DCL picture of the day

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Oh no! There was no picture of the day yesterday! Quick! We need one for today!

It's a little fuzzy but here you go
Not sure I remember how but here goes:

Our view of the DCL terminal on the last morning we woke up. It was more fun to see it when we were leaving.
Here's one of my favorites with our fab photographer, Lui, on The Magic Xmas 2005


(eek, Tigg, why are my photos turning out so small in my posts) :confused3
Cause your posting your thumbnails honey ;)


(when I copied the properties of your photo there is a "th_" in front of the image name, I am simply editing out the "th_" )
Myself and DW at CC the Friday after Thanksgiving when the Wonder and the Magic were having their "horn sound off".


This might be a stupid question but....

Are both ships docked or is one out to sea? I looked at the maps and it is hard to tell if another ship could dack at the sme time on another part of the island.
Molly says "oh ya, that night was fun" Next time she wants to Karaoke....
wkrider said:
This might be a stupid question but....

Are both ships docked or is one out to sea? I looked at the maps and it is hard to tell if another ship could dack at the sme time on another part of the island.
Since this was a friday, the Magic is docked at CC and the Wonder would be en-route to Nassua. Would this be correct LAMPSKIES?

The Magic was docked at CC, and the Wonder did a "sail by" since we were in the neighborhood. If you check the links in my sig, you can find other pictures (mine were taken from the Wonder) from that day. The picture in my sig is DH and me having brunch at Palo with Magic and CC in the background.
Hi! Just got off the Wonder Sunday. I only have some of my pictures uploaded to photobucket so far so I'll start there - 1/day anyway, right?

My first picture of the day...dd waiting for them to open up the slide right after we boarded....

:wave2: Whoa, it's getting hard to find time to visit this board, but we can't let this thread slip too far down...

Disney Magic Poolside, December 2005

BethC1952 said:

The Magic was docked at CC, and the Wonder did a "sail by" since we were in the neighborhood. If you check the links in my sig, you can find other pictures (mine were taken from the Wonder) from that day. The picture in my sig is DH and me having brunch at Palo with Magic and CC in the background.

Thanks a bunch.... :)
nskjerven said:

This is the picture I wanted more than anything on the ship - the one with Mickey and Minnie together. The CM at Shutters told me it was the only time to have pictures made with Mickey and Minnie at the same time, so I wanted to get a family picture done - but no one in my family wanted to go to get dressed and go to dinner with me - so I got one by myself. Of course that was the night after formal night where DS#1 fell apart at dinner and DS#2 puked his way out of Parrot Cay. I think our table mates were glad to see just me at dinner that night (LOL). But I think Minnie looks so beautiful in this picture and Mickey is handsome as always :)

BTW, cute cute kids in this one, too.

About to go and check out the Stack on the Magic last Christmas right when we boarded....

I am almost in tears looking at these pictures...I WANNA GO BACK!!!:sad: hehe
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