New blog on ABD Gateway Collection trips

Mouse Skywalker

<font color=green>The Force is strong with this Po
Aug 3, 2005
Hello Everyone: I just had a blog posted about ABD's Gateway Collection for this summer. I was able to talk with Heather Killingbeck, ABD’s Director of Trip and Program Development, about the trips, and she was able to provide a few details about the itineraries. You can find it on our DIS Unplugged using the link below.

Thanks for the link! My son and daughter are in the photo (toward the end) taken in Rome--cool to see that and relive that trip, our first with ABD! Any discussion or hint on whether the gateway trips have been a success and if more will be added?
Thanks for the link! My son and daughter are in the photo (toward the end) taken in Rome--cool to see that and relive that trip, our first with ABD! Any discussion or hint on whether the gateway trips have been a success and if more will be added?
That is so cool that your son and daughter are in the picture. I was told the trips have been popular, but I haven't heard if they plan on adding new ones at all.
We Love ABD: Did you actually do the Italy Gateway trip? We're scheduled for the London/France Gateway trip in June. I'd be interested in what you thought of your trip--accommodations? too much/little down time? did it live up to your (and your kids') expectations? Thanks very much for any info you can provide.
We did the Viva Italia trip in 2007--not the Gateway, although the photo from back then lives on! I can't say about Gateway--but as to the regular itinerary, we absolutely loved it and the kids had a great time. Back then our son was 13 and our daughter just shy of 7, and both made fast friends and all of the kids (as is true with all of the ABD trips) hung out in the back of the bus and had fun. It was nice to have some down time in the middle of the trip--I agree that Rome is fast-paced with much to do, but the kids made use of the rooftop outdoor pool and invited each other to their rooms etc, and the guides were great. I did the subway in Rome and it was fine--avoided rushhour though--and walking in the evenings was very nice. Venice was our favorite--we went out on our own and got lost, which was fine--got us out into nooks and over bridges we would not have done otherwise (and you can't really get lost in Venice--sooner or later you find your way back). The hotel Doges had a great backyard with caves, paths etc--pretty impressive on a small island with property at a premium. Disney does a great job scouting out hotels that are central--I assume that to be the case with Gateway trips, even if not the top hotel--would still be nice, and central. The guides are the thing--and that seems to be the same whether Gateway or "regular"...happy to answer questions, as best as I can recall things now!!
Funny - my niece and nephew are on there too - with the Eiffel tower. It was 2007 - before the gateways.
Thought I'd keep interested readers advised of how the Gateway Adventure progresses and differs from the typical ABD trip. We're scheduled to go to London/Paris on 6/25.

From reading other posts, appears other, later scheduled ABD trips have received their trip information (e.g., detailed trip itineraries, etc). Nothing has been sent yet to Gateway folks.

Also, other ABDs have posted that they received a "welcome box" from Disney with backpacks, trip info, etc. I just spoke with Disney concierge. Gateway participants don't receive this--just a letter (which, as mentioned, hasn't been sent yet).

Hopefully, this won't begin to feel like a "poor relative" where Disney cuts a lot of corners or treats the whole program as an afterthought. I'll keep you posted.
Thought I'd keep interested readers advised of how the Gateway Adventure progresses and differs from the typical ABD trip. We're scheduled to go to London/Paris on 6/25.

From reading other posts, appears other, later scheduled ABD trips have received their trip information (e.g., detailed trip itineraries, etc). Nothing has been sent yet to Gateway folks.

Also, other ABDs have posted that they received a "welcome box" from Disney with backpacks, trip info, etc. I just spoke with Disney concierge. Gateway participants don't receive this--just a letter (which, as mentioned, hasn't been sent yet).

Hopefully, this won't begin to feel like a "poor relative" where Disney cuts a lot of corners or treats the whole program as an afterthought. I'll keep you posted.

The best thing about the box is that it signals that your trip date is getting closer, so don't be disappointed, KidDad. The backpacks are nice, but the big chunk of money you saved is nice too. :-) There's not really that much in the box. There is a detailed itinerary booklet and a few other things, but the itinerary sometimes changes by the time your trip starts. They give you another booklet on the first day of your trip and I'm pretty sure you'll get one of those since that is where the guides put the tip envelopes. Hopefully, you will still get the pins which, in my opinion, is the best souvenier that ABD provides. Thanks for keeping us posted!
KidDad, I'm also scheduled on a Gateway - we're heading to Italy in mid-June. I unfortunately tried to book the Viva Italia tour too late, and nearly just punted until next year. But, the concierge agent assured me that the Gateways were wonderful, with plenty of Disney surprises and magic, just a little more free time. I'm also disappointed about the backpacks, but as Bobo912 points out, the cash savings are nice (we are actually staying an extra 4 nights on our own with the price difference).
Thanks Bobo and Hilda: This is our first trip, so I'm a bit on edge in getting more info. You're both right--there's much more to the trips than a couple of backpacks. I am more concerned that there hasn't been any follow-up info, but assuredly we'll hear more soon. And, of course, as good things happen, we'll post that as well. Hilda--love to hear about the Gateway for Italy when you get back. That's one I've thought about for next year (depending on how this year goes . . .).
KidDad, this is our first ABD as well ("our" being myself, hubby and 12 year-old daughter). I wasn't too alarmed about the lack of info until I got an envelope that only had a 4x6 card containing a checklist that referred to a bunch of documents I had not yet received:confused3. I called ABD today and was told that the checklist was sent in error and I would get an envelope with more data shortly (I guess since Gateways are new they are still tweaking).

And I'll look forward to hearing about your trip as well!
Thought I'd keep interested readers advised of how the Gateway Adventure progresses and differs from the typical ABD trip. We're scheduled to go to London/Paris on 6/25.

From reading other posts, appears other, later scheduled ABD trips have received their trip information (e.g., detailed trip itineraries, etc). Nothing has been sent yet to Gateway folks.

Also, other ABDs have posted that they received a "welcome box" from Disney with backpacks, trip info, etc. I just spoke with Disney concierge. Gateway participants don't receive this--just a letter (which, as mentioned, hasn't been sent yet).

Hopefully, this won't begin to feel like a "poor relative" where Disney cuts a lot of corners or treats the whole program as an afterthought. I'll keep you posted.

Don't feel bad that you didn't get the backpack. They aren't the nice one's they use to give out. The first one I received for my April BSM trip had a broke zipper and smelled really bad. Everyone on the trip was talking about how bad they smelled. Some people had to throw theirs away. The secondbackpack I got I did use on the trip. It came from Burbank and not the office in Orlando and did not smell. This backpack was falling apart by the third day of our trip.


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