A trip of 1sts for this Disneyland noob! *Oct 2014 PTR & TR*COMPLETED!!

Love the t-shirts Dena! I am completely uncreative/crafty, so admire your abilities!:)

I think the fact that you are OK with outside noise, is a great plus, when traveling/staying in a hotel!( I have to have "white noise", but am not a fan of "traffic noise';)!)

With that being the case, you should have no problem at all, sleeping/being comfortable in a room toward the front---good for you, that you thought to request that!:thumbsup2
Love the t-shirts Dena! I am completely uncreative/crafty, so admire your abilities!:) I think the fact that you are OK with outside noise, is a great plus, when traveling/staying in a hotel!( I have to have "white noise", but am not a fan of "traffic noise';)!) With that being the case, you should have no problem at all, sleeping/being comfortable in a room toward the front---good for you, that you thought to request that!:thumbsup2

Thanks. If I didn't have to work and had loads of free time I would so be a Martha Stewart crafty creative type lol.

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23 days!!!!!

so very excited to be so close, especially reading all of the posts from DISers who are there right now!! Booked our final thing today, the Happiest Haunts tour. yay!! so our itinerary is good to go!!

Still have to get making our costumes but i'm not really motivated just yet. Good thing i work best under pressure lol.

I have also bought some more pins for trading off of some lovely members of the disney pin forums, figured i would like to take part in trading with DD this year. Think i will make some pin trading books out of old cd holders as DD was dropping pins left and right when we went to WDW. Just what i need, another thing to do hahahaha
In exactly one week we will be in Anaheim! Still so much to do lol. Have to finish, and by finish I mean start our costumes. Getting so excited I do not know how I will be able to keep my cool and not let it slip. So far though the trip is still a secret!!!! Just wanted to post a little yippie single digits post :)

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I never did make it back to finish this pre-trip/trip report so I will do my best to finish it off because I hate leaving things unfinished!

ok, I left off at a week before our trip. I did indeed manage to finish our costumes, pack everything and most importantly keep it a secret lol but I'll talk more about that below.

Day 1: Oct 22 2014:
I woke up early to get everything ready for the big surprise. I was really nervous on how she would react. Wondering if i indeed did pull off the surprise of a lifetime or if she had clued in and just not said anything. We got all our stuff ready and stacked up by the door and then waited for my mama to arrive. She was giving us a ride to the airport and insisted on being there for the surprise. Luckily she only lives a few blocks away so she arrived in no time. My mom decided to be the one to take a video of it all so once she was all set up we went into DD's room.

I turned the lights on and told her in what was meant to be a happy voice but came out almost crazed, to "wake up!!! We are going to Disneyland!!!" It was hilarious. Even though there were three of us standing there staring at her with big goofy grins and my mom was recording her she just did not believe me. I'm not sure what kind of mean trickster she thinks i am but with sleepy eyes she just looked at us all and sleepily said "Haha mommy, good one" and rolled over and went back to sleep. It took all three of us a good 10 minutes to convince her enough to get out of bed to come see the suitcases all packed up before she would even consider that i was telling the truth. Once she saw all our suitcases, the passports, plane tickets etc. it finally hit her and that's when the ear to ear smile showed up. Finally!! lol Sadly she made me promise on all things Disney that I would not EVER share the video but I am sure you all have good imaginations and can play it out in your head lol.

Once we got to the airport and said goodbye to my mom and my boyfriend (who was feeling very sad and a bit jealous that he couldn't get the time off from work to come at this point) DD and I checked in and went through security before a line started.


We had about an hour to wait so we grabbed some snacks and drinks and sat down and had a big talk about all the things we were going to be doing on this trip. By the time the plane was loading Kierra was so excited I think she could have flew there on her own ;) Notice the minecraft shirt, she LOVED it!! Yay!!! i was actually worried she would think it was lame and refuse to wear it.


Sadly the city we live in is not big enough to offer direct flights to LAX so we had one stop in Calgary where we had to switch planes and wait another hour (which turned into two because of some kind of delay) so we sat and waited and tried to stay excited because hello, we were leaving the cold behind and going to DISNEY!!!


the flight from Calgary to LAX was tolerable. We listened to music on our devices and DD had a little nap and then we were there. Thankfully the lady in front of us getting off the plane was listening to us as we got off and overheard me say that I hoped we could figure out where to go, because she turned around smiled and said "follow me". She quickly led us to our luggage and then showed us where our shuttle was and then walked away forcing us to yell our thank-you's as she disappeared out the door.

