College Program Parents Thread...

The college program has start dates that work with school on a trimester schedule. She would need to reach out to them but it is possible to have arrival dates changed to meet a trimeter schedule.
....don't know if this has been asked before, but are all the dorms/apartments on property?

[....we leave tomorrow morning!]
I’ve been off the boards for awhile and just found this post. I have some reading to do!

MyDD19, and I, are leaving tomorrow for her to start DCP on Tuesday, the 22nd. She is super excited, naturally. I’m so happy for her as she tried out, and got entertainment. She’ll be a character. She’s just under 5 feet so she’s on the Mickey group. I can’t wait to find out who she’s going to be friends with.

We have been planning on her doing DCP for years now. Now her dream has come true.

She got Chatham and hopefully will get the 3 girls she has already paired up with. We will find out on Tuesday. She has her Traditions on Saturday which is a bummer since she can’t go into the parks until she does Traditions.

She found out in Sept (while we were on the way to WDW!) but it’s now really sinking in....Yesterday her car left to join her in Florida and I just checked in on Southwest. I think I’ll start a trip report. If I do I will post the link here.
...MyDD19, and I, are leaving tomorrow for her to start DCP on Tuesday, the 22nd. She is super excited, naturally. I’m so happy for her as she tried out, and got entertainment. She’ll be a character. She’s just under 5 feet so she’s on the Mickey group....she got Chatham and hopefully will get the 3 girls she has already paired up with. We will find out on Tuesday. She has her Traditions on Saturday which is a bummer since she can’t go into the parks until she does Traditions....She found out in Sept (while we were on the way to WDW!) but it’s now really sinking in....Yesterday her car left to join her in Florida and I just checked in on Southwest. I think I’ll start a trip report. If I do I will post the link here.
...we are flying tomorrow [7AM flight] and my DS too, is starting on Tuesday...:thumbsup2

Good luck to your DD!
My dd applied (again) yesterday. She did not get accepted for her spring 2019 application. Trying again for the fall advantage! I feel like we just got off this roller coaster of waiting to see if she gets in and here we are again!!

Congrats to all the CP's heading down soon! If any of you do trip reports or your kiddo does a blog, my dd & I would love to read so post the links!
I'm new to this thread - my niece just applied for the Fall program. She is anxiously awaiting an answer, as she applied the minute the apps were available on Tuesday. Thanks for sharing any past experiences! And has anyone already been accepted for the Fall?
I'm new to this thread - my niece just applied for the Fall program. She is anxiously awaiting an answer, as she applied the minute the apps were available on Tuesday. Thanks for sharing any past experiences! And has anyone already been accepted for the Fall?
It's really too soon. I'm sure there will be some that hear within a few weeks but I doubt anyone is going to hear just a few days after apps dropped!!. And it can take a long time to hear. My dd applied the day apps dropped in '16. She was invited to do the WBI within an hour of applying. Then, she was invited to set up her phone interview right after the WBI!! She did the phone interview the following week. Then, she waited about a month or so to hear. Some had to wait right up to the last day apps were accepted!!!
She got Chatham and hopefully will get the 3 girls she has already paired up with. We will find out on Tuesday. She has her Traditions on Saturday which is a bummer since she can’t go into the parks until she does Traditions... DS is there too...they are in a 4BR, with 8 guys altogether....Bldg 27, on the other side of those tents.
It's really too soon. I'm sure there will be some that hear within a few weeks but I doubt anyone is going to hear just a few days after apps dropped!!. And it can take a long time to hear. My dd applied the day apps dropped in '16. She was invited to do the WBI within an hour of applying. Then, she was invited to set up her phone interview right after the WBI!! She did the phone interview the following week. Then, she waited about a month or so to hear. Some had to wait right up to the last day apps were accepted!!!

