"What Would Jesus Buy?" ... An unexpected Disney-filled documentary


A little nonsense now and then is relished by the
Apr 10, 2008
Long story short, I love documentaries. I add them constantly and randomly to my queue on Netflix and now that I can watch Netflix via the Wii, I'm in Documentary Heaven.

I was browsing through the documentary choices last night and stumbled upon "What Would Jesus Buy?", a film about our compulsive and addictive need to spend and shop, especially at Christmastime. To quote the Internet Movie Database: An examination of the commercialization of Christmas in America while following Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir.

The first clue that you'll be delving into the world of Disney are the opening credits. They're in Disney Font. You know what I'm talking about ... That unmistakable, whimsical font. Just look at my ticker below (The words Walt Disney) and you'll know the font to which I am referring.

The second clue is one of the first few scenes in the film: The Reverend Billy descends upon the Disney Store in Times Square carrying a large, white crucifix with our pal Mickey Mouse tied to it. He's screaming (And this is not for the faint of heart): "Mickey Mouse is the anti-Christ!" He also grabs a stuffed Goofy and chants something about Goofy leading our children astray. Whoa.

The Reverend Billy also wears a black tee-shirt featuring a bloody Mickey Mouse trapped in a mouse trap underneath his suit. He calls the tee his "secret weapon".

For most of the film, Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir go from town to town, preaching and singing about the "Shopocalypse". They hit stores, malls, neighborhoods, etc. They try to set up shop in the Mall of America, but are soon escorted out.

The film takes a turn when it is discovered that most items that we covet, especially Disney-themed ones, aren't manufactured in America, opening up the whole sweat shop/child labor issue.

Now, I haven't finished the film yet, but I'm near the end: It's Christmas Day and Rev. Billy and the choir are at Disneyland to preach (How they even got in boggles me) and the Cast Members are slowly losing it!

So, it's definitely an anti-Disney film. Being the geeky and nerdy documentary buff that I am, I feel it's my duty to inform you of all things Disney in documenataries and film, even the negative aspects.


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