Stroller bag


DIS Veteran
Sep 1, 2000
Does anyone know if someone sells stroller bags to store the stroller in while flying? I am taking my Maclaren and want to gate check it but would like to put it in a bag first. Also do they allow you to put it in a bag before letting them gate check it. We usually drive so I never have to worry about it but now I'm hoping to lessen any damage that may occur when flying. Thanks!:D
Stroller Bag: I think I saw one on One Step Ahead catalog.

Gate Checking Stroller Bag: I don't know if that's done or not. Personally, I haven't seen anyone do it. Best thing would be to call the air line for their policy.

Hi - I just typed in Maclaren Single Stroller Carrier into Google and it gave me a few websites to order from. We got one for about $20 and $3 for shipping. As far as checking it - you can gate check it - but be quick when getting it into the bag - you'll have people waiting behind you if you do it right before you board the plane. It's good to do a couple of "test runs" first to work out the kinks of getting the stroller in the carrier. It's worth getting the carrier, IMHO, since our strollers always seem to get scuffed up when flying. Have Fun!!


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