Why would you disassociate an ADR from your reservation.


DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2004
When making online ADRs it asks if you want to disassociate your adr from you room reservation...maybe I'm not getting it but why would you do this? I've "associated" them with my room...should I have done that? First trip that with the online ADRs. :confused:

Thanks so much!:hug:
I wondered the same thing.
All I could think of was if you were making the ADR for someone else? Maybe?
I would use that. I've got several trips that I'm working on: Oct, Dec, Jan10, Mar10, April 10. I'm currently tweaking my October and December ADRs and next week I make my January ADRs, so I do tend to bounce from one reservation to another. Plus I generally have 2 reservation numbers with each trip. We like to fly down a day or 2 before we check into our DVC resort, so sometimes have room only reservation too. And like gazillion of my disboard friends, I'll be on the computer on Oct. 27th making my March and April ADRs!!! not looking forward to that at all.
I do that with my split stays. I disassociate one and then enter the next room reservation for the nights I'll be dining while at the second resort.

On the flip side, I made two of my ressies on a whim and didn't associate my reservation with it...does that matter?

One was for T-Rex, so that shouldn't, but the other is for Whispering Canyon dinner.
On the flip side, I made two of my ressies on a whim and didn't associate my reservation with it...does that matter?

One was for T-Rex, so that shouldn't, but the other is for Whispering Canyon dinner.

No, because as far as I know the only reason to put in your reservation # is to get the +10 to open up.


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