We were using super shuttle, mainly just for the fact that it was the cheapest option. My thoughts... the little van was dirty, but the driver was nice and polite. We did one other stop and then were off to the hotels. Luckily we were the first stop and didn't have to wait. He gave us our bags and wished us a wonderful vacation then hopped back into the van and drove away!! So exciting to see our hotel and OMG DISNEYLAND really is RIGHT across the street!!!


We checked into the Best Western Park Place Inn and headed to our room to wait for our Vons order to arrive. The room was ok. It was a bit run down but very clean and had everything we needed. Definitely nothing fancy but we have no complaints at all. We got the king bed with the little living area. It had a microwave and mini fridge and coffee pot. The only thing it didn't have that I wished it did was a room safe but I knew that before we left.


Once we had freshened up and had a little rest ( I had been up since 430am and it was almost 6pm) and got our Vons order all put away we headed to downtown Disney. Today would not be a park day so we had planned to get some Disney magic and of course eat supper at Earl of Sandwich.


after we ate we just checked out a bunch of stores, bought a couple souvenirs then headed back to our room to get our beauty sleep as we had an early day the next day!

next.... day 2: DCA day, time to give the wide right method a go...
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Well I'm in! This looks like a fun trip report, and I had a good time reading about all the planning that went into the surprise! I can't wait to see how your trip went!
Well I'm in! This looks like a fun trip report, and I had a good time reading about all the planning that went into the surprise! I can't wait to see how your trip went!

Welcome and thank you :) hopefully I can get this one finished up in a timely manner, I am also currently trying to do a pre-trip report for our next trip in May lol. Will do day two in the next hour or so...
Day 2 : Thurs Oct 23

Got up bright and early and headed over to Captain Kidds for our free breakfast. We were a bit too excited to actually eat a meal so we decided to grab Danishes and some juice to go and headed over to DCA. We were the first in line to get into the park and thanks to DIS we were all ready to give wide right a go!

As we were waiting we met a lot of really nice people in line and that really helped to make the time fly by. Once the park opened and we headed in I was surprised by how rude some people can be. Well not really surprised but disappointed. This one lady was dragging her kid who was screaming and crying as she ran towards the gas hose where we would all wait to be escorted down route 66. So disgusting but I guess karma came into play because she ran to the very far left so she could be right at the rope. We stuck to the right and ended up second behind another family at the farthest right we could go.
Lightning and mater led us towards RSR as the CM's slowly moved the crowd to the right to form the proper line for the ride. We were so excited to be up so close and just as we were about to enter the actual roped off line that same lady with the still screaming child came rushing up and literally pushed my dd out of the way so they could go in front of us. The mama bear in me came out and it took everything in me to not bite her head off but all I said was "good role model for your son" and shook my head. I was not going to let this effect our most excellent experience :) We were still so very excited because we counted the numbers and would still be in the first race... now in the front of the second car instead of the back of the first. It was super cool to just follow the CM and go straight to the front with all the cars sitting there shiny and bright, waiting for us to start the day! Just before the CM started loading the first family, out of nowhere another lady with 4 kids came and tried to join with the evil lady in front of us. I told her there was no way I was letting her let them in and she told me to shut the *bleep* up and mind my own business. *SHOCK* thankfully the CM either heard her or saw the tension and came over and asked if there was a problem. I guess they didn't want to deal with the CM because the lady and the 4 kids said no and went back to where they were down farther in the line. I just have to say that I really felt so bad for that poor boy. What should have been an experience of a lifetime was surrounded by such negativity and my goodness, he spent the whole time crying and miserable. Shame on her!!!

