Important Toddler Travel Tip


Aug 5, 2003
Today, my mother and I sat my 24 mo down for lunch... and I discovered one more thing to add to my list of dont forgets..... that no one here has mentioned (to the best of my knowledge)!

She immediately said I want a fork!

Every time we go to a restaurant... she has a terrible time with the "big" silverware. I always vow to remember to take some of hers with us next time and never remember too. oops

I made sure I added it to the list. Will just throw it in a ziploc, (i think tupperware & other companies even make a storage thing just for this) and then into my purse. When she is done, back in the baggie it goes, no mess...

Obviously I will take more than one set per day if planning more than one meal while away from the house!

Thought I would pass it on!
I have to admit I'd forgotten about that, but I know I carried a set of kiddie cutlery in my diaper bag for a couple of years. I had a special plastic box that they lived in. I would just wash them in the ladies room when we were done if they needed to be used again.

She is 10.5 months old, and at home, we do baby food and some chopped adult food on her baby spoon. When we eat out, I usually put a piece of food in her mouth myself, or use an adult small spoon or fork. She doesn't seem to mind, and I'm very careful about not poking her. Is this bad for some reason?
frann, this must me your first, cause the problem with the big forks comes at a little later date. When they start feeding themselves they have a little more trouble manipulating the long fork and end up with food in their hair and eyes more times than in their mouths.
Make sure you pack the utensils in your luggage and not something carried on to the plane if you fly. I had stuff in my son's diaper bag and I wound up having to toss it because it could not be carried onto the plane.
Great Tip!

Although my daughter can use regular sized utensils, she is much more comfortable using toddler sized ones. I carry them with us to restaurants, and I'll add that to my Disney World packing list.
Also, you can ask the restaurant if they have any plastic forks/spoons. Those are generally smaller than the forks on the table. I will usually buy/bring a pack of plastics, that way I don't have to worry about cleaning them. Just leave them or throw them out with the trash!
asing for plastic forks is a great idea! they aren't as "sharp" as real forks, and little hands can get a hold of them.

I found some "disposable" spoons at target or wal-mart. they were very inexpensive and I want to say that there are 24 in the box. they are very handy, especially for baby food. they have a long handle on them, so I don't know if a toddler could manipulate it or not.

it seems like there are more and more travel products coming onto the market all the time :)
With the new airport policies can you pack the kids forks and spoons if you are flying. They are expensive and I would hate to have them confiscated and have to buy new ones.
We were told as long as they were not in any off your carry on luggage, they will not be confiscated.
We haven't had anything bad happen - but please watch the plastic forks with toddlers. My 3 year old has had more than a few break when we've been out. I still use them - and have found restaurants inside and outside Disney very accommodating in providing them.


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