Chico's trip Part 9 - Day 4 - The World comes crashing down on Main Street - more pix


keeping a low profile
Aug 28, 2003
The cast:
Me: 34, 2nd trip to WDW (last time was 2001 – but we only did MK 1 day – does that count?)
DW: 36 also her 2nd / 1st real trip
DS: 5, ditto for him;
DW’s best friend: 36, 1st trip, hereafter known as Auntie K

Tuesday December 9, 2003

We’ve got our ‘new’ double stroller thanks to the knuckleheads who took our single stroller from the Emporium, and we’ve completed shopping on Main Street for now. It’s 5 o’clock and we’re primed for the Christmas Party!

We haven’t seen anything really of crowds in the parks during the day this week so far, thanks to EMH, but we know that will change tonight. I’m fairly certain a Tuesday MVMCP will not sell out, but there will definitely be 10,000 or more people in the park, a drastic increase from what we’ve seen. I’ve done some planning to help minimize the crowds, thanks to Tour Guide Mike and his firsthand knowledge of these nights and the “typical” family’s itinerary; know what they do, then do the opposite!

So to that end, we’re stopping for a moment to familiarize ourselves with what we hope to see and do tonight – remember this is our 3rd time in three days of being at MK, so we’re here to experience things we haven’t yet seen, and those we really liked the first time(s). And don’t forget the “snow” on Main Street, hot cocoa and cookies, and our souvenir photo!

We grab a table around the corner towards the Plaza Pavilion, and DW and Auntie K retreat to the Plaza Ice Cream parlor for our daily dose of ice cream treats. They share an Oreo sundae, DS has a Mickey cone , and I have a mint chocolate chip cone. Mmmmm.

Refreshed and energized, we enter Tomorrowland – we haven’t been here yet – and walk on to Buzz. Fantastic! Our first time riding this one! I think I could live on this ride! DS and I ride ahead of Mom and Auntie K, I’m taking the odd picture – when I can remember! – ‘cuz I’m having too much fun!! DS has a perma-smile on his face. He loves the Toy Story movies (we left WDW last trip with Woody and Buzz toys) they were an enormous hit – Puppy even got set down when DS spied those two!

Now I know what I’m supposed to be doing in this ride – and I’m trying to hit as many targets as I can, but DS is just having fun, holding his lazer trigger down and shooting aimlessly. Somehow he walks away with 411,100 points!!! I was actually trying and only got 295,000! Needless to say we had a proud little ‘space ace’ with us after that!

Auntie K had decided before she left home that she was going to ride Space Mountain. I had similar thoughts – but after Splash Mountain and its little drops in the dark that left me ‘uncomfortable’, I declined her invitation to tag along. She walked right in, and we took a stoll around the area. She loved it! She claims not to have screamed (which she has been known to do) but woo-hooed throughout the ride!

The line up for the Astro Orbiter was minimal, and since we have a Magic Carpet / Triceratops Spin / Dumbo fan in our crew, we get in line and take the elevator up to the 2nd floor. DW did not like this version of the tamer-feeling rides. Too high for her liking, and again she was chosen by DS to be his partner. I’m positive now he knows she doesn’t like the heights – and gets some perverse enjoyment from that! I felt more centrifugal force on this ride than the others. Its clockwise rotation was different too. But I’d go again in a heartbeat! Especially with DS!!

We had to do the Tea Cups again! And once again DW and DS teamed up. This time he spun her silly, and when he wanted to ride again immediately after the first time, she sat the second one out. No matter, I’ll spin with him! Whee!

It’s just about 6 o’clock, official closing time for day guests – so we stopped at Cosmic Rays for supper. Good burgers and fries. We wanted to catch the first showing of Mickey's Twas the Night Before Christmas at 7:15 – so we walked over to the Galaxy Palace Theatre for 6:45 – only to find an early performance in progress!

Wow! What a great show! Again Auntie K was amazed by the costumes and sets! The singing and dancing – and Disney humor was very entertaining! Very well done.

We plan on watching the 10:30 parade, so we’ve plenty of time for rides, goodies, and photos! What to do first? Hmmm. I know! Tea Cups!! TWICE MORE!!

Do you think he likes this ride?

Mom and Auntie just sit in their cup – no spinning allowed! BAH! HUMBUG!

Into Fantasyland we go, and we spy ‘Chuck and Dave!’ (My family didn’t get it. DS thought it was really funny though…) Get his picture taken with them – we pass up Pluto, as we saw him at breakfast yesterday.

Dumbo doesn’t have a huge line, since the early parade is on now, so So we go for a spin! A different experience to see the surrounding area in the darkness, with the Christmas lights!

