than I've been exhausted. Covid just made me so tired, yet at the same time I seem to have forgotten how to sleep, so it's been a weird few weeks. Plus my boss left everything on my plate while I was out sick so I had a ridiculous amount of work to catch up on when I got back, which has just added to the exhaustion. So basically, I'm just tired. BUT, I am getting back to normal slowly, so I *hope* to get back into regular updates in the next day or so. Although in the office this week everyone sounded so sick, I'm hoping it was just allergies, but if I catch something else at work again I am not going to be a happy camper!

On a happy note, we did end up booking more trips over the past few weeks. Got a FArts trip booked for January, and our regular F&W trip booked for September 2025. Now just waiting for December bookings to open so we can book another holiday trip. It's kind of crazy to think that we'll be going to Disney 3-4 times a year for the next few years, but I am SO excited!

Also, just wanted to share a picture of my favorite cherry tree in my neighborhood. This thing is stunning, pictures don't do it justice. I love when it blooms in the spring!
Hope you’re all recovered from Covid and that you don’t get sick again!
What are the dates of your January trip? We will be there Jan. 21-Feb 10.
Hope you’re all recovered from Covid and that you don’t get sick again!
What are the dates of your January trip? We will be there Jan. 21-Feb 10.
Thank you! We'll be there I believe Jan 22-26!
Plus my boss left everything on my plate while I was out sick so I had a ridiculous amount of work to catch up on when I got back, which has just added to the exhaustion.
My work would always be waiting for me whenever I was out. It is a real drag to come back to it. :)
Also, just wanted to share a picture of my favorite cherry tree in my neighborhood. This thing is stunning, pictures don't do it justice. I love when it blooms in the spring!
I love your cherry tree. Spring is my favorite time of year because so many people in our neighborhood plant trees, bushes and plants that bloom in the spring. :)
The boss who got you sick left everything on your plate???? I don't know if I could hold my tongue in that instance. I'm screaming into a pillow for you!
I am homesick and just binged your last trip report - so fun! I am all up to date on this one and all I can say is WOW!! Ok, I could say more, but that sums it up well :)

Your boss is the worst. Your view of the tree is beautiful. I am up here in MA enjoying our second winter :) :charac2:
While waiting, a CM came over to chat with us and saw that dad was wearing the Galactic Hero pin, so he congratulated my dad. My dad ended up telling him that I actually got it, but gave him the pin since he came so close.

The CM was awesome and said he was really impressed I had done that, and told us to hold on a second, he’d be right back. So he went over to this stand and pulled out another I’m Celebrating button and wrote on it “Galactic Superstar!” and then gave it to me. He then went back and got another one and wrote “Best Mom in the Galaxy!” and gave that one to my mom!

It was such a fun little interaction, he was so sweet! He even tried to convince me to get a job at Disney :rotfl: (which honestly I’ve been considering, but I’m frankly terrified of the spiders they have down in FL!)
Love this great CM interaction!
Plus my boss left everything on my plate while I was out sick so I had a ridiculous amount of work to catch up on when I got back, which has just added to the exhaustion. So basically, I'm just tired. BUT, I am getting back to normal slowly, so I *hope* to get back into regular updates in the next day or so. Although in the office this week everyone sounded so sick, I'm hoping it was just allergies, but if I catch something else at work again I am not going to be a happy camper!
Ugh! Your boss is awful! Hope you are feeling back to yourself now!

