Attention All Guestshow CMs We Are 101, Go Grab A Drink At The Poly! Update 1/5

Reunited With The Boss Man

Before going to see festival of the lion king Brittany found the jungle juice and wanted to get it after the show. So that’s where we went. Then right across from that stand was where they sell the rum dole whip, so of course I had to try it.


With cool refreshing snacks in hand we headed over to check out the new harambe village. First off it is a great new addition, everything smells good there and the details are what makes it. Unfortunately I was struggling with a melting dole whip to take any pictures. The struggle was real! I was on the hunt for a CM to give me a real cup to pour it in. With it being such an easy task, it should have taken a second to complete but it took forever! Once receiving my cup I then doused myself in hand sanitizer in hopes of not being so sticky.

We headed on our way around the kingdom and stopped to look at Mr. Kamal’s cart.

Brittany decided to go for another snack and got the Falafel. It took quite some time for her falafel to be ready and when they were there were antsy people trying to cut and take hers.


I had no clue what a falafel was but with Brittany’s back and forth with “you would like” “no you know what you probably wouldn’t” I had no clue if I even wanted to try it. Brittany took her first bite and her tongue soon hung out of her mouth as she tried to compose herself to what was a spicy first bite. Mission find water.

We were off again to find some water and stopped at another random stand. Brittany was hopping for filtered water but also knew coming from a stand it would most likely be that “delicious” Florida water. Luck was on her side and another place with non Florida ice water was added to our list.



I was adventurous and tried some falafel, it really wasn’t all that bad and it had a good spice to it. I just personally don’t think it would be my first choice of a snack to get.

While hanging out we had some nice visitors pass by



What I like to call “Come at me bro”


Our fastpass slot opened up to meet the boss man himself and his pretty lady.


They other lucky family who got fastpasses for Minnie and mickey weren’t aware that they also got fastpasses to be entertained by Brittany and I. You’re welcome lucky family!

With every beginning to a trip I always think about the trip video. I try to get some good video clip, while unfortunately the first day is pretty much the only day we took videos, meaning no video this time around. Sorry about that. However here is proof (thanks to screen shotting) of Brittany dancing to the music of adventurers outpost music loop.


How you feel when you’re about to meet the power couple


Those who adventure the world together, stay together. Just ask Mickey and Minnie



And then the funniest thing happened to me, more like an awkward moment, but story of my life. We were in the doorway before entering the room with Minnie and Mickey. Out of nowhere I feel someone touch my arm, not a simple “I touched you on accident” it was a more let me caress your arm. I turn around and there was a lady behind me who was literally dying of laughter. Her poor son thought I was her and he was so embarrassed.



After our cute little meet we were off to catch us a dino. There was quite the wait but that was to be expected in the afternoon in August. But the plus side is that it is all AC when you wait.

So we were just minding our own business listening to Bill Nye as we waited and that’s when it happens, the mother behind us decided to take a turn quicker and totally skip us. So I made a blockade because she left her teenage daughter behind us. She turned around and looked confused to why her daughter wasn’t with us, her daughter pushed her way through us and I just let it go.

So we get to merge and Brittany is literally stalking this poor CMs podium to see how it differs from Space. Clearly at this merge they have to count people because of the viewing room and Brittany was just so fascinated by that (attraction CM probs)

So we get in the viewing room, second group, because of the mother daughter duo. But not to fear 2 can play that game and I went straight to the doors, the mother looked back giving me a face that read “You’re cutting me” But it’s not cutting when 1)You’re taking your spot back and 2) when you exit the viewing room.

But after all this big hype over cutting one another we both ended up in the same isle.


Goodbye Discover Island its time for us to attack the rapids. Even before we got there Brittany suggested not using our fp for Kail because she wasn’t really looking forward to the whole getting wet thing. So I told her that I had my poncho in my bag as well as extra flip flops, we don’t usually do Kali for this reason and I was looking forward to it all day. We’re going on it! Or I’m going by myself. I somehow talked her into it and she geared up. But it was all for nothing because we didn’t even get wet, that is the worst feeling in the world. But I am grateful that I wasn’t standing in the sauna standby line because the outcome would have been even more tragic.


