Tell Me About the Sleeper Chairs, Please!


<font color=darkorchid>I'm the needy, sexy Unicorn
Aug 27, 2007
Happy Memorial Day, DVCers!

DMom, DDaddy, DH and I are going to AK Kidani in September for an early MNSSHP! :banana: We decided to save points and go with a one bedroom.

DParents will be in the Master bedroom and DH and I will camp out on the sleeper sofa. No big deal.

BUT, DCousin wants to come and stay with us one night. Everyone is fine with it but we are concerned about the sleeper chair.

DCousin is an average sized guy (5'11" and average weight). Will he be okay on the sleeper chair?

This is our first time with a sleeper chair. Any advice on how to make it more comfy if it needs it?

Thanks! pixiedust:
The chair is wider than a normal chair, feels just like the sofa but not as wide as as single bed. It should be fine for one night.

:earsboy: Bill
The only one in our family that has used it is DSis....woman, late 50s, 5 ft. 5 or so, average weight, who slept in one for 4 night and was fine with it.
My DS is 5'11' and 15 years old and he slept in the chair at BLT for 7 nights straight and was perfectly fine.

I tried to lay in it myself once to check out how comfortable it is and it was more comfortable than most standard sleeper sofas. In fact I thought it was more confortable to lay in it when it's pulled out than it is to sit in it as a chair!

This is the chair at OKW and the mattress measures 30 X 78 inches - so half the size of a queen sized bed. I would think that all the sleeper chairs are the same measurements.
Thank you all for the responses! I appreciate it.
DS16 is 5'11" & stakes his claim to it everytime, leaving DS13 with the sofabed. Go figure :confused3
We had a 1 BR at AKL, we gave DF 75 the bedroom, DH, DS and I fought for the sleeper chair. LOL I won. 5' 9", 50 plus, pooh sized woman. Slept like a rock and I am a very light sleeper.

Awesome! Thanks again for all the replies!
Want to repeat some earlier replies -- I'm Pooh sized, slept wonderfully in my mid fifties on an AKL sleeper chair. They are comfortable.
My 6 foot, 13 year old always sleeps in it. Now, he does sleep on side with legs bent however; never complains. He chooses the chair over sharing couch with younger sibling.

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