'Designer' Babies?

This is wrong on some many levels. Its people trying to play God again.

If your really obssed withyour kid looking a certain way then marry someone that loks like that.
i think its not wrong to offer- everyone needs as much business as they can get, so its completely understandable.

but i do think its wrong for the parents to consider. they should love their baby for being theirs, not for being what they ordered.
i dont care.
if someone wants their child to have certain traits
why not?

its their money going down the drain
I can only imagine having to tell my child that we got to pick out what they were like because being unique and just being our child wasn't good enough for us.

Now preventing diseases is a different story, but this is just ridiculous.
I'd only support this if it would help the general health of the child, as in, save it from getting a disease or disorder.

HOWEVER, improving babies to be perfect in every way is just wrong.
That is SOOO wrong!
There is no way I would "pick" what my child was going to look like.
My child will be perfect, and unique in my eyes just the way my husband and I create him or her.
Against it. I hope this never becomes popular.

If I had a daughter, coming home in tears to me because she has been told she isn't pretty enough because she doesn't have blonde hair or blue eyes or whatever, I'd be devestated.

I wouldn't want to do that to a child even if I was for it anyway, because the child itself may be against it!


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