No zombies here, just 10+ years of trip reports!!!

WELCOME TO THE 2018 FALL BREAK mini, unplanned, hurricane filled trip report.

It's October in KY, which is Fall Break in KY and one of our favorite times with MNSSHP and cooler temperatures. It also brings lots of travel traffic, and I am just too old to keep making that long drive. So, we are only flying in the future.

Since we just had the June trip and did passports X4 for upcoming cruise, we didn't plan a fall break. We decided to drive youngest dd to the Johnson O'Connor Foundation, something we did with older dd a few trips report ago, for her aptitude testing. And, there is a DisDad in ATL, and since we are doing a meet-up, I now have to complete a new chapter of the trip report.

So, once we decided to go the Atlanta, we figured it would just be a short drive to the beach. Our driving beach destination in the Destin area, since it is about 8-9 hours from KY and an easy drive down I-65 and avoiding Atlanta. So, we would have to drive to Atlanta for the testing, but then could drive to the beach for a short drive home.

Wait a minute - hurricane!!!

Hurricane Michael was heading for the Panhandle. We had Vero Beach resort booked one year and cancelled when the state of emergency was declared. But, the hurricane missed the area and we missed a vacation. So, I didn't want to do that again, but I didn't want to battle a hurricane. So, we booked a hotel at Amelia Island (Fernandina Beach) on the east side of the Atlantic.

Time for vacation.
We leave Sunday morning to drive to Atlanta. This is normally a 6 hour drive from Owensboro. And, since school was out Friday, we figured most of the travel traffic would be cleared. Well, we were wrong!!! It is probably some of the worst traffic ever. We stopped several times on the Interstate, however, there was no construction, lane closures, or major traffic merging in. Just so many cars and people not being able to drive to keep up the pace, that all three lanes stop.

I call them Gandalf drivers - pull up even with a semi in the left lane to determine that "Thou shall not pass". :lmao: :sad2:


The 6 hour drive became an 8 hour drive. Not a good start to this trip. But, it only got worse. We stayed at the Hampton Inn near Peachtree and Piedmont, and while very nice, the room was small and the bed was on top of the AC. Not only was it loud, but cold. I couldn't sleep. Dinner at Marco's pizza was cheap and tasty.
It's been a long night and an early Monday morning. A free, hot breakfast gets us going though. Here we are at the Johnson O'Connor foundation.


Aptitude testing is what you are born with, not what changes over time. The trick is to match aptitudes and interest to find a degree program or future career.
After a long day of testing, it is time to relax. The girls just want to hang at the hotel and watch tv. So, it is more take out pizza and junk for them, and DW and I eat more healthy food at Jason's Deli right next to the hotel. And, we find this guy.


Another DisDad meet in the books. It was an enjoyable dinner with Doc and his daughter. We talked about Disney trips, family, careers, and future trips. Thanks Doc for taking the time out of your schedule to meet up for dinner and coordinating with me. I was too grumpy the first night from the extra traffic and little sleep, so Doc had to go the extra mile to work this one out.
After the results session Tuesday morning, it is time to get on the road to head to Amelia Island. Of course, the hurricane is predicted to turn east and travel anywhere from east Florida to the Carolinas. Well, we are taking the risk and going anyway. Once we escape Atlanta, it is an easy drive over to the East coast. The skies are clear, but it is windy. What's left of my hair doesn't blow very much. :lmao:


The red flags are up which means to stay out of the ocean. So, while there is no swimming, we enjoy a nice walk on the beach.
We stayed at the Hampton Inn on Sadler Rd, which is short walk a couple blocks to the beach. After our walk on the beach, we had dinner at Slider's Seaside restaurant right next door to a small little park. Local shrimp and good seafood chowder. It was our first time to this area, and it is absolutely wonderful. It is a large shelf beach with really low and high tides. There is public beach access at multiple locations, and the homes/ condos are built back off the beach with a walking wood access. I talked with the bartender and there is "tourist" season which brings in the crowds, but they are gone by October - except for a few.

The next day, the beaches are still closed, cloudy, and the wind has picked up quite a bit. But, we still went walking on the beach again.


We picked up an Atlanta tshirt while there. Her hair blows more than mine as well.

Afterwards, we head into town (Fernandina Beach) for some lunch. We went to the Salty Pelican for more shrimp and a fudge shop for dessert.