We did indeed end up in the front of the second car to load

and both dd and I LOVED the ride so much!! our car won and the only time my dd said anything about the whole negativity was when we won, she just smiled and said "see mom, being nice pays off and being icky doesn't"

After we got off we decided to grab fastpasses to ride again later and headed to go get our photopass+ all set up. Next DD really wanted to ride Soarin' so we headed to that and it was as awesome as I remembered it was in WDW.
afterwards we got a quick pic with Minnie

then headed towards toy story. We got distracted by meeting Jessie
and then the CM said Woody would be coming out right away but DD didn't want to wait. I love the ride queue for Toy Story... So cute and the ride was loads of fun.

Next we rode the silly symphony swings & Goofy's sky school. Having only a Danish for breakfast we were rather hungry but didn't want to eat a huge meal as we had a late lunch reservation for Wine County Trattitoria for our WOC meal package. We decided to grab a corndog and take a much needed rest. *** when you let your 12 year old DD run the show you really end up running all over the park lol.

after our little pitstop we decided to go on Luigi's flying tires before our fastpass to RSR. It took about 10 min to get on with our fastpasses and that time flew by because we ended up in line with our new friends we met in line at the gates earlier. We grabbed more fastpasses for RSR, hoping to ride at night and then toured about Carsland just taking it all in before we had to go for our lunch reservation.


We decided to see if we could get in a bit early for our lunch and got seated immediately :) It was a very pretty place and I loved being able to sit in the shaded patio and people watch. DD and I both loved our meal.

I got the salad with shrimp and she got the chicken. The desserts were amazing
and we both walked away stuffed with big happy smiles on our faces!

After eating we walked about and ended up on the Tower of Terror.
This was a huge thing as DD refused to ride it in WDW the year before. I love that ride so much and afterwards DD said she was happy she did it but will NEVER do it again. She really hates the feeling of dropping. Proud she did it at least once though.

we walked about just enjoying the atmosphere and seeing what we could see then headed back to hotel for a rest and to change for WOC.

World of Color was truly amazing! We arrived quite a bit earlier than the fastpasses suggested and they were just starting to get things all set up. We talked to a friendly CM who told us our line would be starting just over by the Little mermaid ride. We were going to hang back until an elderly couple got in line so we figured if they can so can we lol. We chatted up the CM's and the other people in line until it was time to be let in. We ended up in the most perfect spot, right at the rail of the upper level. Smack dab in the middle of everything, best view i could imagine!!

Both DD and I were mesmerized by the whole show. It was my most favourite Disney show ever, even more than Halloween Screams fireworks and OMG did i love that!!! Our photo's sucked so not going to do an injustice by sharing them lol

after WOC we headed back to the hotel but had a quick stop to grab some treats. What an amazing night and we crashed hard when we crawled into our beds!!!

up next...
day 3: Friday Oct 24th, 1st DL day AND 1st Mickey's Halloween party!!!!
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Day 3: Friday Oct 24th...

We grabbed some cereal to go from Captain Kidds and headed to the park early to try and grab a good spot in line for our first DL day. There were a few families lined up at each gate but one gate had nobody at it. Not sure why everyone walked passed it but we said yay to us and got in line... second time lining up for park opening and second time being first in line! :) As we waited at the rope with the rest of the crowds we had lovely conversations with the families around us. Most of us were in awe of the line to go meet Ana and Elsa. Again, so thankful that DD isn't into the real people characters!!! Just before rope drop the Mad Hatter made his way over to the line and entertained us all...

loads of fun!

Our plan was to try and do all the non fastpass rides that were not at WDW first and then just kind of go with the flow hahaha. As the masses rushed and pushed towards the Elsa and Ana meet we zipped right over to Peter Pans Flight. It was So Cute! Then we rode Toads wild ride
and of course Dumbo!

Lines were very small still so we rode Pinocchio, Snow White, Alice, the tea cups and braved the Matterhorn.

I personally like Expedition Everest better as The Matterhorn was quite jerky and made my back a bit sore.

Miss K insisted we go on Space Mountain next as she was excited to see the Ghost Galaxy version.


LOVED it, was her most favourite ride! We decided to grab fastpasses for Star tours and then headed over to Buzz Lightyears astro blasters.

We started walking, got a bit turned around and ended up in Toon Town hahaha.

We rode Roger Rabbit but Miss K wasn't feeling Toontown so we hopped on the nemo subs. After We quickly headed over to use our Star tours fastpasses.

