"Just need to pick up a few gift cards..."


DIS Veteran
Mar 30, 2008
I keep getting asked, "So, have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?" To which I happily reply, "Yep. Just need to pick up a few gift cards now. I'm done with all the shopping."

Just made a list:

3rd grade teacher $15....
....and assistant $5
Voice teacher $15
Guitar teacher $15
Viola teacher $15
Oops! Forgot about cookie tray for music school staff $15
Choir director $25
Bus Drivers $10
Pitch in for boss's gift $15
gc for grab bag $20 ('cuz I can't come up with ANOTHER good grab bag gift)
Great Grandma $80 (cash, 'cuz she really needs it)
BIL's GF $25

Total: $255 :scared1:

I wouldn't feel so bad about this total if I felt good about what I was giving. Instead, I feel cheap!!! I would like to do more.

I had to make a list anyway, so I thought I might as well complain about it at the same time!!!

Happy Holidays everyone!
Ouch! That's a lot of gift cards.

One of the reasons why I don't usually give gift cards is because you need to give a decent amount or else you look cheap. However, I can often get good gifts at a deep discount/good sale and spend less than I would on a GC while still looking as though I spent the amount I would have spent on the GC (did that make sense?)

You did remind me that I need to give a gift to DD's piano teacher and Chinese school teacher, though. Good thing I have some back-up gifts....

I just spent $165 on gift cards tonight! And I have one more to buy this weekend. I know how you feel - these were supposed to be my "just grab a gift card" things and it adds up, but I don't feel like I am giving a whole lot.

I do have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to buy gift cards anywhere! I got so many different things tonight just at my Walgreens. AND - Walgreens gave me Jingle Bucks to spend next week too!
isnt it amazing how the "little" gifts add up so fast... my husband and I made a list of what we need to buy and I was like WHOA - it doesnt feel like much until you add it all up... BUT remember its the thought that counts not the value of the gift! I think your list is more then generous... dont feel bad! :) Feel good you are remembering all these people in your life for the holidays!
Just a reminder that you can get the gift cards and help out your school or church if you buy through the scrip program. Many carry lots of stock this time of year and the group gets a little fund-raising money.

I just did my last bit this morning at school drop off! ;)
This is coming in too late to be helpful, but I suggest that you drop all those teacher, bus driver, etc gifts. I am a teacher, and gifts honestly make me feel uncomfortable. Why am I getting a gift from a person I don't really know for doing my job?

In addition, the concept that we should do something for everyone at Christmas is just too much . . . Too much for the budget . . . Too much for our stress level. I suggest that you give lavishly to family and close friends and let the rest go.
I only do 10.00 for teachers and 5.00 for bus drivers. And I get my gift cards using my credit card rewards. That sure helped with the budget!
This is coming in too late to be helpful, but I suggest that you drop all those teacher, bus driver, etc gifts. I am a teacher, and gifts honestly make me feel uncomfortable. Why am I getting a gift from a person I don't really know for doing my job?

In addition, the concept that we should do something for everyone at Christmas is just too much . . . Too much for the budget . . . Too much for our stress level. I suggest that you give lavishly to family and close friends and let the rest go.

I agree! I'm a teacher and I'm always so thankful when reading these threads that teacher gifts aren't a big thing here! I great with nothing, LOVE getting homemade cards and pictures from the kids, okay with candy, mugs, etc. if I feel assured they didn't spend much on them, but would be embarrassed by a $15 gift card.


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