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The downtown area is all accessible by parking and walking with local shops. There was also some revolutionary war history, boat tours, trolley tours, etc. We even found some others from our home town escaping the hurricane as well. I definitely could see me retiring to that area. Great beach access, quaint downtown, and smaller area 30 miles outside Jacksonville.

Back at the hotel to plan travel for the next day, watching for the hurricane path, we get an unexpected show. People are stopping, being re-routed perhaps from other destinations. We watch the bird lady enter the hotel. While I would need to have posted a video of the mayhem, it is people watching at its finest. She has two small birds in a large bird cage, and the cage is below the check-in window. The lady has to keep walking back and forth to her car on her cell phone, as she doesn't have a credit card and is trying to talk her dad into using his credit card, booking online, or transferring her money. Since she is so loud, we hear the entire conversation. In the meantime of her travels, the birds are squawking - LOUDLY!!! The clerk can't see the birds, so she keeps looking around and asks if that is me making the noise. I explain it is a bird at the base of the check in desk. Other people in the lobby are laughing as well. After all the mayhem, she has to return because the lady can't figure out how to use the electronic card to open the door.
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Our last day. The hurricane hit PCB and Mexico Beach as forecasted, blew north of us, and was headed to the Carolinas. So, our area never lost power. We did get to get in one more walk on the beach in the morning before we left. A gorgeous sunrise!!!

These two pictures were taken a few minutes apart with different cameras.


It was beautiful and sunny, as opposed to the selfie.

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Sadly, the red flags stay up the entire trip. So, while we didn't get to do ocean swimming, we had some pool swimming and did have fun on the beach. The air is just so much better at the ocean.
Thanks for reading along for another brief trip. The next one will be a cruise, and I have never been on a cruise.

Hopefully, I don't fall off the boat!!! :lmao: :scared1: pirate: :boat:
Thanks for reading along for another brief trip. The next one will be a cruise, and I have never been on a cruise.

Hopefully, I don't fall off the boat!!! :lmao: :scared1: pirate: :boat:

Looks like a fun hurricane-free trip! :). What ship are you taking? Cruises can be a lot of fun. Enjoy!
Looks like a fun hurricane-free trip! :). What ship are you taking? Cruises can be a lot of fun. Enjoy!

We are on Carnival. Only DW has been on a cruise before. So, we figured we would try the cheaper route first to see if we could all handle being on the water.
We are on Carnival. Only DW has been on a cruise before. So, we figured we would try the cheaper route first to see if we could all handle being on the water.

Smart decision. Pack some Bonine and Seabands, just in case! I use both and I’m good. :). Enjoy!
2020 Trip Report - Over the Edge and Back Again

Well, it's been one year and 10 months since my last post here. 2019 was the first year we didn't make a trip to WDW since 2005. This was the 24th trip, and there certainly was a lot of anxiety about going with COVID. We had many debates and multiple changes, and in the end, are so glad we went. My household had 2 "high risk" members based on medical conditions. I've doubted the cloth masks ever worked (no issue with medical grade ones), but with some extra hand washing, I figured Disney would be safer than my local big box stores where I've been shopping for food. This was my oldest daughter's senior trip, our first 2 weeks there with APs, and our first time on Wild Africa Trek. With COVID, we changed it to a week at BWV in a 1 BR, dropped the APs since no park hopping, and the Trek was cancelled. Still, this was certainly a trip to remember.
We already had flights, but it turned out that was the safer way to go to eliminate exposure and avoid traffic protestors.

We flew a direct flight from Allegiant, which had about 100 people on board. The pilot read a detailed explanation of the air flow on the plane, with some technical jargon, with the air being recycled throughout the plane thru the engines every 3 minutes, and that it was probably safer than any store we had been in. Then, he ad libbed "Why wear a mask then? I don't know, but just please do it". Several laughed. But, we wore the mask unless drinking or snacks, and had a smooth 2 hour flight.

We did the rental car from Sanford, and made it to WDW on a Friday evening with no traffic issues. That was certainly a first. As we drove into the parking lot, we still hadn't received a room number, so I called the front desk while DW drove. As soon as she parked the car, they answered, and said to check again. The room number had been sent. I don't know if that was by chance, processed from the guard shack, or after we called, but really convenient.

We went thru the lobby to get to the elevator with luggage and four flights of stairs.


This would be the first time in this room and on the 4th floor, but I like the standard side with easy access to tennis courts.

