Will Disney make money by opening at 1/3


Feb 22, 2020
I guess the question is it worth Disney opening up at this capacity or will they be losing money? I guess between all the money they have to pay for new safety measures and keeping a high number of CM to make sure guests follow the rules I wonder if it is really worth it.

Even if they are turning a profit, won’t it be really bad publicity if they can tie an outbreak to the park? Do they feel their product is strong enough to survive any bad press... I don’t know.. I wonder if it was a good idea to continue with the opening when there is a huge spike. I know it is enter at your own risk but since you can carry the virus back to other people it doesn’t seem fair that people can bring back the virus to their on own communities.
I guess the question is it worth Disney opening up at this capacity or will they be losing money? I guess between all the money they have to pay for new safety measures and keeping a high number of CM to make sure guests follow the rules I wonder if it is really worth it.

Even if they are turning a profit, won’t it be really bad publicity if they can tie an outbreak to the park? Do they feel their product is strong enough to survive any bad press... I don’t know.. I wonder if it was a good idea to continue with the opening when there is a huge spike. I know it is enter at your own risk but since you can carry the virus back to other people it doesn’t seem fair that people can bring back the virus to their on own communities.
They probably are not making a profit. Chapek's statement was that they would open the parks once they would lose less money by having the parks open than when they are closed. They may be doing that. I'm sure the huge spike in COVID cases has made that more difficult.

I honestly don't think any bad press from this will really matter in the long run, and I don't think it will get any worse than the current shaming for even considering opening and the random bloggers scouring the parks to take pictures of people bunched up. With the procedures that Disney has put in to place, I think a major outbreak at the resort is unlikely.

At this point, responsibility largely is on the shoulders of the guests to follow the rules and to take all appropriate precautions once they come back home. Disney has put everything in place to greatly minimize the chance for transmission of the disease. They can only do so much though. Guests still need to wash/sanitize their hands and avoid touching their face. When people go back to their communities, they should at least be wearing a mask 100% of the time in public and avoid any unnecessary interactions with other people for two weeks or get tested.
I'm fairly sure they are not making a profit, but that was expected.

They did however expect to make "positive contribution". That however was based on them reaching their planned initial capacity. They are not reaching that number of reservations. On top of that it seems there may be more people than expected that made reservations but then just didn't turn up.

Within the next couple of weeks they will I think take steps to entice additional people to come with discount/deals and if the people still don't come then they will have to look at cuts/closures.

It doesnt help that the world media (bbc right now while I'm watching) is announcing FL is now the epicentre throughout the entire world and its in chaos.
I guess the question is it worth Disney opening up at this capacity or will they be losing money? I guess between all the money they have to pay for new safety measures and keeping a high number of CM to make sure guests follow the rules I wonder if it is really worth it.

Even if they are turning a profit, won’t it be really bad publicity if they can tie an outbreak to the park? Do they feel their product is strong enough to survive any bad press... I don’t know.. I wonder if it was a good idea to continue with the opening when there is a huge spike. I know it is enter at your own risk but since you can carry the virus back to other people it doesn’t seem fair that people can bring back the virus to their on own communities.
I doubt Disney considered any of your points when they evaluated the situation and decided on their opening strategy. Why don't you share your thoughts with Bob's? Drop them a note.
....OP, I was wondering that very same thing...from all the vids I've seen so far, it kinda looks sad with the non-existent crowds.
...I honestly don't think any bad press from this will really matter in the long run, and I don't think it will get any worse than the current shaming for even considering opening and the random bloggers scouring the parks to take pictures of people bunched up. With the procedures that Disney has put in to place, I think a major outbreak at the resort is unlikely....
...I think that it's kind of ironic that US/IoA opened at least 3 weeks or more ahead of WDW, yet you don't hear anything [good OR bad] about that, or at least I haven't heard anything.


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