We used all our fps for the day and we decided to do something we have never done. We went to see dragons, bats and birds. On the path we met CM Josh who told us about the dragon, the Komodo dragon. The best thing I learned is that if he wanted to eat me 1) he could and 2) he would just chomp on me a little, watch me suffer and then eat me. All great things.

We thanked Josh for all his wonderful knowledge and facts then headed on our way through the path. Next up, bats!

We go in a little building that overlooks the bat home. Lets just talk about how CRAZY HUGE these bats were!



And then I found these little beauties

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Attack Of The Birds

After the bat room we entered Tiger territory. The detailing that went into this section and the whole park in general is a big reason why I love this park so much.




Tigger is that you?!


But with all the tiger photos I took, the twice as many photos were taking with just the atmosphere and surroundings of the trail.




In one of the viewing rooms I noticed a lovely statue that I then asked Brittany to “be that statue with” It didn’t actually end up happening but that’s only because you needed 2 people to complete that mission.


After the tigers was the birds, it was probably one of the most terrifying moments in my life. I never knew I had a fear of birds but this closed off area kept me on my toes at time. These birds have no fear of people. Here I am taking photos of one bird and 5 other birds are flying around your head coming close to taking your head off.




Disney uses chains on the doorway to keep the birds inside the enclosed area and these chains just screamed photo op to us. I was pleasantly surprised at how plastic and light the chains were because I was expecting some heavy metal.


fetching draped against the chains, a picture of sophisticated grace



Now the party don’t start…


Til I walk in


I was glad that we experienced something different and changed up our usually “get the rides done and leave” animal kingdom day. For today we accomplished what we planned on doing at AK and headed back to French Quarter. By the time we got back I was pretty much going to eat my arm off and became the “I’m so hungry I’m going to go mute” Sam. I was to lazy to just go to the quick service to see what they had so I opened the menu on my Disney experience to see what looked good. Once I read Jambalaya I was ready to go. Once I got down there though I was crushed when I got there before dinner options were available. With very little options I decided to just be a child and get the childs mac and cheese.


The AC was feeling wonderful, Stacy was on and I was ready to pass out. Brittany left because she was going to be reunited with her boyfriend, her and Joseph met working at Space. So while she was off, I dozed off for a good hour. Brittany ended up texting me an hour later telling me to tell her when I was done napping. When I actually woke up I wasn’t worried where Brittany was or how long I was out, my biggest question was how many times did Stacey loop? And why did I lay there and watch her annoying comments all over again?!

Brittany and Joe came walking through the door. AKA my first time ever meeting this kid! I’ve heard stories, such as his favorite part in Wishes, and how he is the boy version of me so it was nice to finally meet him. We hung out in the room for some time, then Brittany and I headed off to my one of my favoritest places on property. Joe was going out to celebrate his friends birthday but we would be seeing him tomorrow.

What would day 1 be without some Polynesian love. When we arrived at the magic kingdom Brittany asked if maybe I wanted to just walk into the magic kingdom “we don’t even have to go through the whole park, just Main Street too look at the castle”. Is that a real question? Then it hit me that she never experienced THE HUB GRASS yet! Excitement was an understatement.

This view just screams home.



We didn’t even make it to the hub grass before we started taking millions of photos. And most of those photos is me unable to take a regular, nice photo. Sorry not sorry.




Saved the best for last


Brittany however is different from me and is actually capable of taking nice pictures.



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Guzzling In The Grotto
THE HUB GRASS! The most magical place in the most magical place on earth.


