How many rolls of film?


Don't dream it, be it
Feb 17, 2002
This may sound like a stupid question but since I've only been on two trips without mom who is in charge of camera and film I don't really know how much film to bring. On those two other trips I think I took a whopping 2 rolls of pictures each. I definitely plan on taking more than that. I got myself a new camera and will need plenty of pictures for my new Disney scrapbook. I picked up some film at BJ's (a bulk store) and now have 12 rolls of 24exp and 3 rolls of 36exp - half 400 speed, half 800 speed (on my second trip to the store the 800 was cheaper than a smaller pack of 400). That gives me 396 pictures (wow that is alot). I know I will be back at BJ's before we leave adn I was wondering if I should just pick up another box of 7 or 8 rolls depending on what's on sale. I don't want to get to Disney and run out of film and pay high prices there - I'm paying about $2 a roll at BJ's for Kodak max. The film I have right now is good until early 2005 so I'm sure I'd use it up if I had extra, esp if we go to WDW next year. What do you think?? Should I go ahead and get the extra rolls and be over prepared?

Oh I also have a question about camera batteries. I have 4. Should that be enough?
One extra battery should be just plenty. They last a long time and you don't want to get stuck without one or having to pay big bucks to get one.

We were at WDW for 7 days last year and then 4 days in Daytona.

I brought 12 rolls of Kodak 400 Max.

I used them all.

But on the last day I took the last shots.

Look at it this way, get the film on sale at home and bring a ton.

If you don't use, it's good for quite some time anyway, you'll use it eventually.

What you're insuring against is running out and having to pay a premium at WDW for your needs.

We were there for almost a week last year and we used 16 rolls of film with 40 exposures per roll. I found a great deal on APS film at and eBay. Good luck and have fun! I am still cropping pictures. LOL Mickey
I'm glad to hear that I'm not crazy for thinking I should get another pack just in case. I forgot to tell you that I'll be there 7 days. That many rolls might be a little excessive if I was only there for 3-4 days lol.
My family went for two weeks (the World and the Cruise) and the five of us totalled about 20 rolls of 24exp. (My dad, sister, and I are avid photographers.) And hey, some of them came out pretty good!
We went for 11 days last year and I used 35 rolls of 24. I love taking pictures and enjoy looking at them dreaming of the day I will get to go back (Dec 2004).
We were there for 11 days last December and took 42 rolls of films (most were 36 exposure). I tried to use the 400 during the day and 800 in the evening. I brought 46 rolls altogether, so I had film when I got home. Now I'm trying to scrapbook all the photos! :eek: Hopefully the book will be done before our next trip in October, 2004! :Pinkbounc
We are going for three weeks and im taking four rolls of 24. Mum is taking her camera too and i think she is taking four rolls. That usually lasts us two weeks so i think we'll manage for three. We try to concentrate on using the camcorder instead................have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:Pinkbounc :bounce:
I have 30 rolls in my backpack to go with us next week...I'll probably end up taking over 50 rolls for 8 days & I'm taking our digital camera and memory cards!
We went for four days last September and I took 26 rolls and used them all.
We returned last week from a 8 day stay and we shot 24 rolls of 24 exposure film for the 6 of us. We had 3 35 mm cameras and brought dispossible cameras also. One dispossible was water proof. Was nice for waterpark, pool side, and ocean. All our film came back with great photos except 2 rolls. These 2 rolls was taken at night and just didn't turn out great.
We returned last week from a 8 day stay and we shot 24 rolls of 24 exposure film for the 6 of us. We had 3 35 mm cameras and brought dispossible cameras also. One dispossible was water proof. Was nice for waterpark, pool side, and ocean. All our film came back with great photos except 2 rolls. These 2 rolls was taken at night and just didn't turn out great.

We had taken 16 rolls of film and 10 dispossible cameras with us and came home with 2 dispossible.
Last year we went for 6 nights and used 14 rolls of 24 exposure. This year we are staying 7 nights and I have about 10 rolls of APS 24 ex., 4 rolls of regular 35mm 24 ex and 340 pics worth of digital media. I should be set.
Originally posted by mm6mm6

If you don't use, it's good for quite some time anyway, you'll use it eventually.

Keep unused rolls of film, in their containers, in the refrigerator. This will make them last forever, well beyond their 'sell by' date.

Just remember not to open the container immediately after taking it out of the fridge, to avoid condensation.

SO FAR I have 16 rolls packed for our 7 days in Sept. I'm sure I'll get more. Funny thing though...DH thinks the car rental costs too much. He hasn't even thought about how much it will cost to have the pictures developed. LOL!!



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