Best Trip Ever, Take Two


Feb 21, 2009
Hi everyone,

This is my first pre-trip report, or trip report of any kind, for that matter, but I'm just so excited to have our new plans in the works that I had to share here. Actually, it's because my husband, who is a huge Disney fan, has had his fill of listening to me. He just can't bear to hear it anymore and since our trip isn't until August 2011, I figured I better turn to the DIS in order to save his sanity, and our marriage.

A little background: My family is my husband and I and our boys, Andrew and Harrison. Andrew is nearly 6.5 and Harrison is 4. It's here that I would like to place the cutest photo ever of the boys from our last trip to the Magic Kingdom, but I've yet to figure out how to do that, but I will later.

Anyway, our last trip to Disney was in May 2009. It was our first time there as a family of four. Andrew hadn't been since he was a baby and certainly didn't remember anything and it was Harrison's first time. We were staying at the Polynesian and couldn't have been more excited. While there we would be celebrating my 45th birthday, Andrew's 5th birthday and the second anniversary of Harrison's adoption. Both my boys were adopted as infants from Russia, but that's a different story. This was going to be the best trip ever.

You know that saying about the best laid plans? Well, for some reason I thought it would be smart to schedule my yearly mammogram five days before leaving for Disney. Smart? Maybe... Should I have waited another week? In the big scheme of things, probably. I was diagnosed with breast cancer the afternoon before we were to leave for Florida. I hadn't even finished packing yet and now I had to deal with this. Talk about a mood killer. Suddenly the idea of being in the happiest place on earth didn't seem so good.

However, we shed some tears, made a few phone calls, lined up some appointments for after the trip and went off the following morning to Disney. We felt our boys were too young to know the details and kept it all to ourselves.

As much as I love Disney World, it was difficult to enjoy myself with this news hanging over my head, though I did try. We still celebrated my birthday. My husband surprised me by having a Mickey head cake delivered to our room. I felt it was ok and entirely warranted to drink the entire milkshake I'd ordered at the Plaza restaurant that afternoon and that evening my husband and I enjoyed, my favorite, sushi on our little balcony at the Poly while the boys finally fell asleep. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say, in spite of the fun, it was still a very sad time. I walked around the parks watching all the guests and wondering if I was the only one with such news. Of course, I know everyone has their stories, but at the time, everyone seemed so happy. I was wondering if I'd get to make it back to Disney World someday.

OK, sorry, for the ramble. I'll stop. It's a year and half later and I'm happy to say, things are as good as they could be and lately, all I can think about is doing our Disney trip over. I want a "do over" and I think I deserve one. Actually, I've been obsessing and you all know how that is. But, this time I want go with a free conscience (I hope!).

So, I've been crunching numbers for quite some time, looking at the discounts, evaluating the time of year, debating whether to take Andrew out of school... first grade now. It's a big deal. Well, in the end, the Free Dining was too good to pass up and we've settled on the last week in August, 2011. It's booked! Only we're staying at the Yacht Club this time, where I've never stayed. It will truly be a new experience, a Disney "do-over" that I know will live up to my expectation of last year and for sure it will surpass it.

Thanks for reading along. It feels good to share all that. I'll try to post some photos and let you know what I'm considering for meals and touring plans and all that fun stuff. There's time... but, I'm so excited for this second chance, I'll be back soon to update our plans. And please, if you have any similar stories, I'd love to hear them.


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