Matching bright vests for us:)


Earning My Ears
Feb 20, 2005
I just wanted to throw out our ideas for keeping our family together, happy, and not lost! We are trying to think of some things to help us stay together in case the kids try to get lost (Heaven forbid) or separated from us. The kids are 8, 6, and 5. We usually keep a good eye on them, but ...

My dh came up with the idea of matching, bright vests. After some searching, we are thinking of buying some traffic vests:

DH likes the bright green ones:) That way, we can easily catch a glimpse of each other. We are going to let the kids pick out some disney patches to have sewn on them. Maybe even get something on the back. We are big into family identity :grouphug:

An idea from my mom that I like is a whistle for everyone:) We are going to get them duck whistles (the kind that quack like a duck). They will have it hanging on the end of their lanyards. That way, if they get separated from us, they can whistle at us. Or, if some one tries to grab them or something, they can whistle then too.

And, our last idea, is a business card in their pocket with their name and our cell numbers on it, in case they really do get lost. :sad2: That way, they can just have someone call our cell phone, which we will have with us.

Any other ideas on this would be great!
You're kidding, right? I can't imagine strapping them on and walking around like that. Perhaps similar colored shirts would be better. I always see families all dressed in the same colors and they look cute. Wearing traffice vests are a little much IMO. BTW, welcome to the DIS!
Nope, we are not kidding :) You would have to know my hubby to understand. He makes us wear matching Santa Hats at parties. The good news is that if I feel totally dorky, I can always wad the vest up and put it in my very FASHIONABLE fanny back. Ha!
I think it is a happy silly thing to do and to me that is at least half of what Disney vacations are all about! :cool1: :banana: :bounce:

I say go for it! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I especially like the duck whistles! I think that is a great idea! :goodvibes
My hubby used to do traffic studies with his old job and had to don one of those at times - he said to tell you that they are not exactly "breathable" (no matter they say!) -

I would second the idea of matching t-shirts - a bright color -

(I honestly have visions of the dad in the Vacation movies and how he made them all wear berets.......) You may be held financially responsible for the years of therapy that your children might require to wipe the "safety vest WDW visit" from their psyches... :rotfl:

I also think the whistles would not be heard, especially the duck ones - we have some of those (very annoying) and I really don't think they'd be heard above the din of the parks.

How bout teaching them to stay with you? I mean they are 5,6 and 8? We went several years ago and I was worried about my 3 and 6 year old and we never even had a scare. I did dress them alike though (so if I had one and had to quickly recall what the other was wearing, I had a visual reminder) What about walkie talkies?

forgot to add - I would definitely do the card thing though - I'm sure the parks have a very good communication plan set up for "lost children" - I would instruct kids that if they get separated to go to someone wearing a nametag.

I think the vests would be too hot. I would suggest getting off colored shirts or bright baseball caps for everyone to wear. Also, don't tell your kids to stay where YOU can see them, tell them to stay where they can see you. Kids think that mom and dad can see everything and how do they know that you can't see them. I like the business card idea. Perhaps a set of walkie-talkies for everyone would be a better idea.
polkadotladybug said:
I did dress them alike though (so if I had one and had to quickly recall what the other was wearing, I had a visual reminder) What about walkie talkies?


A tip for this is simply take a digital pic in the morning, and then you can always view it on your camera if you need a reminder of what they are wearing....

We don't have this issue yet (since DD is 19 months) but we did wear matching shirts for the entire extended family last year... they even had a picture of our daughter on them...
I thought walkie talkies didn't work very well at WDW since so many people are trying to use them. My kids really are not adept at using walkie talkies, or cell phones for that matter.

I will have to see one of the vests to check it out. They are made of a see through mesh. I don't understand how they can be that hot. But, as far as looking goofy, that does not bother us. My oldest son thought they were super cool.

Thanks for the input :)
I would love to see this!

I wouldn't do it myself, but I guess it would be kind of fun and at least easy to spot the rest of the family!
I think you have planned well and are certainly prepared. It would be terrifying for a child to be separated from their parents.

If you think it's a good idea then by all means go for it. For us it's a little much. I am however dressing my girls alike. They are 3 yrs apart and I rarely do this but for these trips I like to see them dressed similar or coordinate. The wistle is actually a good idea providing they know to only use it in an emergency (otherwise could get annoying).

I read somewhere that the walkie takies that work well are ones that have private codes. They are a little more expensive by about $20 a unit I think but you can set your channel with a code so you can only listen to those that have the code (not sure how it works exactly).

Have fun and you'll have a great time no matter what you wear!
You might think about making matching shirts for you to wear. The kids can help make them. I've seen family tie dyed t-shirts with a mickey head in the center that were really cute, as well as the iron on t-shirts. I have even seen hats that families have personalized so that they can spot each other easily. My concern with the vests is that they might be too hot in the warmer months. Cute idea though and the kids can keep pins on them as well.
How sweet! :goodvibes
I say do it while you can. My father made us wear matching t-shirts back in the 90s and I hated that. Of course I thought I was too "cool" :cool1: for that ;) So I say do it before the kids grow up and realize how embarrassing it was ;)

(I hope I didn't offend anyone. I have had my share of my mother and father embarrassing my sis and I while growing up. I think it is a fun part of family-identity as the OP stated. And not done to specifically embarrass, but so they are one unit)
Be prepared for half the guests in the park to constantly pester you with questions. Wearing safety vests, most people would assume you were CM's, probably park security.
polkadotladybug said:
(I honestly have visions of the dad in the Vacation movies and how he made them all wear berets.......) You may be held financially responsible for the years of therapy that your children might require to wipe the "safety vest WDW visit" from their psyches... :rotfl: Carol

You made me laugh out loud :rotfl: That was just what I was thinking as I read this thread.

If you're serious (I still think this may be a joke post), I'm surprised that your children wouldn't balk. My DD8 would be completely mortified and I'm certain that that would have been her opinion by age 4.

Unless your going in the winter, I would agree that they would be uncomfortably hot. If you're not from the humid South you may not realize just how muggy it is. Think about matching shirts.
Ok, I realize that most people are not as crazy as we are, but.... I had no idea that we were that crazy :) We thought the vests would be cute. We were going to add some stuff to make them look more fun... And, my DS8 thought the idea was cool, especially with some patches that they got to pick out. Not much different than their AWANA vests at church...

Anyway, I do like the matching shirt idea, but I couldn't afford 25 matching T shirts. But, I found this site with wholesale pricing for tie dyes. So, we are going for that. I picked out 5 designs for our 5 days at WDW :banana: Here is the link for anyone who would like to look:

I designed a custom logo for our family that we will put on all the t shirts (on the back and a small one on the front corner). Here is the link to that:

The input has been fun. It goes to show you how different everyone is :)

So, if you are at WDW May 23 - May 28th and you see a family of 5 wearing matching Tie dye shirts, it just might be us: The crazy Vargas family!



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