Neck band coolers


Feb 12, 2003
Where can I get those neck bands that you wear around your neck to keep cool? I think they are cloth and have a gel in them that maybe you freeze? My parents will be with us on our October trip and my dad thinks he needs one.
Walgreens. Walmart or Target in the camping section.:D
I found ours at Walmart for $2.88. But I had to ask because they were not in the camping section they were in sporting goods below the shin guards and cups.....
Go Figure.....what am I saying its Walmart there is no figuring!!
We used them last August. They worked well. But by the end of the trip, we didn't bother with them anymore. I don't know if our bodies adjusted or if we got tired of using them. I do remember how long it took for them to dry out. :eek: We were home for quite a while and they still were retaining moisture. I threw them out because I was afraid something might be "growing" inside.

If you don't handle heat well, they are worth the $3 bucks.
I found them in the sporting goods section of Walmart as well. But I believe they are now sold in the parks.
Do they have to be freezed? I don't want to rent a freezer (already spending more then I have) What suggestion if need to be freezed??
No, you don't freeze them, you just wet/soak them in cold water. They stay coolish and damp all day. I, too, used them at first and then quit. Too much bother, I guess.
Do you think it would be helpful if you DID freeze them or do you think it would ruin them?

Originally posted by vellamint
Do you think it would be helpful if you DID freeze them or do you think it would ruin them?


The instructions for the one I have say not to feeze it.
It supposedly works just by soaking it in water. But I like the extra cold feel after putting it in the refrigerator.

What I did in May was I would soak it in water for about an hour and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. Well, one day near the end of our trip, I forgot to take it out of the refrigerator and the gel ended up growing so much it split the cloth and grew out. If the gel was green it would have looked like a mini version of the blob.

What I have found that helps is after wearing it around your neck for an hour, twist it so you get a fresh surface touching your neck. It is (seems?) cooler.



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