Chico's trip Part 4 - Day2 - A castle, a mountain, and a teacup.


keeping a low profile
Aug 28, 2003
Again, I've posted same to trip report board - but here as well. Enjoy! - Reid

The cast:
Me: 34, 2nd trip to WDW (last time was 2001 – but we only did MK 1 day – does that count?)
DW: 36 also her 2nd / 1st real trip
DS: 5, ditto for him;
DW’s best friend: 36, 1st trip, hereafter known as Auntie K

Sunday December 7, 2003

Up at 6:00! We’ve got a schedule to follow people! Auntie K decides that since she takes the most time getting ready she’ll get up first and we should all be on time. DW and I head down with our refillable mugs for coffees and hot chocolate. (It’s not the same as a coffee maker in the room, but at least we’re not far from the main building. I faxed the hotel 4 days prior and politely requested a quiet room, near the main building. Got 7311. Touch Down Bldg #7 Right on the end, just down the stairs down and we are at the food court. Works for me!) While we are gone – DS gets a wakeup call from you know who!!

Auntie Krista didn’t know who. Neither did DS. :confused:

By the time Auntie K can get the kid the phone most of the message is over. DS tells us after we get back to the room that ELMO called! Oh well! He was impressed nonetheless. Breaky in the food court and we make the bus stop by 7:20. I thought that was cutting it a little too close, as the bus was just pulling away when we came running out! Have to talk to the troops about this! Can’t be late!

The ride over is relaxing, but full of nervous energy for us. We know what to expect sort of. I’ve told the crew there’s a surprise out front of MK, so they’re curious. As we approach the Contemporary the Monorail whizzes by, and Auntie K’s eyes grow wider and wider. Then she gets a glimpse of the Castle! If DW is a little misty, then her best friend of 25 years is downright teary-eyed! They share a twelve-year-old girl giggle and shake of shear happiness. “We’re going to Disney World!” DS and I watch quietly as the monorail eases into the lobby of the hotel, both of us are smiling.

Off the bus, and onto that familiar red pavement. The music is playing and the real world slowly melts away. It’s the beginning of a magical day and hopefully a fantastic week. Surprise! 75 decorated Mickey’s greet us and we spend a little time looking as we approach the security tables. It’s cool this morning as we approach the turnstiles on the far left. We’re first in line at our gate, and I’ve brought gloves for DS and me. The temperature is in the mid 40’s, the CM asks where we’re from – “Canada” we tell him. “And you’re wearing gloves? You guys should be used to this.”

Ha Ha! That never gets old. Yeah, like it maybe a heck of a lot colder back home than here right now, but listen pal, its still cool on my hands.

We’re told Regis and Kelly are in the park shooting some Christmas parade footage today, as Friday and Saturday were cloudy and cool, and not great “looking” for television. Even more magic! It’s nearing 8:00 and the CM’s are getting ready. The opening ceremony is about to begin! DW and Auntie K are a little choked up with all the festivities; the music and singing, the two families chosen to countdown and then the pixie dust – Its good they’re soo happy. This is why we’re here! DS is first to put his ticket through the machine – first time he’s done anything like this – he’s so proud – I’m a little misty now… seesh- suck it up big guy…

Grabbed a stroller and in we went.

The Christmas in town square tree was tall, and gorgeously decorated – we were in awe. There’s lots of garland and decorations all down Main Street, and the Christmas music is everywhere. To boot, we’ve got characters out around the square! Capt. Hook, Rafiki, Pinocchio, Country bears to name a few – DS is a Peter Pan fan, so he wants a picture with Capt Hook, so we head over by the barber shop. Ready? smile everyone…

Our camera chose this moment to demand attention – not the five year old who very easily could have been freaked out by all this, No. The brand new – dad’s been obsessed with this thing for two weeks now – think I know all its settings, gonna capture great memories – digital camera, which I put charged batteries into this morning just for this reason, says ‘Nope- Not Gonna do it.’

Luckily there are no lines behind us yet. Hook’s getting that look already; Toes tapping, sideways glances, he’s not too impressed with dad right now. (I love it when they ham up their characters!) DW zips into the Emporium for new batteries – Still nothing? Okay, breathe – DW’s about to have a meltdown and its only ten after eight! Auntie K, who isn’t really a photo type person, has brought 2 disposable cameras for the entire week.

Two? You mean just for today right? “Why? You think I should have brought more?” she asks in all seriousness. Ah, rookies. Its okay – you can buy more…Hey I’ve got an idea! Let’s take the picture with Auntie’s camera!

Okay we’re cooking now! Back in line son. Smile! The kids a trooper – he probably would have passed on the whole photo with character thing if he’d known it would take this long, but DW in one of those Super-Mom moments pulls out the Autograph Book! (Brilliant marketing Disney!) So, Hook signs his name on the first page and DS thinks this is just too cool!