On a happy note, we did end up booking more trips over the past few weeks. Got a FArts trip booked for January, and our regular F&W trip booked for September 2025. Now just waiting for December bookings to open so we can book another holiday trip. It's kind of crazy to think that we'll be going to Disney 3-4 times a year for the next few years, but I am SO excited!
Yay! I also upgraded to an AP and have three trips planned! August 16-25 solo at POFQ/BLT, December 5-9 with Caroline (resort TBD) and March 8-15 with my DH (probably BRV followed by Gran Destino).
My work would always be waiting for me whenever I was out. It is a real drag to come back to it. :)
With all my previous jobs that would be the norm as well, but with my current job, when things come in we often only have 3-5 days to get them out, so my boss is supposed to reassign things when someone is unexpectedly out for a few days. He actually does for some people, but only the ones he likes which is not me. He thinks I'm after his job, which to be fair isn't exactly untrue :rotfl2:
I love your cherry tree. Spring is my favorite time of year because so many people in our neighborhood plant trees, bushes and plants that bloom in the spring. :)
Isn't it beautiful? Right now my neighborhood is really showing off, there are flowers everywhere, I love it!
The boss who got you sick left everything on your plate???? I don't know if I could hold my tongue in that instance. I'm screaming into a pillow for you!
Oh yeah, he sucks and we don't exactly get along. There have been issues for years, my favorite was him telling me I had no future in this department and I should leave, in the same conversation where he told me I had to take on all my coworkers work since he's not doing a good job and I'm one of the best in the department. Like what?!?! He actually got written up for that one at least!
I am homesick and just binged your last trip report - so fun! I am all up to date on this one and all I can say is WOW!! Ok, I could say more, but that sums it up well :)
Haha, thank you for joining in!
Your boss is the worst. Your view of the tree is beautiful. I am up here in MA enjoying our second winter :) :charac2:
Yup! He's awful, but at least his boss hates him, so fingers crossed his days are numbered! And my parents are still up in MA and I hear every day about how cold it still is! My mom mentioned today that they are predicting snow in the next week. As much as I miss living there, I don't know if I can go back to snow in April!
Love this great CM interaction!
He was so amazing, he just seemed to absolutely love his job and making people smile. I hope we run into him again!
Ugh! Your boss is awful! Hope you are feeling back to yourself now!
He really is the worst. I have an entire document of all the ridiculous stuff he's done, almost 12 pages long at this point. The crazy thing is, I don't think he's doing anything to be malicious, I think he's just really really stupid.
Yay! I also upgraded to an AP and have three trips planned! August 16-25 solo at POFQ/BLT, December 5-9 with Caroline (resort TBD) and March 8-15 with my DH (probably BRV followed by Gran Destino).
That's awesome! I never thought I'd be an AP, it's so exciting. That's a nice line up of trips, I cannot wait to get ours all booked! And my brain is failing me, what is BRV?
That's awesome! I never thought I'd be an AP, it's so exciting. That's a nice line up of trips, I cannot wait to get ours all booked! And my brain is failing me, what is BRV?
It's definitely exciting having an AP. The discounts are great as well. BRV is Boulder Ridge Villas at Wilderness Lodge.

Day 4, Part 6: Much Needed Down Time

When we got back to the AKL we decided to head to the lounge first to pick up some snacks and some wine before heading back to the room.

Once back in the room my parents napped, while I sat outside on the balcony watching the animals.

After a while the animals moved away, and I was starting to get really cold, so decided to go take advantage of our big soaking tub and take a bath! I did bring Clorox wipes to wipe it down first though, because ew, germs.

While I was cleaning the tub, my dad ran off to the lounge to get some more wine for my mom and myself, thanks dad!

Finally, it was time for the most relaxing part of the day, a nice hot bath with a glass of wine!

I wish all rooms had these big soaking tubs, I’ve never taken a bath at Disney before, but it was wonderful!

I took a quick shower after the bath, then went to see if the animals were back outside the balcony.

There were some, so I sat back out there to watch them again.

After a while a CM drove over with food, and as she was spreading the food around, she called up to those of us out on the balconies if we had any questions for her! This was so cool, so I asked what this one really big bird was that was following her around, it was a hornbill, and I mentioned it seemed to be very fond of her, to which she replied that she is one of his trainers so he tends to follow her around! Ha!

Other people on the balconies called out questions too, it was a really cool experience to have this semi-private Q&A with an animal trainer from the comfort of our own balcony!

After a few minutes a bunch of animals came over to snack on the food she had put out, so she headed off to fill up the next feeding station.

I watched the animals a bit more, but was getting cold again, so around 5 I decided to head in and over to the lounge to check out what was being served that evening.

Mom and dad decided to stay in the room since they wanted to rest more and save their appetite for our dinner later that evening.

The food this evening at the lounge was really good, they had these huge meatballs, a shrimp dish, and something else that I wrote down but can’t read my handwriting. :rotfl:

I ended up getting the meatballs and shrimp and ate at the lounge since it was pretty empty at that point, plus I didn’t feel like carrying the food the ½ mile to our room. ::yes::

The food was great! I didn’t get pictures since I left my phone in the room, oops!

After finishing up I headed back to the room and started to get ready for our dinner.

Next up: Jiko!
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Finally, it was time for the most relaxing part of the day, a nice hot bath with a glass of wine!
That is my favorite way to relax! I have never done that at Disney, but it sounds really nice.
After a while a CM drove over with food, and as she was spreading the food around, she called up to those of us out on the balconies if we had any questions for her! This was so cool, so I asked what this one really big bird was that was following her around, it was a hornbill, and I mentioned it seemed to be very fond of her, to which she replied that she is one of his trainers so he tends to follow her around! Ha!
That is so cool that she offered to take questions! And how sweet with the hornbill following her.


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