The line for photos at IASW isn’t too bad, so DW, DS and I get in line – Auntie doesn’t think she should be in the photo, and goes to find a washroom (these women and their washrooms…) and says she will get in line for Peter Pan and wait for us, as it looks like about a 10 – 15 minutes wait for Peter.

Well, photos move more slowly than we thought – and Auntie has been moving toward the front of Peter Pan fairly steadily. She ends up waiting right at the front of the line – people are looking at her strangely; – It’s not that scary lady! - as she explains that she is waiting for friends.

We finally make our way through the line – maybe 5 minutes – and hook up with her. Another first for us tonight. Excellent ride! The change from ride to flying ship is well done! It feels like you’re really flying! DS really liked that! I loved the detail in the flight over the city!

Time for cocoa and cookies at Columbia Harbour House. We make our way to the bridge by the Crystal Palace for a spot to see Wishes. Great show again, and a little different than last night! More fireworks, and longer too!

We walked over to the hub to catch some of the Celebrate the Season Castle show – another sample of the excellent live entertainment Disney is known for! Many of the same characters as Mickey’s ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas show, and the castle was bathed in constantly changing colour images of snowflakes!

At about this point our youngest member of the group had fallen asleep, and it was almost time for us to stake out a spot for the second parade (10:30) We walked through Adventureland, and stumbled across Auntie K’s two most favorite characters, together, King Louie and Baloo! Gotta get that picture!

Around to Frontierland, where we found ample room across the street from the Shootin’ Arcade. Mom and Auntie again got popcorn and drinks, and DS slept. It took awhile for him to wake up, and although he tried to keep watching the parade, he kept falling asleep. Another great parade! We were able to watch some of this one on Sunday during Regis and Kelly’s filming, but again it’s a different line up for the evening version. Here's Mickey! The parade is a classic! Great photos and videos again too! Here's Santa!

After the parade, we lingered awhile, soaking up the atmosphere. We cut through Fantasyland to avoid the now dwindling crowd, shopped in the Merchant of Venus, and Mickey’s Star Traders and made our way back to Main Street. It’s almost 11:30. Auntie K has finally decided on a sweatshirt – and DW wants to look in the Jewellery store. I’ve got DS asleep in the stroller, and follow DW into the shop, while Auntie K heads into the Emporium.

DW spies Belle through the side windows of the Jewellery store, and would like to get a picture taken with her. So we exit out the side entrance, and wait in a very small line. Smile! We’re getting tired, so we agree to call it a night, and cross over the sidewalk and across Main Street to find Auntie K. DS and I wait on the sidewalk and take pictures, while mom goes in to find her. It’s almost midnight! This will make 4 days in a row that we’ve been at MK! (technically)

Reunited, we stroll down Main Street, still chuckling at the fake ‘snow’ – we’re glad we’ve left the real stuff behind in Winnipeg! Out of the tunnels to return the stroller, we unwrap DS from his cocoon, and...

DW can’t find Puppy!


“I can’t find Puppy!”

DW is on the verge of a nervous breakdown!

(Auntie K will later say that the looks on our faces were that of absolute disbelief, and shock.)

Imagine, if you will, the stuffed animal that your child has grown up with for every single day of his or her life, suddenly vanishing. Now picture that loss in Disney World. At night. At Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. Not very merry.

DS is still not totally awake. Thankfully.

We’re in controlled panic mode now.

"Are you sure he’s not in there?" I ask, hoping by some remote chance that we’ve overlooked him.

“No, he’s not. I’ve checked.” DW’s heart has stopped, I’m sure. I’ve never seen her like this. She feels powerless, hopeless, that she can’t make this alright. She’s his mother, she’s got to be able to!

I’m halfway there, my mind racing, still in disbelief, trying to figure this all out.

“I’ll go check lost and found at City Hall, you guys sit with him, and I’ll be right back.”

I don’t remember walking to City Hall. I only remember inquiring about Puppy, and getting a genuinely sorry CM’s assurance that they’ll call if he’s turned in. I can feel my heart starting to break. Puppy and DS go back to the beginning. Inseparable. Best friends. Gone.

I’m back outside, and I’ve dashed their hopes. DS is groggily awake. “Puppy’s lost!” He cries. Mom asks him where. He thinks Puppy’s been left in the stroller…

Don’t break his heart. He’s too young. Please let him forget this moment in time…

DW’s face is ashen. She’s lost all hope. It’s only Tuesday, but this trip may as well be over. The magic is gone.

I tell them to take DS home. I’ll go back and search and grab a later bus. They look at me like I’m from Mars.

“Look where? We’ve been here since 4:00.”

“I don’t know. I know he had him when we rode Peter Pan…(that was only, what, 4 ½ hours ago?) I’ll backtrack, retrace our steps.”

Reluctantly, they pack up and with DS in her arms, DW wishes me luck and asks how long I think I’ll be.