What is the big hype about the hub grass? Why does one take the time to just sit there instead of running around the park? Everyone’s reason are different but mine would include: listening to the main street loop, view of the castle, one of the only places that it’s acceptable to lay and take selfies,





And most importantly with the “ok” with your friend the hub grass is the only place to showcase your awesome tricks, such as somersaulting in the middle of the magic kingdom. (I may or may not have done that)
A CM was making her rounds around the hub telling guests that in a few minutes they were going to close the hub to get ready for guests with FP+ for Wishes (which was forever away) come in. But before we headed out of the kingdom for the night we made a quick stop at one of the photopass cm to take a real castle pic. So Brittany passed off her phone, which he put in his pouch, and we decided what to do. We ended up agreeing on sending a picture to Alicia to make her said that she was in Japan.
Same castle different continent


The CM then came up to us (I thought the worst, he was going to tell us we couldn’t pose like that) but he just said “You guys don’t look Asian to me” Then he went on a tangent about how they ALWAYS pose like that, nothing else. He told us to have a nice night, but before we walked away Brittany asked for her phone back. He totally forgot that he placed her phone in his pouch and told us to go back so he could take more photos. We only wished he got the whole castle.


Adios Magic Kingdom we will see ya bright and early tomorrow!


To the monorail or boat? the boat won because it was there waiting.


By the time we got to the Poly it was after 8 meaning Trader Sam’s is 21 and over. Brittany was shocked that the place was hidden by a random door


I didn’t know what to expect crowd wise tonight. I opened the door to be greeted by Skipper Erica. She checked our IDs and told us to find a seat anywhere we wanted. There was literally no one there. We found a seat and I only hoped with the lack of people Brittany would still get a good first experience. Well with some series of unfortunate events we had to leave to go back to the resort. It was a great 5 seconds spent at the grotto. While we were heading back to the monorail to take back to the MK we tried to figure out if it would be worth it to come back. I knew I got a few minutes of shuteye but Brittany didn’t and we were up since 3 this morning. I told her that we could always come back Saturday during MKs EMHs.
With it only being 8:30-9ish and not having anything else planned we decided to go back. Luckily the transportation gods were with us tonight. From monorail to bus to running back to the room (a great time to be so well placed), grabbed what we needed, headed back to a bus, then monorail we were ready! The whole running back and forth made me crabby and I was full force ready to be mickey to mickey with skipper Korey. So we entered the Grotto again, Skipper Erica looking at us like she knew us but still had to check our IDs again.



By the time we ordered more people were filling in after finishing watching Wishes

The real struggle is trying to decide what specialty drink to get. This time we decided to go with the Uh-Oa. This was one of my top drinks I wanted to try but its for 2 people or more, so clearly Brittany was the best person to share it with. The main reason I wanted it was because they light it on fire and it becomes a game by throwing cinnamon into the fire. Then while you are “playing” you and everyone else are chanting “uh-oa uh-oa uh oa oa oa” which then awakens the tiki goddess and ends in a tropical thunder storm.



The tiki goddess of disaster looks down upon those who guzzle in the grotto



There is nothing better then guzzling in the grotto with your BFF


With all the excitement we also got our food. Brittany got the Kalua Pork tacos and I got the pan-fried dumplings.



Trader Sam’s would not be as great if it didn’t have all its “special effects” During this time spent in the Grotto we experienced 3 nautilus’, backside of water, a couple Uh-oas, and skippers just doing skipper things.



The Nautilus brings an octopus hand that comes down over the bar, and all the skippers swim around the grotto wearing floaties, blowing bubbles, and playing a good game of Marco polo (literally they yell it)



With all the funny role playing quirks the grotto hold it also has some funny atmosphere quirks as well. For example the stools, be careful some will shrink. I don’t know if only certain ones do this trick but clearly the lady sitting at the main table was unimpressed with her shrinking stool and hopped onto the one beside it.


Overall Trader Sam’s is a great experience, with great food and drinks. I will probably always try to find a way to get there each trip because I love it that much. But things might change once Skipper Canteen opens at the MK because I have a feeling it might have the same feel to it just with a bigger variety of food.
We left the quiet Polynesian for the night, headed back to French Quarter for the rest of the night.

