
I've never heard that they don't allow it! :) We string a clothesline between two trees and hang our wet towels on it overnight to dry.

Which brings up a funny story!! I've told this here before, but it's been awhile...

One morning, we got up early to go take our showers and my husband grabbed his towel off the line as he was walking by. Well, he got ten years taken off his life, when a BAT flew out at him from under the towel!! It had taken up residence there for the night! LOL! DH has a definite bat-phobia, so he just about fainted! I (being the nice, considerate wife that I am) couldn't stop laughing!!! :tongue:

To this day, he never takes the towels off the line anymore - it's my job now! (And I've never seen another bat!)
Thanks Rhonda for the great laugh. I thought I was the only one with a husband bat story. In our old house 3 years ago a bat got in thru one of the vents and into our bathroom. Needless to say I had never heard my husband scream so much when it flew by the top of his head!!! I had to wait to laugh at the situation so he could get it out of the house. ( I wanted it out and did not want to have to do it!!!)LOL
Thanks for the bat stories! I'll think of your husbands every time I take a towel from the clothesline!
Thanks for the heads up. From now on I'll ask my husband to fetch the towels. (Maybe I should stand by with the video, would make for some wonderful vaction pictures.) Gina


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