Next we stopped at Innovations to check out the Avengers exhibit which was super cool but the main attraction was
and meeting Thor!

We were getting quite hungry and decided that when on holiday it is A-ok to have ice cream for lunch so we headed over to DCA. first we said a quick hello to Oswald and Pluto and then continued on for our Kitchen sink sundae


With our tummies stuffed full of ice cream we headed back to the hotel for a little rest and to get ready for our first Halloween party!

up next... Mickey's Halloween party #1...
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Obviously a bit late to the fun but wanted to join in - we are doing our first trip to Disneyland this coming October (so same time of the year) and looking forward to reading how your planning went and how your trip wound up.

As a veteran of Walt Disney World I too am very used to having to plan everything far in advance and having to wait is almost a bit unsettling to me :rotfl2:

I like your scrap-books - especially your smash books. I love the idea of putting one of the park maps in it like you did. We did something similar to your photo album with signatures like you did our last trip, though put them in a frame rather than a book: (I put a bunch of park posters on the wall behind where I hung the frame):
Pictures and autographs.jpg

I spent a ton of time researching all the hotels and actually we wound up booking at the HoJo - I have 3 little kids though and think they will get a kick out of the theming and the waterpark. Also, we booked a 2 bedroom suite there (the kids will have pirate bunkbeds) and it just seemed like the best fit for us. But a number of the good neighbor hotels were attractive for various reasons including the BWPPI you picked


Wow, what an image to arrive to! I am sure DLR veterants are used to that, but that just looks amazing to me to be at the entrance of your hotel and see the monorail on the other side of the street and the Matterhorn in the background

I definitely will have to keep the "wide right" in mind for our DCA day. My goodness that family and how rude and to push your DD! I mush say you have more restraint that I have as when someone makes physical contact with my kids (when it clearly wasn't a good natured accident) I can kinda flip out. Glad things worked out and I am sure walking up to the ride as the first group must have been very exciting!

see mom, being nice pays off and being icky doesn't"
... definitely good words to live by! :thumbsup2

Loved your seats for lunch! And awesome you got such a good view for WOC. How early did you go to get in line? With 3 little kids I don't want to wait longer than needed but also want to ensure we get at least pretty good views - WOC is definitely one of the things I am most looking forward to experiencing!

That is our plan as well for firs thing our DLR day - to hit up the non-FP attractions in Fantasyland (Pinocchio, canal boats, etc.)

Ghost Galaxy for Space Mountain looks so cool - very glad to check this out. Didn't realize they had a special PP for it - that is really cool!

Cool meets - I didn't realize they had the Avengers characters as well. And love that they have Oswald out too!
Obviously a bit late to the fun but wanted to join in - we are doing our first trip to Disneyland this coming October (so same time of the year) and looking forward to reading how your planning went and how your trip wound up.

Welcome! Happy to have you following along, hopefully our adventure can help you in planning yours. If you ever have questions feel free to ask.. I love Disney talk :)

I like your scrap-books - especially your smash books. I love the idea of putting one of the park maps in it like you did. We did something similar to your photo album with signatures like you did our last trip, though put them in a frame rather than a book: (I put a bunch of park posters on the wall behind where I hung the frame):
View attachment 93029

I love smashbooking, Sadly we kind of just stopped so now we not only have to finish our 2013 WDW trip one but also have the 2014 DL trip to do. I tend to slack off a lot but never this bad lol. Love your frame!! super cool idea :)[/quote]

I spent a ton of time researching all the hotels and actually we wound up booking at the HoJo - I have 3 little kids though and think they will get a kick out of the theming and the waterpark. Also, we booked a 2 bedroom suite there (the kids will have pirate bunkbeds) and it just seemed like the best fit for us. But a number of the good neighbor hotels were attractive for various reasons including the BWPPI you picked

The HOJO looks awesome and if my DD would have been a bit younger we would have enjoyed it there I am sure. In the end I was super thankful to be right across the street which is why with this trip we are taking (11 days now eeek!!) we are staying at the Desert Inn, almost as close as BWPPI

I definitely will have to keep the "wide right" in mind for our DCA day. My goodness that family and how rude and to push your DD! I mush say you have more restraint that I have as when someone makes physical contact with my kids (when it clearly wasn't a good natured accident) I can kinda flip out. Glad things worked out and I am sure walking up to the ride as the first group must have been very exciting!

i can not recommend enough the importance of wide right! Saved us half an hour in line right from the start!