Regroup time. Okay let’s file this experience and move forward – Auntie has a castle to see! I’m not one to give up without a fight, so I’m still looking at that flippin’ camera. Hmmm, maybe if I flip this button here, from display mode to capture… Doh! Okay so I’m not a rocket scientist – and maybe I was a little caught up in MK this morning. Nobody’s perfect. The camera is fine. Stupid camera. (The first set of batteries didn’t take the charge though – that much I do know.)

Where’s Auntie K? Still back halfway down Main Street? Taking more pictures of the castle? Yeah I understand – I did that last time too. (And this time.) After I quietly ‘solved’ the camera problem…

“We can walk though the Castle?” she asks, wide eyed and kinda shaky. “Yep, and if you’re really good, maybe later we can have lunch inside too!” “Really?” She’s giddy like a school-girl! Mom and DS are heading for Dumbo, but he’s not operational yet – mechanical difficulties. Oh well, Let’s go try Winnie the Pooh! We love this ride – its so ‘cute’ - from the hunny pots, to Tigger bouncing, to the simple magical effects. Mom and Auntie are laughing (or is that hiding the tears of joy?) Its over too soon, and with no line, we go again! I like this EMH thing!

DS spies the Mad Tea Cups. Sure, let’s go! None of us are really ‘thrill’ riders. DW was the designated ‘purse-holder’ in her group of friends as a teen, and I was never much for quick drops or tons of speed. So, Tower of Terror – I’m not big on the whole free-falling concept – nightmares when I was a kid, or something - is probably out of our league this time. But the Tea Cups are harmless, right? Not if you have a five year old who loves to spin and get right can’t-walk-straight-eyes-crossed-dizzy. (But don’t they all at that age?) He chooses mom to ride with him. Lucky her! Its me and Auntie K. We all had a blast! Especially DS! Mom managed to cope. Definitely a winner for a certain little boy.

Dumbo’s back in business, but the line is too long for our liking, so we climb aboard Cindy’s carrousel. DS names his horse Nicholas – he has a habit of naming things – toys, animals he sees in the neighbourhood, arts and crafts things he makes; I’m sure this is normal – Right? Anyways, he and Nicholas had a great ride!

Mickey’s Philarmagic is next – no lines in Fantasyland anywhere yet except Dumbo. EMH and early Dec. are a bonus! What an incredible show! The 3-D effects are amazing! DS kept trying to grab the effects – they were superbly done! 5 Stars says the crew! Snow White gets our nod too, DW and DS rode together again – he kept trying to scare the witch before she got him – Auntie K and I followed behind with a mother daughter team. Another classic, well done. As our mining car was coming back to the queue, Auntie K turned to catch the last effects and scared herself silly! She was so absorbed in the ride she forgot we had joined the mother daughter team in our car! She jumped and screamed “OMG!” She thought the evil witch had joined us! After much laughter and drying of eyes, she apologized to our new friends and we checked out Peter Pan.

Too much of a wait for us, so we decided to sit through IASW. We liked it well enough – I’m still singing that darned song though… DS felt brave so we moved on to the Haunted Mansion. We’d never been, so this was a special treat. I know it’s not as spectacular as any of the newer attractions, but it is a classic and it helps to keep Walt’s dream alive. Again DS was saying ‘BOO!” to the ghosts, so they wouldn’t scare him first! He really liked the ghost-in-the-buggy effect!

Auntie K wanted to see the Country Bears Xmas show so we ducked in. I prefer this version to the regular one, maybe since I’m not up on the old country and western humor of the original. Still cute though, and the holiday songs with a twist crack me up.

By now its 10:30 and we’re starved! Well, naturally we walk right into Pecos Bill’s! This was the first place DW, DS and I ate last trip around, so it holds a special place for us. That and I love the fixin’s bar!
Great burgers and fries. Just what the doctor ordered!

For the last 2 or 3 months, while we planned this trip, DS would watch the videos and look at the pictures and announce that he ‘wanted to ride Splash Mountain.’ Uh huh, and pigs fly, you say? This is afterall, the child who would gladly fly his swings around the top bar of the swingset if he could; the same child that loves to slide and go crazy fast; and generally defy gravity at every chance he can. So who are we to judge? I don’t want to scare him, or put any prejudices I might have of certain rides into his mind, so I just ask him if he’s sure. We watch from the bridge, and try to avoid getting splashed, and he’s enjoying every minute of it.