“As long as it takes…”

I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve got the entire Magic Kingdom to cover, and no guarantee I’ll find Puppy. I’m overwhelmed, but its not logic that is driving me. Back into the ‘Party’ I go.

Here Puppy! God I wish he WERE real – we all treat him as if he were – then maybe I’d have a fighting chance.

I’m prepared to spend the entire night in this park if I have to. They’ll have to drag me out, kicking and screaming! I won’t rest until I’ve found that dog! I’ve got seven lands to search, 50 or so rides, a million steps worth of chances to find him, or not…

I’m starting up Main Street.

Okay, let’s think. Where have we been? Main Street, shopping, then before that it was Tomorrowland, more shopping, and then Fantasyland, Frontierland and the Parade, around to Adventureland and the fireworks…

Hey! The jewellery store. We were all in there.

I look in the front entrance and see nothing, anywhere, on the floor. Nope

A quick glance across the street to where we waited for mom and Auntie… nothing.

What if somebody took him? What if somebody found him but threw him out? What would I do if I found someone’s Puppy?…

Look to the right – we saw Belle, then over the curb to cross – DW had to help lift the stroller – and then…


There on Main Street, sitting on top of a garbage can, just past the corner where we had seen Belle. Somebody found Puppy! And then put him on top of this can! So I could find him!

I’m running now! Out of the park! Down the long stretch of red pavement towards the bus lanes.

Thank You! Whoever you are! Thank You!

Running, all the way to the end; the last stop.

No one’s in line! They’ve left already. God I hope he’s okay…

I step onto the waiting bus – its full – and glance to find a seat. My heart is pounding! Then I see my crew! The first seats behind the driver, facing the aisle. Sitting quietly, DS is on mom’s lap, half-asleep, cuddled in, and looking very sad. Mom's face is vacant; she’s gone very far away. Auntie K, a row behind, is staring out the window, off into the distance. They’re finished. Nothing left.

I drop Puppy into DS’s arms. He looks up. DW looks up. Their eyes widen in amazement! Tears are forming in DW’s. DS hugs Puppy as tightly as he can – he’ll never let go! There are no words. The smile on his face says it all.

I slump into the seat, I don’t know how far or fast I was going, but I’m drained. But it’s okay. It’s over. Let’s go home…

Link to Part 10
Can't believe you found puppy so quick in MK. So nice of someone to prop him up like that. I love the picture of your son on teacups.
I'm really enjoying your trip reports...this one had me in glad you found puppy. :)
Hi Chico,

What a super hero you are! Congratulations for trying to find and subsequently finding Puppy. Your son will always remember that. You are to be commended.

I love the picture of DS on the teacups - thats a million dollar smile - precious!

:moped: :moped:
Thanks for the kind words!

But I didn't do anything that any other parent would not have done under the same circumstances.

I got lucky - Puppy wasn't very far up Main Street - had he been lost elsewhere, the ending may very well have been different. I am so grateful for the person(s) who took the time to pick him up and place him where he could be seen.

We all learned a valuable lesson that night, and now Puppy doesn't 'stray' very far from home.

Glad everyone is enjoying our trip!!

So glad Puppy was Disney Lisa I also had tears in my eyes, knowing how my 19 yr old DD would have been if it had been her Rascal ( also a puppy ). The two of them are away at university and are still inseparable!! I bet your DS was probably smiling as much as he did in the photo:teeth:
Sniff - I've got the Kleenex out too! What an incredible story - real Disney Magic and a real hero for your son. Glad it had a happy ending. So many parents can relate to wanting to spare their child the heartbreak of losing their best stuffed friend. You really should send this story in to a magazine like Canadian Parent or Readers Digest.

Looking forward to my first trip next January with my DS, who will be 7 1/2 then.
Thank goodness you found "Puppy"! I was starting to panic as I read along! I know just how you felt. I can just imagine the immense relief you felt when you found him! That brought tears to my eyes! We left a favourite toy, a stuffed turtle, on the plane to Hawaii when Dan was 4 years old and he was very upset. We never got him back and I had to come up with a story about how his turtle flew on all the way to a poor country to make another child happy. He asked for months if his turtle was still making that poor child happy. Thank goodness we were able to talk him into leaving his "Teddy" that had been with him since he was born at home!

Your trip reports are great, Reid! Can't wait for the next one!
Great glad you found "puppy" My kids have their own special friends, Cordoroy and Wayne that have been with them from day one as well! I felt for you, I would have walked every inch of the MK!
Anxious to read the next installment.......keep them coming.......I think it's called "Dellswife" syndrome :teeth:
Love ya, mean it, eh?
I'm so glad you found heart was racing, I know that panic all to well. That was definately Disney Magic.


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