Pimp My Ride


Mushu's Best Friend
Sep 23, 2001
This is only the 2nd time I have ever watched this show but it is the same one I saw the first time. :confused3

Sometimes wouldn't it be cheaper for them to just buy these people another car?

Is the show worth watching?
I don't like it. Yes it would be cheaper, and I don't like what they do to the cars. The final projects are hideous monsters that are so ugly that you can't stop staring at them, wondering "what is wrong with that person!?"
I've got a friend who just loves this show and since nothing else was on I thought I would watch it.

I would be afraid people would want to steal the expensive stuff they put in it.

I was wondering if they made any normal looking cars.
That show cracks me up. Yes, it probably would be cheaper to buy a newer car.

But honestly how many AMC Gremlin or woody station wagons you see on the road that have TVs in them? That in itself, makes it hilarious!

Yes, these cars may be ugly to us "adults". But for teens or younger people (college students) they LOVE it! Remember a time in your life where your car was IT for you.. no kids, mortgages or job woes. You wanted your car to be the finest thing on four wheels! I have to say they really fit the demographic when they do the cars.. for the most part, I don't mind the colors.

I tivo this show, and I have yet to see a person that HATES their car... they all fall over and love it!
Cindy B said:
Yes, these cars may be ugly to us "adults". But for teens or younger people (college students) they LOVE it!
lol, I'm a teen and I still think they are aweful.
And I can't help but think, this is such a crap car, and then they stick all of this money into it, and who knows how much longer it is even going to run? Seems like such a waste.

All for entertainment value I guess! :rolleyes:
Sparx said:
lol, I'm a teen and I still think they are aweful.

My neice and nephews are teens and love this show! My son who is almost 11 loves it also. My oldest nephew is 22 and thinks this show is awesome as well.
mantysk8coach said:
And I can't help but think, this is such a crap car, and then they stick all of this money into it, and who knows how much longer it is even going to run? Seems like such a waste.

All for entertainment value I guess! :rolleyes:

Well, I know a bit about older cars... with mechanics in the family.

If the engine isn't shot, they are just revamping the interior/exterior. I have seen some shows where they have put a new engine/transmission/clutch in the car to make it run.
I'm not much for flashy shiny accesories to a car. I just want the car. I don't need plasma pannels in every single space, i don't need flashy lights all over it. I just want the car. Some people go for the shiny accessories, I guess I just don't. :confused3
Cindy B said:
Well, I know a bit about older cars... with mechanics in the family.

If the engine isn't shot, they are just revamping the interior/exterior. I have seen some shows where they have put a new engine/transmission/clutch in the car to make it run.

Oh, I wasn't sure if they actually touched the engine or not.

Some of them are pretty cool! I don't make a point of watching that, but I will if it's on.
It's not really my thing, but my 14 year old son loves it. My 13 year old daughter can tolerate a show here or there, but she couldn't watch it regularly.

What I hate about it is, my son will be 15 in November. That means 1 year till he's 16. He thinks it's an okay idea to buy a junker and put money into restoring it. :rolleyes:
what I wonder is how long all that stuff actually works before its starts acting on the fritz and if they fix if it does.

One pickup truck had 3 large flat panel tv's in its bed!
i dont like this show either, but on one of the commericals for it I did she them buy a couple of different people brand new cars and they still "pimped" them out to be ugly
I am in my early 30's and I like to watch it once and a while. They actually do some pretty cool things, not that I would want a coffee machine or fish tank in my car's arm rest or anything. I like to watch it because I have a Camaro that I am restoring, just to get some ideas. I would love to have a bubble maker making bubbles behind me when I go down the road, I think it is cute. :cool2:

Give me some flat panel tvs and some bling, baby! Of course, only if they are going to pay for it. :smooth: Show me the money!!!!

I LOVE this show! It cracks me up! I need them to pimp my ride!
Sparx said:
lol, I'm a teen and I still think they are aweful.
I think they are cool because I like all the flames. I personally liked the one with the water fall, I watch this when Im bored. I would want the flames and insides but not like the TV's everywhere and stuff. ITA I would be scared it would get stolen.
I prefered the skit on Jay Leno called "Pimp my Walker". They had this old guy come on the stage. His walker had huge wheels with spinner rims, ground effects and this huge boom box attached. It was quite amusing.


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