which to use, TIW or DDP or just DVC/AP discounts?


DIS Veteran
Jun 7, 2011
Going end of May. Our TIW card expires in April. Do we buy another? Or just take 10% AP/DVC discounts? Or even get the DP?

Our May-June trip is 1 week and just DH and I. My 2 DDs will also be there a couple days with friends but not in our resort. And DH might not be there all 7 nights because of work. I have dinners booked at Topolino's and Yak and Yeti. And hope to try to get the new Space 220. Have Cali Grill brunch and Liberty Tree Tavern lunch. Plan to wing the rest. We have a 5 night and then 2 night split stay and can get DDP for 5 nights. Only have Y&Y booked after that and we have a gift card to use there. We plan to do the F&G booths for a few meals and can convert QS credits to use there. And use snack credits too.

TIW, we don't really have plans to get back. I am booking a few nights in Jan 2021 to run in the 10K with DDs and SIL and niece. So I am not sure if TIW card makes sense. $150 so we'd need to spend $750 to break even and we likely would but then we can also get the 10% DVC/AP for free so technically we need to spend $1500 to really get the value out of the TIW. But we do like to get drinks and visit the lounges where TIW would come more in handy. The 10% DVC/AP discounts don't include drinks, right?
You know what I am going to say

its a math exercise. Time to roll up your sleeves, set up a spreadsheet and go to work.

oddly enough, I’m thinking dxdp might be the winner for you this trip., but either way, math time (and you thought you’d never need math) :teacher:
You know what I am going to say

its a math exercise. Time to roll up your sleeves, set up a spreadsheet and go to work.

oddly enough, I’m thinking dxdp might be the winner for you this trip., but either way, math time (and you thought you’d never need math) :teacher:
Yeah...yuck. Do I have to...:p.

I did go on the little calculator sites but they dont have Topolinos on there. And at time I also had Takumi Tae booked and that wasnt on there either. Space 220 isnt and wont be for a while.

So here is another question. I have a studio for DH and I...5 nights at SSR and then 2 at Riv. On 3rd night I also have Poly studio for DDs. For 2 nights with their 2 friends. But DDs may fly down with us and stay at our SSR for first 2 nights. How would I go about putting their names on the resies? And if they are on our SSR resie, I would have to buy them DP too.
if you want to definitely save money then either TiW or AP discount. DDP is not designed to save money although it’s possible. As was mentioned, it’s a math exercise.
Is this because of or in avoidance of math?
More because we will probably do a bunch of lounge meals. Will be near DS and can walk over to eat at like Jock Lindsays. ANd my girls might be in our room 2/7 nights and then in their own room 2 more nights and I wouldn't know how to put their names on the resies. Not sure they'd use 7 night's worth of DP. But the math stinks too. I may try to throw something together tomorrow.
what do you mean name on ressie? Room or dining?
Room resies. I have SSR from May 28 to June 2 and then Riv from June 2-4. For DH and I. My DDs have Poly from May 30-June 1 with 2 friends. But they might fly in with DH and I and stay with is at SSR from May 28-May 30 before going to Poly with their friends. Do I need their names on May 28th room resie to get them FP for the 28th and 29th? If so, then their names can't go on the Poly resie? If their names go on the SSR resie with DH and I for 5 nights, then I'd have to buy DP for all 4 of us for all 5 nights. They won't use it as their friends won't be able to do TS places most likely. They have $50 Landrys gift card to use at T-Rex or RFC for one of the nights (I have another $50...plan to maybe use at Y&Y or could just give to them to add to their other).

Honestly, aside from Cali Grill brunch and Topolinos we wanted to just kind of wing it and do lounges and F&G booths. DH also requested Liberty Tree lunch as he's never been for lunch. ANd I want to try to get Space 220 cause it will be new and cool. Then I have the Landrys gift card to maybe use. ANd DH might only be able to come in for the weekend if his work is too busy.
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