Continue to next post
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Things Are Gonna Hum This Summer

This trip was unlike any of trip in the past, we decided to change it up and not wake up before the break of dawn any morning. We actually slept in, and by that we slept until 8:30ish. Magic kingdom had early EMH but we clearly didn’t make it. I was all about it the day before because I wanted to see the morning show. Brittany said she would bite the bullet and get up early (because she is a great friend) but I decided a like sleep and I saw the morning show in May.
How excited are you to be going to Magic Kingdom today?!

By the time we got to the Magic Kingdom we didn’t have much time till our Be Our Guest reservation. With that we didn’t rush off to the first attraction. Instead we went get ourselves some new sorcerer cards and mosey around Main Street. I was browsing the shops when I heard it, the trolley show making its way down Main Street. Since I missed the morning show, this was the best thing I could start off my day.

Things are gonna hum this summer, life is really gonna boom, love is really gonna bloom.


You hold her hand and she holds yours, and that's a very good sign. That she's your tootsey wootsey in the good old summer time.


Every fellow with a girl, every girl will have a fellow she can walk with, spoon with, underneath the moon with


Things are gonna hum because its summertime


After the show ended we headed over to fantasyland to dine with a beast. Although it was kind of an early lunch I was lucky to just get a reservation so late in the game.


But even though it wasn’t even 11 we were pretty excited about eating some delicious food.



Back in May I loved how fast and easy it was when you preordered before you got there. We did just that but unfortunately when we got inside the CM at the random check out cash register wasn’t there so we got stuck waiting in the line with people who were still choosing what they wanted to eat.


It wasn’t a horrible wait and we found ourselves choosing to eat in the ballroom. Only choosing the ballroom because you have to be lucky to eat in the west wing because it is so small and so popular, and the other random room isn’t my favorite room to dine in.


Brittany’s food came out right away and mine seemed to get lost somewhere around the castle. As I waited for mine we tried to figure out how those carts worked, the only conclusion we came up with was magic. A manager came by, checked my receipt, wrote in her book and said it would be out shortly. AKA the “magic” wasn’t working for me.
This time Brittany and I switched our order to the others usual. She got the braised pork and I got the ham sandwich. The sandwich was good but the pork is my all time favorite.



After being completely full from our meal we headed out back into the florida heat and headed over to tomorrowland to meet up with Joe and his family. It was his sister Sara’s birthday so he was kind enough to get his family in the parks for free. Their group included his mom, sister, sisters boyfriend, sisters best friend and little son. Since we were in Tomorrowland why not go to Space Mountain and whats better then just walking through the FP line when you don’t have FPs. Big thanks go out to Joe and all his space coworkers for letting us sneak passed the line.


After Space Joe kept telling us we could break off from his family anytime because it was our vacation and he didn’t want us being held down by what his sister wanted to do in the park. Technically it wasn’t how I planned my whole day to be at the park but it turned out to be a nice day. Sara was in charge of what she wanted to get done today and that’s how we went about it. So before we left Tomorrowland we went on the people mover then headed over to Mine train.
The best part about today was that we never waited in one standby line, the best part about having an attraction cm hookup. It’s even better when you don’t have to wait in the afternoon crowd for mine train.


Since we had a toddler with our group today we had to do some rider switch waiting. So while we waited for the second group to go and watched over a sleeping child, Sara kept telling us we could go off and do our own thing. Clearly they didn’t understand that we were completely fine. Also around this time one of my fellow Guestshow workers was going to meet up at some point in the day to hang out in the park.
With the group back together they were ready for lunch, so we headed to Pinocchio’s. Since Brittany and I just ate we went out to find a table for 7 people and a stroller, the worst job to have because there was nothing. I was able to snag a table for 4 and sat there as Brittany went to see if there was anything else. So while I waited some guest came up and yelled at me for saving a table because apparently “you need food in your hands to sit” So while she was trying to tell me off I saw another small table open up. Once I told her that a table opened up behind her, her whole mood changed. In the end no one got the table because a bigger table opened up and we jumped ship.
With a table to fit all of us comfortable, they enjoyed their meal, while Brittany enjoyed the AC.

continue to next post
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My daughter and I both love your trip reports! We just got back from a short WDW visit. We were on the boat from Wilderness Lodge going to the Contemporary. When it stopped at the Fort, my daughter said "wouldn't that be funny if Sam was at the dock waiting to get on!" Haha! Thanks for sharing all your Disney adventures! We love following along!
delurking to say that I love reading your trip reports...i wonder if I can get my 6 year old to "be that statue"
Joining in! Just finished reading your 24hr report! Loving this TR so far!
Welcome along and thanks for joining in!

