Monday Morning Riddle Thread



Hey now, don't leave me out...I must be one of the disgusting picture people... although, vomit pics aren't MY specialty:rotfl: Must be nice to be without any flaws, yes? Ahhhh, to be one of the perfect people...yes, that's what I wish:rotfl:

I didn't see you over htere, I'll have to check it out a little better.

Okay, ice alone makes it risky. Does ice and a short skirt make it risque?

:rotfl2: I was wearing pants! guys made me go to the mean place to see what was going on there. I dont like it there...they are ...well...mean. :teeth:

and what the hell do they know? :confused3

Hey Syb...I see you got another name to add to your list of Syb personalities. ;) :rotfl: :rotfl:

They are mean, but it's kinda funny when you read what's written about yourself. And Donna, which other name are you talking about? There are so many!! :teeth:

Yes- it is just like my mama used to say always be on your best behavior and dress nice cause you never know when you are going to run into someone you know:)

She also said "straighten up and fly right cause you are going through life with my face".... :cool2:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: You make my socks roll up and down, Twinks!
Who knew you were all saddled with us :rotfl: :rotfl: Sweet dreams all ;)


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