"Lifetime" refillable mug sticker--Didn't someone have a picture of this?


Long Time Disney Fan
Sep 29, 2000
Yikes!...what a topic, LOL. I know the current official policy for WDW resorts is that a refillable mug is good for the length of your stay when purchased. And, because a few folks abused and continue to abuse the program, I understand why Disney is more clear on mug policy.
I remember someone posting a picture of a YC? refillable mug sticker that said "Good for Lifetime Refills" or something like that. Does anyone else remember this?
Also, I'm curious about the earlier policy at WL Roaring Forks. In 1995, I'm sure there was a sign that said mugs were good for repeat visits/refills there...I don't think a CM just told me this.
I need some confirmation here--Anyone else remember this?...who's got a picture of the sign?!;):p
I don't remember it, but, it would not matter in the grand scheme of things, Disney can change policy any time they want. :(
I like the mugs in and of themselves as expensive souvenirs. In fact, I drink nothing but water anyway...so the refill does nothing for me but I will be buying one at every new resort on every trip.
My husband dearly loved his old WL mug too. It was the kind for coffee that they had when they reopened. He was so disappointed when he went to buy another one recently and they had totally changed the type. Neither he nor I are soda drinkers, so no mug controvery for us.
inkkognito, yes I like the older WL mugs!:D The newer ones feel lightweight or something (cheaper), LOL.
I haven't used my refillable WL much though--I forget to bring it back and now that we are DVC members, it's not a big deal.
In 2000 or 2001, I saw the "lifetime" sticker on a YC/BC mug, and I think someone posted a picture of it? Just wanted them to post it again. It's silly I know--not going to change any strong opinions, but I feel better knowing that there's some evidence.
When this topic comes up, I don't like that some posters insist that this policy never existed, and, if you do bring it back for a re-fill, you are somehow cheating.
I don't think Disney expected everyone to return to use their mugs and many don't. It was meant as a perk for a returning vacationer--not suppose to go beyond your own lifetime, LOL. They probably didn't foresee the level of abuse that happened.
At some resorts (maybe not all), the policy was return refills at one time. If a mug was purchased under the length-of-stay policy, that's what should be followed.
The problem with mug-policing is, you have to know which are the "older" refill ones--some designs are the same, Haha! What a nightmare for Disney, but, they created this one themselves.
Will I bring my old WL mug to Roaring Forks for re-fills? Yes, based on how the mug was promoted to me at time of purchase. Also, I'll have to remember to bring the dang mug, and, if I happen to be passing Roaring Forks with mug in hand:p. Not many refills in my future.
People that use their refill mugs aren't bending the rules to suit themselves. It's up to Disney to police this correctly.
Sorry to bring up this old stink bomb:tongue: but I want some pictures!
When I was at the Polynesian in March, the manager of Captain Cook's told me I could use the refillable mugs on repeat visits until the style changes. It was used as a selling tool to get me to buy one! Just to add another tidbit of confusion to the debate. :teeth:
It would be nice, however, if they did barcode the mugs with your stay so that you could use them at each resort you stay at. We're hoping to split our stay between a couple resorts.
For the price of the mugs and even just a beverage of any size anywhere at the WDW resorts, along with the prices we pay for food, the resort, any recreation, any special events, and any recreational activities not to mention tipping they need not complain about those that bring mugs back for refills. I am one of the lucky ones to have been there so many times, but the majorityof their quests are not returning therefore, they do not have mugs. I also don't believe DIsney will go broke with refills on beverages, afterall, Taco Bell, Burger King, and any restaurant to go to for dinner does not go broke. If we remember McDonalds use to have this policy as well this is just another way the big corporations take every penny they can from you. We are a very lucky family to have been there so many times, I wish I could take every child they should have the chance to experience Disney. If Disneys prices weren't so high then even more families would go and the money would equal out. Families shouldn't have to take out a loan to go. Don't get me wrong I LOVE DISNEY GREATLY, I just believe the price are outrageous.
Originally posted by goofy4wdw59
[B. It was meant as a perk for a returning vacationer--not suppose to go beyond your own lifetime, LOL! [/B]

well great, now you tell me ! now I have to change my will......:)
btw, KFC is now making dale ernhart jr. collectable chicken buckets...easily fits the bill for the family sized refillable mug if you don't mind a little chicken taste in your soda. guessing these are not cardboard since just how collectible could a used greasy cardboard chicken bucket be....
Originally posted by jann1033
.....guessing these are not cardboard since just how collectible could a used greasy cardboard chicken bucket be....
Oh, I'm pretty sure they are greasy cardboard collectible chicken buckets! I think they think we, the public, are pretty gullible and will collect any ol' greasy cardboard thing!! And....maybe we are!
FYI, when we were there in May the WL staff at Roaring Forks told us that the old fatter style of mugs that they do not sell any longer are always welcome as they were grandfathered in. When they were sold the policy was forever and so they are. My married kids are now asking for these to be put in the will....(JOKE), Seriously though, your mug IS GOOD.:sunny:
The stickers are long gone off my mugs since they are 9 years old. We did buy them with the understanding that they could be used on future visits. We will be bringing them with us, but we will also be buying 2 new mugs as our family has grown by 2 since our last trip. If they won't let us use them, we're ok with that, but if I can save myself $25, I'm sure gonna do it. I am going to ask before we fill them just in case.
I agree about the "grandfather" thing. Touting that they were "good forever" was used as a selling point and should be honored. Since there is no way for observers to tell who has a mug they bought with the understanding that it was good forever, no one should be getting their hackles raised because they see someone using an old mug. Sheesh. MYOB and get out there and enjoy your vacation.


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