My daughter and I both love your trip reports! We just got back from a short WDW visit. We were on the boat from Wilderness Lodge going to the Contemporary. When it stopped at the Fort, my daughter said "wouldn't that be funny if Sam was at the dock waiting to get on!" Haha! Thanks for sharing all your Disney adventures! We love following along!
I hope you had a great time! I wish I was on the dock that day it would have been lovely to meet you both!

delurking to say that I love reading your trip reports...i wonder if I can get my 6 year old to "be that statue"
Thank you for delurking and following along! After the first round of the game she might find herself trying to find more things to "be that statue" I hope you have fun with it!

LOL! I got my husband to "be that statue"!
YES!!!!! That is awesome

The Hub!! I cannot wait to see it and trader sams this week! Great updates!
Have a blast! I hope you love the hub and trader sams as much as I do!
So Away We Go It's A Festival of Fantasy

With stomachs full we headed over to join the happy haunts.



Sometimes you need to see how comfortable you can be by squeezing 3 people into a doom buggy. #3rdwheeling

Pretty much the whole time I was out of the doom buggy ready to jump out and join the ghosts. But by far the best moment of the grand tour had to be when we reached the graveyard. Everything was going all good and dandy until the ghosts pop up from behind the gravestone, Joe yells at the same time, and Brittany jumps and screams with fright. We died of laughter for a good amount of time after.

After haunted mansion we headed into my favorite land, the land of the frontier. It was getting closer to parade time so before I split from the group we all went on thunder. After thunder I headed to get my COUNTRY BEARS jug because 1) the heat this day was brutal and hydration is key 2) I literally flipped when I saw people posting it on instagram and 3) COUNTRY BEARS!


We were too late in the game to find any spot in the shade for the parade. So it was time to melt in the Florida sun, party of 1. Brittany and Joe came along with me but hung out in the back to sit in the shade. Joe isn’t the “Disney” type, he works for the company but doesn’t use his free entry policy like I once did. This being said I was the only hardcore festival of fantasy here. A couple minutes before show time a familiar face spotted me out in the crowd and came to chat. That familiar face was Katt who was also getting ready to watch the parade but have spots a little further down but wanted to stop to say hi.

When the music starts the flood of people come rushing to try to get last minute spots. It happens every single time, you wait to hold a spot and here comes someone squeezing next to you and trying to push you out of your spot. But I’m not one to fall for that, you can give me all the dirty looks as I make myself as wide as possible but you’re the rude one in this case.

But no matter how many rude guests I come across with each festival of fantasy performance I see, the parade will always be worth it for me.

Away we go, it’s a festival of fantasy!


Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast


for the first time in forever, let it go, let it go, for the first time in forever I won’t be alone

Dreams that glow, wondrous dazzling brilliantly

I’ve got a dream, see I ain’t as cruel and vicious as I seem


You can count me with the dreamers, like everybody else I’ve got a dream

And with every passing hour, I’m so glad I left my tower

Sha la la la my oh my looks like the boys to shy, aint gonna kiss the girl

Sha la la la ain’t that sad, ain’t it a shame to bad, he’s gonna miss the girl

someday I’ll be part of your world

Away we go, YO HO!

Think of a wonderful thought, any merry little thought

Think of all the joy you’ll find when you leave the world behind

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!


Dreams that glow

Away we go

so away we go it’s a festival of fantasy



Come along and sing a song and join the jamboree

My oh my what a wonderful day

plenty of sunshine heading my way

When you wish upon a star


We’re flying! Up and away!

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Ohhhh, I want that country bear mug! So cute! I hope they still have them when I go back in March. Never seen the festival of fantasy parade. Thanks for sharing


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