VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

That will be sad if they don't bring back the Boat loop like it was. It is really nice to be able to boat between WL and Contemporary.
We own at CCV, but I think it is a big loss for BLT and Contemporary especially.
Agree, wholeheartedly. I suppose it's a little too early to tell if they will...wait...no, it's not for me. pirate: The boat service should be back. Barring that, Disney should tell owners whether it will return or not and when. Given they've not done either, my guess is the service is on indefinite hiatus. Disney is one of the most secretive corporations around--it's become part of their mythos. I can assure you they know the plan for resuming the service or not, and it's steeped in not playing their hand until the last possible minute or just letting the months/years go by and not addressing a particular item. Case in point: the walkway between WL and FW. How many press releases have you heard on its continued closure since the Reflections build was deep-sixed?

I apologize to all who came here on a leisurely Sunday and found my mini soap box stand. Truly, it wasn't my intent. Alternately, I don't believe Disney should get an "aw, shucks, that's too bad" from me, either. As all the less-than-youngtimers on this thread will attest, I have not taken well the changes to WL over the past several years--some of that wilderness feel and sense of adventure have been slowly whittled away. I fear the non-resumption of boat service may be yet one more step in that direction.
Hope not, I really love WL and IMO
Agree, wholeheartedly. I suppose it's a little too early to tell if they will...wait...no, it's not for me. pirate: The boat service should be back. Barring that, Disney should tell owners whether it will return or not and when. Given they've not done either, my guess is the service is on indefinite hiatus. Disney is one of the most secretive corporations around--it's become part of their mythos. I can assure you they know the plan for resuming the service or not, and it's steeped in not playing their hand until the last possible minute or just letting the months/years go by and not addressing a particular item. Case in point: the walkway between WL and FW. How many press releases have you heard on its continued closure since the Reflections build was deep-sixed?

I apologize to all who came here on a leisurely Sunday and found my mini soap box stand. Truly, it wasn't my intent. Alternately, I don't believe Disney should get an "aw, shucks, that's too bad" from me, either. As all the less-than-youngtimers on this thread will attest, I have not taken well the changes to WL over the past several years--some of that wilderness feel and sense of adventure have been slowly whittled away. I fear the non-resumption of boat service may be yet one more step in that direction.
some of that wilderness feel and sense of adventure have been slowly whittled away.
Hope not, Wilderness Lodge is such a special place IMO.
Agree, wholeheartedly. I suppose it's a little too early to tell if they will...wait...no, it's not for me. pirate: The boat service should be back. Barring that, Disney should tell owners whether it will return or not and when. Given they've not done either, my guess is the service is on indefinite hiatus. Disney is one of the most secretive corporations around--it's become part of their mythos. I can assure you they know the plan for resuming the service or not, and it's steeped in not playing their hand until the last possible minute or just letting the months/years go by and not addressing a particular item. Case in point: the walkway between WL and FW. How many press releases have you heard on its continued closure since the Reflections build was deep-sixed?

I apologize to all who came here on a leisurely Sunday and found my mini soap box stand. Truly, it wasn't my intent. Alternately, I don't believe Disney should get an "aw, shucks, that's too bad" from me, either. As all the less-than-youngtimers on this thread will attest, I have not taken well the changes to WL over the past several years--some of that wilderness feel and sense of adventure have been slowly whittled away. I fear the non-resumption of boat service may be yet one more step in that direction.
You get on that soapbox! You speak well for us less-than-youngtimers who knew the lodge way back then when it was truly a lodge feel. I haven't taken the changes well either.
Anyone know if the lobby fountain is still behind a wall? I'd love for it to be refurbished before the holidays start, we only have a month until then. Disney is known for dragging out the repair on that particular fountain and to me it is an important feature of the lobby. Of the last 3 visits to VWL, 2 of them had it behind a wall of plants.
Anyone know if the lobby fountain is still behind a wall? I'd love for it to be refurbished before the holidays start, we only have a month until then. Disney is known for dragging out the repair on that particular fountain and to me it is an important feature of the lobby. Of the last 3 visits to VWL, 2 of them had it behind a wall of plants.
Oh no. That would be so disappointing. I hope they have it fixed. It is an important feature for sure.
Its not awful but I'm still not in love with it. Still not crazy about the headboards. They just seem out of place. I also miss the old type of lights. These new ones are meh. I would like to see pictures of the bathroom. Having said that it will still be one of my most loved resorts.
Agreed. The headboard is the worst part of the refurb. I hope the shower is a walk in shower instead of a tub combo but I doubt it.
Any nausea on GOG?
Not so much nausea as more equilibrium issues. And not bad enough to make me not want to ride again.
I will say this, advice given to me by Will4life, have a little bit on your stomach and like mission space, stay focused forward.
The equilibrium issue came after for all of us as we walked out of the ride, but by the time we got near the old mouse gear store area, it was gone
I look forward to giving it another whirl
With all the complaints you will hear from me about the state of affairs Disney is currently in, so far, being here, I have found the magical touches that make WDW still magical. And that’s what makes it worth spending the money, spending time with family and friends and just soaking in what Walt wanted us to experience.

2 moments that happened in a span of 1.5 hours
My Grandson Rafe was asking his maw maw Tammy what was up in the next car in front of us. She told him that’s where the driver sat. The mono No rail driver overheard him and asked if he would like to see where he works and Rafe got to sit in his seat. Before Rafe left the driver said one more thing, push that button, Rafe did and the big ol horn went off! Wow that was cool and loud, I jumped as I didn’t expect that.
This one is even more touching and I was holding back the tears, even as I write this, I tear up. This young man, who was with his mom or grandma, was watching the piano player at GF and Rafe wanted to watch too.
The young man I assume couldn’t speak so he was writing on a tablet and I couldn’t help but see his words as they were very big. He wrote something like this…the piano player is playing a song I requested and he is singing, just for me…

Folks, the CMs are keeping the magic alive, in the midst of all the turmoil, they are keeping it alive. Sometimes I just have to know it’s there and see it for myself


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