I'm sorry, I didn't word my question well - I meant has anyone moved on to the next phase yet. Sounds like your daughter heard back right away (the invite to the WBI), and that's what my niece was hoping for. The waiting is tough, but we're all hoping she hears something about the interview soon. Congrats to your daughter!!
I'm sorry, I didn't word my question well - I meant has anyone moved on to the next phase yet. Sounds like your daughter heard back right away (the invite to the WBI), and that's what my niece was hoping for. The waiting is tough, but we're all hoping she hears something about the interview soon. Congrats to your daughter!!
Some kids do really move fast through the process. My dd applied this past Tuesday as well (her second time applying). She’s still sitting ‘in submission’. A lot of kids posted on FB they applied on tues, got their wbi right after and scheduled phone interviews for Thursday. Then a recruiter tweeted they had filled all the interview spots and it could be a couple weeks until more were scheduled. Then kids who applied on Wednesday started posting they were getting wbi’s and phone interviews. So some are moving and others are still sitting. Unfortunately there is nothing to do but wait.
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Some kids do really move fast through the process. My dd applied this past Tuesday as well (her second time applying). She’s still sitting ‘in submission’. A lot of kids posted on FB they applied on tues, got their wbi right after and scheduled phone interviews for Thursday. Then a recruiter tweeted they had filled all the interview spots and it could be a couple weeks until more were scheduled. Then kids who applied on Wednesday started posting they were getting wbi’s and phone interviews. So some are moving and others are still sitting. Unfortunately there is nothing to do but wait.
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm guessing they'll let her know if she doesn't make it to a WBI, right? Right now, it's just slow torture for her :sad1: Best of luck to your daughter - hope she gets good news soon :thumbsup2
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm guessing they'll let her know if she doesn't make it to a WBI, right? Right now, it's just slow torture for her :sad1: Best of luck to your daughter - hope she gets good news soon :thumbsup2
Has she said what it says on her dashboard? She could be 'in submission' which means she's still in the running, or NLIC, no longer in consideration.
Here's how I think the system submit your application online. The computer system looks for specific things within that application. If it sees a certain number of those words/phrases, then it moves you on to the WBI. If it sees a lesser number that is still 'acceptable' you go 'into submission' aka the waiting game. If it doesn't see what it's looking for, you go right to NLIC. When you do the WBI, the same thing happens. If you have enough of those words/phrases in the WBI, you are invited to a phone interview...after that interview, you can hear within a week, or you can sit, in submission, for a month or longer. You could get a NLIC after your WBI. Or you can go into submission at that point.Basically, as long as you are seeing in submission, you're good so far. Disney goes to that pool of applicants that are 'in submission' as they need them. I'm still not sure how my dd made it to the phone interview phase so quickly....yes, she is a true Disney kid, but that doesn't make you a shoe in. Once she had her phone interview, she sat and waited, while others were chosen. Now, perhaps it was the area that she had expressed an interest in. Maybe Disney was finding good fits among the candidates for other positions, so they got accepted first. Who knows. All I know is that the waiting is hard!!! Really hard.
goofy4tink, that is great information, thank you! As far as I know, it just says "Application received". But I'm texting my sister now to find out for sure. I know she was aware of the need for certain words/phrases (she really wants this, and did a lot of research!), but I don't know much more than that. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for her! The good news is that she's only a freshman (fall being the beginning of her sophomore year), so if it doesn't work out now, she still has lots of chances. Good luck to everyone out there waiting to hear!
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm guessing they'll let her know if she doesn't make it to a WBI, right? Right now, it's just slow torture for her :sad1: Best of luck to your daughter - hope she gets good news soon :thumbsup2
They will let her know if she changes status. Her next step will either be the WBI or NLIC (no longer in consideration).

My dd applied for spring 2019 on the day the apps opened last August. She sat for a month before getting the NLIC message. She never even got to the WBI. She had just graduated high school. Had tons of volunteer and babysitting experience but no paid work experience. We felt maybe that was why she never progressed?? So, we decided she should get a 'real' job. My dh listens to Lee Cockerell's podcast. He was a former VP for MK. He talks about how closely aligned Disney's employee training model is to Chick Fil A's and how similar the key values are between the companies. So, dd got a job at CFA. Been working there since last Sept. We watched hours and hours of youtubes of people talking about how to apply, which keywords to emphasize, which roles to choose as high interest (some say this matters, others don't think it does), etc. So, dd did that on her app. She's a Disney kid through and through. She has been dreaming of this since she was 12. It's hard to know why she hasn't been selected by the 'filter' yet.

My dd is going into nursing and once she begins the program, she cannot stop it. This semester she is actually taking the last class she needs for the program (and some others that aren't even required) so she really needs to get in for the fall. She needs to start the program. Some kids have 4-5 times they can try for this but she is more limited since her program is so strict. I've read Disney takes more college seniors now into the college program, than they used to, because so many of those kids are nearing graduation. I think their 'thinking' is the younger applicants have lots more time to try but not every kid does!

Having said that, we do see plenty of younger applicants get in too so there is hope as long as they haven't gotten the NLIC message! Good luck to your niece!
FWIW my DD’s experience: first program fall of 2017, would be a sophomore in fall (technically 2nd year of college although credit hours was actually close right to junior level); no work experience but had volunteer experience. Applied day apps dropped and went immediately to WBI and phone interview invite immediately after that. Heard she was accepted in first wave that February (and we immediately planned for a thanksgiving trip lol). Put high interest in custodial and merchandising, low in attractions and food service. Got custodial at CBR (which she loved).
2nd program was for Summer Alumni 2018: applied day apps dropped, waited a bit (less than week I think) for WBI, and another gap before PI invite. Then was in a later acceptance wave. This time she got attractions at DHS- which she also loved. This time she’d put his interest in attractions and merch, and moderate everywhere else I think. And she was not on,y alumni, but had other work experience, yet she waited on each phase longer than first program. Not sure if waiting longer was due to alumni program (maybe less spots, and trying to fill what the spring and fall advantage weren’t taking? Or the areas she wanted?) she was also really torn if she was going to accept SA program as she wanted a park spot. Luckily she took the chance and got a park- the summer TSL opened too!
She’s planning on applying for third program -for this summer again. But she’s said she’s going to be much pickier in expressing role interest so that may slim her chances quite a bit.
DDs good friend who was same fall program applied for 2nd fall program last year, didn’t get it. Applied for spring (current program) and got it. Exact same roles applied for, and the friend had zero points or other negative remarks on record, so who knows how stuff decided?!
Good luck to the kids waiting to hear!
....sooooooo, today is my DSs first 'official' work day..he's in rec at the Yacht Club...


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