One of the surprising aspects of the trip was just how much was closed. The only table service restaurant open on the Boardwalk was Trattoria al Forno. We had the same waitress that we had for character breakfast the last time we were there. It was a really good meal.


Some new appetizer that wasn't on the menu, but delicious.
The 1 BR was nice, but I don't understand why Disney doesn't add the sleeper chair. There is plenty of room where an existing chair is, or they could take out the end table and place there. The washer/dryer in the room is so convenient, and having the extra 1/2 bath with sink & tub helps as well. The only issue we have is DW called for an extra blanket, and they didn't bring one. So, she called the next day, and they brought two blankets.

Here is the view from the room.


This is our first trip with the skyliners. They aren't convenient for use at BWV, although the walk to IG may be shorter than the walk to DHS, but the time to transfer skyliners is considerable. It's a nice view to have in the morning with my coffee while everyone sleeps. I also move the coffee pot into the bathroom with the jet tub, so I can have coffee and not wake both dds in the living room.
Our first day is at the MK. My first impression is how empty it is.


Sorry for the sideways photo, this is a new phone and I haven't figured it all out.


It's a short wait to get thru the screeners and entrance. And yes, everyone wears a mask.


The new paint scheme on the castle.


We rode Buzz Light Year, where my oldest dd won for the first time. Then, onto Astro Orbitor where it was us 4 and two others on the ride. I haven't rode that one in years, and it is still a lot of fun. We ride Space Mountain, Tea Cups, Peter Pan Flights, IASW, Hall of Presidents with just hardly any wait. It takes longer to get thru the queue with all the walking.


We get to eat at the Plaza without our masks on. I had booked lunch everyday in the park as most of the restaurants weren't open. I figured this would give us a nice break and a place to sit. A not so magical way to check in is that the hostess wouldn't even speak to me. I had to check in on the app, receive a text that I checked in, and then receive a 2nd text that the table was ready. Then, they called our name. It detracts from the spontaneity of the vacation.


We rode Splash Mountain and BTMRR, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, & POTC. Haunted Mansion had the longest wait, but it just depends on when the cleaning cycle goes. The parade was a clever way to still have one. Youngest dd picked up a Minnie popcorn container.


Another way to wave at the characters. It was disappointing not to get photos made with them, but we knew that going in. I think it's a great way for Disney to try to keep them there. We rode most everything that was open in MK that we wanted to ride. People move was down and we didn't do Country Bear jamboree, but we usually just do those to maximize time or have an AC break. We were able to shop down Main Street to pick out some souvenirs to purchase later in the week. They didn't have the caramel apples with Mickey Sugar and marshmallow ears, which is one of DW's favorites.


I just had to get a picture of the Figment bus. We had a great day and could do everything we wanted with minimal wait. The low crowds are terrific. The masks were terrible, face sweating in the sun. No churros, but you can't walk and eat. It was different, but we had a great day.
The next day was DHS, as we wanted to ride the new attractions. Unfortunately, most of my photos are sideways, so I don't have many. The downside of DHS is that everyone has to arrive at the park as soon as it opens, and then everyone tries to get ROTR. As you hear screams of success, we finally get in the queue for around 2:00 PM. Success!!! I'm happy to get the chance to ride it, but getting it that way is not a good plan.

Just like MK, the park is open 10 hours and we were able to ride everything we wanted with a short wait. First up is the slinky dog dash. It was our first time, and it was a terrific ride. We did the re-located TSM, which took longer to walk thru all the queue. Then, we did Alien Swirling Saucers. Who said the Disney Acronym Department doesn't have fun.


The longest wait we have is for the Mickey Runaway Raliroad at the former Great Movie ride. I think it's 30 to 40 minutes. Sadly, here is where we will see the most disrespect guests and inconsistency from Disney. Now, Disney has stickers everywhere for people to stand to wait for the ride. That's one reason it takes so long as the queues are long because of the distance. However, because it's hot, some people are not moving to the next spot because it's in the sun. Others are having their children sit under the few trees, and then cut thru everyone waiting in line when the rest of the group got to the front. That defeats the whole purpose of this 6 feet away stuff. But, Disney CMs will yell to not have the mask under your nose. I guess it's ok to be the mask police but not the 6 feet away or line moving police.