Okay, maybe he’s ready. But am I? I know DW would pretty much do anything else in this world than have him make her go on this ride. Remember the airplane? Tea Cups made her queasy. This is a testament to a mother’s love for her son. Anything for him. She’s being brave. I’m apprehensive – I have a fear of falling. Not heights, but falling. But I know I’ll be okay, I’m not afraid of getting sick or anything like that – I’m just not a huge fan of feeling my stomach in the vicinity of my throat! Auntie K could care less. She’s game for anything today!

No real line, so we walk through and board our log. Auntie K is humming ‘zippadee do da’ throughout the ride. Smooth sailing until we come to the little ‘test’ drops. DS is telling DW it ‘hurts my tummy.’ Sorry there bud, we can’t stop the ride. I wasn’t a big fan of the last test drop either I admit. Then its time for the real thing! Auntie K is laughing hysterically the whole time down the mountain. She’s having a blast.

DS is scared! You can tell. Poor kid! DW is holding on to him – I think she’s trying to comfort her own fears by holding him, tightly! – and they’re both screaming! DS is crying as we float along the channel under the bridge – everyone is trying to comfort the spooked little guy, and then the water splashes him in the face! No happy memories here! We exit and everyone calms down. Surprisingly, he’s not upset about the whole affair. I think he’s learned that he has limits now. I also think mom knows her limits too!

Pirates of the Carribean is next. Mental note – you just had your child frightened by a water-themed flume ride. Do you think a pirate themed ride, in darkish tunnels with a small drop is going to be any better? Hmmm, Good point. Too bad I didn’t know anything about the ride beforehand. No worries though. A little less brave afterward, and nothing a toy pirate sword can’t fix. Feeling a bit guilty there mom?

Tiki birds and Aladdin’s Magic Carpets soothe the crew. DS loved the Tiki birds this time around, and danced at the end. He loves to fly, so the magic carpets are a huge hit. He wants to fly as high as it’ll go – mom’s not to keen on the idea. He wins. Auntie K gets a real kick out of CM’s instructions to “exit towards the golden camel.” Only in Disney World. Jungle cruise is the same corny experience we remember – though I couldn’t hear much of the CM’s banter – as Auntie K, who loves bad jokes was rolling with laughter at these gems! She really ducked when the elephant was about to shoot the water at the boat! We had another good laugh!

A little Aloha Isle ice cream helps correct the blood-sugar, and we walk towards Toontown. Mickey’s Christmas Day parade is around the castle as Regis and Kelly tape the shots with much better weather – not hot, but sunny and blue skies. We watch a little then cut across. DS has to ride the Tea Cups again, and this time I get to ride with him! We spun that little cup like there was no tomorrow! I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look of pure joy he had on his face the entire time! His little arms were turning that chrome wheel with all his might, and he was laughing non-stop. This is why we came!

Over to Toontown, we stop to find DS a new hat – he picks out a blue Sorcerer Mickey with ears. Last time he found a red and yellow Mickey baseball cap with Mickey’s face on the front and his ears sticking out of the sides. It quickly became his signature look. I’m not surprised by this choice. With his new purchase in tow, he leads Auntie K on the grand tour of Mickey’s and Minnie’s houses, while DW and I take a break. DS doesn’t want to try Goofy Barnstormer today – Splash Mountain aftershock no doubt, so we board the train for Main Street. It was nice to sit and relax, and we got some excellent shots of the Christmas tree in Town Square from the upper level of the station. It’s close to 2:00 and we’re getting tired so we decide to head back to ASSp by bus. Can’t say enough about the Disney transportation system. Efficient, clean, and friendly. City planners should take note. Only downside to the All-Stars Resorts – furthest bus stops of all the resorts. Oh well, you win some… you gotta walk a fair bit.

We let DS play and veg in front of the tv while we rested, then drove over to Goodings at the Crossroads to pick up some groceries for the week. Decided to try TGI Fridays for supper; good choice, and DS got a balloon T-Rex made for him. Stopped at DTD on the way back, and shopped. The Lego store and giant Serpent and UFO were an enormous hit (pun intended,) and we soaked up the atmosphere with some people watching.

Upon reflection, we couldn’t believe how much we were able to do this morning. Had this not been our first day in the parks I’m certain we would have lasted longer. But we saw so much, and rode most of the rides that we had planned, so we were content. We know we’ve got MVMCP coming up on Tuesday, and likely another half day at MK later this week, so we don’t feel like we’ve short changed ourselves.

Auntie K absolutely loves MK. It’s everything she has hoped, and so much more. She’s glad she decided to come along. We’re glad too.

Up next AK EMH.

Link to Part 5
Just finished parts 1 -4!
I loved the detail, I feel like I'm right along with you!
Great reports - looking forward to part 5 :D
Did you video tape any of this. The expressions on your wifes and Auntie K's face must be priceless.
I am REALLY enjoying your reports. On a day like today (-29 with the wind chill) it gets me in the Disney spirit.
Karen :):):):):)


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