Loved your seats for lunch! And awesome you got such a good view for WOC. How early did you go to get in line? With 3 little kids I don't want to wait longer than needed but also want to ensure we get at least pretty good views - WOC is definitely one of the things I am most looking forward to experiencing!

I was really impressed with the Wine County WOC lunch. it was really good food and great outdoor yet shaded area. I think we headed towards the line up area about an hour before the fastpasses suggested. Probably could have showed up half hour later and would still have got great view. I cant remember what the fastpasses said as a return time so i cant be more specific. Sorry.

Cool meets - I didn't realize they had the Avengers characters as well. And love that they have Oswald out too!
Yes, the avengers thing was so cool. we could have met captain america too but the line was too long :( sadly that has all been removed with no return date mentioned.

I am about to add our 1st halloween party now. hope it is enjoyable :)
Day 3 continued... 1st Mickeys Halloween party!

So when I picked out our costume ideas I was sure dd would want to be stitch and I would be Lilo... I was wrong! Miss K decided that the stitch jammies would be too hot and so we switched roles. Once we were all ready we headed back to the park and headed to Big Thunder Ranch for the fun times. we enjoyed the atmosphere and games



It was getting ready to close for the pre-party trails. Barely anyone knew about it and it wasn't advertised. We went and got our wristbands and treat bags and headed back to Big Thunder Ranch. It was so dead when we got there that we were one of the only groups there. We walked the whole treat trail and by the end our little candy bag Disney gave us was completely full. Good thing we brought big sturdy bags from home!!
Next we headed over to the Toon town pre party. Filled half a bag full of candy there and got to take some photos with Horace & Clarabelle, chip & Dale and Goofy!
Sadly there were not any photopass photographers just the handlers who were taking photos with your own camera.
lets just say they were not very good photographers lol

Next we headed over to the Haunted Mansion to try our luck at meeting Jack & Sally. Sadly after waiting half an hour in line, right as we got to the front, Sally went on a break and only Jack was doing photos. The CM saw my daughters disappointment and told her that if we came back in an hour when Sally got back and she would squeeze us in right away. YAY!! While we waited we did more treat trails. SOOOOO much candy lol.

While on the trails we got to meet Pluto and Goofy #2 and stopped to watch the creepy awesomeness of the Cadaver Dans!


Finally it was time to go back and meet Sally and Jack, Sally wasn't there yet so my DD did the trail rail right next to haunted mansion while I ran into the Riverbell Terrace to get a mint julip with glowing Jack cube. I quickly grabbed a Zero popcorn bucket

Not my photo but look how cute it is!!

and then DD and i got ushered to the front of the huge line to meet

Jack & Sally


WE did some more treat trails and met


We debated on the fireworks but DD really just wanted to leave. She was sooooo tired.
On our way out we saw that the villains were out so we got in line and met

Dr Facilier




and Cruella
who insisted that if we wanted a photo we must be dogs...


Then we were completely done like dinner so headed back to the hotel and crashed so hard!!!
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Cool update ... shame you didn't get any candy though ;)

The stuff from the beginning with the game/spinning wheel, etc. - was that before the party and thus open to people that are just there for the day/not for the party? We aren't planning on doing the party as my kids a bit little and get scared kinda easily but if there were some fun special Halloween stuff around before the party that would be cool to check out

I love the popcorn bucket! We got a ghost Mickey one a few trips ago at WDW but I like yours even better!

So many great character meets and wonderful you were able to go back up when Sally came out!
Lol by the end we had so much candy it almost put our luggage over weight limits on the plane lol brought it home, picked out our favourites and used the rest to give to trick or treaters lol

The big thunder ranch area is totally free for all outside of the mhp. There is a magician, and characters roaming about and a craft station and games where you win cute tattoos plus the conjur a villain tent which was awesome but you will have to wait until our second MHP post to hear about that ;)

I will see if I can find more photos from the big thunder ranch area, oh there's also the petting zoo there with the cute goats lol. I took over 800 pictures that trip so I know I have more :)
I'm following along too! Looks like loads of fun. I'm taking notes for our October trip this year!

