Disney in August and Caribbean Beach Resort


Earning My Ears
Jul 22, 2003
We're planning a trip to WDW the last week of August. Has anyone ever been at this time and if so, how busy was it? I've heard kids in the U.S. are back in school by that week, whereas in Ontario we don't go back until after labour day.

We're considering the CBR and would appreciate any comments as i've read alot of mixed reviews.

Thanks to all.

:cool: :cool: :cool:
I can't help you with the timing of your trip (never been in August), but I love CBR! It's a great resort with beautiful landscaping, a great food court, a really cool themed pool, wonderful atmosphere, etc. (I think you get the point that I REALLY like it there!) IMHO, it's one of the most relaxing resorts in all of WDW.

Wherever you decide to stay, have a wonderful trip & ENJOY! :D
I agree - CBR is beautiful!

August seems to be a slower time.....we were there in August of the millenium and it wasnt bad. I am hoping that this year will be even less crowded as it is NOT the millenium.
I don't know where you read your review but you might want to check out the CBR FAQ's. The URL is listed below. CBR is a beautiful resort.
Thanks all, especially to Safetymom. I found your faq post last night and was up half the night reading it! We had planned on using the disney transportation, but after all i've read it seems it makes more sense to rent a car. Can you please confirm, to get to MK is it best to drive to Epcot and take the monorail? What about getting to MGM and AK? Is MGM walkable (with 3 kids aged 9,4 and 2)?

Glad to see you found the FAQ helpful. I think it is easier having a car but I am sure others prefer using the bus. We park at Epcot and then we can go to Epcot, MK, and MGM without moving the car. If you wanted to go to AK you would need to drive to AK or take the bus.

From Epcot to MGM, you would exit Epcot at the International Gateway and take the friendship boat to MGM. It drops you off right at the entrance to MGM. MGM is walkable from Epcot also but with little kids I don't know that I would do that.

To go to MK, take the monorail from Epcot to the TTC and switch to the MK monorail.
Thanks again Safetymom. I'd like to say this will be my last question, but everytime i walk away from the computer (or drag myself away is actually a better description) i think of something else i was wanting to know.

I've read alot about which building everyone likes. In your opinion, which would be the best to be a close walk to the food court and to get to our car (or does each building have it's own parking lot?) That might be too much to ask for!

kshavu, each set of buildings has it's own parking lot so you are never far from your car.

Jamaica and Aruba are across the lake from the food court and pool if you don't mind a 5-10 min.walk.

Martinique and Trinidad North are the closest to the food court and pool. In 2004 they will become preferred buildings.

On my web site I have a map that they give you at check in. It has the locations on it. You might want to look at that if these choices aren't right for you and then post in the CBR FAQ thread and I am sure someone will post that they stayed in that location.

If you have any more questions please ask. I am glad I can help. We love CBR.
We just got back from a week at CBR. Although I had requested Martinique when I made our reservations, we got "assigned" to Jamaica. When I first saw how long the walk to the food court was, I was a little disappointed that I hadn't been assertive enough to insist on Martinique. After a day or two though, I realized there was a BIG advantage. Jamaica was the first bus stop for AK, MK and MGM. Which meant we were first on, and first off. We always knew we would get a seat! The EPCOT bus came in the main entrance, so they stopped at the Port Royal stop first (or was it second). CBR was beautiful. There's also an internal bus to take you from one section to another. I suppose if you have kids and you're planning on eating in the food court frequently, a closer area would be better. (As I say, I don't have kids, I have adults now!) Also the main pool is near Port Royal. But walking wasn't really a big deal. Any questions, feel free to ask!
parrotheadlois, thanks for the CBR report. Could you do me a favor and post the same message in the CBR FAQ thread listed below? I like to have trip reports in there for others that are looking to stay at CBR.
We have gone the last week in August three times, in '99,'00 and '01 and are going again this August from the 21st - 28th. In '99 and '00 it was very nice, moderate crowds, easy to manage (hot of course). In '01 it was crowded. Also, in '01 they cut the hours back from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at MK and I am sure that had something to do with it but really all of the parks were crowded that year. Disney must have advertised big in Europe as the place was loaded with Europeans (a lot of french, german and British english being spoken). We don't know what to expect this year. Were are splitting our trip - 4 nights at Disney and 3 at Universal. Hope this helps.
Hi Safetymom,

Can I please ask two questions.

I have been reading in some travel books that CBR has minibars in the rooms, is this correct?

Also in some books it states CBR is in walking distance of EPCOT, is that do able with a 9 year old DS?

As always thanks for all your help.

The rooms no longer have mini bars. You are close to Epcot but you wouldn't want to walk. There are no sidewalks or walkways to the park. You would be taking your life in your hands if you tried to walk. Just jump on a bus and you will be there in no time.
Just another point of view on transportation, we much prefer the buses to taking a car. It just seems much easier to hop on a bus, especially at the Magic Kingdom where you have to park (what seems like) miles away! My son and his family were with us this last trip, they didn't say at CBR, but at HIFS. For the first 2 days, they took their car. The last 3, we got a parking pass for CBR (since we didn't have a car, we gave it to them), and we'd meet them at the bus stop and they'd leave their car there and bus it, they prefered the bus to their car too. This worked out great.
We stay at CBR most of the time. We stay in Jamaica and love it. The walk to the food court is not bad and it is really a nice walk.

As mentioned before, you are the first on and off the bus. I would say use the Disney transportation most of the time. The only time I could think of not using it is if you go to Illuminations at EPCOT. We have a two year old and I think this year we will drive to see Illuminations, so we will not have to wait with the little one in the huge line for the bus to get back to the resort.


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