OMG!! You won't believe what I just saw!


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May 10, 2001
The sun!!!!!

And while I am not a sun-worshipper, when I went out to hang some wash and felt the sun I turned my face upwards and basked in the beautiful warmth for a few minutes!!

Hurry and go see it!!! You might miss it!!!!
Its been shining here all day. I've been admiring it from my 12th story office building....... :(
'Ya gotta step outside for a couple of minutes, Judi! It's wonderful!!
Looks like it is trying to peek throught the clouds - but I am not holding my breath.
Apparently the sun is spending all its time here in Texas. It has been over 90 degrees for some time and we have had little to no rain. We would look forward to a few cloudy rainy days.
im moving to the carribean, sun's out here but it will be the last time for 2 weeks
We are sun-deprived here in CT . . .pretty soon I'll forget what it looked like . . .:rolleyes:

Although they say tomorrow is supposed to be in the upper 70's low 80's and SUNNY . . .yeah sure . . .today was supposed to be party sunny and 75 . . .hmmmm right now I have a reading of 62.:rolleyes:
It's a beautiful 78 degrees here in Southern NJ, and I'm definately not complaining! It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. Spring is finally here! :)
Yesterday I was at our country fair and the sun broke out for a few minutes. It cracked me up when this woman in front of me said, “What’s that yellow thing??? It’s scaring me!!!” (BTW, they had Dole Whips at the fair!)


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