How long did it take to get the PP+ in the mail?
Our pp+ took about two weeks from conformation to arrive and as soon as it did I snagged the coupon for it and put it with our passports so I wouldn't forget it lol. I enjoyed looking at the stock photo cd but because our trip was a secret I couldn't say anything or share it with dd.
Glad I found this, as I will be taking my first trip to DL in September and I'm enjoying reading about your experiences! We will be staying at the HOJO, we are two adults with no kids but it just looked fun lol! I am loving all of your photos. You and your daughter are so sweet together, what wonderful memories!
Glad I found this, as I will be taking my first trip to DL in September and I'm enjoying reading about your experiences! We will be staying at the HOJO, we are two adults with no kids but it just looked fun lol! I am loving all of your photos. You and your daughter are so sweet together, what wonderful memories!

Thank You! :)

We just got back from our 2nd trip (1st trip for my boyfriend though) and it was really cool to see it NOT Halloween Time. We just missed all the 60th craziness by 2 days. Kind of thankful for that now that i see all the crowds lol. Hoping to add the next day right away as I really need to finish this report lol
Day 4: Saturday Oct 25...

Beach Day!!


Finally we had a bit of spare time in the AM so we got ready and headed to Captain Kidd's to actually sit down for breakfast. We had booked the Beach bus tour with Tom and got picked up in the cutest little bus with surf boards on the top. (not our photo)


It was a funny coincidence that the big family on the bus was from the exact same place as us...what are the odds lol. Tom was so much fun and full of cool info it made the drive to the beach just fly by. Our first stop was Huntington Beach.

Silly us, we forgot towels so made a quick stop on the pier to buy a towel and then plopped in the sand to watch some surfing time trials.
Next stop was Newport beach, home of the Balboa fun zone.


First thing we headed to the Newport Landing restaurant
for some lunch on the deck overlooking the marina.


We stopped in at the Marine Exploration center and got to pet starfish. Was not worth the money they charge to get in but hey, we petted starfish so it wasn't all bad lol. Spent a lot of time in the little kids craft area where DD got to make these cute paper frogs with light up eyes and then we headed to the beach to collect shells and frolic in the ocean.


Last bus stop was Laguna Beach. We finally changed into our swim suits and hit the beach to splash about.


Went for milkshakes at Jonn Rockets (yum yum)

and then toured about and bought some gifts before hopping back on the bus to head back to the hotel. Big day tomorrow so we needed our beauty sleep :)

up next.... Disney photo shoot with Kelly Rivas
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Day 5: Sunday Oct 26th... Disney photo shoot and some park fun

I had decided to hire a photographer to follow us around the parks and capture our happiness. I found Kelly Rivas through another DIS member and she seemed like a sweet girl and had an annual pass so I booked her. We met up at the entrance to the parks to start the photo shoot. Having someone who is an AP really helps because she knew the parks and the rides and had great tips and ideas. We had loads of fun just roaming about, riding rides and having fun. Kelly was super nice and it was a really fun day even if the humidity made both DD and my hair go frizz crazy instantly lol... We got loads of pics but here is a few of my favs,
576043 576045
including the most special of all. Pixie dust was on our side as we had the opportunity to take some photos in the Court of Angels... It was so beautiful in there, so sad that it is now blocked off to the public.


After the fun photo shoot we said good bye to Kelly and grabbed some churros and headed to grab some RSR fastpasses. We decided to head back to DL to grab space mountain fastpasses and try our luck at conjuring villains. We conjured Captain hook


We wandered about for a bit then headed back to hotel for lunch and a little rest.

Completely refreshed we headed back to DL to use our Space mountain fastpasses then headed over to DCA to have some fun in the Animation academy.
We drew piglet, pooh and olaf and ended with agent P. We still had some time before our RSR fastpasses so we rode the Monsters inc ride
then hit the RSR. We were running on empty and sadly decided to skip fantasmic and just headed back to hotel. We crashed instantly and completely slept through the fireworks which were so very loud being right across the street.
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