After a long wait, it was definitely worth it. I liked the Great Movie Ride, and was disappointed in was taken out. However, MRR was amazing, and so much more than I could have ever imagined. They did a great use of the space and made it a really fun ride. I'm not sure the outside theming matches the ride so well, but it's great ride.


Character parade with the Incredibles and CMs clearing the way. Again, fun way to promote distancing and still have a short parade. We ate at Brown Derby, one of my favorites.

Finally, it's time Rise of the Resistance, which is now my new favorite rise at DHS.


I won't spoil it for anyone else, but if you are a star wars fan, it is exciting and interactive. We rode ROTC several times and Star Tours once. We did a lot of walking back and forth across the park, but it was another terrific day.


We tried the Skyliner and rode to the transfer station at Carribbean Beach Resort. There, you could catch another Skyliner to some different resorts and to Epcot IG. It is a very smooth ride and nice with 4 people inside. I'm not sure how many they would cram in without COVID.
The next day is Animal Kingdom. All my pictures are sideways, so I'll only post this one.


It's another one of those bad news is the good news kinda things. Maybe 10 rides are open at AK? Sadly, no FOTLK as that was a favorite. We usually ride everything in order to "get our money's worth", but we talked and no one wanted to ride Bug's Life or Dinosaur. So, we did the others, but rode Kilomanjaro Safaris, Flights of Passage, and Expedition Everest three times each. There was no wait for any of the rides, but just a meandering thru the queues. It was just so much fun. We ate at Yak n Yeti TS, which is our favorite at Animal Kingdom.
Back to DHS. Sadly, we don't get ROTR this time. The previous day, we are standing at the crossroads near the entrance. This time, we are in line at TOT. Maybe it's a distance thing.


For those of you who don't remember, DW is terrified of the TOT. One time she rode, she squeezed the handle so hard that she broke her engagement ring band. When the jeweler repaired it, he asked if she had been in a car accident. :lmao: So, she was going to try it again. At the last minute, she decided no.


A picture of dd's graduation ears.


A picture of Mickey's Runaway Railroad? Hmmm..


We ate at 50s Prime Time. I had always avoided it as we have really good fried chicken. Well, this was the most disappointing meal during the trip and one we won't return. Maybe we could try the lounge for a PBJ shake that my oldest liked, but it wasn't for me. We tried to get ROTR again at 2 PM, but wasn't able to get it then either. Too bad. But, we had some rain and rode everything again. I was able to get the Vader opening at Star Tours, which is my favorite there. ROTR is even better than that.

Smugglers' Run was fun, but I was surprised it was another simulator as opposed to a roller coaster, but still a decent ride.
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Only one picture made it from Epcot that didn't get turned sideways, ugh.


Epcot was the latest of the parks to open at 11 AM, but as in all the others, it's a small crowd. We started with a 2nd breakfast at Les Halles in France. I like the croissant, but I think we all tried multiple things. This was the most difficult park for me, as I like to eat and drink around the world. But, you can't be doing that. So, you have to sit when you eat or drink. So, we didn't buy nearly as much. I tried a lobster roll in America, but the old one at Boardwalk Bakery was better.

We had a reservation for Via Napoli which was excellent as always. The CM was from Indiana instead of Italy, but the pizza was still great. Remy waived hello, and this is our Christmas Card this year.

We did the usuals with Frozen Maelstrom, CGI Soarin, Test Track, Nemo, Spaceship Earth, 3 Cabelleros missing a bird, Figment of the Imagination, and American Adventure. We also caught a parade where the horse pooped during it, which made everyone laugh. I did manage a Grey Goose slush before we left, but it wasn't the same to sit and drink it. Epcot was the one that felt like it was the most significant change for the worse.
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Our last day at the MK, and only one picture again not sideways.


We ended up getting the parks late and missed a mini DisDad meetup. But, I promised the family that I wouldn't push or drag them on this vacation. We did the 7DMT, which is still too small, even having lost weight. We all rode in a separate car in the Barnstormer, which is the only way I could fit in there. We ate at Be Our Guest, oldest's pick for her graduation meal. It was the most expensive and probably the worst meal of the trip. We usually don't do the TS ADR in MK because the food is so bad. We will definitely return to that plan. We rode the Mountains again, did our souvenir shopping, and made it an earlier day. My stomach was bothering me after the BoG food.

After we returned to the room and recovered, DW and I went to kimonos at the Swolphin. It was out first time there, excellent sushi, and a great date night out. We will definitely return again.
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