Why does the neighbor have to mow during nap time?


Aug 15, 2002
My neighbor must listen for me to finally lull my little one to sleep. It never fails that when he has mowing to do, he starts his mower as the last eyelid closes! I know that he has every right to mow, and I have no right to complain, but just had to vent!

Of course, he really has no idea what's going on, just Murphy's Law!
Oh I am so sorry. I remember those days. I did home day care when my Ds was little and I had 4 to get to sleep. I would be so excited to have a few minutes to rest and then..... A lawn mower, a dog, a phone!!!!

I learned to take the phone off the hook and when all else failed i put everyone in their seats and rode around for a 2 hour nap!!!!

Now we have this great neighbor that works strage hours and likes to work on his new building that he does LOTS of hammering on at 2AM!!!!!

Good luck tomorrow!

Jordan's mom
I feel for ya! We go through the same thing all the time. Lawn mower, dog barking... now that summer is here, our next door neighbor has a 16 yr old son that plays the drums :( and he likes to play them everytime Athena is getting ready for nap time!
Oh dear, they mow during nap time too??:eek: I thought the neighbors only mowed when you have company over for a backyard cookout!:rolleyes:
Fortunately, naptime is too hot to mow around here, but I had to train the Fedex and UPS men to NOT ring my doorbell during naptime.
Now, the kid next door is old enough to mow, when he is home, during the day instead of when his parents gethome from work.

He doesn't mow the entire yard at once. About 15 min, every hour or so. He plays basketball in between. UGGGG. I haven't slept well all summer long.:crazy:
Same reason my neighbor snow blows his driveway at 5AM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if he did mine too, maybe I wouldn't mind.
Sounds like I'm not alone in these little irritants of life. A house on 10+ acres is starting to sound like the way to go!
I think I've got you beat! Not only does my neighbor mow his lawn EVERY SINGLE DAY, usually during nap time, (he's got alzheimers), but another neighbor has been putting on a new roof for over 2 weeks. I think he's doing it by himself, and it's painfully slow. But noisy. :)

My UPS guy also rings the bell and then runs back to his truck before I can get to the door. Now, before I get up, I listen for the sound of tires squealing. :teeth: If I could just catch him one of these days, I'd tell him just to leave the stuff and not bother ringing. :(

10 acres sounds great to me!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Are we neighbors?

I also have a neighbor who mows everyday. I don't believe that he has Alzheimer's, however. He is just currently unemployed and has nothing better to do with his time. He also likes to come over in the middle of nap time and ring our door bell to borrow my husband's tools. I have taken to just leaving them on our front stoop when I see that he is out working on something.

I also have the UPS/Fed Ex guy "ring and run" problem. Unfortunately, this is also pretty much an everyday thing because my husband is a salesman with a home office and he gets packages from his company just about everyday.

Oh, and did I mention that my neighbor decided that he needed to mow the lawn during my daughter's backyard 1 year birthday party. He spent the entire two hour party mowing (his backyard, only... of course) and spent a good 1/2 hour mowing the fence line.

Do you think he was upset he wasn't invited to a one year old's birthday party?
I think my neighbor mows his lawn during nap time for just one reason: because he can.

Same reason why he puts his trash can near ds' bedroom window (on his side of the fence) and always sets the trash out at 8pm when ds goes to bed.

Hard to find 10 acres here in the Los Angeles area unless you are a bizillionare. I need to move to the country!

J Galt---he did the same exact thing during ds' 1st bday party.

UPS must train their people to dump and run because ours does that too!

I think all these people must be related somehow.
My neighbor likes to put their barking dog out at 6 am every morning, or should I say "yelping?" They leave it out just long enough for me to wake completely up, then kindly take it back in. They also do this at naptime but thankfully, my kids have outgrown naps... I would like one though, ha ha! I feel for you :(
Oh, this so brings back memories. This was actually one of the top reasons I was so glad our new house had air-conditioning; I loved being able to shut the windows and shut out most of the noise.

I had to put the kids to sleep in the afternoon and it was just too hot to close the windows. I didn't usually have trouble with lawn mowers, though. A secondary problem was the ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump, whish of the unemployed twenty-something who insisted on practicing his basketball skills most of the afternoon. His didn't bother the kids so much, just me, because it was rhythmic.

My main problem was the ice-cream truck. WHY are they so loud??? I remember my friend saying that she basically thought I was being self-centered for being upset that the kids were woken up at least three times a week, regardless of when I put them down for a nap.
I can't seem to get any housework done cause Im so busy keeping up with all the POSTS! Let alone work in the yard!!
Originally posted by LIFERBABE
I can't seem to get any housework done cause Im so busy keeping up with all the POSTS! Let alone work in the yard!!

LOL! Great idea!


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