Timing of next visit and upcoming changes

Lisa Lisa

DIS Veteran
Nov 10, 2011
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted here. We used to be regular Disney cruisers and once-every-5-years Disney World people. We've since (mostly) moved on to other cruise lines and begun to go to DW a little more frequently. In fact, we moved to FL a couple of years ago and will probably be going once per year now. I started planning a somewhat last minute trip for 10/20-22 last week (haven't bought park tix yet), but now I'm reading about all the changes coming in early 2024. I'm now thinking it may make sense to go early next year instead so we can take advantage of not needing park reservations and being able to park hop any time. If we go in October, we probably won't go again until next summer at the soonest. WWYD?

Thanks in advance for any insight!
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Personally, I'd wait for all the kinks to be worked out in January if I had the option. It's Disney IT, there will be problems with Genie+ and no park reservations for date based tickets.
Thanks, @sponica. I'm torn between the instant gratification of going next weekend and the possibility that things will be easier if we wait until late January or early February. I'm sure you're correct about the tech piece -- it'll be a mess right after the changes go into effect!
If it were me, I wouldn’t be concerned about tech challenges, I would go when crowds were anticipated to be lower.

Disney tech challenges can happen at any time. Lately challenges happened when no changes were being made that guests were aware of and other times they made major tech changes which were seamless to the guest.
FWIW, advance dining reservations (ADR) right now are very plentiful. I've not seen this much availability in the past four years. Don't know if dining is big on your agenda.
Thanks for your responses! We’ve decided to go next weekend. I already had a hotel reservation, so I went ahead and bought tickets, made park reservations, and got the one ADR I wanted (had to modify a couple of times to get a decent time). I’m debating whether we’ll pay for Genie+, but I’m leaning against it. We’ll probably pay for a couple of individual lightning lanes, though.


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